Are You the One for Me ?

By dvlk2117

314K 12.8K 4.9K

*** COMPLETED *** 💕 "You are pregnant and you are coming from the clinic." Hunter stated in an emotionless t... More

A/N: Before You Read!!
A/N : AYTOFM Cast Set I
A/N : AYTOFM Songs!!
AYTOFM Prologue - Trust vs Insecurities!
Chapter 1: 'I do' - Promise!!
Chapter 2: Amelia & Evelyn
Chapter 3 : Elijah & Olivia
Chapter 4: Dress, Ring & Cake
Chapter 5: Skate With Me - Face Powder
Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!
Chapter 7 : Basic Needs of Life!!
Chapter 8: Momma's Little Warriors!!
Chapter 9: I Love You!!
Chapter 10: My Angel has a face now!!
Chapter 11: 100% Dramatic Daddy!! ;)
Chapter 13: Lucas and Zoey ;) !!
Chapter 14: What did 'I' do to deserve 'you'??
Chapter 15: Parents' love is always SELFLESS!!
Chapter 16: The Beauty and The Beast!!
Chapter 17: Playing your own 'Death Game'!!
Chapter 18: I want a normal - simple LIFE!!
Chapter 19: Pills or Condoms??
Chapter 20: All the best Momma!!
Chapter 21: 'Objection' My Lord!!
Chapter 22: Embossed Watermark!!
Chapter 23: Tampered or True?
Chapter 24: Web of Lies!!
Chapter 25: DNA TESTS??
Chapter 26: Who gave you the Right??
Chapter 27: Such an Erotic Lover!!
Chapter 28: Will You Marry Me??
Chapter 29: Who Framed 'MY' WIFE?
Chapter 30: You always have a choice!!
Chapter 31: Till 'I' found 'you'
Chapter 32: Wedding Night or Morning?
Chapter 33: From, the BUMP!!
Chapter 34: My '3' Requests to you both!!
Chapter 35: True Soul Mates !!!
A/N : Fun Time with AYTOFM Characters!!
Cover Request
A/N : Thank you ;) !!
A/N: Thank You!
A / N : Thank You!!
A / N : Thank You!!

Chapter 12 : Our Picture Perfect Family !!

6.2K 315 60
By dvlk2117

Hello All!

I will thank everyone tomorrow for the chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13. It's way past midnight! :)

Christopher's mansion above!!! Do check!! :) ;)



P.S.: Aria's Dress for the day!!

P.S.: Christopher's Dress for the Day!!

Aria and the twins were on their way to Christopher's mansion. He had sent his driver Enzo to pick them up. They had decided that all of them will spend time together for a few days till the entire court case drama with Hunter is solved. It will help the kids to bond as well. If Hunter's case was kept aside for some time, then it appeared as if their lives were taking a good turn.

Before leaving Aria's place this morning, the couple had decided on how they would be breaking the news to both the elder and the younger twins about everything. It was still easy on Christopher's side because the twins had already thought that he was their father. And for the umpteenth time that morning both he and Aria had thanked god for the kids' innocence in this matter. Being only 5 years old the little ones never questioned Aria or Christopher, about where he was all these years or why he left them with their mother alone for such a long time. Both of them were truly thankful for the fact that there was a good understanding and rapport between him and the twins.

But when it came to Lucas and Zoey, they both knew it would be a bit different and difficult too. Even before he had heard about Aria, the kids were in his life. And even before he met Aria in person, the kids often asked him about their mother. The love in Lucas or Zoey's eyes for their mother whenever they asked him about her was very special. It always made difficult for Christopher to tell them the truth. He didn't have the heart to tell them that their mother was not in this world. So, he chose the safest option when they had started asking him questions about their mother; he lied to them. Yes he lied to them saying that their mother was somewhere and it was not by choice but they had to because of some reasons. He did everything in his reach to keep them happy always but no matter whatever he did, he could not fill that 'void'.

Even though Christopher had been telling them that their mother is far away for some important reason and she loves them so much, he was still worried thinking about how they would react when they saw her for the first time? Being 8 years old they did know how things were as compared to the little ones. He knew that the kids missed their mother and always kept asking him how she looked and where she was. And at such times, he did feel how life would have been if Benjamin and Anna were both alive. No doubt he gave Lucas and Zoey, all the love a father could have given to his kids, but it still felt incomplete. With growing age, the twins started to feel a void in their life; the void only a 'mother' could fill in. Whenever he was asked such questions, all Christopher could manage was; 'Your mother is the most beautiful person in this world' or 'She loves you guys a lot' or something on similar basis; But for how long would he have done that? Because somewhere he knew, it was not an easy task to lie.

