Leaving The Vault

By MattieP_1997

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Michael Ryder, also known as Mike, was born in side Vault 76 located in Appalachia. The vault was set up to h... More

Chapter 1: Reclamation Day

Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home

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By MattieP_1997

I fall to my knees, I feel the tears going down my face. My mouth is slightly open, as the tears fall from my face. My whole life has been leading up to this moment. Rebuilding Appalachia, rebuilding America. I don't think any of us were ready to face the real world. 

"Micheal, are you ok?" My mom crouches next to me with tears in her eyes. She hugs me in comfort, "Everything will be ok Mike." 

"Where do y'all wanna go?" Dad wipes away his tears, he turns and looks down at us.

"Home." Mom stands up, "I want to go home Tom. I want to see what happened to my childhood house." 

Mom was born in a small town called Flatwoods, not to far from the vault. Dad was born in Norfolk, down by the bay. We get up, turn around and see the vault door close. This door is designed and built to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear bomb, this door protected us from the outside world. I turn around and look around, this is my home now. I will build the future that I have dreamed for myself. I look down the hill and see smoke, and people. fellow vault dwellers? We predicted that people would try to build right outside the vault but I didn't think there would be farmland down the hill from the vault. We were told it was built in a forest, they didn't mention it was the edge of the forest though. I see a path down the hill, but I also see the sidewalk going to the right side if the vault. 

"Go down the hill, I want to know what who those people are. I bet they are fellow vault dwellers, but I want to make sure." Dad says, pointing down the hill. he leads us down the hill.

 On the way down I see a cabin on the left of us, I see dwellers patching it up. That's a nice spot, it looks like it's looking over a pond. We are halfway down the hill when a deer jumps across us, I almost grab my rifle to shoot it. Dad stops me.

"Save your bullets for something more scary." He's right, who knows what the radiation did to the animals, or the people. 

We walk further down the hill and.... 


"OH MY GOD MICHAEL! ARE YOU OK?!" My rushes to help me help. 

I look back and see a that I tripped on a root that is sticking out. "Damn that fucking hurt."

I turn my body so I'm sitting on my butt, I look at my body. I don't see any bleeding, I'm lucky. 

"You look fine, no bleeding, no scapes, no bruises... not yet anyways. You're lucky." Mom pats my back and helps me up. 

Dad doesn't say anything but  I can see in his eyes that he was worried about me. We continue down the hill and we make it to a road. Across from it is the little settlement that the fellow vault dwellers are making. 

"Mike!" I look and see Skyler running up to me. The short brunette with brown eyes and simi tan skin jumps and hugs me.

Her last name is Anderson. Her family was one of the first families to leave with the Overseer. "Sky, what is going on here?" 

"Well, my daddy was a botanist before the war and he said this is good farmin land. So, we are settlin hea. See that house down yonder?" I look over to where she is pointing, it's a two story farmhouse. "That is our house now. Daddy and Charles, who is our security detail, cleared out the house." She smiles thinking about Charles, he's a good looking guy. A typical American boy, 5'11, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, musclier, and of course the West Virginian accent. 

"I am so proud of y'all!" I hug her. "I know y'all will be happy here. Are there a lot of families here?" I ask looking around, I can tell there might be 10 different families here. 

"Yes, there is about 15 families, including mine. OH! Join us Ryder's!" She looks so happy, but...

"Thank you Sky, but I want to look around first. Mom wants to go to her childhood home before we settle." I do a nervous chuckle.

"That's fine, I understand." She looks down in disappointment. 

I look behind her and see Charles is walking towards us, his vault suit is unzipped with the top half tied around his waist. He might burn, or he will tan nicely. His father is a construction worker, I think I see him on the roof of the farmhouse working on it.

"AYE MIKIE! Is that you?" He walks up to me and picks me up while hugging me. "Damn, it's about time you got out of the vault. WAIT... Are you joining us here?!" He looks so happy thinking that I'll be joining them.

"Unfortunately, I'm not. I'm going to travel with my folks and look around for our own place. We want to start up our own little clinic." I smile thinking about the idea. 

"I mean you could build one here." He nervese laughs.

"Thank you Charles but I think we have other plans. I didn't think anyone would build so close the vault." I turn around and look up at the vault. 

