The Pack (Assassins creed x R...

By Juniperlives43

71.6K 1.8K 766

A young girl has experienced almost everything the world has to offer from good to evil. The one thing keepin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
What do you think?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New Book

Chapter 12

2.7K 68 39
By Juniperlives43

I jump out of the jeep, closing the door behind me, looking out at the site as people dug through the sand, a semi large structure behind them. It was definitely the bass of a pyramid. I walked around the men, looking around for a man that I've seen in the picture Stella showed me. I waited for the others to climb out of the vehicle, stretching their legs out as I look around some more. 

"I should've brought my sunglasses." I mumble, as I take my hand, putting them over my eyes to block out the sun, allowing me to see just a little better. 

"Ah, Dr. (L/N)!" I hear a voice shout. I look over seeing a man with dark brown hair and beard, light skin, and light brown eyes. He wore similar clothing to mine, except his white shirt seemed to be stained with the sand's color. 

I smile at him, walking up to him, meeting him half way. He held out his hand, "Mathew Young, I'm the one that found this place." He introduced himself. 

"It's nice to meet you Dr. Young." I say with a soft smile, shaking his hand with my own. "Now where is the painting? I would like to see it in person." 

"Of course, come with me." Dr. Young said with a small nod, gesturing for us to follow. "I thought you worked alone Dr. (L/N)?"

"I usually do yes, but I thought having a few trusted people tag along would be a good change of pace." I answered, walking by his side. "Maybe it will actually make this a bit more ... safer." 

"I couldn't help but agree with you. I nearly stumbled onto six traps just entering  into that temple." Dr. Young spoke with a shake of his head. "Luckily the natives were able to warn me in time before anything could happen." 

'Amateur.' I couldn't help but think, rolling my eyes, while looking around as the natives carried up bags of sand before dumping it. "What are they doing?" I ask, gesturing to the natives, watching them move back and forth. 

"Well ... this may sound a little crazy but ... ever since we discovered the pyramid it has been, let's say, been trying to rebury itself." Dr. Young answered, as the wind begin to pick up, pushing sand off the mound causing it to fall against on of the walls of the pyramid. "Sand storms have been more frequent and threatened to bury this pyramid once more." 

Dr. Young led us through the entrance of the pyramid, the temperature dropping as we stepped inside the dark, shaded area. Protected from the sun's heat from above. "Have you immobilized the traps?" I questioned, beginning to look around along the ground, looking for anything suspicious. 

"Yes, well the ones all the way up to the painting that is." Dr. Young answered with a small shrug causing me to nod in approval. He led us through the ruined entrance, statues of what looks to be Bastet and Anubis held up the ceiling. 

"Who are they?" I hear Connor question, gesturing to the woman with a cat head and tail, along with the one with the man with a jackal as its head. 

"That." I gestured to the goddess Bastet. "Is Bastet. She is the goddess of cats, home, domesticity, fertility, woman's secrets, and childbirth. She is usually depicted as a black cat with golden eyes wearing a gold collar and wristbands. Or a woman with a cat head and tail." I then gesture to Anubis, "That is Anubis, he is the god of the dead. He is usually depicted like this, with a head of a jackal. Egyptians of the past usually make statues of him in tombs of pharos in hopes to help the pharos reach the underworld." 

I then look over at Bastet confused, "Although ... I don't know why Bastet is here? I don't think I have ever seen her in a pharos tomb, a statue of her anyway." 

"I found that odd as well." Dr. Young stated, glancing over towards me. "Although, not as odd as this." He stated, walking through another door into a lit up room used by lanterns. 

I gawked in awe as the statues of each of the great gods on either side of the room were lined up, each of them holding up the ceiling. The only god that was missing was the sun god himself, Ra. In the middle of the room on the floor was the picture Stella showed me, but I wasn't interested in that anymore. 

I had to turn my head to look at each of the gods individually, they were all still in good shape, no cracks ... no crumbles. It was like age hadn't reached them, like as if they were just built today. "This is amazing." I breathed out with a bright smile. 

I then look down at the picture to see writing I didn't notice before, I crouch down, brushing the sand away to look at the words more clearly. But ... I didn't get the chance to read them until a native ran in saying something rapidly in Arabic. 

