harry styles // one shots

By autumn-sunflowers

231K 1.9K 274

one shots and imagines - requests are always open autumn-sunflowers on tumblr all content is mine: please do... More

silent treatment (f/a)
unwell (f/a)
love and protect (f/a)
late late show (f)
overprotective type (f/p)
saturdays (f/d)
open windows (f/s)
never too much (a/f)
on the pool steps (f)
number one priority (a/f/d/p)
sing to us (f/p)
"you're shaking" (a/f)
"come back to bed, please?" (f/a)
red (s/a/f)
we'll be alright (f/p)
single (d/f)
we'll be alright (p/f)
trust means more (f/a)
pet names (f/s)

unexpected (f/p)

10.5K 86 17
By autumn-sunflowers

In which a visit to the doctor brings some unexpected news - wc: 1,200+

Harry had proposed almost 4 months ago, but you both decided to not rush into the wedding planning quite yet. With his upcoming tour, things were a bit hectic, and you were more than happy to wait a bit longer if it meant having the perfect wedding. However, it seemed fate was going to throw a wrench in your plans.

For the past 2 weeks, you had been feeling ill. Not alarmingly ill, but ill enough that it was noticeable to you how under the weather you were feeling. And Harry had noticed it too.

"Love, you've slept in almost every day this week, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Harry was kneeling by your side of the bed, brushing strands of hair out of your eyes. It was almost 10am, and you still hadn't gotten up. After living with Harry for so long, you adapted to his early morning habits and were typically awake by 7.

"I just haven't been feeling good lately," you shrugged it off, wiping a bead of sweat off your forehead. Why is it so hot in here?

Truth be told, you had been waking up in the middle of the night around 2am with the urge to puke. And so you did, quietly, in the bathroom down the hall as to not wake Harry.

"Do you think you should go to the doctor?" he suggested.

You nodded reluctantly, "Maybe, this has been going on a while."

He handed you your phone off the bedside table. You quickly found your regular doctor's number and called, seeing if she had any availability that day.

Luckily, she had an appointment at 11:30, and soon Harry was pulling you out of bed to shower and get dressed.

You had to go alone, unfortunately. Harry had a meeting at 11 to discuss details of the tour, although he offered to cancel his meeting to go with you.

"It's probably just a bug, no need to cancel your meetings for me," you hushed his protests.

"Okay, but as soon as you know what is going on I want you to call me so I know you're okay," he said sternly.

You kissed his cheek softly, easing his worries, "I promise."

At the doctor's, you explained your new, yet constant, symptoms of nausea, throwing up at night, sleeping in, feeling hot, and an all over aching feeling in your body.

"You're still sexually active?" she asked.

You nodded, blushing like a teenage girl does when they are asked this for the first time.

"And, how many sexual partners have you had in the last month?"

"Just one, my fiancé." Last time you saw her, Harry was just your boyfriend.

"Congrats on the engagement! Let's see, what birth control have I got you on?" she scanned over your medical records on the tablet in front of her. "Alright, the IUD. How long ago did you get that in?"

"Mm, must've been 4 or 5 years ago."

"Well, they are only effective for up to 5 years, so it's kinda crucial we narrow that down."

She continued reading through the records, "Ah, says here you got it placed almost 5 years ago on the dot."

"Does that mean it's ineffective?"

She hesitated, "It's hard to tell with them, it varies person to person. It's likely either already ineffective or is on the slope to becoming so, either way you would need to get that changed out. Have you been using condoms as well?"

You shook your head gently, "No, we don't use condoms anymore. What does all this have to do with my symptoms?"

She sighed, "I'm not positive, but I want to do a pregnancy test, just to be sure."

You felt your stomach drop, a bubbling anxiety rising within you at the thought of possibly being pregnant.

She guided you to the lab bathroom, and instructed you on taking the test, which was really just peeing in a cup. They did the actual test part. You did as told, and went back to the check-up room you were in prior.

You waited what felt like an hour, but really was only 15 minutes. Your heart was pounding out of your chest.

A soft knock came at the door, and she stepped back inside. She didn't say anything yet, which scared you more. She sat down in the chair across from you.

"So, the test came back positive. You're pregnant, Y/N."

You ignored Harry's instructions to call him right after you left. You sat in your car in the parking lot, still and barely breathing, tears falling from swollen eyes.

You didn't know what to feel. Joy? Guilt? Sadness?

So, you drove home, hands trembling from fear of having to tell Harry about this. You sat on the couch, legs crossed underneath you, googling stories of people getting pregnant while having an IUD - apparently it was common.

Harry had text, On my way home, what did the doctor say?

You bit your lip, debating what to tell him. You didn't want to lie and say "nothing" but also couldn't tell him something like this over text.

I'll tell you when you're home, drive safe.

He didn't reply, signaling he either started driving already or chose to accept the vague response.

It was a 20 minute drive from his meeting to your home, and you counted down the minutes with a pounding heart.

At 19 minutes, the front door opened.

"Y/N?" You heard your name being called for, but didn't respond.

He found you moments later, sat in the living room.

"Love, what'd the doctor say?"

He sat down next to you, grabbing your hands. He awaited your answer, probably expecting you to say you had a stomach bug, or a cold. But instead you said nothing at first, and then looked up to him.

"She said, I'm pregnant."

Harry froze like you had done moments before, his hands going limp in yours.

He blinked rapidly, looking down at the floor, then back to you. "How? You're on birth control I thought..."

"It's ineffective, apparently. Only lasts up to 5 years. Got it 5 years ago exactly."

He looked stunned.

"I'm sorry, Harry, it's my fault. I should have been better at keeping up with my birth control, I didn't even kn-" He pressed his lips to yours, cutting me off.

"No, don't start with that. This is as much my fault as it is yours. There's no blame here, love."

You fell into his side, letting your head rest in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around you, rubbing up and down your arm.

"Harry, what do you want to do?" you asked, fighting back the tears.

"Not my decision, love. It's your body, but I'm here to support you through whatever you decide."

Another tear fell down your cheek. Why did he always know exactly what to say?

"I mean, I've known I want a family, one day with you. This is just so early. I mean we're planning a wedding, you have tour coming up..."

"Don't let that scare you, love," he whispered, kissing the top of your head. "I'm here for you every step of the way."

You looked up at him, "Are you ready to be a parent?"

He laughed a bit, "No. But I can be in the next 9 months."

You smiled half-heartedly, letting a laugh slip out as more tears fell from your eyes, "I think I can be ready by then, too."

He smiled, kissing your lips with such force and passion, "We're gonna be parents then?"

You nodded, "Yeah, we're gonna be parents."

Suddenly, the moment had shifted from sorrow to joy, knowing you could do this as long as it was together. 


Requests are always open! Message me privately or comment here <3 

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