"Nether did I but we got out and Daddy saw the farming land and said this would be a good spot, so we settled hea. we saw a few othas walking by so we told them to join us."  Sky looks at the vault and then back at me.

"Well, if that is what y'all want. I wish y'all luck." He hugs me, pats my back and walks back to help finish repairs on the house. 

"You better get your man before someone else gets him." She punches my arm, I start laughing. 

"Micheal! We are heading out! Do you want to come with us or do you want to stay here?" Mom asks me as she walks to Sky and I.

"No, I'm coming Momma. I'll see you later Sky, you'll have to come visit when are done building wherever we decide to settle." I hug her.

"I love you Mikie." She hugs me and tears up a little bit, " Be safe, try to fix up and Mr. handy to be our mailman so we can talk... EVEN BETTA! fix up a few radios so we talk that way! That would be cool."

"I'll see what I can do." I let her go and start walking to my Mom. 

We meet up with Dad on the road and I look back and wave bye to Sky for now. It's scary, thinking this could be the last time I see her. Something could happen to one of us but no-one knows what. Could be raiders, could be a wild animal, could be as simple as a new disease but no-one will know until it happens. I pray that they stay safe, I hope Charles protects her with his life, they have been sweet one each other for a while now, never dated though, even though everyone said they should. 

We walk down road, weapons drown, ready for anything. We walk through a small patch trees and walk through a covered wooden bridge. We hit a fork in the road, one leading north and one going south. Dad starts walking south, Mom stops and asks why, says Flattwoods is that way and Mom said she wanted to go. She hesitates, and knots her head ok. We walks south, it not bad out here, yet. We walk up a little hill and we hear noises, I point my rifle at the sound. A wild dog, but... it doesn't look like any dog I've seen. It has no fur, it's all skin and bone. You can see it teeth, you can tell it's mutated. 

I take aim using my rifle, I look down the scope, I have the dog in my sights, I notice it is wounded.... and just a puppy. I look u from my scope, I ask my mom for her pistol she got from the Anderson's. She hands it to me and I start walking to the injured pup, slowly and quickly. as I approach the puppy I look around looking for it's parents. I hear growling, I turn to the noise and its coming from the puppy. 

"hey there," I reach my hand out towards the puppy, "I'm not gonna hurt you, Let me see what is wrong with you." The puppy growls, I squat down with the pistol behind my back, ready to us.

The puppy inches closer to me and sniffs my hand, it licks my hand, then it licks it hind leg, and looks back at me whimpering. "Mom, I need your help with this one." slowly start petting the puppy.

Mom and I work on trying to fix the little guy up, we checked the gender. It takes us 10 minutes to get him to able to stand on and put pressure on his hind leg. When we are done fixing him up he speed walks around and disappears, so we continue our journey. We are about ten feet away from where we were and I start hearing panting, I look down and there he is walking with me. Mom 'awes' and picks him up. 

"Tom.. we are keeping him and naming him Barrett." Mom lift the puppy up and continues walking south towards town. 

"well... I guess we got a dog! I always wanted one." I jump up and down like a dweller on Christmas. 

Dad just sighs and walks behind us, I know what he is thinking, another mouth to feed when we can't even feed ourselves. Garnet, we have food rations but they are only going to last a week after that we have to find our own food. I think we can do it though. Dad is super smart and Mom and I can go hunting while dad builds or something. 

We walk for a few more minutes and then she stops. I look up and see a town. I take it in, this is the first time seeing a town. I mouth off 'wow' and my mom tears up. She puts down Barrett, he sits down and looks at Mom. I look at Mom and I see some tears in her eyes.

"This is my home town... I never thought I'll see this place again." Dad does a comfort hug and kisses her forehead. "my house is up there, with the blue tin roof." I look at the direction of were she is pointing, its a nice size house... I think. 

We start walking over in the direction of the house, Barrett is walking next to me and sniffing the ground as we go. He's limping but he's moving, thank god. We walk through town and we see this blue symbol with a heart in the middle.

"The Responders." Dad says, "I remember hearing a Mr. handy talking about them when it came back from gathering intel. They were made up of law informant, paramedics, firefighters, and volunteers." Mom touches the sign, it looks weathered. 