I look confused for a moment till Altair spoke, "He says there are black trucks outside and men with guns." Altair then looked over at me, "They are requesting to talk to the person in charge." 

"Welp, let's not keep them waiting shall we?" I question with a small smile, walking out towards the exit. Shay and Haytham followed right behind along with Connor and Altair. Dr. Young followed us out as well, but left quickly saying his goodbye, everyone else stayed inside the temple to both Haytham's and Altair's request. 

I look over seeing a few large black jeeps parked along the dunes, men with guns climbed out of them. "Hold up lass." Shay called out, struggling to keep up with me as he slipped on the sand, nearly falling back down towards the temple. 

I glare at the truck as I see a familiar symbol on the side door, "Abstergo." I growled, glaring at an old man which was dressed in a white suit step out of the jeep. 

"Who are they?" Haytham questioned, glaring at them as well as some shoved the natives away if they got too close. 

"Let's just say they are stuck up historians who like to steal peoples work. I got kicked off of my own works because of them." A small smirk played on my lips, "But not this time as I got the backing of the higher ups." 

"Ah Dr. (L/N), glad to see you." The old man spoke with a cheerful smile which made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. He then seemed to freeze in step, a shocked look forming on his face as he looked at Haytham and Shay, seeming to recognize them. 

I raise a brow, "What are you doing here?" I question, gaining his attention on me instead of them. Altair pulled the hood more over his head while Connor shrinked his head down slightly, both of them seeming to notice what I noticed. 

"We came to take over what you've started." He spoke with a cheerful tone. 

I faked my best smile saying, "Sorry buddy, but this one is mine. Ordered by the president himself." I then couldn't help but smile smugly as the old man's smile turned into a frustrated frown. 

Then a small smile formed along his lips as he gave me a small nod, "I see." He then glanced at both Haytham and Shay giving them a respectful nod, "May the father of understanding guide us." 

I looked at him confused, not noticing the shocked expression from the four men, instead watching the old man turn away heading back towards the trucks. My eyes then narrow as he begin talking to one of his men carrying an assault rifle. "He's not leaving." I growled, before whirling around, catching the others attention in the process. "Come one, let's get to work."

I lead them back down to the temple where the others waited patiently, some of them, specifically Henry, Malik, and Evie, were looking around the area while the others were just sitting around seeming to not know what to do. 

"What was that about?" Jacob questioned, scurrying up to his feet from where he sat on the ground. 

"Abstergo, basically an organization trying to steal my job." I growl, walking over to the painting in the middle of the room, looking down at the writing. "They wanted to kick me out ... like always."

"Now we believe they are going to chase us out by force." Connor commented, crossing his arms. "They have men and weapons." He added with a small shake of his head. 

Edward cursed under his breath before asking, "How long do we have?" 

"Knowing them." I look over at him, giving him a cold look, "Not long." 

"So we find the staff before they do." Jacob stated, as if it was the most simple thing to do. 

"Jacob it's not that simple. We have to go through this entire place first." Evie scowled, giving her brother a small hit on the shoulder before gesturing around the place. 

"Well there are twelve of us which means twenty four pairs of eyes." Jacob stated, gesturing to all of us. "If we start in certain sections of the room we could get down to it quickly." 

"Then we better start now ... before they decide to start their invasion early." Haytham stated, clasping his hands behind his back. 

Altair was about to say something till I stepped in saying, "Took the words right out of my mouth. Everyone choose your own section of the temple and start searching." 

Everyone nodded, without any complaints everyone separated except for Altair and Connor who were looking at each other with a knowing look before looking at me. "(Y/N) ... we have to tell you something." Altair spoke, taking a step towards me. 

I raise a brow, "About?" 

"That man is a Templar." Connor stated, taking a few steps towards me. 

I look at the both of them confused, "I thought the Templar Order was ... demolished?"

Altair shook his head, "I was wrong, I believe they just renamed themselves Abstergo or are just using Abstergo to cover up their true intentions." 

"Well how did you know? Was there a symbol on them or something?" I question, crossing my arms while leaning on one hip. 

