Jegulas (And Jily) - For His...

By WysTheDragon

8.2K 222 107

James loves Lily Evans, or rather, he thinks he does. Yet, he still can't get a certain omega named Regulas o... More



1.6K 35 12
By WysTheDragon

~I'm just gonna post this. This is going to be a half shit fanfic. I just want to post something that isn't pure smut or trashy poetry.~

The full moon hung in the sky, casting a silver glow on the dark, forbidden forest. A roar rumbled through the forest, making large, black ravens flutter off into the clear sky painted with flicks of stars.

Peter Pettigrew, a beta, threw rocks at a tree, trying to distract the huge, hulking werewolf just a little bit in front of him. A grim was trying to circle him, as to confuse the werewolf. He swung down at the grim, barely missing.

"This isn't working very well!" James Potter, an alpha, called from a tree, throwing rocks as well.

Peter called back in agreement, "He's really pissed off tonight!"

"I wonder why!" James shouted back.

Sirius Black, another alpha, barked at them in annoyance as the werewolf tried to claw at him, causing James to throw his bag to Peter. He caught it, throwing rocks harder at the nearby trees.

"We're going to go for a little run!" James yelled to him.

"James!" Peter shouted.

The grim growled at him as he got missed by just a hair yet again.

"Last time you got slashed!" The beta shouted, "you'll end up in the infirmary again!"

James rolled his eyes, jumping down, "I'll be careful!"

"James!" Peter yelled again.

Sirius turned to James as he landed on the ground, growling again. Sure, the four of them were reckless idiots, but this was too much for Sirius's liking. Not after last time, when James had almost gotten hurt badly.

"Seriously Sirius," James said.

The werewolf turned to him.

"Hey Remy," James crouched, getting ready to shift, "what's got you so bothered?"

The werewolf howled, causing James to turn around. He began running, causing the omega to take off after the headboy, James.

"James, no!" Peter yelled.

James Potter ignored him, shifting into a huge stag. His form was huge, not as big as a moose, but enough to be mistaken as one from a distance. He started to race down a pathway that the centaurs used. Remus took off after him, ignoring Sirius and Peter. Peter crawled down the large, weaving tree he had taken shelter in as the grim chased after the werewolf and stag in panic. He knew how fast Remus was as a werewolf.

"James, please!" Peter yelled again, nearly crying. He didn't want a repeat of last month.

James was already out of earshot with Remus and Sirius chasing after him. As a stag, he was very aware of the fact that both of them were predators with sharp teeth. He lead him in a loop, chest burning as he ran. Dirt and leafs spured up around his hooves with every impact. Remus was starting to slow down, becoming slowly aware of the fact that it was a full moon. The sun was starting to rise.

James nearly slipped as he made a sharp turn. Remus cut through the forest, almost jumping out at James. He lashed out, but missed. Sirius tried to stop the two by barking at them, but a grim was no match for a werewolf and a stags speed.

The stag slowed down, seeing as Remus had stopped chasing him. He paused, hooveing at the ground. He tilted his head as he listened to the birds twitter at each other. James looked around, slightly going off of the pathway towards an apple tree. He probably shouldn't eat anything from this place, but his deer brain was telling him to. They were juicy looking.

He bit into one, hearing it crunch.

"Hey Prongs," Sirius said, heaving as he stood hunched over. He was back to being human.

James crunched on his apple as he trotted over to his friend.

"Really?" He asked, "apples?"

James turned around and made his way back over to the tree, starting to crunch on apples again.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Let's just go get Moony. He passed out, " Sirius said, reaching up to his antlers and trying to heave himself onto his back.

James didn't really mind carrying Sirius on his back, but it was still a little annoying. He begrudgingly left the apples as he started to trot back the direction he came from. He came to a halt as he saw Peter leaned over a passed out Remus Lupin.

"Let's get him onto James back," Sirius said, hopping off of his back.


After getting the sack of potatoes onto James back, they slowly tried to sneak into Hogwarts. You'd wonder how you would sneak a whole ass deer into a school with three students, but they had the map with them. Avoiding people with spells and the map was easy enough. As they sneaked through the corridor, Peter and Sirius heaved the omega under their shoulders, letting James transform back to a human. They dragged Remus in through a secret entrance.

"Alright, give me the map," James said.

Peter handed it over. Sirius was busy trying to keep a heavy and lanky Remus upwards.