But now that little lie had to be faced by not only him but by Aria too. But they were ready to pass through this phase too to start their happy family. They had confidence in them, their kids and of course their god too.

Once Christopher reached his mansion this morning and broke the news to the twins that their mother was finally coming back with their siblings, the twins were shocked, happy and ecstatic. He was totally surprised on seeing their reaction because knowing how sensitive they were, he thought they would break down and cry or throw in a lot of questions about Aria or the little ones. But nothing like that happened. They were shocked that they had siblings, they were happy that their mother was coming to meet them and they were ecstatic when Christopher mentioned that they all will be together now-onwards and the so-called problem which kept their mother away from them is solved for good.

He definitely hated lying to them, but what if one lie brings happiness in their lives? He was definitely not a person who would support lying but we all know that desperate situations call for desperate measures. And he knew what he was telling them was not a completely lie. Yes, he would marry Aria soon so she will be their mother on paper too and the little ones would be the perfect siblings to Lucas and Zoey. As far as being 'Your mother is the most beautiful person in this world' statement goes, both Aria and Anna were beautiful, and about his other statement 'She loves you guys a lot', Anna definitely loved her kids and Aria will love them too. So, technically he wasn't lying. Whenever he talked about their mother, he would mostly think of the girl who stole his heart. He kept telling them the tales about how strong she was and what a good soul she was. He secretly felt proud of himself that talking about Aria every time has made the kids love and admire their mother more.

Apart from all this, Lucas and Zoey were getting the most amazing and loving woman as their mother. What else matters in front of this fact? NOTHING! Well, at least his conscience was not eating him up now and he could breathe in peace. But somewhere in his heart he knew that when Lucas and Zoey would be old enough, he and Aria would definitely tell them the truth. Because they did deserve to know who their birth parents are and what beautiful souls they were.


"Daddy!" Elijah and Olivia called Christopher in an excited tone while still seated in the car making Aria smile. Christopher was standing at the door looking at the trio with a wide smile on his face. He chuckled looking at the excitement these little ones were showing. Of course he and Aria had talked on phone about what had happened at each other's end when they had broken the news to the kids and till now it was completely pleasant and digestible at both the ends. The kids were way too excited and happy to meet each other.

As decided that morning, Aria and the kids would be spending a few days at Christopher's. They thought it would be a good idea to introduce Lucas and Zoey to Aria and the little ones. It would be a great opportunity to start a bonding between the kids too. After all one day, they all were going to live together for the rest of their lives. Isn't it? A picture perfect family!!

She got out from the car and opened the door for the little ones to come out. As soon as the car door was opened and they were not bound by the seat belt any more, the kids practically dashed off towards Christopher with happy faces and little giggles.


"Hey babies!" Christopher hunched down a little to pick them up.

Aria was really happy to see them this excited about meeting 'their' family. She turned around to collect the bags that contained gifts for the elder twins from the passenger seat, when the two little rockets ran away towards their 'father'. She was stopped when Enzo signalled her that he would carry their bags. She gave in a nervous smile and was about to say that she would manage but was stopped on hearing her kids laughter.

Christopher shot her a look of disbelief making Aria to raise her eyebrows in confusion and make her way towards him.




"Where are her pants Aria? Did you forget to make her wear them?"

Christopher asked her with narrowed eyes while pointing at Olivia's dress. The kids were still in his arms. Elijah was busy looking at his father's blackish brown hair while Olivia had her little palm placed on her father's cheek.

P.S.: Olivia's Dress. Well, it's too short and I totally don't blame Christopher for thinking it has not pants!! Even I thought the same! LOL! And it is very very cute!! :) ;) 

"It's like an onesie. There are no separate pants for this dress." Aria replied with a gentle smile on her face when she realised how cute Christopher looked a few seconds back. His lack of knowledge in kid's dresses was extremely adorable. "Isn't it cute?" She asked while running her hand gently on Olivia's dress.

"No! It's not!" He replied back in a strict tone making Aria look at him as if he has lost his mind. What a liar he was. The dress was extremely cute but NO, the super protective Dad in him was on full fire. Even a blind person would have agreed that this was a cute dress, well in fact the cutest.


"Are you blind Christopher? It is so cute." She said in a surprised tone with her eyes crinkled a little.