"It was that phrase, the last thing he said. That is what Templars say when a meeting is adjourned or they wish each other luck." Altair then let out a sigh, glancing to where Haytham and Shay were talking to one another as they looked around. "This time it was to let them two know they were Templars, as if to say welcome back brother." 

"What are you implying?" Connor questioned, glaring at Altair. 

"I'm saying that they might turn on us. They could take the staff and give it to their Templar friends." Altair spoke coldly, while I looked over at them myself, a sad look sparkling in my (e/c) eyes. 

"No." I spoke before Connor could argue as I turn to look back at Altair. "They have not prove themselves to be any danger to any of us. Like the saying goes nowadays, people are innocent until proven guilty." I tell them both. 

Altair let out a sigh, looking away towards the ground, "Fine, but ... just keep an eye on them and don't be surprised if they turn." 

I nod in understanding, "Thank you for your concern Altair." He nodded, before walking away, heading towards an empty spot that wasn't being searched. 

"You alright Connor?" I asked, looking up at him with a soft smile as he was looking down at the floor. 

"Yes ... thank you." He said with a small nod before walking away. 

I let out a sigh, before turning back towards the picture, crouching down, slipping my backpack off my shoulders as I take out a soft brush. I use it to sweep away the sand, allowing myself to see the wording better. I look back up towards Haytham and Shay who were still talking to one another, Altair's words ringing in my head. 

I shake my head, looking back down at the picture, continuing to brush the sand away. I still couldn't help but wonder what Haytham and Shay were talking about. I really don't think they would ever turn but ... there was still that little voice warning me, saying Altair's words could be very true. 

Haytham's POV

"Master Kenway, I really don't think we should-" 

I hold up my hand, stopping Shay from talking any further, before I place my hand back behind my back. "I know Shay, I am aware." I say, my eyes gazing along the images on the wall, looking for any clues or mention of the staff. "I don't think we should join them either." I say, looking back towards my father and son. 

Shay looked at me in surprise, "Really? I thought it would take more to convince ya." Shay spoke, following me as I turned my gaze onto a statue with a humanoid person with the head of a crocodile. 

"When I found out my son was an assassin ... I couldn't bring myself to kill him." I spoke, looking away towards the ground before looking up at Shay. "I was hoping we could find a way to have peace between us ... but Connor wanted Charles dead more than anything." 

"And now ya have a chance on bonding with him." Shay spoke with a small smile. "And your father." 

"What about you? Why don't you want to join them Shay?" I ask, I was rather curious why the ex-assassin wanted to stay with the assassins. 

"I left the assassins because they were messin with the wrong sites and could've actually destroyed the world." Shay explained with a small shrug. "I just wanted to prevent them or anyone from messing with those sites." 

I nodded, a small smile forming along my face. "That is understandable." A small sigh escaped me as my gaze wondered over towards Altair who was talking with Malik and Ezio. "I feel like it's going to be harder for us to prove ourselves now after that little experience." 

Shay shook his head gesturing to (Y/N) who was brushing off the sand from the picture, "I don't think so Master Kenway. It might just make things much easier, all we have to do is stay on their side and prevent Abstergo from obtaining the staff." He smirked as he watched (Y/N), "Plus, as long as the lass believes in us we'll gain their trust eventually." 

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat down with my legs crossed, opening up my journal, writing down the translation of the ancient writing to English. I shoved my pencil back into my bag, looking down at the words, reading them out loud, "Without the sky there would be no sun, without the sun there would be no sky. Their love is beyond mortals knowledge, the sun and sky never leave each others side." 

I let out a groan, "Ugh that doesn't even make since, it sounds like a riddle." That's when my eyes widen in realization, looking back down my journal. "It's a riddle." I smile, I always loved riddles ever since I was a kid, my father would make some up for me to figure out by either using clues or my common knowledge. 

I look down at the painting, staring specifically at the staff. "Sun and sky?" I question, my eyebrows contorted into concentration as I dug through my mind. 

