
By Giyushi

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Giyushino Highschool AU This is my first fanfic so im sorry if it sucks. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

8.5K 217 367
By Giyushi

Giyuu couldn't wait to go home, he was extremely exhausted. The students nowadays had no respect for him at all. He knew he shouldn't have listened to Shinobu's advice on going easier on them. According to her, it'll make him less disliked. Well, that did happen. But it made his job ten times more exhausting than it initially was.

Reaching at the front of his doorstep, he felt his heart beat rapidly in excitement to see his wife. They've been married for three years but somehow, his excitement to see her after work never failed to die down. He turned the door knob's handle and pushed the door open.

"Im home." he announced while taking his shoes off and placing it neatly to the side.

"Welcome home!" was the reply he had immediately received upon his announcement.

Giyuu took a deep breath before walking towards the living room, where he immediately started panicking once he had entered the living room.

"H-hey!" he starts nervously, "Shinobu, I told you to leave the laundry to me!" he finishes while taking the laundry basket away from her hold. "You should rest more and leave the house chores to me alright?" he frowns.

"You know I can't just rest." she pouts, "It feels weird not doing anything."

Giyuu continues to look at her with a frown before sighing. That stubborn wife of his, he thought to himself. "I know, but you're pregnant." he says while putting the laundry basket down on the floor right next to him and offers her his hand. "You shouldn't be moving around too much. If you were to get injured, I'll blame myself."

"You're honestly such a worry wart Giyuu-san." she sighs out before accepting his awaiting hand.

"How could I not be?" he hisses out while guiding her to the couch. "Especially since the baby could come anytime now."

She slowly bends down to sit on the couch with the help of Giyuu. Once she had finally sat down, Giyuu joins to sit right beside her while letting out a tired sigh.

"Promise me you won't do that again." he whispered while looking directly into her eyes.

"But i-"

"-cant just rest, it feels weird." he cuts her off. "I know, you've said that dozens of times now." he pinches the bridge of her nose with a small smile. "Hold on just a little longer. You're free to do anything you like once you've given birth to our baby."


"Shinobu..." he warns quietly while releasing his hold on her nose.

"Fine." she replies angrily while crossing her arms and turning to look away from him with a pout.

"Good girl." he whispers quietly while ruffling her hair before he gently lays his head on her stomach, making sure to be careful so as to not injure the baby.

"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" Shinobu quietly asks while playing with his strands of hair.

"I don't know." he replies honestly, "If our child turns out to be a girl, I hope she inherits most of her features from you."

Shinobu giggles at this and bends down to lightly peck his forehead. "Why not inherit yours? I'd love to see a mini female Giyuu."

"However she or he turns out to be, It'll be fine." he says while sitting up and rubbing her stomach. "I'll love them however they turn out."

Shinobu nods in agreement at his statement. She was about to reply but suddenly, she felt the couch beneath her started to soak up. 'Crap.' she thought, her water had broke.

"Shinobu, did you just pee again?"

She shook her head sideways. "Giyuu-san, please stay calm. I think my water broke."

"Oh okay." he replies, to Shinobu's surprise, in a nonchalant manner. Though, her surprise was cut short when she saw realization struck Giyuu. 'What an airhead.'

Immediately, he picks her up swiftly with ease and made a run to the hospital.


Beautiful... Was the only word he could describe her at the moment. His daughter, no. Their daughter, was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Second to his wife of course.

Shinobu was cradling their baby, looking at her with an exhausted smile.

"Giyuu-san, would you like to hold her?"

Still shocked, all he could do was nod his head and silently take the baby away from her arms. He couldn't really process what had just happened. A while ago he was just teaching students, afterwards he had went home to his pregnant wife. And now... His wife was no longer pregnant. She had given birth to this beautiful child.

"What should we name her?"

"I-" he started, but immediately shut his mouth when the child he was cradling, held onto his finger with her tiny hands. He felt tears stream down his cheeks as their daughter continued to play with his finger while beaming happily at him.


"What is it Giyuu-san?"

"Thank you." he croaks out, "Thank you for this wonderful child."

Shinobu looks at him with widened eyes for a moment before her face softened, she shook her head sideways to deny his gratitude. "No, thank you." she smiled happily.

