Regal Academy - love is not...

By halna11

28.8K 573 293

Hawk tries to admit his feelings to rose but something terrible happens, that leads to hawk and rose to datin... More

Chapter 1 - Back to school
Chapter 2 - New-old students
Chapter 3 - Not part of the plan
Chapter 4 - Sleepover
Chapter 5 - mixed confessions
Chapter 6 - Over Him
Chapter 7 - One Long Plane Ride
Chapter 8 - Holiday
Chapter 9 - The New Normal
Chapter 10 - The Start of a Problem
Chapter 11 - Not in a Million Years
Chapter 13 - Meet my Family
Chapter 14 - Evil Wedding Plans
Chapter 15 - what to wear to the ball
Chapter 16 -The Ball
Chapter 17 - The set up
Chapter 18 - True feelings
Chapter 19 - The Wedding
Chapter 20 - The Big Battle
Chapter 21 - The Truth Comes out
Chapter 22 - The Letters
Chapter 23- The Start of a New Journey
Chapter 24 - A Visit to Another Relm
Chapter 25 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 26 - False Hope
Chapter 27 - The Reunion
Chapter 28 - Graduation part 1
Chapter 29 - Graduation part 2 (final)

Chapter 12 - Not Going to Happen

940 18 16
By halna11

Hawk's POV
"Hey Ambrosia Rose told me you wanted to talk to me" I said "I can't believe you I thought you liked me" She said fluttering her eyelashes,"well you thought wrong" "well if you don't like me why didn't you break up with me"She said acting like she didn't know what she did. "Believe me I tried".
Flash back
"Ambrosia we need to talk" Hawk said in a stern voice
"Whatever you need Hawky" Ambrosia said
"Don't call me Hawky" Hawk yelled at her
"Whatever" She said rolling her eyes
"I want to break up" Hawk got cut of by Ambrosia screaming
"I have to go now, bye Hawky" she said running off
End of flash back
"Ok then let's break up now" Hawk said walking away, and Ambrosia ran of crying

Vicky's POV
Yess my plan is working, just like I expected Hawk and Ambrosia broke up and now I can convince Ambrosia to help me destroy Rose."muahahaha"

LingLing's POV
We arrived at Fala and Rose's room. "I need help" Rose cried "what's wrong" Joy asked, then Rose looked at Fala indicating that she should tell us. "My Granny wants Rose to Marry Hawk" Fala said "WHAT" we all shouted in unison except for Rose and Fala. "Fala why don't you convince you granny" Joy suggested "it's not that easy if granny wants something she will stop at no cost to get it" Fala said "what if Rose has a boyfriend" I suggested. "Well that should work"Astoria said "ok but who" Rose asked berrying her face in her pillow. "Ok what about Hatty" Joy suggested "no way" Rose screamed, "maybe I should just find another way to get out of it" Rose said disappointed. "Whatever you choose we will support you" I said trying to cheer Rose up. "Let's go to bed, we still have school tomorrow" Astoria said. We all laughed same old Astoria.

Travis's POV
We were in our room playing games "so how are things with your girlfriends" Hawk asked really happily. "Well things are good with me and Astoria" Shawn said "same with me and LingLing" I said, "me and Joy too" Esquire added. "So do you like anyone Isaac" I asked, "Well I'm actually dating Fala" Isaac said rather proud of himself. "What your dating my sister" Hawk screamed "why didn't anyone tell me" he asked after cooling down, "we started dating 2 days ago and no one told you because you were under a sleep spell" Isaac replied calmly. "Well you can't just date my sister" Hawk said angrily. "Well your marrying my sister" Isaac said defending himself, but immediately covered his mouth after realising what he just said. "What" everyone screamed in unison, "uh oh well I wasn't meant to tell anyone" Isaac said with a worried looked plastered on his face. "Wel since we know now can you tell us the full story" I asked and he nodded in response. "Who did you mean by your sister" Esquire asked, "ok so Rose is my sister we had Rooms in each other's houses growing up and both our parents called us both their children" he replied waiting for the other questions. "What did you mean by I would marry her" Hawk asked confused, "Well I was on a FaceTime call with a Fala and Rose was in the background talking about how you Granny is trying to get you two together and that's all I know" I as replied relived because he didn't have too keep it a secret anymore. "But promise to act surprised when your granny tells you tomorrow" He added scared Rose would find out he leaked her secret. "Oh that's why their is a family meeting tomorrow for the Snow Whites" Hawk said understanding "well actually the Cinderella's are going to be there as well" Isaac added. "What" Hawk screamed. "We should go to sleep now we don't want to be late for school" Shawn said, "like boyfriend like girlfriend" Esquire teased we all had a good laugh then we went to bed.

