Ariana Grande Imagines

By theflashfan52

42.1K 473 53

Just a bunch of Ariana Grande stories featuring Y/n & Ariana. Note: Y/n is a guy More

Request Page
Schedule Page
"Kill Him"
Your Shirt
Birthday girl
Lazy Day
Ghost Of You
Grammy 2020 A/n
Ariana confirmed relationship A/N
22 Angels A/N
Selpink A/n
Ice Cream Selpink Review
A/n Reason for not posting this weekend
New Author A/n
Positions the album review

First Date

2.1K 30 7
By theflashfan52

This is set in 2020, pretend Corona never happened, pretend Dalton never happened, pretend Stuck With You is made for a different cause.

Today is an exciting day. It's my first date with my longtime crush Ariana Grande. Yes that Ariana Grande, the beautiful pop singer who's captured many hearts especially mines. Even if we met a few months ago I already knew I loved her. I remember seeing her on Victorious playing the infamous red headed, Cat Valentine. I just liked her playful personality. I honestly thought that she was an actual red head. When her first song came out I heard it and was like, "This is like a Disney song." I didn't like it too much. But then she released her Yours Truly album and I fell in love with her voice it was different. Over the years I developed a crush and then it was a full blown love. I knew she never knew about me. During the early stages of her career I was a highschool kid, dreaming of becoming a Neurosurgeon. Now I'm 26 and doing my residency. I know I got a lot on my plate but I want me and Ariana to work out. I remember the first day we met.

Flashback To four months Ago General POV
Y/n just finished with his shift at the Cedars-Sinai hospital(located in Beverly Hills) right now it's 9:30pm. Y/n decided that he would go into town and eat some dinner. He knows that it will be about a 30 minute drive until he gets home but he has no groceries so restaurants are his best bet. He decided to go to Honor Bar. He was crazing a burger. He walked into the restaurant and ordered his meal. It was the Honor Burger.

After he finished his burger he washed his hands, paid and left the building. As he was walking to his car he heard a cry in the alley way. He quickly ran into the alley way to find a girl crying. He cautiously walked closer to her.

Y/n: Are you okay miss?

The mystery girl looked up. Y/n froze in shock, it was Ariana Grande. Y/n snapped out of his trance considered for the singer.

Ariana: I honestly don't know. It's been stressful for me these past few months.
Y/n: Is it okay if I sit here?
Ariana: Yeah sure.

Y/n took a seat a feet from Ariana making sure to leave some space so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

Y/n: Why don't you tell me what's making you feel so bad?
Ariana: Why should I you would just tell the media.
Y/n: No I won't. Your human just like me. And it's okay to let your feelings out to a random person. I don't care if your a celebrity, I just wanna know if your feeling okay.
Ariana: Well okay...Here's the deal, everyone has been stressing me to make new music quickly. But I wanna take some time to be with myself and family. I know I'm disappointing my fans by taking to long but I just want to find myself again. Lately it seems like all I read is hate online. No ones nice these days. And with that rapper telling me I cheated by getting #1 with my recent song "Stuck With You"(Pretend Stuck With You wasn't made for Covid. But it can be a fundraiser for a different cause. I know it's hard to imagine a world without Covid but go along with it.) makes my heart break more. I didn't know people feel like this about me. I know people hate me but I didn't know this was a reason. It's just stressing me out because I thought I was going to have a year without a huge scandal. But it seems I'm wrong. I just want everyone to love eachother I want peace. Is that too much to ask?
Y/n: Honestly no you can chose what you want. You shouldn't let peoples comments get to your head. It's not healthy, you should take as long as you like. You've been releasing a lot of music these past years. You've released 2 albums around a year+ apart. I think it's good for your mental health. Your fans will understand if you wanna take a break they have plenty of music to listen to. Don't listen to that rapper he's jealous of you for actually have an influence with music. You made your new song for an important cause, while he makes music about random stuff. Honestly he should be in prison right now or in hiding because he snitched and his former gang gonna catch him. Anyways don't listen to the negative things people say, lean on the positive things. I know there is millions of fans who adore you and let you have your own choice, look up to them, they will help you.
Ariana: Thank You. I needed that pep talk even if it's from a stranger.
Y/n: I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Y/FN Y/LN, it's nice to meet you.
Ariana: Ariana Grande, it's nice to meet you too.

They shook hands, laugh to themselves.

Ariana: Y/n I needed that today. Could I get your number if I need more advice?
Y/n: Sure

They exchanged numbers. Y/n got up, lending a hand to Ariana.

Y/n: Let me walk you to your car it's dangerous right now.
Ariana: Thank You.

Ariana walked in front of Y/n, putting on her hood so no one could recognize her. They got to her car. Y/n opened the door for her making sure she's safely in.

