Love and Loss (The Fun Gilber...

By Jbic02

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Jessica Gilbert has finally graduated high school and has decided to attend the University of New Orleans wit... More

Chapter 1- End Of Summer
Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 3- Tangled Up in Blue
Chapter 4- Girl In New Orleans
Chapter 5- Playing My Own Side
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Bloodletting
Chapter 8- The River in Reverse
Chapter 9- Ever The Savior
Chapter 10- Runaway Witch
Chapter 11- Après Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 12- Transitions and Choices
Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 14- The Devil Inside
Chapter 15-Guilt & Anger Make Bad Bedfellows
Chapter 16- An Unblinking Death
Chapter 17- A Closer Walk With Thee
Chapter 18- The Battle of New Orleans
Chapter 19- From a Cradle to a Grave
Cast Part 2
Chapter 20- I'll Remember/Rebirth
Chapter 21- Yellow Ledbetter/ Alive and Kicking
Chapter 22- Prison World Blues (Part 1)
Chapter 23-Prison World Blues (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Back From the Dead
Chapter 25- Why, Kai, Why?
Chapter 26- Merging
Chapter 27- Clifford the Big Red Door
Chapter 28- Links and Bonds
Chapter 29- Friends-giving
Chapter 30- Weddings and Hexes
Chapter 31- Long Lost Sisters
Chapter 32- Taking Chances
Chapter 33- Hateful Reunions
Chapter 34- Plots and Tricks
Chapter 35- Staying One Step Ahead
Chapter 36- Different Sides
Chapter 37- Friend or Foe?
Chapter 39- The Final Battle
Chapter 40- The Aftermath
Beacon Falls

Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother

459 13 0
By Jbic02

3rd Person P.O.V.

Everyone sits on various pieces of furniture in the courtyard of the compound as they try to comprehend what Cami has just told them. Jessica is the first to recover, not about his plan because she had guessed his moves to a tee, minus the whole almost killing Meredith part, but she needed to tamper down the jealousy that Klaus had told his plan to Cami and not her. She finally shakes off the silly thoughts and speaks.

"So Klaus isn't working for Dahlia, as I said, and is planning to convince her to link herself to him while she waits for Hope to become old enough and as soon as the spell is complete, he plans to dagger himself taking Dahlia down with him."

"That's what he said, yes," Cami affirms and Jessica smiles, happy that she knew Nik so well, but Meredith is still confused.

"Right, we get his plan, but you said that you knew how I came back." Cami frowns.

"Well, he didn't say exactly how he did it but he said that you would come back and that Jessica would understand how."

"But she doesn't," Meredith claims and Jessica frowns while she tries to understand what Cami is talking about, when it hits her.

"Actually I do," she says, a bright smile forming on her face as she turns to everyone in the group, including Alaric, who had arrived in a very confused state upon seeing a living Meredith after being told she was dead. "When I gave Kol his magic back, it was because I was able to infuse it into his ashes before I resurrected his body and since I couldn't kill Nik to do the same, I gave him a ring infused with my magic instead."

"That's great and all but it took me weeks just to understand the basics of the magic you use. How would Nik be able to do a spell this powerful without any practice?" Kol demands, jealous that his brother is better than him at magic. Magic was meant to be Kol's forte and here is Nik stealing his thunder, yet again. He loves his brother, adores him, even though he'd never admit it aloud, but Klaus had already robbed him of a chance to be with Jessica and he hates that he's better than him at magic.

Jessica gives him a playful look as though she is reading his mind and if he didn't know how much she hated doing that, he might suspect that she was doing just that. "When you were human, Nik was jealous of your ability to do magic because he could feel it but couldn't use it, so I took it upon myself to teach him. He never had the opportunity to learn spirit magic so he grasped it a lot faster, not to mention that he had more time. As for the spell he used, he knew that it would work because he had already used it before."

"What do you mean? When did Nik ever resurrect someone and who?" Rebekah questions.

"Me," Jessica answers. "When Mikael killed me after I took the blame for what happened to Henrik after he tried to kill Klaus, Mikael drove a sword through my heart. I may have been born in this timeline but if I die in the past, like really die, I stay dead. When Mikael killed me, I would've stayed dead but Klaus used the magic I had taught him to bring me back. That's how he knew that the spell would work on Meredith."

"Great, I'm glad we've got that all cleared up but we need to get to the bayou, Klaus has to have been there by now and something is wrong, I can feel it," Aiden insists and Jessica's face twists in sympathy.

"He already got to the wolves. He used the bond Hayley created in the unification ceremony so all he had to do was curse her and all the other wolves would follow."