"Do we know what happened to them?" I ask, lifting up Barrett, he licks my face.

"Something they called the 'Scorched'." Mom looks at us, " I don't know what it is, but it was something that turned people into monsters. Its weird because one of the Mr. Handy's brought me a holotape from a responder HQ, it had some medical intel on them. It's not much but it showed how it spread." 

"How Mom?" 

"It can spread by ether a bite or scratch so if you see one out it down." Mom get right in face to as a scare tactic... and it works.

"Come on Diana, don't scare the boy." Dad nudges Mom to back up.

"What? It's the truth. I just want him to be safe." Mom hugs me.

"We both do but that isn't the way Diana. Don't scare the boy." Dad throws his arm down in disbelief.

"Im fine Dad, you don't need to worry about me." I hug Barrett, he licks my face.

We continue walking up to mom's old house, we see a two headed cow eating some grass. We all look at each other than look at Barrett. I wonder if he will mutate like that, I hope not. He's already cute enough, I rub my face in his and he licks my face. We walk up a slight incline and after about 10 minutes of walking from where we began we reach our destination.

"Wow, a proper home." I look at the house is 'awe'. Dad laughs at my statement.

"Oh no honey this is a dump compared to what I grew up in. Im sorry honey to make fun of your childhood home." Dad wipes away a tear.

"No no, you're right. This is a dump, I hated this house so much. I became a doctor to make a better life for myself, my children, and my parents." Mom takes a step on the steps leading the to a front porch. "My plan was to buy my parents a better house then this place. Unfortunately, by the time I was half way through medical school my father died of 'Black Lung' and my Mom..." 

Mom starts crying, I run up and hug her. I could never imagine loosing my parents, I would be lost without them. "My mother was in a mine collapse, I had to skip my graduation to burry an empty casket" The tears start flowing, I try to comfort Mom but to no avail.

"I'm sorry honey." Dad comes up and hugs us, even Barrett comes up and tries to help us comfort Mom.

Mom says thank you and we continue walking up the parch steps. The parch was stained a dark wooden color that as weathered away, the house itself is made of brink and has a light brick color due to the weather as well. There is two rocking chairs placed next to each other. I turn to see the view from the parch and you can see the whole town from here, one church, one bar, one gas station, and what looks like a community center. I see a building to the west of the town, I can see "Vault-tec" on the sign out front, maybe something to look into. 

Mom and Dad pulls down the boards from the front door, when they are done, Mom opens the door and walks inside. It's super dusty and it smells like rot. Dad breaks a window on the back side of the house to let in some more air in to air it out, hopefully. I look around, Theres a family room to the left of the door with a couch, a love seat, and a small tv. Up ahead is a, I guess, a dinning room, with a small table that could seat between 4 and 6 people. Then, to the left of the dining room is the kitchen, a small kitchen to add, it did however have a mixing bot so that is neat. To the right is a coat closet and steps to the upper level.

"It's exactly how I left it." Mom tears down some more boards and lets some light in. "I couldn't sell the house after they passed away and no one wanted to rent it so I kept it." Mom tries to see if the lights wold still work, they don't. 

"Diana, what do you plan on doing now that we are here? Do you think we will live here? If you do, don't you think we should vote? I mean this isn't really the place to live, no running water for one." Dad makes a sarcastic smirk, I feel like something is wrong with him. 

"I think it's a good idea to stay here for a few days, maybe make this home base while we look around, gather information about this town, what happened here. I am not gonna lie, I saw some skeletons on the way here." I point out the door with my thumb over my shoulder. 

Barrett is sniffing around and the starts growling at the coat closet, he backs away slowly. I hear movement from the closet, I pull out my rifle and point it at the door, Dad rushes to the door, grabbing mom's pistol from her holster. He gets to the door grabs the handle and looks at me a nods his head. I nod back, he opens quickly opens the door and giant bug comes out and runs at me! Dad quickly shots it and kills it. 

"What the FUCK is that?" Mom yells.

"it's what the survivor call a radroach, a mutated cockroach. Disgusting." Barrett runs over and starts eating it. I almost throw up watching him, Mom tries to get him to stop but Dad says

"Let him eat, we don't know when was the last time he ate. No matter how disgusting it is." 