Ok this is Egypt, so it has to relate to something Ancient Egyptians would know. Now this would also has to relate to the staff as this pyramid was first used to hold the staff. The staff was named the Staff of Anubis but was then renamed the Staff of Ra. So it relates something to Ra, he was the sun god so that mean he's the sun. 

I stand up onto my feet, looking around, looking at each of the gods thinking, 'Now that means the sky has to refer to a god. But who?' I question, glaring at each of the statues in frustration. Then I spot a woman wearing a sun crown similar to Ra, she was the only one that wasn't holding up the ceiling. 

"Of course, Ra's wife, Hathor goddess of the sky." I walk up to her, noticing Haytham was examining her statue. Haytham noticed my presence, watching me intently as I looked around the statue, excitement gleaming in my eyes. I then noticed something circular by her feet, I brush the sand away with my hands. 

I smile, pressing the stone in with my hand, the statue shook, shaking sand off as it shook. I stepped back, watching as the statue slid back, revealing a dark tunnel, similar to a slide, below. "Yes!" I cheered, running back to my backpack, picking it up, closing the journal as I went, catching the others attention. 

"Well done." I hear Haytham say, clasping his hands behind his back as I walk back up to his side, slipping my backpack over my shoulders after shoving my journal back into the bag. 

"What now?" Henry questioned, looking down at the tunnel, seeming unsure. 

"Now." I took a step towards the opening, a small smile forming along my lips as I slid my phone out of my back pocket before putting it into the top pocket of the backpack. "We jump in." I say, jumping down into the tunnel, letting out a delighted scream as I was proven right. The tunnel was like a slide, I easily slid down, hearing the others join in, the statue closing up just before the soldiers of Abstergo showed up. 

My eyes widened slightly as a gap formed between the tunnel I was in and the different tunnels ahead. I caught air for a few moments before sliding down the one in the far right, Haytham tagging along with me. The the tunnels seemed to rotate, having Altair, Jacob, and Arno end up in that tunnel. Before it seemed to rotate again; having Evie, Henry, and Malik go down that tunnel. The tunnels rotated once more; having Shay, Ezio, Edward, and Connor go down that one before the tunnels rotates once more, back to the one I went down on. 

I slid down the long tunnel into a dark room, crashing onto the hard sandstone floor, belly first. Once my body made impact with the ground, the air got knocked out of my lungs. I hear someone coming down behind me, I immediately rolled out of the way before the person could come crashing on top of me. I pull out my phone, turning it on flashlight mode. I point it towards the person to see Haytham, pushing himself off the ground. 

I then point it back up towards the tunnel, looking for the others before sighing, "Guess it's just us two." 

"Guess so." Haytham replied, brushing off the sand from his clothes. I pointed my phone down the hallway, to see it was a square like shape, traveling straight. I shrug, "Guess there is only one way to go." I begin walking down the hallway, keeping my eyes or really eye out for any traps. Hopefully the others are ok. 

Altair's POV

I crashed onto the hard ground, feeling someone or really a few someones crash on top of me. "Get off!" I growl, shoving both of them away, not being able to see who they are. 

"Bloody hell relax, it's just me and frenchie." I hear Jacob reply, sounding slightly annoyed. 

"Please don't call me that." I hear Arno respond, sounding unamused. 

"Ok ... frenchie." Jacob responded, I could already imagine a smirk forming along his face. 

"Will both of shut up." I spoke coldly. "Does anyone have a light we can use?" I question, looking in the direction I heard them talking. 

"Yep!" I hear Jacob reply cheerfully as a screen lit up from his direction, revealing his face, I believe (Y/N) called it, a phone. I watch as Jacob pressed something on the phone, before the front of the phone started showing light, lighting up the area around us and ahead of us. 

Arno begin to look around confused, "Where are the others?" 

"The tunnels changed right after (Y/N) and Haytham went down the first tunnel." I state, looking back at the tunnel. "I suspect they changed again after we went down." 

"Well, there is only one way to go lads." Jacob said, gesturing towards the square hallway, taking the lead as Arno and I followed right behind him. 

"How did you get a phone?" Arno questioned while I nodded in agreement. 

"(Y/N) gave it to me, she said I was smarter in the technology department than the rest of you ... which is true." Jacob answered, giving us a smug grin. "Now c'mon lads." Jacob spoke, picking up the pace. 