"Why didn't it affect me?" Aiden asks in shock and Vivianne smiles at him.

"Because Jessica slipped a moonlight ring she made onto your finger because she was worried you might not be apart of the unification since you died. You are, but thanks to that ring, the curse won't affect you unless you take it off."

"Well thanks, I guess, but there has to be something we can do for the wolves."

"I don't think we need to," Rebekah inputs. "I don't think he intends for the curse to stick, that's why he only put it on Hayley."

"What makes you so sure?" Marcel asks, giving her a loving look, happy that his Rebekah is back.

Rebekah smiles at him lovingly before turning her smile to her best friend. "Because Nik is planning his revenge around Jessica. He knows that she is the one person who would never doubt him no matter how damning the evidence."

"She's right," Kol agrees. "Think about it, he told Cami that Jessica would know how he brought Meredith back. He never expected her to believe she lost her sister and he knows that she's more powerful than even Dahlia. If they have Hope, he's going to need someone to get her so she isn't by herself when he daggers himself-"

"And Dahlia would be sure to do a blocking spell and those are hard to fight no matter how powerful you are," Freya cuts him off, looking at the brunette who she hadn't really trusted but knew was the only reason Klaus ever trusted her. "So how do you plan to find them?" She questions. "Maybe with four witches we might have a chance-"

"First off, there are five witches and we can't do a locator spell. If we fight the blocking spell, even if we succeed, it will drain us all and we can't chance that when we go against Dahlia," Jessica insists.

"Then how do you propose we find him without a locator spell?" Freya queries snarkily.

"We don't need one because I know exactly where Nik is. Pale River Orchard."

Freya looks at her shocked. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because Nik may be able to convince Dahlia to link them but she'll take him to somewhere that magic is so strong that nobody will be able to detect it, but the only places that those exist are places where nature is so pure it generates magic, meaning I can feel the magic she is doing. The spell is almost complete so we need to get there so Hope isn't left alone for too long."

She shares a look with Kol, who nods and speeds her away to the orchard. They arrive just in time to see Klaus facing them while Dahlia faces him. He smiles at Jessica over Dahlia's shoulder before turning to his aunt. "Well... perhaps one more nap." Even though she is turned around, Jessica and Kol can sense her confusion as Klaus speeds the dagger from his jacket and stabs himself in the heart.

Jessica turns away, not wanting to see him like that, and as soon as she is sure he's done, she walks to find the car where Hope is waiting. Jessica can hear her crying and speeds towards her, taking her out of her car seat and into her arms as Kol approaches with Klaus thrown over his shoulder while he drags Dahlia by her ankle. "By God, that's a small trunk. However will we fit these two trouble makers in it?" He jokes while Jessica shakes her head at him.

"Just put them in, you know the trunk is big enough," she scolds while he shrugs his shoulders the best he can with Klaus on one.

"I personally don't think the car is big enough to hold Klaus' ego along with anything else. Maybe it's best we just leave him here." Jessica gives him a look and he chuckles as he throws Dahlia into the trunk before carefully laying his brother next to her. "I can't believe he would willingly allow himself to be daggered. I haven't seen the brother so willing to sacrifice himself for anyone else since we were human. I can't tell if it is you or Hope bringing this out, but I'm happy that my big brother is finally coming back to me," he says seriously and Jessica places Hope back in her car seat, as she is fast asleep, before hugging Kol.

"I like this side of you that Davina is seeming to bring out. It's been far too long since I've seen the little boy watching his beloved brother in awe, wishing to be just like him. The mischievous boy who was always being yelled at by Mikael for flirting with girls he viewed to be beneath him but who was always willing to host a distraction so Klaus could escape Mikael's wrath."

"Yeah, well, it's been a while since I've seen a brother who was worth it but I realize now why he was always daggering us," he confesses as they get into the car.

"Oh, and what's that?" Jessica side-eyes him and notices his glassy eyes as he tries not to shed tears.

"I always believed he did it because he wanted the control Mikael had always taken from him and he believed that we hadn't helped him enough and at first, that was a good enough reason for me, I understood it, but after a while, I began to hate him for keeping me trapped in that dreaded box as the centuries passed me by, but I understand it now. He always saw the daggers as a means of protection just as he views his own dagger. He used it to save Hope and he believed that by daggering us, he was protecting us from Mikael."

Jessica laughs knowing that he's right. "So how did you come to this very wise conclusion, Kol?"