"Wormtail," Sirius said, "would you take off his shoes?"

"Why would he do that?" James asked.

Sirius dragged Remus a few paces, demonstrating that his steel toed shoes made a clanking noise as they skid over crevices in the floor.

"Oh," Peter said, stealing the shoes from Remus.

They situated themselves as James looked at the map. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw a name on the map. He cursed as he read it.

"You guys need to go ahead. Peter, take the map. Sirius will carry Moony to the dorms," James told them.

Sirius cocked an eyebrow, questioning James sudden instructions, "What's wrong?"

"Little Padfoot is going to find us," James said. He motioned to his head boy badge, "I'm going to make sure he doesn't want to come out past curfew again."

"Oh," Peter said.

"James," Sirius said lowly, "if he gets in trouble his parents will-"

James nodded, understanding what he meant, "I'll just take him back to his room, then."

Sirius let out a sigh, "Thank you."

James handed Peter the map, patting him on the back. He started to jog away from his friends to where he knew little Regulas was. He pulled out his wand, casting a silent spell to make his footsteps silent like a ghosts. James listened for any sign of Regulas walking, but came to the conclusion that he was probably using a silent footstep spell as well. He sighed as quietly as he could, doing another check in the corridor. There were only a few classrooms down the corridor, then it was a dead end.

James casted a quick trip wire spell that would alert him if he tried to sneak past him. He used it a lot as a head boy, and it was really useful seeing as the wire was mist. If they didn't see the nearly invisible wire, then they probably wouldn't know about it. He checked behind a few desks and chairs, trying to find the loose omega before a teacher or that crotechy old man finds him, and gets him in trouble with his parents.

James repreced a shiver as he remembered Sirius describing his parents punishments after a nightmare. It bothered James that he couldn't do much about the abuse that those so called parents deemed acceptable. It had already been done.

Sure, Regulas hated James and Sirius with all his heart, but knowing what he knew about his parents, he wasn't very comfortable with him getting in trouble at school.

Every point that Regulas lost, or Sirius had gained, every word spoken out of turn, any disobedience was an hour locked in a dark room with little to no food. If a teacher caught Regulas, then they would probably take off 50 points.

He heard a bang from the next room, causing him to spin around and take off towards he sound. He whipped out his wand.

"Come out," James said, "head boy."


James sighed, scanning the room as he closed the door behind him. He felt guilty for manipulating who he assumed to be Regulas, "Come on now, I could either give you 100 points off for being out after curfew, or I could be nice and give you only 20 points."

A hand peeked out from on top of the desk, letting a shaky Regulas stand up. Regulas glared at James, standing tall. The fifth year crossed his arms as he tried to be slick.

"Ah, little Black," James teased, "I hope you've been eating your borocoli."

"Shove off."

James paused, thinking to himself. This was the perfect time to get some information for Sirius. They were alone, and if James could convince Regulas to come live with them at the Potter manor, then maybe he could save Regulas.

"Nah," James said, "I want to talk."

"Well I don't," Regulas snapped.

James was going to hate himself if Regulas refused to break.

"Fine then. 50 points," he said, "unless you want to talk and change my mind."

"Oh, fuck off!" Regulas snarled angrily at him.

James stared at him, seeing how he crossed his arms and shakes a little. His breath was unsteady, and his eyebrows were tied together in a knot. He could read Sirius very well, so Regulas wasn't very hard to read. They had the same demeanor.

He was scared.

James didn't blame him.


Regulas's expression broke for a second before repairing itself, "Fine! You're an asshole, you know? What do you want!"

"Then answer my question," James said, "are you eating properly? Ecspesially over the summer?"

"Are you implying that my parents aren't feeding me?" He said defensively.

"Never said anything about your parents," James said, "answer the question, will ya?"

"I guess?" He asked, "why the fuck do you want to know?"

"Why do you swear so much?"

"I do not!" Regulas snapped.

James raised his eyebrow, "Sure. So, why are you out here at this hour?"

Regulas paused for a few seconds, "I needed a moment."


"Blacks don't get nightmares," Regulas said weakly.

Sure, James thought to himself, Sirius totally wakes up screaming because of his dreams about butterflies and flowers.

"Is that all?" Regulas says, returning to a nearly blank tone again.

"Right, I'm sorry," James apologized. James studied him for a few more seconds before smirking, "Good little Black. No points taken off for you. Now, let's get you back to your dorm room now, shall we?"

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