Blast From The Past | Ryeji

By mnchld_0

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Ryujin was completely head over heels for Hwang Yeji. Unfortunately, Yeji never noticed her throughout high s... More



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By mnchld_0

"So you and Yeji..."


"And you guys will be.."

"Yes, tonight."

"And you barely tell me this now?!" Yuna asked in disbelief. I winced and smiled apologetically as I continued to wipe down the tables. I'm guessing Kai told her everything before I even stepped foot into the café. And the whole day she wouldn't stop sending me the stink eye.

"I forgot?" It was more like a question than an actual statement. Yuna rolled her eyes and threw a rag at my head,

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whined out. I scoffed while removing the rag from my head and throwing it to the side.

"Why do I have to tell you when you have Kai to tell you?" I playfully asked with a knowing smirk plastered on my lips. Yuna narrowed her eyes with a blush coating her cheeks,

"T-that's beside the point!" She stammered out at the same time Kai walked out of the kitchen. I looked over at him and pointed at Yuna,

"Kai, tell your future girlfriend to calm down," I teased laughing as both of them began to furiously blush. Kai hissed at me,

"Cut it out Shin or else I'm not helping you choose an outfit for your date tonight," he said with a sinister look which immediately made me silent. Yuna then rolled her eyes,

"Where are you taking her anyways?" She asked. I shrugged,

"Well, I'm planning on grabbing dinner with her in one of my parents restaurants here and then taking her to a carnival," I said, chuckling as Yuna and Kai nodded in approval. Kai wiped a fake tear,

"My children are all grown up," he teased. I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged his shoulder while walking past him and removing my apron.

"Shut up and let's go! I have to pick a perfect outfit," I whined out. Yuna laughed lightly while waving goodbye, not before giving Kai a hug. A meaningful one I might add. I groaned,

"Stop canoodling! I have a date to get ready for."

"Shut it Shin." They both said simultaneously.

With blushing cheeks.

And they call me dense...


Adjusting my long brown coat and tightening my high pony tail one last time, I grabbed another single rose off the passenger seat before exiting my car. I took in another deep breath before making my way up to her front door.

I stood in front and jumped a little and shook my arms and legs, "You got this," I whispered to myself. I cleared my throat and lifted my free hand to knock on the door. I held in my breath as I heard faint footsteps making their way to the door. "Remember to breathe," I mumbled to myself before watching the door slowly open, revealing the most beautiful girl in the world.

The moment she stepped out I couldn't remove the smile off my face. I always had the same reaction whenever my eyes landed on her. She was breathtaking to say the least. She smiled shyly and placed a strand of hair behind her now reddened ear.

"Hey," I breathed out.

"Hi," she whispered. She then scanned my outfit and giggled, "We're matching colors," she pointed out. I laughed and agreed,

"I can see that. You look beautiful Yeji," I said. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers,

"Thank you, you look amazing as always Ryujin," she complimented as she lifted her soft eyes to meet mine. She then looked at my hand and smiled seeing another rose,

"You really love roses huh?" She teased. I shrugged with a lopsided grin,

"I do but only as a gift for special people," I said, my smile widening even more seeing as her blush increased. "A rose only for you Hwang Yeji," I said while handing her the rose which she took but with a confused look,

"What'd you say?" She asked. I tilted my head in confusion,

"What?" I asked quite lost. She stared at me for moment before shaking her head and smiling softly.

"It's nothing, let's go?" She asked. I nodded and offered my hand for her to take which she took without hesitation. She blushed even more as I intertwined our fingers together and lifted our clasped hands to my face to place a soft kiss on the back of her hand,

"Let's go." I said while leading us to the car. I let go of her hand opened her door for her. She smiled and quickly placed a peck on my cheek before sliding into car, leaving me smiling like fool as I closed her door. I rush to the other side and slid into the driver seat.

"Where are we eating?" She asked as we both put on our seatbelt. I grinned and turned on the ignition before taking her hand off her thigh to hold it,

"You don't like surprises?" I asked. She chuckled and squeezed our hands,

"I don't quite like the anticipation of it," she said. I hummed as a response and nodded my head before smirking playfully,

"That's a shame because," I paused as I turned towards Yeji. I leaned closer to her face causing her to visibly gulp nervously. I wiggled my eyebrows, "I'm full of surprises," I stated before placing a short kiss on her lips and pulling back catching her by surprise.