'Great ... I have to deal with these two morons. At least Malik gets the easier bunch.' 

Maliks's POV

I let out a small groan as Evie and Henry basically started flirting with one another as they walked down the hallway. I looked along the wall, seeing old markings of words along the wall. I let out a small sigh, "(Y/N) would've known what they say." 

Then I notice something catch my eye, I see a person holding the Staff of Ra, seeming to give it to a man with an eagle as its head who took it. I looked at the next picture than the next, watching with interest as the pictures told a story. 

The eagle guy then gave the staff to someone who seemed to make another one looking similar to it. But that's all I could see as the rest of it was faded away. 'They made two? But why?' 

Ezio's POV

"Do you think this is a precursor site?" Shay asked as we walked along the dark, Connor leading the way as he had a glow stick which (Y/N) gave him. It didn't offer much light, but as least we could see just a little bit. 

"Who knows to be honest." Edward answered, looking around the hallway. 

I then feel my foot hit a wire, causing it to snap, "Get down!" I warned, causing everyone to duck just in time to avoid a flying arrow which bounced off the other wall harmlessly, falling onto the ground. 

"Forgot this place had traps everywhere." Connor huffed, pointing his glow stick towards the ground, looking for anymore tripwires. 

"Let's just hope we get the tunnel with the most traps." I comment. "That way (Y/N) and the others could have less trouble on their hands." I mostly meant (Y/N) but I can't let them know that now can I? 

(Y/N)'s POV

I continued walking down the hallway, Haytham walking by my side. "So ... how has ... your stay been?" I asked, glancing over at Haytham, before keeping my eyes on the ground and along the wall, trying to start a conversation ... now that I got the chance to talk with him. 

"It has been delightful, thank you for allowing us to stay." He spoke formally, giving me a small nod. 

"O-of course." I stuttered out, giving him a small smile before concentrating back down to the floor. 

Silence fell over us once more, I tried to think of something else to say, stepping over a tripwire in the process, Haytham seemed to notice the small contraption as well, stepping over the thin wire. "How did you come to be your profession?" I hear Haytham ask, interrupting my thought process. 

I look over at him with a smile, "When I first watched Indiana Jones." He looked at me confused, not seeming to know what it was. "It is a movie about an archeologist named Indiana Jones going on different adventures. Hunting down historical artifacts and making sure the Nazis and other bad people don't get ahold of them. It was all fiction but I fell in love with the idea." I explain to him, which he seemed to nod in understanding. "I wanted adventure along with discovering new things in history and educating others about it, putting it in a museum or returning village's ancient artifacts." I say, looking back ahead. 

"Is that how you got your scar ... from one of your adventures?" Haytham questioned. 

I shrug, "Sort of ... I got my scar when I was very young. I think I was ... seven?" I say, looking around the hallway, looking at the many different drawings, most were with Ra or Hathor or even Anubis. 

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Haytham stated, sticking to my side, studying my features as I look down at the ground. 

Honestly ... I don't see why it's so much trouble to just get myself to talk about it. Sure it was a traumatizing experience as a kid but, after I got out of the hospital I was proud of my scar and told my family members the story all the time. I got my scar saving my sister, so I looked at my scar like it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I guess what really got to me was the kids ... my supposed friends, they looked down on it, saw it as ugly. 

Jasper was the only one that thought it was cool, when I told him the story he told me exactly how I used to feel, that I should be proud of it. But ... I was still scared to tell my story of it, for others didn't react too kindly of me speaking about it to their kids or them. They said I scared them, which Jasper would stand up for me, but the parent's words still got to me, telling me I should never share that story ever. Saying I would chase other people away and make them get nightmares and so on. So I kept my mouth shut, like a good child that I am, too afraid to get scolded by a teacher, picked on by a student, or get called out on it by someone. 

Now it's time to break that dumb, pathetic fear. I took a deep breath in and out, "My little sister and I were going off trail. I wanted to show her a cave that I found, the same cave I found the pendant in. Once we were in the cave, a mountain lion trapped us in. It lunged for my sister so I did any sensible sibling would do, and pushed her out of the way, taking the hit for her." I spoke quickly, so quickly that I was afraid that Haytham didn't catch any of it.