Ariana: I guess I'll see you later. Bye Y/n.
Y/n: Bye Ariana, take care and be safe. If you need anything text me.
Ariana: Will do.

Ariana drove off leaving Y/n smiling.

That day was the moment my life changed. Anyways enough of messing around. I gotta start heading out.

General POV
Y/n got off his laptop. He was finishing a few papers, he doesn't like to have a big load of school work for the week. So he spends the first two days of the week finishing any school work, so going to the hospital is stress free. Y/n got into the shower taking 10 minutes. He got out of the shower putting on some boxers before shaving his beard. He finished up shaving and stepped out of the bathroom. He found the folded pile of clothes he chose to wear tonight.
Pick One:

Y/n dressed himself before spraying a little cologne and fixing his hair. He grabbed his keys and wallet before heading out of his apartment. He got into his car

For this date Y/n decided that they would go to a secluded area at Santa Monica Beach where no one would find them. He would buy food to eat on the beach. Y/n drove to a restaurant called Thai Vegan which is a pretty good in his opinion. He bought the food and some of her favorite flowers, and began his journey to Ariana's house. They're date is at 7:30pm and it's 7:10pm so he had enough time but still had to quickly drive.

Time Skip
Y/n finally arrived at Ariana's mansion. Y/n marveled at the site her house was beautiful. Y/n parked in the drive way. It was 7:30 so he was right on time. He quickly fixed his hair popping a mint into his mouth. He grabbed the flowers and made his way to Ariana's front door. Before he could knock the door opened to reveal Courtney Chipolone and Victoria Monet. Y/n looked at them in shock. Victoria grabbed his shirt and pulled him in the house. He stumbled a little but managed to keep his balance. They told him to sit at the couch and he did.


Courtney: Okay Y/FN Y/LN we are Ariana's friends and we got questions for you.
Y/n: uh...okay.
Victoria: First question when and where were you born?
Y/n: I was born in Orange County, California on February 6th, 1996 making me 26 years old.
Courtney: Question two: What do you do for a living?
Y/n: Well I'm in medical school doing my residency right now. I'm training to become a Neurosurgeon.
Victoria: Oh your a smart man.
Y/n: I don't like to call myself smart but I call myself hardworking.
Victoria: Okay humble man. Third Question: Why are you wanting to go on a date with Ariana?
Y/n: Well truth be told I've had a crush on Ariana since her victorious days. She's a stunning girl, amazing personality. She's different from other girls. She has a soft but assertive tone. She likes to get her point out. She takes shit from nobody. That's what I like about her.
Courtney: Damn since her victorious days that was like 11 years ago. Fourth Question: Have you dated anyone?
Y/n: I've only been in one relationship for 2 years it was 4 years ago. Long story short she cheated on me because I focused on my work too much and didn't give her attention. Since then I've made time for myself and for my family. I realized I did work too much so I cut myself off from doing a lot of work. But that's kinda hard considering my career.
Victoria: That sucks but your practice is hard. Anyways fifth question: What are your intentions with Ariana?
Y/n: I don't want to hurt her I want to treat her right, treat her like a goddess. I've known about her past relationships and all those guys missed out on having the most amazing human in the world in their lives.
Courtney: You seem like a good guy. Sixth question: What do you think about kids?
Y/n: Well I'm a family man, I love kids. I want to have a big family one day. I'm pretty good with kids. I've baby sit my nieces and Nephews as well as my younger siblings when they were little.
Victoria: Good. Last question: How many siblings do you have?
Y/n: I have 2 older brothers who are married. My oldest brother is 30 he has 3 kids. My second older brother is 28 he has 4 kids. I have a twin sister who is also 26. And the youngest my little sister is 21. So I have 4 siblings. My oldest brother is a lawyer, my second older brother is a cardiologist, my twin is training to become a orthodontist and my little sister is still in university but she plans on becoming a fashion designer.
Courtney: Wow your family is all brains.
Y/n: I guess so.
Courtney: Wait how tall are you?
Y/n: I'm 6'4
Victoria: Damn that's tall.

The 3 continued to talk getting to know each other. Y/n heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He quickly stood up with the flowers in his sweaty hands. He looked up to see Ariana descending down the stairs. His jaw dropped, she looked stunning. She wore a simple outfit but made it look beautiful.

He stared at her, frozen in place. Ariana walked in-front of Y/n, giggling at his frozen state. Ariana softly shut Y/n's mouth.

Ariana: Careful you might catch flies.

Y/n snapped out of his trance, blushing a deep red.

Y/n: Sorry it's just look absolutely gorgeous.

This time it was Ariana's turn to blush. She looked down at the floor covering her face. Y/n removed her hands from her face.

Y/n: Don't cover your beautiful face I like seeing you blush.