Mom quick walks to the kitchen and grabs a bowl, blows into to try to get the dust out and quickly scoops up the roach bits and lets him eat it on the front porch. 

We decide to clean the house to the best of our abilities and stay here for the time being. Who knows, maybe we can get this town back up and running. That would be a long shot however I am willing to try and see, if my parents are willing to try too. It's a good location, we can see the whole town from up here, we are a 20 minute walk from the Anderson's Farm, and we are at a cross roads with three main roads meeting here and the railroad track being behind us this could be a perfect location for a trading post! But, there's no place to plant crops, there's no easy access to clean water, and this isn't really an easy place to protect if we have to at some point. 

Mom asks me to go upstairs and try to get the boards off the widows and open, if I can. I walk up the steps and step onto the landing, I see three doors, two on the left and one on the right. I go to the door on the right, I open the door and I walk into a decent sized master bedroom, a queen size bed, two nightstands, one dresser and another door. I take off the wooden planks and open the widows, I hear the birds chirping in the trees outside the bedroom. I open the door in the master, its the bathroom, a shower/tub combo, a toilet and a countertop sink. Interesting. No windows, the room is clean other then all this dust, I walk back into in the landing and see a another door behind the steps. I go to that door, open it and find a Mr. Handy that is has been turned off. pull him out of the closet and try to turn him on, out of gas. I am very lucky, there is a Mr. Handy gas can behind him. I fill him up with the gas in the can, maybe a half a gallon. I turn him on.

"Well, hello there. I am Mr. Handy here to help you with your everyday needs. What is your name?" He needs a good polishing up. 

"Micheal! ARE YOU OK?" Mom runs up the stairs and sees the Mr. Handy.

"Oh Diana! It is so good to see you! My my how long has it been sense I was turned off?" 

"Winston? Oh my god, I thought Mom sold you." Mom walks up and hugs Winston.

"No, she turned me off the day of your father's funeral. Said something about not being about to afford the gas anymore. I did reassure her that I am fuel efficient but she turned me off. How long have I been out? my sensors tell me for about 30 years, that can't be right, can it?" 

"Unfortunately it is Winston. I've been in a vault for the past 25." She grabs Dad, "This is my husband Thomas, and this is our son Micheal." Mom shows us off to Winston.

"Well hello everyone. I am Winston, I helped your Mother's parents with everything around the house. So, is there anything I can help you with?" He asks, looking at Mom.

"Yes, can you help us clean the house. We need to take down the boards, open the widows, and try to clean this house as much as we can. Could you help us?" Mom asks nicely with a smile.

"Of course I can! I am your Mr. Handy Diana. I will do anything you ask, within reason, that is." He goes and hovers to the closet, grabs some things, and heads to work. 

"Mom, may I look around town for a terminal? I want to run a diagnostic check on Winston, and Maybe find some supplies." I ask Mom as we walk down the stairs. 

"Sure but take my pistol and Barrett with you. Here." I follow her into the kitchen, she hands me a pen and paper. "If you find anything you cannot bring back right away mark down the street name and, if it has one, the house number. For now stay around the house, don't go down to Main Street till we are done here. Got it?" Mom puts her one hand on her hip and the other pointing at my face, like mothers do.

"Yes Mom."

I grab the pen and paper, call Barrett, and walk out of the house. I look to my left and right, I decide to go left. I look into every house and take notes on wether or not to check inside for supplies. I know every house has the potential, but right now I am only focusing on the highly potential candidates for supplies.

I hope in and out of houses for about 45 minutes and find some useful stuff, also some information bout who was living here and what happened. Only shot my gun once, saw another redroach, lucky I found a baseball bat too. Now I can smash bugs and other creepy things wit it. I get to the end of the road, the last 'house' is a trailer, kinda creepy lookin. I open the door to the trailer, smells awful in here. Barrett is scared for some reason, he's walking in between my legs, I don't like this. I left Mom's pistol with her back at the house, I grab the baseball bat and have it ready. I walk slowly to check every room, so far nothing. I check the last room, Barrett starts growling, I hear a noise of something moving. I step into the doorframe of the last room, thats when I hear a sticky noise lifting from the floor.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I quickly run out of the house, Barrett runs out with me barking. 

