Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

By SSJ_Warrior

33.5K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... More

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The Splish Splash

2K 37 13
By SSJ_Warrior

Max: I can't believe were breaking in to the school... this is a crime ya know

Chloe: Max maybe I'm a good bad influence on you

Y/N: No offense maybe it's good to commit a crime you don't want to be a teacher's pet your whole life

Max: I'm not a teacher's pet... next thing you know I'll be a gangster or thrown in jail

Y/N: Well as far back as I could remember I always wanted to be a gangster, ba ba ba... what you never see Good fellas ever

Chloe: Max has probably never even seen a rated R movie 

Max: Shut up I've seen some, but most are just way to scary I mean I can't even watch Jaws

Y/N: You can't watch Jaws it's not even scary but is a classic movie, I can't watch Jaws The Revenge it's so bad he screamed like a lion in it

Chloe: Okay we get it, Max is a goody two shoes

Max: Am not

Chloe: Are to sista

Y/N: So why did you want us to break in anyways Chlo

Chloe: To find out information

Y/N: You think Blackwells famous alcoholic principle will have that... the though never occurred

Max: I you two really sure about this we're both already in so much trouble

Chloe: Yeah not to mention the pot Y/N brought into my room

Y/N: Ha ha, if it's mine then I'll rightfully take it

Chloe: Fine my pot

Max: Chloe I'm serious right now for reals, we're breaking and entering

Chloe: If I have a key how can it be breaking, they can't charge us just for entering

Y/N: I mean she isn't wrong Max

Max: But a smartass that's for sure

Y/N: I mean your not wrong either

Chloe: Calm down sista we'll be fine, let's just find the shit and get out of here

Y/N: Find the shit Price is this a hobby of yours, that you've been hiding

Chloe: Principe sells outs office

Y/N: Maybe we can squeeze under the door like Mr. Fantastic

Chloe: It that your secret super power you've been holding out on us

Y/N: I wish, maybe if we had Flat Stanley with us man he was one of greats

Chloe: Okay let's be serious here

Y/N: I am that poor boy flatten by a poster board... who would have thought

Chloe: Dude you're wasting time

Y/N: After reading that I had a huge fear of poster boards... never trust them

Chloe: I'm gonna flatten you with a poster board if you don't shut the fuck up dude

Y/N: Hey Maximus

Max: Nope you got yourself into this

Y/N: So politics huh I hear there um now a days

Max: Let's just go already we could get caught at anytime you know

You open the door only to find out there's another door to the office

Y/N: Well now isn't this conveniently annoying

Max: Maybe I could ask Warren for help or something 

Y/N: I got a better idea Maximus

You run towards the door hitting it with your shoulder as you fall back in pain

Y/N: Oww, crap baskets

Max: Great plan

Y/N: I said it was a better plan not a good plan

You walk toward the door and kick it as it busts open

Y/N: Ow my leg, it's not like in the movies I don't even think I can walk this off

Your thoughts are cut off by an alarm

Chloe: Good one brainiac what now

Y/N: Rewind time Super Maximus

You run in the room as she rewinds and opens the door for Chloe


Chloe: JESUS!

Max: Uh what he said

Chloe: Damn you two are hella magical, I have no clue how the hell you both got in there but you did it wonder twins

Y/N: Eating ass and taking names, that's the game... vigilante at night and student detective at day

Max: Ms. Super Max the hero behind it all with her lacky Y/N

Y/N: Okay why am I the lacky what about Price here

Chloe: Sorry I'm just to cool to be Robin

Y/N: I'm used to being second place it's was called living with Rachel Amber... Now let's see what this crooks got shall we

You all look around the office until Chloe makes some small talk

Chloe: I heard you both punked Nathan's bitch ass today

Max: He got suspend for a couple of days... I'm kind of scared of him he's unhinged what if he comes after us

Y/N: We'll Maximus Maxine I'll beat him a friendly competition of fist a cuffs of course

Max: What if he pulls out a gun again

Y/N: We'll if that we're to occur I'd use my great charisma to seduce him, then after he falls for me I'll break his heart and have him coming back for more