He looks at her dryly but answers none the less. "When I watched him drive the dagger into his heart, it reminded me of the first time he daggered me. I was out of control and had killed so many people it had drawn our father's attention. Nik and Elijah came to collect me and I told them to leave without me. I believed that Mikael would've followed them and left me alone but when I was thinking about our past, I realized that every time I caused a distraction and Nik got away, Mikael would demand that I told him where he was or he would turn his whip on me. He almost did a few times, but Nik always got there just in the nick of time to save me from suffering the same fate as he did."

"And you realized that had they left you, Mikael would've tortured you for any information he could've gotten until he could use you as bait."

He nods. "Being stuck in nothing but emptiness as years pass you by may suck, but it's better than torture. I've done enough to know that I don't want to be on the other end of the knife and Nik always made sure that I never was. Of course, I would never tell him this because his ego is already too big, no need to add to it."

"Of course," Jessica agrees teasingly and Kol hits his shoulder into hers as they arrive at the compound with the bodies. As Kol goes to put Klaus' body safely back into his coffin, after Jessica gave him pleasant dreams of spending time with Hope, Jessica walks to the library to join the Mikaelson siblings along with Meredith and Vivianne as the others had left with Caroline, who took them to Kai to learn their part of Jessica's plan.

Elijah notices her first and begins to speak to her. "Camille told us that Klaus informed her that we had the wrong ingredients for the weapon, that's why it failed when I stabbed Dahlia but she didn't give us any specifics."

"Well did she say that you had the wrong recipe or simply the wrong ingredients?"

"Ingredients," Vivianne answers, knowing that the distinction is important. Jessica nods and turns to Freya.

"What are the ingredients, perhaps we missed something." Freya repeats them explaining where they got all the ingredients before finally coming to the last one.

"And finally the blood of the witch who broke her heart: me." Jessica sighs angrily and tries to reign in her temper. "I can't tell if you are angry at me or simply angry at the matter at hand."

Jessica shakes her head. "It's not you, Freya. You aren't the witch that broke her heart. The reason she made the cost of Esther's favor so high was because Esther broke her heart when she abandoned her to marry Mikael, which can you blame her? I too would be heartbroken if someone believed that Mikael was better company than me." Jessica notices the lack of amusement on Elijah and Freya's faces and frowns. "Sorry, not important. The point is that we need Esther's blood and to do that, we need to resurrect her and I don't know if we have the time."

"What do you mean?" Elijah asks, concerned.

"Dahlia is powerful, more so than Kaleb and Davina were. Maybe if Kol had his true magic or Davina was regent when they made the dagger it would be more powerful but as it is, Dahlia can overpower it and melt it down. Klaus bought us time but not enough for a resurrection."

Vivianne suddenly gets an idea. "Doesn't a regent have enough power to do one powerful spell?" She questions and everyone looks at her confused but Jessica catches on.

"Yeah, one powerful spell that's powerful enough to cross over the plane of the living and dead," Jessica agrees.

"So we can convince Davina to use that power to resurrect our mother, get her blood and then what, we have to deal with yet another wicked witch?" Rebekah demands but Jessica simply smiles at her.

"No, Kol convinces Davina to do the resurrection after receiving her body from the plantation where it was concentrated, and then as soon as she is awake, he knocks her out and takes her to the jazz club. There we convince her to help us."

"How? She only cares for herself," Freya insists and Jessica smiles sadly.

"When Nature first told me to kill her, I refused because she was like a mother to me when you were all human and I made her a deal that if she stopped her quest to eradicate vampires and turned away from the spirits and towards nature, she could live, but she refused because she was so desperate to put you all in separate bodies and I realized that her request wasn't coming from the spirits like it was last time. She didn't want to kill you all, she wanted to kill the Mikaelson line."

"Why?" Elijah asks and Jessica gives him a satisfied look.

"Because she thought Hope was dead and if there was no more Mikaelson line, Dahlia would never be able to come after you again. It took me a while to figure out but when Meredith told me that Esther offered Hayley a chance to have another child, I was confused because hybrids can procreate. I thought perhaps I was wrong but Nature confirmed it and I discovered that Esther wanted to protect you from Dahlia because she knew Dahlia would kill you all, and without the spirits whispering in her ear, she was able to remember her love for you."

"So you think we can convince Mother to help us take down Dahlia?" Rebekah questions, unsure, and Jessica shakes her head.

"No, I'm positive that we can convince Esther to help us and sacrifice herself in the process," she says with a grin and an evil glint in her eyes that makes Elijah and Freya nervous but Kol and Rebekah mirror her as they begin their tasks.

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