I look down the street and see my parents and Winston running out of the house, I run about 25 feet from the font door and quickly turn around,  kneel down, aim my rifle, look down the scope, and aim for that monster's head. I see the monster's head in my scope's crosshairs, I pull the trigger. 


"MICHEAL! Are you ok?!" I hear Mom running up behind me. 

"I'm fine, Mom." I look up from my rifle, the monster is all the ground. 

Barrett still growls at the body, knowing that they are dangerous. I walk over to the body, I poke it with my rifle.

"What is that thing?" Dad gets behind me, pointing the pistol at the monster.

"It's what the survivors call a feral ghoul, at one point they were human. But due to high levels of radiation they turned into this. Now, there are ghouls who didn't turn feral and they are still human. They walk, talk, eat, and sleep like humans but they don't look or sound like us. Their skin looks like it has been melted off and they sound like they have smoked all their life."Mom knees down on him looking at his head, which I basically blown off.

"Diana don't touch it." Dad looks like he's about to throw up.

"I am a doctor Thomas, I want to know why they turn like this. What made them like this." Mom looks around and find a bucket, she scoops the head and brain into it and walks back to the house.

I get back up and head back to the house, "Mike, where are you goin?!" Dad grabs my arm.

"I want to finish looking around. I saw something I want to check out." Dad lets me go and says Ok.

I walk back into the trailer, I walk back into the room where the ghoul was. I get my rifle ready and look around. I see what I was looking for, a terminal. I check out the terminal, it has power. I can't believe it still has power. I turn it on and it gives me some options.

Open Holotape

I open the holotape and its a list of people who lived here and what they where to the town. I close the holotape and eject it from the terminal, I put it on my Pip-Boy for safe keeping. Maybe with this we will know more about what happened to Flatwoods and if it was attacked, who attacked it and maybe give some revenge to the victims. I look behind the terminal and unplug it, this is going to be heavy. I lift the terminal and carry it back to the house, this thing weighs about 25 pounds. I am half way to the house when I yell for my Dad for help. He walks out the front door, sees that I am carrying and comes and takes from me and carries it the rest of the way. 

"where the hell do you want this thing? you know you are going to have to find some power for this thing right?" Dad puts it down on the table.

"I know, now that I think about it I should've left it there. there was power over at the trailer, I thought we could find a way to bring the power to this house." I start thinking about ways to make this happen.

"Mike, I need your help! Something is wrong Winston." Mom yells from the basement, I Didn't even know this house had a basement.

I run down the stairs, and see that Winston is spazzing out, I quickly run over to him and turn him off. 

"This is why I wanted the terminal, to run a check on him and make sure he was still ok." I open the back panel to see if I see anything right away.

"Tom, bring the terminal down here and plug it in over there." Mom points to the table.

Dad quickly runs back up the stair and slowly walks dow with the terminal. I help him place it on the table, now we just need to plug it in. 

"there is a generator over there, plug it into the panel on the wall and start the generator. Once it is on, we should have power to the whole house and be able to see what's wrong with Winston." Mom gets up and fills up the generator with gas.

Dad and I does what she tells us to do, I pull on the string to start it and it comes to life along with the house. Dad and I jerry rig the cables to get the terminal some power, the terminal comes to life. I grab Winston and being him to the terminal and then take the plug from the back of the terminal and plug it into Winston. I run a diagnostic test on Winston, this will take a while.

"This is going to take a while." I get up from being in a squat position.

"Well, I guess we should work on the houses you jotted down for supplies." Dad suggests.

"I'll stay here and continue cleaning up." Mom says with a smile.

"Ok." I turn and head for the stairs, Dad is asking Mom why she doesn't want to help. 

I walk up the stairs and see Barrett laying at the top of the stairs. I pet him and he wags his tail, so cute.  

"Come on Barrett, let's go upstairs and clean our room ok?" He gets ups and barks in excitement. 

He runs to the other set of stairs and turns and looks at me and then runs up the stairs. I follow him, I walk to the room I didn't open. The door opens and I see a room room that looks like it belongs in a museum. 