Max: Where do you come up with this nonsense like for reals

Y/N: Tiss not nonsense fair maiden for I am thy jester of witticism

Max: Okay sir jester

Y/N: Tiss a pleasure to acquaint thy Maximony

Max: Oh my lord, you did not just make up another nickname

Chloe whispers to herself

Chloe: Oh my god just kiss already

Y/N: Tiss thy a problem Maximony

Max: Tiss yeah it is

Chloe: Tiss will you shut the fuck up already it's getting on my nerves

Max: Yeah, Y/N will do that to you

Y/N: Laughter is the best medicine Price, but to each his own I say

Chloe: Just shut up and keep looking around this drunks office

Y/N: Aye aye captain

Chloe: (Sighs)

You find a box full of files

Y/N: This is Eliots Hamptons file, yeah expulsion for breaking and entering, as well as destruction of property...

After awhile of searching you don't fine anything that game changing

Chloe: Woah, wonder twins check this out, there's a shit ton of files here

Y/N: You know my motto, never trust someone with a messy desktop

Chloe: It says that Nathan accuses Rachel of bringing drugs on campus, and my step-troll went along because he thinks Rachel was a bad influence on me.... assholes

Y/N: We'll we can assume he's sure as shit not on the laws side... I'm glad the force rejected him even more now

Max: This means that David's teaming up with Nathan Prescott... that's a bad sign

Y/N: Yeah no kidding

Chloe: Yeah and you know the Prescott's dropped major bank to bury Nathan's real file... it reads like a rap sheet, bad grades, teacher complaints, secret probation and I was expelled

Max: Well at least Nathan was finally suspended

Y/N: Yeah he was suspended Max, but never the less he'll be back in no time of course

Max: Maybe they'll take this more seriously now

Y/N: I doubt it... wait what's that, open it

Chloe: Dude it's just some crazy drawing

Max: Chloe that's not a drawing

Y/N: Dark room what's that supposed to mean

Max: Rachel in the dark room, Rachel in the dark room over an over that's it

Chloe: That's, fucked up, what does this even mean, Nathan is truly psychotic

Y/N: I knew something was always off with that freak he had something to do with Rachel and I'm gonna find out

Max: We don't know for sure if that's the answer, we still need more clues

Y/N: Well that's the only damn answer I got!

Chloe: She's right, I agree this weirdos has something to do with Rachel missing but we can't just beat the questions out of him... yet

Y/N: So what do I do

Max: We figure this out as a team

Y/N: Fine... what else does it say

Max: Whoa listen to this, "David M. always asks what's going on in my head... he always helps me follows those he follows"

Y/N: Well that's kinda cryptic not much to go off of... he thinks he's the new Zodiac or something

Chloe: No it sounds more like they've formed some sort of weird team, The Super He-bros

Max: Jesus, David was stalking Kate, hassling me, and now we know he was all over Rachel too...

Y/N: Wait David was harassing you Max

Max: Yeah but that's beyond the point

Chloe: Oh, we are so going into his garage files... plus I'm getting a little paranoid in here

Y/N: Now that you mention it I do feel like big brothers watching

Chloe: We got our info let's bail... But not without a gift

Max: I don't like where this is going

Y/N: I like where this is going Price, keep talking

Max: Chloe... you are not stealing the the cozy chair

Y/N: I like this heist I'll call getaway driver

Chloe: You sure you two don't have your powers mixed up because I think Max has mind reading powers instead here... or did you just rewind because I tried to steal the chair, shit I'm confused

Y/N: I have powers yet I'm still confused

Max: Chloe it's the powers of best friendship, I know how you roll... let's get out of here we've definitely pressed our luck enough

Y/N: Or maybe not enough Maximony...

You open the desk drawer

Chloe: Well hello, what have we here

Y/N: Ohh now it's getting juicy

Chloe: Juicy in-fucking-deed we hit the jackpot! Cha-ching!