"That is..." I waited for his words to be something along the line of, "That's too traumatizing don't speak of it again" or "Just that? Really, yeah that story is too lame. I wouldn't tell other people that." 

But instead he said with a smile, "That is very noble of you. I don't think even I would've done the same thing at your age." I looked up at Haytham, as he gave me a soft look. "I probably would've felt useless in that situation." 

I laugh lightly, "Oh please, you would've done the same thing." He just smiled, his blue eyes looking into my own (e/c) orbs. "You're family oriented, I can tell by the way you act around your son and father." I say softly, giving him a warm smile. "You care about them a lot."

All of a sudden, my foot didn't step onto solid ground, but instead air. I look down in fear, nearly causing me to drop my phone, as I struggled to regain my balance. Haytham wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me back into his muscular chest, helping me regain my balance. 

I let out a sigh of relief, my heart drumming against my chest hard, "Are you alright?" 

I look up, seeing Haytham look down at me with worry, his arm still wrapped around my waist. I gulped, hoping the darkness would hide the blush beginning to form along my cheeks. "Y-yeah. I'm fine, thanks." I stuttered out. 

Haytham nodded, pulling away from me as he instead looked down into what looks like a pit. I pointed my flashlight down into it, seeing metal spikes sticking out of it, the pit itself was at least a single lane street wide, meaning two small cars could fit in the pit side my side. 

I notice Haytham backed up a few paces, before bolting forward, going full sprint. "Haytham wait!" I scream out, trying to stop him. But it was too late as he leapt over the pit with ease, before landing toe first onto the other side, jogging a bit of way before turning around and walking back to the edge. 

I gapped, my jaw dropping in shock causing Haytham to have a smug grin to form along his lips. "Your turn." He spoke, nodding from me to come over. 

I shake my head, "There is no way I can make that jump." I have jumped over pits yes ... but not one this large. 

"C'mon it's not that bad." Haytham said with a shrug. 

"Easy for you to say!" I shout, looking down at the pit nervously. 

"You just need a running start is all." He then adjusted his feet, holding out his arms, nodding towards me. "I'll catch you." 

I let out a sigh, there is no way around this one. I jog back a few paces, before looking back forward, mentally preparing myself. I then glare ahead, determination sparkling in my eyes as I bolt forward. Pushing my foot off the edge, jumping over the pit and landing into Haytham's arms, as he quickly pulled me towards him and away from falling in to the pit. 

"See not so bad." Haytham said, steadying me before placing his hands behind his back, smug grin on his face. 

I huffed, crossing my arms, "Whatever, I still basically had a heart attack mid jump." 

"Oh don't be dramatic." Haytham said with a small chuckle, while I relaxed my stance, giggling myself. 

We walked away from the pit side by side, conversing with one another about random things like food, music, and even at one point different animals we saw. We were laughing and just enjoying each others company as we walked, casually avoiding traps like it was a normal thing to do. 

Well ... that was until my phone was starting to die as we just reached a fork in the road. One path leading right while the other leading left. "Oh c'mon phone don't fail me now." I say as the phone started loosing its percentage. 

"Which way?" Haytham questioned, looking down both hallways, both of them looking the exact same. The only thing different about them was the fact they led in different directions. 

"I don't know." I say, trying my best to reach for my book about the Staff of Ra before my phone ran out of battery. However, I was too late as the phone died, leaving us in the pitch dark. "Haytham?" I question, trying to find any sign of him in the dark. 

"I'm here." I hear him say, sounding like as if he was next to me, as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief before saying, "What do we do now?"

As if to answer my question, my pendant started glowing brightly through my shirt, I took the star like pendant out of my shirt. Once I did so, it lit up the room, just slightly dimmer than my phone flashlight but still was able to show the two hallways. 

"Huh ... interesting." Haytham and I comment as the same time, looking down at the pendant as it glowed brightly. 