"I see you found my room." Mom walks up behind me and puts her arm around my shoulder, "They painted it Vault-Tec colors once I was accepted by Vault-Tec to be there surgeon in Vault 76. I never seen this room after it was done. My parents worked so hard, the plan was for me to come back after collage but once my mom died...." 

Mom looks down, then quickly lifts her head and whips away the tears. "This room is now yours Micheal, do with it as you please." Mom walks away. 

"Well Barrett, this is our room." He barks, he has a Simi high pitch bark.

I walk in and close the door, I open the window to the right of the door. This wall is Vault Blue, actually, the back wall and the left wall are also blue. The door wall is Simi-bright yellow. The hard wood floor is a nice medium tone, there is a desk under the window on the right. I sit on the bed, its a full size bed with blue and white sheets. I am so tired, I look at my Pip-Boy and it is now almost 7. My stomach growls, I get up and start walking towards the door. I'm about to open the door when I hear something hit a wall. 

"You vault dwellers think you own everything don't ya?" I get down, my door is still closed.

"We don't have anything. We swear." SMACK

"Don't lie, I saw a boy run to this house with a shit ton of loot. Now, tell me where it is."

I slowly open the door, thank god it doesn't creek. I hear Barrett whimpering, that's not good. I crawl my way to the steps moving as slowly and quietly as I can. I really need to get a side arm for myself, I think Dad left his in the basement. I make it to the steps, I slowly look down the stairs. I don't see anyone. 

"I am getting impatient. Where. Is. The. Stuff." 

"We don't know what you are talking about. We don't have any children. I am unable to conceive!" Mom yells at the man. 

I poke my head through the banister and I am able to see the men. There are 3 men, two of them have Dad pinned down. The 'leader' has Mom against the wall.

"Unable to conceive huh?" I don't like where this is going. "Maybe I should see for myself."

I grab my rifle, I am very uncomfortable right now but I will protect my mother. I place the riffle between the poles of the banister, I aim for that asshole's head. He moves his head to the side, away from Mom's head. I aim.


My Mom screams, blood and brain matter all over the wall. All over Mom. The two guys loosen their grip on Dad, I quickly aim for the one guy standing up.

KABOOM I am for the other guy


I just killed three men.... There is blood and brain everywhere. I run up the stairs and throw up in the sink.

"MICHAEL!" I hear Mom yell as she runs up the stairs.

I walk out the bathroom and see her in blood, sweat, and tears. I throw up again. Dad is still down stairs.

"Mikie, honey. Are you ok?" 

"Yes Mom I am fine. Are you ok?" I turn her head to see her ear, I see nothing wrong with her but the damage could be in the inside of her ear.

"I am fine, my hearing is fine if that is what you are thinking. Your father is is shock, he started cleaning."

Mom and I hold each other for a couple of minutes and then we walk down stairs. Dad is dragging a body out the backdoor, Barrett comes out of the kitchen and start barking at the basement door. I walk to the door, open it, and then head down stairs. Winston's check-up is done, that was quicker then I thought. I look at the terminal and see what I wrong with him, I little damage due to not running for 30 years. I quickly fix the problem and boot him backup, he comes to life. 

"Hello, Master Michael. How are you?" 

"Winston, we need your help. Some bad people came to the house and I had to kill them and it made a mess up stairs."

"Say no more Michael, I will clean up right away." He hovers up the stairs, "Oh dear. This is a bigger mess than I thought." 

I giggle a little bit, I walk up the stairs and Winston is already cleaning up the brain matter of the wall. Mom and Dad are carrying the bodies outside, I walk out the backdoor and see the bodies. I decide to search the bodies for any useful information. I search the leader, I find a what looks like a pipe pistol and some bullets. I find a note on his body as well. 


I need you to look at Flatwoods again, there is a rumor going around that the damn vault is going to open soon and if it is... I want you to kill as many dwellers as you can and take all their shit. Imagine all the shit they will have. we will be loaded, if we get all their weapons we could easily over run Foundation and take that place for ourselves. 
Be on the look out for the blue fuckers

Fuck. "Mom, Dad. I have to run to Sky's place. There are people who are after us, they have to know about this! I cant wait till tomorrow to tell them." I grab my backpack and run out the door, I hear Barrett running behind me.