"Now, what should we name her?"



"What is it dear?"

Shinobu was closing up her clinic earlier today since she had brought her daughter along with her to work instead of leaving her under Kanao's care.

Speaking of Kanao, she had suddenly remembered the day when Kanao told her about how she confessed to Tanjiro, or more like, how Tanjiro stopped her half-way because he knew what she was going to say.

"Welcome to Kamad- Oh, Kanao! It's a surprise seeing you come at this time of the day!"

"Tanjiro, we need to talk."

Tanjiro looks at her with surprise before nodding. "Let me serve these firs-" "No nii-chan, ill do it instead. Go talk to Kanao." Nezuko giggled while taking the plate of cookies away from his hold.

She looks at Kanao with a wink, she mouthed, "goodluck."

Kanao immediately tenses up as a response though, she recovered in less than a second as Tanjiro walks up to her with a kind smile.

"What is it Kanao?" he asked curiously.

'No turning back now.' she thought to herself. 'You can do this.' she tried to encourage herself, clenching her hands onto the hem of her skirt and took a deep breath.

"I lik-"

"Its okay Kanao. I know."  he smiled gently at her.

Kanao immediately looks up at him in confusion. "But I haven't-"

"I like you too."

Shinobu quietly giggled to herself as she recalls the conversation about how Kanao's confession somewhat took a turn.

"Are we going to go pick papa?" the little girl asked while grabbing hold of her mother's hand.

Her daughter was so unbelievably cute, she thought. She was basically a replica of her. She had the same purple coloured tips on her hair, the same eye shape and much more. Though, she did inherit a thing or two from her father. It was his eye colour and his personality, kind of.

She giggled lightly once again while rubbing her stomach affectionately. 'I wonder how you'll turn out to be little one. Will you be like papa or mama? Or maybe both.'

"Mama!" her daughter had shouted, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What is it dear?"

Her daughter looked up at her and beamed happily. "Upsies!" she exclaimed while stretching her hands out.

Shinobu immediately smiles at her. How could she deny? She's too cute that it should be illegal. "Alright." she replied before picking her up. "We're here." she announced while walking through the school gates and into the staffroom.

Shinobu knocks the door twice before sliding the door open. "Good evening everyone." she smiled. "I've come here to pick my airheaded husband up. If you don't mind."

"Oh please do take him away, good riddance."

"That's not a very nice thing to say Tengen!" Kyojuro exclaimed in his usual loud tone. "Good to see you once again Koch- Oh! And you've brought the little one with you as well!"

"Yes." she replied, "Hey dear, say hello to uncle Rengoku-san." she ushered her daughter after gently putting her down. But instead of walking towards him, she hid right behind Shinobu's leg.

"Shinobu." A familiar voice had called her from behind Kyojuro, though he was still seated, she could finally see him now since he had pushed his chair out a little.

"Papa!" the child immediately beamed while running towards Giyuu, jumping to engulf him in a tight hug which he had immediately reacted to as he was used to it. It seems like the mother and their child had that in common as well.

"She's so cute!" Kanae cooed out while walking to stand beside her. "But not as cute as my child." she winked at her.

"Really nee-san? This again?" Shinobu muttered to her irritatedly before her face softens. "How have you been? Has Shinazugawa-san been taking good care of you?"

"I'm fine!" she waved her worries away, "Shinazugawa-san has been doing a great job!"

"Im right here you know?"

"No one asked you." Shinobu immediately replied to his statement.

Sanemi immediately cracked his knuckles angrily, his veins showing all over his body as a sign that he was angry. "You brat..."

"Shinazugawa. Please refrain from attacking my wife/sister." both Giyuu and Kanae said at the same time in a calm manner.

"Huh?! You wanna fight?!" Sanemi shouted angrily while facing Giyuu. Immediately, Giyuu holds up his daughter right infront of Sanemi's face. "In front of a child? Really? Are you sure?"

Sanemi immediately felt his anger dissipated as the girl shouts "Oji-san!" happily at him. His gaze softens as he gently strokes the child's head.

"Who knew a child could soften up the scariest teachers of Kimetsu High!" Uzui said while laughing loudly, the rest of the staffroom following suit.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave now." Giyuu announced while walking towards the exit, holding the child on one hand and intertwining his hand with Shinobu's on the other. And with that, the door slid shut.