"I am not blind Aria! And I am sure the boys in the city are not blind too." He stated the fact while shrugging his shoulders a little making Eli and Oli to jerk a little and hug him back.

"Aria, I don't want boys ogling and looking at my daughter's legs!" He declared with narrowed eyes. Well who was he trying to scare? If at all? Forget about scaring, his recent declaration cracked up Aria totally. She broke in to a series of beautiful laughter making his heart go haywire.

"Christopher! Oh my god!"

"She is not 15, she is just 5!" Aria said in between her laughter. With her palm curled over her mouth trying to suppress the laughter she looked like a pretty little princess.

Oh the Irony!!! If he didn't want any boy ogling at his daughter then what was he doing here? Wasn't he ogling at his soon-to-be-wife? Partial much!!!

"I promise no one is going to ogle at her and no boy will look at her legs. Ok Honey?" Aria said and she didn't know how it happened but yes her hand curled over his cheek making him smirk at her all his annoyance fading in the thin air.

"Thanks for the beautiful endearment Sweetheart!" He said with a naughty smirk making Aria give him a shy smile and remove her hand from his cheek. She gently set her hair behind her ear and saw him.

"So as I was saying Sweetheart, I don't care if she is 5 or 15 or 30 or 100. I don't want any boy roaming around her or Zoey for that matter." Christopher said in a husky tone while hunching a little towards Aria.

"Very funny Christopher! Now, move aside... I need to meet my kids!" Aria said while pushing his massive body by placing her index finger on his chest making him hiss a little at this small innocent touch. Well, was that touch really innocent?!

"Hey wait up!" Christopher called but she ignored and made her way into the mansion like a queen. Well, wasn't she?

"Mommy is such a queen!" Christopher said while kissing both the twins' cheeks and followed her.


"Good Morning Ms. Ferguson!" A man in late forties greeted Aria when she had entered the living room.

"Good Morning!" She greeted back with a small smile on her face.

"Aria, this is Samuel. He is the butler here and this is his wife Martha! She is the head maid." Christopher said while making his way towards Aria with the little ones still in his arms.

"Hello Samuel. Hi Martha. Glad to meet you both. I am Aria and you can address me by my name." Aria said with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hello Aria! Glad to meet you. Mr. Brentt has said a lot about you." Samuel said and his gaze fell on Elijah and Olivia. The mere look at these two little cuties and... his face broke into a bright smile like everyone's.

"Hello Aria! I must say, you are really a very beautiful woman. And I am so glad to meet you." Martha said in a soft tone with a bright smile on her face.

"Awwww... Look at these lovelies. What are their names?" Martha added in an excited tone when her gaze fell on the little twins.

"I am Elijah!"

"I am Olivia!"

Both the twins introduced themselves while placing their little hands on their little chests which added a bit to their cuteness making the older couple to look at them in 'awww'.

"Right you are!" Christopher said in a slow tone and kissed them again making Aria giggle a little and say "But I call them Eli and Oli."

"They are so lovely." Martha said completely smitten by their cuteness and added "Oh my god! Can I kidnap them?"

"I am sorry, what?" Aria was confused while Christopher broke into an audible chuckle.

"Mmmm... Please excuse my wife Ms. Ferguson. I mean Aria. She is very fond of kids. She loves little kids a lot. I am sorry but she doesn't mean any harm." Samuel said in an embarrassed tone making Aria nod her head in understanding and Christopher to grin like an extremely happy kid.

"Oh yes, yes! I am so sorry for giving a wrong impression. It's just that they are very cute and I couldn't help it. They remind me of my grandkids. So you know..." Martha justified completely embarrassed but was cut by Aria.

"It's okay Martha. I understand what you meant. Please don't worry. I agree, they are very cute." Aria said in an understanding tone while running her hand in twins' hair.

"Momma, are you talking about me and Oli?" The naughty boy asked with wide eyes and huge grin on his face making every one laugh at his cuteness.

"No honey! I am not talking about you guys." Aria said while poking the little one's nose making him pout 'again' cutely.

** Little Giggles **

** Little Giggles **

Aria and Christopher exchanged a look of understanding as soon as they heard the giggles coming from kitchen. Without any exchange of words, she hinted him that she was going there and he hinted that he was right behind her like always and forever!!


P.S.: Extremely sorry for grammatical errors. This and the next chapter will focus on their picture perfect family. The other drama and romance will start from chapter 14.

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Bye Bye!!!

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