I run for 15 minutes striaght. I see the house, I feel like something might be wrong. As I get closer to the house I see that Skyler is pacing outside the door. She see me, and she runs to me.

"Mike! Thank god y'all are alright!" She hugs me. 

"Are y'all alright?! We were attacked, I had to kill some people. I found this note on one of them men, they are after us vault dwellers!" 

"We know! We were ambushed by some guys too! We defeated them but barely. We are lucky we didn't lose anyone."

"SKYLER WHO THE HE....Oh thank god it is Michael. Are you and your folks alright?" Her Dad, Henry. Henry is about 5'10, he has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a deep tan. He's comes running to us holding is shotgun.

"Daddy, Mike said he family was attacked too! he also found a note on one of the guys he had to kill." I hand him a the note, I now notice some blood at the bottom of the note.

"Wait.... You killed a man?" 

"He was goin to rape Mom. I had to kill two more after the first one Mr. Anderson." I take a deep breath in and out.

"Michael, come to me slowly." He slowly lifts his shotgun up, I follow his eyes with mine.

I look down and see Barrett, sitting next to me. "Don't Shoot!" I grab him and hold him.

"You tamed one of those things?" Mr. Anderson looks at me in shock.

"Mom and I rescued him right after we left here, on the other side if the river and just outside of town." He licks my face,  "He's been with us ever sense." I put him down.

"Come in side Mike, I want to see the note that you found. Do you want to spend the night with us? I don't know if I trust the night yet." 

I look down at my Pip-Boy and check the time, it is 7:49 and the sun is pretty low. 

"If you are worried about your parents I am sure that they will be fine. We need to find a way to communicate with y'all." 

"I fixed up a Mr. Handy back at the house we are stayin in for the time bein. But, that is there and we are were. If there were a couple of radios I could fix them and take one home tomorrow." 

"I am so stupid! Daddy, the barn! We found a radio their rememba? Maybe we could find another one up at the radio tower up on the ridge! Mikie, Charles, and I can set out tomorra and go lookin for one! what do you say?" 

"I don't know pumpkin, it sounds dangerous but you are right." Mr. Anderson heads towards the house and we follow talking about finding a way to the radio tower. 

By the time we get to the front porch Mr. Anderson agrees to Skyler's plan. We tell Charles the plan and he is on board with it. My stomach starts growling, I forget about food and I left my rations at home. Luckily Me. Anderson sent some folks out to go hunting and they caught a two headed deer. I look away as they start cutting it up, the images of the event that took place starts playing in my head. I quickly run out the front door and puke over the railing.

"Mike! Are you ok?" Charles comes out and checks on me.

"Yes I am fine. Just a little shaken up about what happened today." I wipe away my mouth and he hands me a bottle of water.

"That water is clean, and Sky told me what you did today to save your family. That is mighty brave ya." He inches closer. 

"Thank you Charles, I bet you'll do anything to protect your family. Speaking if family where is yo" 

He grabs my waist and pulls me to him, he kisses me. I am at total shock, I did NOT expect that. He wraps his strong arms around me, I never felt this sensation before. It is a mixture of pleasure, excitement, and fright at the same time. I know Sky likes him but this feels so right. I gently push him away, looking into his sky blue eyes. I have forgotten where I was, I quickly look around and thankfully I don't see any one around. I break his grip on my and walk away, I hear him quietly call my name. I walk done the back steps and go to the other side of the barn, I look down. 

I have a raging hard-on. I look around to see if anyone is around me, no one in sight. I un zip my jump suit, the zipper goes from my neck down the my waist. I pull down my suit enough to get my member out, I quickly start pulling on him. It only takes me 5 minutes to cum, I look down at the mess I made and quickly look around for something to clean myself with. I grab a few leafs and clean myself off, thank god it is not poison ivy or I will be screwed. I walk back to the house and see that Sky is lookin for me.

 I walk back into the house and she shows me to her room where she has set up a little cot for me to sleep on. It is now 8:31, the sun has set, there is a cool breeze coming from the broken window. I quickly fall asleep and dream about what tomorrow might bring.

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