Max: Wowser, that's a lot for the handicapped fund

Y/N: There's like five grand in there in counting

Chloe: I know, dude I could pay off Frank tonight! and chill him out after your last encounter

Y/N: I'm just protecting my bffs here

Chloe: Max you're not gonna make a big issue out of this are you

Max: We can't just take from the handicapped fund, we have morales

Y/N: Morales never heard of them, and besides you really think this drunk, corrupt, piece of crap of a Principe will really give back to the handicapped, it's probably for more of his booze or Blackhell

Chloe: He makes a hella good point Max

Max: (Sighs) Fine but you two better not make me regret this

Y/N: When have we ever steered you wrong Maximus

Max: I can think of a couple of-

Y/N: That's besides the point

You take the cash and leave the office

Max: That impish look scares me

Chloe: Care for a midnight swim, the Blackwell pool is ours

Y/N: Count me in

Max: Swimming, you two really want to take that risk now

Chloe: It's been a cray week, allow me to have a little carefree fun for a few minutes, Splish Splash

Y/N: Splish Splash indeed Price

Max: You're right, we hella deserve it, Splish Splash!

Y/N: Woah is this actually Max Caulfield

Chloe: Yeah did you actually just say "hella" I think we're a good bad influence on you

You all walk to the pool locker area

Max: Where in the Otters lair

Y/N: Never thought this day would come

Chloe: Yeah big fucking deal, I want that heated water!

Max: We still have to play it cool okay, me and Y/N still go to school here

Y/N: And here I thought Maximus Overdrive became a badass, still lecturing us

Chloe: She will be once she figures out her rewind powers she can own this hellhole... boys or girls Max

Y/N: Do I get a say in this

Chloe: Nah, it's Max

Max: Boys, of course

Chloe: Figures perv

Y/N: So I'll take the latter

Chloe: Let's see if this pools heated already

Y/N: Well see ya on the flip side Maximus

You walk into the locker room as Max turns the switch on to the pool

Y/N: Well it works...

You take off your clothes down to your boxer's and jump in

Y/N: Ohh! That's colder than I expected

Chloe: You'll get used to it my brotha, just let it warm up

Y/N: You jumping in Max

Chloe: Yeah you're not gonna just stand there watching us like a zombie... Max

Max: Huh what

Chloe: Get in girl and quit checking out Y/N's muscles

Y/N: What now... I have muscles 

Max: I was not

Y/N: Well this is awkward

You splash at Max

Max: Hey don't you dare!

Chloe: Come stop us hippie

Max: Okay but you both asked for it

Max undresses as you and Chloe both stare uncomfortably, then she jumps in

Max: Cowabunga!

You shake out of your trance 

Chloe: Oh it's an otter in my water

Max: You're so obvious, and I told you earlier I still get freaked out by that so stop

Y/N: Max can't watch shark week... 

You all splash at each other messing around

Max: I'll just rewind and harpoon you, otters revenge

Y/N: This could be a screen play you know

Chloe: Cheaters

Max: Yeah you wouldn't know about that

Y/N: I'm serious let's do this I can see the headlines "Otters Revenge" and the horrible sequels "Otters The Revenge Second Coming"

Max: I'll stick to photography

Y/N: That's it Max can be that camera man... uh camera girl

Max: And what do you know about cameras poser

Y/N: Oh I know that Max adores them that's a fact

Max: What do you adore then

Y/N: Uh still trying to figure that one out... I just don't have if figured out yet

Max: Maybe a bad comedian

Y/N: I don't know, I guess I just don't want this to end you know...

Max: Well what are you good at

Y/N: Well it seems being annoying is all... at least what everyone else sees for the most part, not Rachel though

Max: We're just joking with you there, you still have a lot of other stuff to show like your smarts

Y/N: I thought about being an Attorney a good one who actually helps people out... but that's doesn't pay the bills

Max: That's sounds good for you, you'll be that caring yet comedic Lawyer so people can relate to you easily

Y/N: I guess it would be fun to serve as Prices lawyer over a DUI

Max: DUI, let's keep her off the streets then

Y/N: Thanks Max... but still about that Otters Revenge

Max: Fine, I'll film it if your the lead actor

Y/N: Deal Ms. Caulfield

Chloe: You know Rachel would love it here at night...