They were walking outside of the school gate in comfortable silence, until Shinobu had decided to poke him on his side.

"Hey, Giyuu-san?"

"What is it?"

"Doesn't this bring back memories? You know, you and me, walking home together from school."

Giyuu looks at her momentarily to see her smiling at him gently before looking back foward. "Yeah, it sure does." he agrees as his mouth forms into a small smile.

'Now might be a good time.'

"Hey, Giyuu-san?" she says after taking a deep breath. "What do you think about having another child?"

Giyuu looks back at her once again with a raised brow this time. "Why, are you pregnant again?" he questioned her. He silently hoped he had suspected right, if not, then she'll add this into her list of teasing remarks.

And his suspicions were, indeed correct. "Yes." she nods, "So, what do you think about having another child?" she smiled.

"I may not look like it, but I'm very happy right now. I'll show you once we get home." he replies to her question while smiling happily at her. "Thank you for giving birth to this beautiful child over here and for the next one to come." he whispered his gratitude towards her.

"N-" she tried to protest but was cut off by their daughter who was quiet the whole time.

"Papa." their daughter had called out while lightly hitting his chest with her tiny fists. "Down." she pointed towards the ground beneath them as she finished her sentence.

The both of them had stopped walking as Giyuu gently puts her down. Once she was down, she immediately walks inbetween them and grabs ahold of both of her parents hands.

"I want to see Kanao oba-san and Tanjiro oji-san later on!" the child pouts as they began to walk once again.

"Dear, Kanao and Tanjiro-kun won't be able to come today you know? They're busy."

"But ma-"

"Dear, how old are you?"

The child immediately pouts and looks down sadly. "Four..." she sulks out. "But I really want to see them today." she says sadly while in the verge of tears.

"How about we go to the candy store instead?" Shinobu says as a means to comfort her daughter while letting out a sigh. "Do you agree Giyuu-san?" she says in a threatening tone while looking at him with a smile which says "If you disagree, I'll kill you."

Giyuu nods in agreement. "I wasn't even going to deny anyway."

"Really?!" the child says in excitement while beaming. "Yay!"

The parents smiled at each other knowingly before raising their hands at the same time, swinging it back and forth so that their child could be lifted up for a short while. It was a thing that the both of them had silently agreed to do everytime they walked home together as a family, it was just so that they could see their daughter laugh and smile happily whenever they lifted her up.

The small family walked towards the candy shop with huge grins on their faces as they waved happily as a greeting to the shop owner.

Together, with more years to come, they lived happily ever after.


A/N: Dang... That's alot of timeskips. That final sentence though... "Together, with more years to come, they lived happily ever after." pfft, is this some kind of children book? Well yes- but actually, no.

Well, that's it for Cosmos! (Why did I even name it Cosmos, it has nothing to do with cosmos-) That's the final chapter, I'm extremely sorry if the ending had turned out to be disappointing.

I also tried adapting Kanao's confession to Tanjiro into this chapter- I think it turned out pretty bad.

And just to clear doubts, incase if there is any, their daughter is the baby that was in the beginning of this chapter. I tried my hardest not to mention her name. I didn't really want to give her a name to be honest.

And I'm sorry for making their child call them papa and mama instead of kaa-san, otou-san, etc. But just imagine them saying papa and mama, it'll be so cute. (Also forgot to mention this when I wrote about Giyuu's and Shinobu's first meeting. Shinobu would most likely call her mother Kaa-san instead of mama, but imagine smol Shinobu saying mama.)

I would also like to apologize that this chapter took quite long for me to publish, I think?

It's because I'm currently working on another Giyushino fic, I'm not sure what the title would be yet, but it should be out anytime soon, so look out for it I guess? I hope I'll do better in that one.

Also, I've been trying to draw a cover for this book (Wattpad) but I literally have no idea- One day, I'll draw a cover for this fanfic... One day.

Anyways, thank you all so much for your support on this fic! It means alot to me as it is my first fanfiction.

(I didn't re-read this chapter once again like the others so I hope it's not too bad.)

And lastly, sorry for any grammatical errors!

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