The next day

Astoria's POV
I woke up early to wake everyone up but Rose was already awake, this was very weird. "Hey Rose" I whispered to her as I joined her on the balcony."Hi Astoria" she replied, "ok Rose we need to talk" I said in a stern voice "sure what's up"she said calmly."What happened to you you have really changed, you are no longer clumsy, you still like shoes but not as much and you are never excited" I blurted out, she stayed silent for a moment before responding "granny told me that I'm going to be queen of fairytale land, so I started acting like a princess" she said looking down, "maybe a little too well" I said "well Snow White definitely thinks so" she said and we both laughed. "Let's wake the rest of the girls up I'll wake up Fala and you can wake up ling ling and Joy" Rose said, then we both went to wake everyone up. We all got ready then went to regal academy. *bell rings, all head to class which is a lecture by the way*

Rose's POV
We all went to the lecture which was really boring, until there was an announcement. "Rose Cinderella and Hawk and Fala Snow White Are needed at Prof Snow White's office" the announcer said. "Good luck" LingLing mouthed, I just smiled and walked with Fala by my side and I didn't care where Hawk was. When we entered her office she was pleased to see us, "the Cinderella and Snow White family are having a dinner at the Snow White Castle, you will all get ready in Snow White Castle Rose you can get ready with Fala" she said smiling which she never does. We nodded then rode our dragons to the castle.*this is them in Fala's bedroom* "So Rose what are we going to wear" Fala asked "well something formal but not a ball gown and shoes" I jumped saying the last part. "Oh I have just the thing" Fala said shoving me into the dressing room, when I came out I was wearing this.

"Oh my fairytale you look amazing" Fala exclaimed happily "I love the shoes" I screamed excited. "What are you gonna wear" I asked Fala "idk" "what about this"I said pulling a yellow dress out of her closet.

"I love it thanks" Fala exclaimed "anything for my bff" i replied "you mean future sister" She teased, I glared at her then we both burst out laughing. "Are we supposed to head down now" I asked "we are supposed to wait for the guest to arrive then we will go down last" Fala responded. "princess Fala and Princess Rose you are to go down now" A guard said. Okay Rose stay calm and act like a princess I thought to myself, before heading down. Me and Fala walked down the stairs side by side and I made sure I walked down gracefully and elegantly. "I present to you Princess Rose Cinderella and Princess Fala Snow White" the announcer said. We all sat down and my seat just happened to be next to Hawk's, I didn't look at him nor greet him. "Rose, Hawk me and Cinderella have singled an agreement so you guys will get married on whoever's birthday comes first. And all your parents have agreed" Snow White said. "Proffeser Snow White isn't Hawk's birthday in a month" I asked politely. "Yes dear and it will also be your coronation and wedding." She replied "May I ask, how did you get my father to agree" I asked. "Well dear because you are the next queen, he is the only suitable husband for you"Granny said. I tried my best to stay calm, my parents and Hawk's parents seemed rather happy. "Fala dear how about you"Isabel (her mum) Asked "well I have a boyfriend" she replied "oh yes Isaac Brave I like him he is polite and Charming" Snow White said. Me and Hawk both looked shocked at the fact she could like someone that easily. "Granny why do I have to get married" Hawk whined. "You guys love each other" Granny said. Me and Hawk glared at each other. "I agree with Cinderella " Snow White said. "Professor I can't marry someone who I refuse to talk to" I complained "Rose dear it is already agreed and you can call me Granny" Snow White said, I sighed in defeat. "Ok Clara, Dave, Isabel, Nicholas sighs the paper and it's official" "mum dad please don't" me and Hawk said in unison. *they sighn the paper anyway
"You guys are so cute together" exclaimed Fala and I glared at her. I can't believe my granny is making me marry Hawk I though to myself. "Ok here are your rings you are now fiancés" granny said while handing us each a ring encrusted with diamonds.

Hawk's POV
Sure I wanted to marry Rose but not like this. "For the rest of the day Rose will spend time with the Snow Whites, And tomorrow Fala and Hawk will spend time with the Cinderella's" Granny said."you should return to school now"She added. We went back to school and Rose was still ignoring me. When we got Back it was lunch so we went and sat with our friends, me and Rose were sat opposite each other and we both refused to talk. "So what happened" Travis asked, but me and Rose didn't say anything so Fala replied. "They are still not talking to each other and their wedding is in a month" Fala exclaimed happily. "Can we see your rings"Joy asked, then me and Rose just lifted our hands slightly not saying a word. "They are beautiful" Astoria complimented, "Can we be your bridesmaids" LingLing asked Rose "of course" Rose said slightly happier. "Do you know what happened to my fan girls" I asked Travis "wel" "glass magic" Rose said making a thin sheet of glass cover his mouth "nothing" she said fake laughing and glaring at Travis. "Isaac me Fala and Hawk are going to Earth tomorrow would you like to come I've been meaning to visit mum and dad" Rose asked "mum and dad ?" Everyone but Isaac and Rose asked in unison "yeah our parents" Isaac said in a duh tone.

I hope you enjoyed the Chapter thanks to LeniLoud16 for the amazing outfits. Comment any improvements. 1753 words

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