Y/N: I would have loved to see Rachels interactions with the shy but stoic Maximus

Max: We will, with all that's going on I'm starting to think everything is related...

Y/N: Yeah we gotta find out for Kate, she went through so much today

Chloe: Your guys powers are changing everything, especially you Max, I can already tell... your not so chicken shit anymore

Max: Thanks girlfriend

Chloe: You know what I mean, you're becoming like this force of nature

Y/N: Like the man without fear

Max: It's more like luck of nature, and I'm scared shitless, I mean my power failed to save trying to rescue Kate...

Y/N: You didn't need a power for that Max you overcame the power and beat it

Max: Yeah but maybe I could be stumbling back and forth in time...

Y/N: Like what your making other timelines, it's fine Max you're doing great just don't lose your power like in Spider-Man 2 Maximus Opus

Max: Well you didn't stumble when you saved us both

Y/N: True that Max

Max: You were both there to kickstart my power

Y/N: Well maybe it's time to move forward in time Maximony... were all connected here and if you didn't go back in time you wouldn't have discovered that power, then we would have died

Max: Well of course you both make me feel like I actually might know what I'm doing

Chloe: And you both make me feel like I have a feeling for being in Arcadia Bay

Y/N: You both make me happy I came back to this shithole

Max: I hope so

Y/N: Maxine give yourself some credit, you're hella awesome, smart crazy talented, pretty and everything I wanted to be but couldn't

Max: More than Rachel

Y/N: Well she different she's my sister, I don't feel the same way with you to her... Chloe on the other hand

Chloe: I'm not her... well I'm sure Max has Blackwell bros all over you like Warren or even Y/N

Max: We're strictly friends

Y/N: Yeah Chloe we're bffs not that

Chloe: Or Warren

Max: He's cool like when he stood up to Prescott, but I haven't told him about my rewind power

Chloe: But you told Y/N who you just meant like a month ago

Y/N: This is because I'm me

Chloe: You'll make the entire world bow once you figure out your power

Y/N: We'll live like kings... and uh queens

Max: As long as your both with me

Y/N: Your my only friends really and my best friends at the same time I'd go anywhere with you two

Chloe: Don't look sad we're never leaving you...

Y/N: Anyone getting cold

Chloe: Less yapping more attacking each other, otter-versus-sharm style... I think I've had my pool experience for the year let's jet

You all get out and get dressed

Max: Oh man, gross I feel like we just went swimming in Chlorine bay

Y/N: I'd rather smell like chlorine bay then cigarettes Chloe

Max: I'll second that

Chloe: Fine you got me ther-

You all hear the sound of a door opening

Max: HIDE!

You all scatter in different direction in the locker rooms

Y/N: Damn might lose that Blackwell scholarship now, is this what's it like to be Chloe 

You run to the front doors only to see the guards approaching them

Y/N: Uh back up plan

You run back to the locker room and hide in the last stall as guards sworm the area

Guard: Who's there a got a flashlight and a stick

He turns around

Y/N: Zoo-wee Mama

You bolt out of there

Max: Were so invincible

Y/N: Hella yes we are

Chloe: Let's bail hippies

You all run out of there

Y/N: There all over this place what now they'll be guarding the dorms now

Chloe: You can't go back to your dorms your Blackwell fugitives now, you can both crash at my place tonight

Max: Crash where the head of Blackwell security lives to stay safe okay

Chloe: Just get in fugitives

You both jump in as Chloe speeds off

Chloe: Ha ha! Later fuckers! Wonder twins you both rock! we our so fucking awesome!

Max: Yes we so are

Y/N: Living the American dream!

You all get back to Chloe's house as you pass out on a bean bag and the other too share a bed together

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to put this out, I was gonna do all of episode 3 in one chapter but I have to get up early tomorrow so I can't but I have it started at least so expect a chapter or 2 out quicker than usual hoped you enjoyed it word counts 3267.

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