I then notice a figure out of the corner of my eye, I look over seeing a man with caramel skin wearing light clothing, a hawk perched on his shoulders. Outlining him was a golden glow, standing out in the darkness of the hallway to the left. Haytham followed my gaze, looking around confused, "What is it? What do you see?" 

"You mean you don't see him?" I question, looking over at Haytham confused. 

"See who?" He questioned, his blue eyes glistening in confusion. 

I look back over, still seeing the man. He smiled at me, before gesturing me to follow him as he begin to walk down the hallway. I follow him, walking into the left hallway, Haytham grabbing onto my arm, stopping me. "Are you sure this is the right way?" He questioned calmly. 

I looked back at the man who had stopped, looking back at me. My gut was screaming for me to follow him, saying that he was safe. I look back over at Haytham before nodding, "It is." 

Haytham let out a sigh, nodding as he pulled his hand away from my arm, "Lead the way." I followed after the stranger, his hawk somehow remaining balanced on his shoulders as he walked. That's when I noticed the hidden blades around his wrists, they looked similar to the ones I've seen all the others have, even Haytham and Shay. The cloth over his head, representing a hood, reminded me of them as well. 

Haytham's POV

I walked by her side, watching as she seemed to still be staring at something ahead, but all I could see is darkness and the golden light from the pendant. I also noticed her eyes shone a slight gold around the pupils, even her scars along her blind eye glistened like gold. I didn't say anything, thinking it was just the light from the pendant. 

Something is strange about that pendant however, I have never seen anything like it, yet I don't think it is a piece of eden either but rather something else. It's different and doesn't have the usual markings on it like the rest of the pieces of eden. It got me thinking, if the ones that came before ... didn't actually make this item. 

(Y/N)'s POV

I followed the mysterious man, not questioning as he made a few turns whenever we got to a fork in the road. Eventually however, he disappeared, causing me to stop. "He's gone." I say, watching as a few golden flurries flew down to the ground where he was once standing. 

"Gone?" Haytham questioned, sounding confused. I then noticed light ahead, ignoring Haytham as he started talking ... about something, walking towards the light. "(Y/N) are you even listening?" Haytham questioned as I began to walk away. 

He followed right behind me, rolling his eyes, as I stepped out into a well lit room with the ground giving away, only revealing the ground far bellow, a bridge leading towards what looks like a golden coffin. I walked onto the bridge, looking over to see the ground, a stream running through the area. The markings along the wall shimmered in gold as they provide the light, but what also provided light was a hole up in the corner, having the sun's light reach down onto the coffin. 

I walk up to the golden coffin, seeing the Staff of Ra itself resting on top of it. I grabbed a hold of it, pulling it out of its hold before examining it. It looked exactly like the drawing in the book, except something is ... off about it. "This is it." I whispered out, looking over at Haytham with a smile which he returned. 

"(Y/N)! Haytham!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I look over to see Jacob walking along the bridge, Jacob slipping his phone in his pocket. 

"Hey guys! Where did you go?" I ask, adjusting my grip on the staff. 

"Down a tunnel of stupidity." Altair growled coldly, crossing his arms. 

"Hey lads!" I look over the edge to see Edward looking up towards us, Malik and the others by his side. I smile down at them, gesturing them to come on up. They climbed up, Malik having to cling to Connor's back for most of the way. "Not a word novice." Malik growled, glaring at Altair who was holding back a laugh.

"So that's the staff?" Evie questioned, walking over to examine the staff herself. 

"Yep." I stated cheerfully with a bright smile. I then look up towards the opening, a smile forming along my face, "Now let's get out of here." I begin to walk towards the opening, looking up towards the small ledge in the rock close to the opening. I toss the staff up there, the staff landing onto the ledge before I started climbing up towards the staff, the others watching below. 

"Now what do we have here?" I look up see a man with dark brown hair, lightly tanned skin with a stubbled beard, and ice blue eyes pointing a gun down towards me, a smirk along his features. 

"(Y/N)!" I hear Haytham call out to me, slipping his own gun that I didn't even know he had, out of his halter, pointing it at the man. 

"Bye, bye, nuisance." He stated with a smirk, a loud bang echoing across the pyramid as my grip loosened. 

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