Slugterra Blakk Saga: Part 3...

By CrystalEmber

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Junjie, Trixie, Hildegard, and Kord go to the east caverns. But what will they do when an old enemy of Junjie... More

Chapter 1 Return To The Eastern Caverns
Chapter 2 A New Enemy
Chapter 3 A Tale Of Two Cousins
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Shadow Of Illusion
Chapter 7 Locate And Backup

Chapter 6 Base Discussion

65 1 1
By CrystalEmber

           Trixie's P.O.V

    Trixie, Hildegard, Swick, Junjie, and Hoshi were standing at the place where Royce had disappeared. Trixie had just said that Royce must have used a shadow walker.

Hoshi- Shadow walker?

Hildegard- It's a device made by the shadow clan. With it, you can travel through the shadows

Swick- I thought it was just a legend

Trixie- It's not. A friend of mine has one, and I've seen it in action. And look at the location where he was standing. It was in a shadow.

Junjie- If Royce has come into possession of a shadow walker he could travel to anywhere in the eastern caverns

Hildegard- Okay. What do we do?

Junjie- We need to figure out where he is. There is no doubt that he is the one that ghouled the water elemental

Swick- Wouldn't that nimrod need dark water to do that?

Junjie- He would, and the wast number of ghouls in his possession shows that he already has a large amount.

Trixie- Someone like him has to have a secret Base or something

Hoshi- It could be anywhere. We would have to search the whole eastern caverns. And that would take weeks or months

Junjie- You're both correct. He must have a base, but searching every single cavern would not work

Trixie- So, how exactly are you planning on finding it?

Junjie- Process of elimination. Royce's wouldn't dare build a base in Peach Blossom Spring cavern, or any other highly populated areas. It would be too easy to spot him. He would also avoid auroris cavern, due to how many miners are there every day, as well as the Pyritor.

Swick- That doesn't leave too many caverns

Hoshi- If we split up we could find the base no problem!

Hildegard- Yeah, so here's--

Junjie- No

Hildegard- Huh?

Junjie- I will search for Royce on my own

Trixie- Seriously?

Junjie- Yes

Hoshi- Wouldn't it be faster if all of us worked together to take him down?

Junjie- I can take care of Royce. And I will do it alone

           Junjie said that in a serious tone. He wasn't joking. But what Trixie couldn't understand was why would Junjie suddenly want to take on Royce himself? It didn't make any sense to her. But it seemed like Hildegard had thought of something, as her facial expression turned from surprised to mysterious.

Hildegard- Okay

Hoshi- What?

Hildegard- Okay, Junjie. We won't get in your way of searching

Swick- What are you? A nimrod?

Hildegard- No

Junjie- Thank you, Hildegard

Hoshi- Why w...

         Before Hoshi could continue, Hildegard elbowed her. As if she didn't want Hoshi to talk. As Trixie saw this, she became more confident that Hildegard might have an idea or something.

Trixie- I agree with Hildegard.

       Swick and Hoshi looked at the others, and nodded in agreement. Junjie got on his mecha and turned to the group.

Junjie- I will let all of you know when I find him

      With that, he left.

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