By RohithSaikumar

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-the legend More

ABDUL KALAM. _ The Legend

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By RohithSaikumar

That was 27th July 2015 in Shillong Dr. A.P.J Abdul kàlam left the world today the news came throughout the world. An Indian citizen who lives in the U.S.A he knew the news about kalam's death. He felt very sad then his son asked that "Dad who this kalam " then he said kalam is a genius of our world I will say about kalam's biography listen carefully


Rameswaram, Tamilnadu Jainulabiddin Marakayar, Ashiamma Jainulabiddin were the parents of Kalam . He has 3 elder brother&1 sister kalam got primary schooling at Rameswaram kalam had 4 best friends who are from Hindu family but they will bond a great friendship among them. He is a brilliant boy .one day a new teacher came to kalam's class. The teacher saw kalam was sitting with a Hindu person so the teacher ordered kalam to sit back. Kalam felt very sad then his friend's father who is the main priest at Rameswaram temple he called the teacher. Then the teacher came priest said that don't get the social barriers at the minds of innocents children.
Kalam science teacher Siva Subramanya Iyer called kalam to lunch at his home then-wife of the teacher didn't accept to eat at her kitchen so he dinned at the hall but she was observing kalam how he is eating after eating the lunch then the teacher asked to come next week to lunch again Next week kalam went to his house for luñch then his wife serve food with her own hands that's the kalam's behavior. He completed his school life then he asked his father to study higher classes but his father said that I don't have money to study you so please stop your studies but he wanted to study then his sister gave the money by selling her bangles kalam went to Madras(now Chennai)


Kalam went to Madras then he was selected in M.I.T(Madras institution of technology) he has selected aerospace engineering. One day a project was given to kalam by his teacher. The teacher was not satisfied by kalam's work teacher told to him again the next day to he have one week time to submit the project. Kalam did not sleep at nights one day teacher saw him work all over the night   
Then the teacher hugged him&went that project got selected.

The hard work of kalam gives this result in I.S.R.O


I.S.R.O (Indian Space Research Organisation) D.R.D.O(Defence Research and Development Organisation) first he got a job at D.R.D.O he worked for a nuclear project he succeeded in that then  he worked in missile project he succeeded in that he got the name missile man of India

During his tenure at DRDO, Kalam directed two projects namely Project Devil and Project Valiant, which aimed at developing ballistic missiles from the technology of SLV program. Kalam also played an instrumental role in developing missiles like Agni and Prithvi under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) of which he was the chief executive.

Kalam is also credited with playing a major role in the Pokhran-II nuclear tests, which were carried out during his stint as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and Secretary of the Defence Research and Development Organisation from July 1992 to December 1999. Kalam has even received the Bharat Ratna for his contributions to scientific research and modernization of defense technology in India.

Contribution of APJ Abdul Kalam to ISRO

Dr. Kalam was part of the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), which was set up by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, father of the Indian space program. INCOSPAR, the team of rocket engineers of which Kalam was a part, set up the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) that is used by ISRO to launch sounding rockets even today.

Kalam was also the project director of India's first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) which successfully deployed the Rohini satellite in near-earth orbit. Kalam has also played a contributory role in the development of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).

Kalam has also won the prestigious Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan for his contributions to ISRO and DRDO, as well as for his role as a scientific advisor to the Government of India.

He gets knowledge from Vikram Sarabhai "when failure blame our shelf share happiness when success


By this success of Kalam was elected as the 11th President of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress. Widely referred to as the "People's President", he returned to his civilian life of education, writing, and public service after a single term. He was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honor.
But kalam loves children. He will spend time with the children. He was the president of our country he spends his life as a normal person he loves the children very much kalam does this thing when he was free playing veena reading books giving a speech to children


: Shillong 27 July 2015 he is giving a speech to the children suddenly he was fell down he was admitted in a hospital      at 7:10 in the evening he was left the world Cause of death: Cardiac arrest
Kalam was not there now but his scientific world is there

List of all 25 books written by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

1. India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium
Publishing year: 1998

2. Wings of Fire: An Autobiography
Publishing year: 1999

3. Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India
Publishing year: 2002

4. The Luminous Sparks: A Biography in Verse and Colours
Publishing year: 2004

5.  Guiding Souls: Dialogues on the Purpose of Life
Publishing year: 2005
Co-author: Arun Tiwari

6.  Mission of India: A Vision of Indian Youth
Publishing year: 2005

7.  Inspiring Thoughts: Quotation Series
Publishing year: 2007

Salute Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. Proud of you &your successful life

OK son you understood the story of a great person son said "yes dad I too follow kalam sir as my inspiration I too do something to our motherland

                                                                                 THE END


                                                                                 THANK YOU

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