They both laughed, looking into each other eyes. They heard two throat's clearing ruining the moment.

Victoria: Well look at you two...disgustingly adorable.
Courtney: You guys better go it's 7:50 now.

Ariana looked at Y/n with a sorry look. Y/n looked at her with confusion.

Y/n: What's wrong?
Ariana: Sorry I kept you waiting so long.
Y/n: it's okay take as much time as you need I'll always be waiting.

Before Y/n could forget he handed the flowers to Ariana.

Y/n: These are for you.
Ariana: My favorite flowers, how did you know?
Y/n: Lucky guess and they looked beautiful just like you.

Ariana blushed for the second time in 5 minutes.

Victoria: Stop with the cute shit and hurry up and leave.

Ariana and Y/n left her house and got into Y/n's car. He opened the passenger side door for her. Once he make sure she's settled down he makes his way to the driver side. He gets in and starts the car.

Ariana: So where are we going?
Y/n: I can't tell you it's a surprise.
Ariana: Come on please tell me.
Y/n: Nope can't do.

Ariana looked at Y/n with a pout. Y/n looked at Ariana's face trying not to break. He took a deep breath before looking at the road once again. Ariana huffed with annoyance.

Y/n: Don't be mad I promise you'll be excited.
Ariana: Alright if you say so.

Time Skip
Soon they made it to the beach. Y/n parked his car before turning off the ignition. Ariana sat straight in her seat looking at the view with excitement.

Ariana: Wow it's beautiful.
Y/n: It really is.

Y/n got out of the car going to Ariana's side helping her out. He then grabbed a blanket and two pillows before opening the bed of the truck. He placed the blanket and pillow down before getting the food and a flashlight and putting them on the blanket. After he had everything set up he led Ariana over.

Y/n: Ta da, I know it might not be much but I didn't want people swarming us I wanted us to be alone and in peace.
Ariana: Y/n this is perfect. I always wanted to have a date like this. It's low key but romantic. Thank You.
Y/n: your welcome, let's eat. I bought some food from Thai Vegan.
Ariana: Oh my gosh I love that place it's delicious.
Y/n: It really does a perfect job in showing Thai food.

Y/n helped Ariana onto the bed of the truck before getting on himself. They began eating, learning more about each other and telling stories about their child hood.

Time Skip
After finishing they're food they laid down side by side looking at the stars. Y/n had an idea he got up suddenly, causing Ariana to jump at the sudden move.

Y/n: Sorry for scaring you. I thought we could take a walk and look at the bioluminescent plankton that light up the ocean.
Ariana: Okay

Y/n and Ariana walked side by side looking at the lights in the water.

Y/n: Ariana?
Ariana: Yeah
Y/n: May I hold your hand?

Ariana blushed at Y/n's comment. She was never asked by anyone she dated if they could hold her hand they always just grabbed it forcefully.

Ariana: Sure

Y/n softly intertwined they're fingers. Smiling at the way her hands perfectly fit his. Ariana smiled at the warm and safe feeling of Y/n's hands. They continued to walk hand and hand by the water before stopping. Y/n looked down at Ariana, with Ariana looking up at him. They're eyes stare at each other's eye.

Y/n: Ariana can I tell you something?
Ariana: Yeah
Y/n: Before I meant you I had the biggest crush on you I still do. I never imagined all my life that I would get to meet you let alone go on a date with you. When we first met I became like a therapist to you. I learned things about you that no one would know. I'm happy that you shared your feelings because it isn't healthy to keep in your feelings. I'm happy that I'm able to go on a date with you. You make me feel so alive, my last relationship it was horrible I lost trust in everyone. But with you I feel safe with you I feel like I can trust you with everything in me. Ariana all I'm saying is that you make me feel like a new and better version of myself even if we've been hanging out for a short time. I promise to treat you like a queen.
Ariana: Y/n I feel the exact same way. You might know my last relationships they were all bad. All of them broke a piece of me. I never thought I would go on a date again but you came along and changed everything. You helped me in a hard time of my life. After the first day we meet I found myself wanting to talk and know more about you. I'm happy I gave you a chance. So far you have been treating me like a queen. You make me feel good about myself. You make me feel happy. Y/n I really really really like you.

Y/n and Ariana stared at each other leaning in before they're lips could touch Y/n asked.

Y/n: Can I kiss you?

Ariana pulled Y/n down smashing they're lips together in a loving and passionate kiss. They pulled away when air became a problem. The opened they're eyes smiling both saying "Wow". Y/n picked Ariana up spinning her around. Ariana laughed in delight. Y/n set Ariana down wrapping his arms around her standing behind her. They watched the waves crashing on the shores wanting this day to continue forever.

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. Leave a like and comment what you liked. Bye and stay safe.

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