"RJ Dining?" Yeji asked as we pulled up at my parents restaurant. I smiled sheepishly,

"It's my parents' restaurant," I said as I slid out of the car and made my way to her side. I opened the door for her. She smiled and thanked me before taking my hand,

"What does the RJ stands for?" She asked as we both began to make our way towards the entrance. I opened the door for her,

"Oh, it's a nickname my parents gave me, short for Ryujin," I said causing her to freeze right in front of me. She slowly looked at me and scanned every detail of my face making me slightly flustered under her curious gaze.

"RJ is your nickname?" She slowly asked while taking a step closer to me. I stared at her for a moment, trying to read her eyes that seemed to be lighting up the longer she stared at my face.

"Yes? Is that okay?" I asked. She smiled and nodded while walking up towards me and placing both of her hands on my face before leaning up and capturing my lips. I felt confused but didn't missed the chance to respond to her kiss. She pulled away but kept her lips very close to mine,

"It's more than okay," she whispered. She placed one last kiss on my lips before pulling away and walking into the restaurant. I watched her leave and grinned before following her lead. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me as we made our way to the receptionist.

"Pete!" I called out. My friend Peter looked up and smiled at me,

"Good Evening Miss Shin," he greeted causing me to playfully roll my eyes,

"Don't start with me," I teased. He chuckled before grabbing two menus for the both of us,

"Alright, right this way ladies. We have a special table just for the both of you," he said as he turned around towards the back. I leaned towards her ear,

"He's my childhood friend from my hometown," I told her. She hummed as a response and leaned her head on my shoulder as we made it to our table. I pulled her chair back for her to sit which she thanked me for before I sat myself across from her. Peter handed us the menus before taking writing down our drinks and letting us be.

"This is your parents actual restaurant?" Yeji asked, amazed. I grinned and nodded my head,

"Yeah, this was their first ever restaurant actually," I said, "Then after it became successful they decided to grow more restaurants around the world and as of now I believe they successfully finished one in LA," I continued proudly. Yeji smiled,

"That's amazing," she said. I grinned and reached over to hold her hand. I just can't seem to find the will to stay away from her. I just couldn't believe I was actually on a date with someone I've liked since my high school days.

"What're you thinking about?" Yeji asked. I smiled and shrugged,

"It's nothing."


"Ugh, I'm stuffed," Yeji groaned out. I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement,

"Still have some room for ice cream?" I asked, laughing as Yeji's eyes suddenly lit up,

"Is grass green?" She asked. I laughed as I stood up while putting on my coat,

"I'll take that as a yes," I said while standing up after paying for our meal. I thanked Pete and took Yeji's hand before leaving the restaurant. Yeji sighed in content while leaning her head on my shoulder as we walked towards the car,

"The food was amazing," she breathed out. I chuckled and kissed the top of her head before opening the door for her,

"I'm glad you think so," I said before closing her door and walking around the car to enter the driver seat.

"So ice cream next and then what?" She asked as I slid in the car and turned on the engine. I smiled at her,

"Do you like carnivals?"

"Is the sky blue?"

"You're lucky I like you."


"Ryujin lets go over here!" Yeji squealed out in excitement as she gripped onto my hand and dragged me to one of those pop the balloon booths. I chuckled, finding her excitement to win a single teddy bear adorable. She's older than me but it feels quite the opposite. I go to reach for my money but Yeji slapped my hands away,

"Nope, I'm paying this and I will win you that cat doll and that bear for myself," she stayed with a pointed look. I laughed and lifted my hands up in surrender,

"Yes ma'am," I teased. She smiled in victory before turning around and handing the guy the money. I walked behind her and placed my hands on her waist,

"Don't miss," I teased. She playfully scoffed and rested her back into me,

"As long as you don't distract me with that face of yours I won't," she teased back.

I couldn't stop the blush that reached my cheeks.


"Aw Yeji," I cooed while poking her cheeks. She was looking down at the tiny bear in her hands with cutest pout.

"We can always try again next time," I said, trying to hold in a laugh as she only slouched in defeat with the same pout on her lips,

"But I didn't get to win the cat doll for you. I just won you a damn cat sticker," she whined out. I chuckled before standing up from the bench and walking in front of her. I knelt down eye level and smiled,

"And it's the best cat sticker I have ever gotten," I said. I took my phone out of my pocket. Yeji looked at me and watched as I placed the sticker on the back of my phone case. I showed it to her with a smile,

"This sticker will remind me that this day marks the best date I have ever had," I said with my smile widening as Yeji's lovely smile was finally present. She leaned close to my face and rested her forehead on mine,

"And this is why I've always liked you since high school." She said.

"Wait what?"

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