The Betrayed

By skylab25

273K 2.4K 2K

A young teen in union academy was having a great life with many friends and a supportive family that was unti... More

Chapter 1 - The truth is revealed
Not a chapter
Chapter 2 - The adventure Part 1
New weapon bio (Updated)
House / love / name Vote
Vote Winners
Chapter 3 - Adventure part 2
So close
Sacred gear info.
New book cover!
Chapter 5 - A new hero
Chap. 6 - Battle of Kouh Vale
Jaune new weapon bio

Chapter 4 - Training

15.9K 172 104
By skylab25

Talking - (person) "hello"

Shouting - (person) "SHUT THE FUCK UP HALF AND HALF"

Thinking - (person) 'Who was that?'

Whispering - (person) "hey psst wanna hear a joke?"

Action - (person) *picks up a bottle and tosses it into the trash*

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur writing

Sacred Gear - [Hello!]

Inner demon : - Why isnt their blood? -

Arthur notes - {hello 👋}


Third person

A week has passed since Y/N has been in his coma, Deku and Arma are worried for Y/N as team seven from the ninja course in union academy. First member of team seven was naruto uzumaki a teen with blonde spiky hair and light blue eyes with whiskers on his cheeks, the second member of Sakura haruno was a short length pink haired teen with light lime green eyes, their final member was Sasuke Uchiha a short black haire teen with black eyes, their team mentor is kakashi hatake was a white haire adult with a black eyes.

Currently in the hospital room Sakura was assigned to stay in the room incase Y/N woke up with kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke would go and gather information about the town. During this time Sakura managed to become friends with Arma.

(Sakura) "So Arma why did you choose Y/N to become your weilder?"

(Deku) "I've been actually wondering that as well?"

(Arma) "Well that's abit complicated but I honestly dont know"

(Sakura) "What do you mean?"

Arma was about to answer but stopped once she saw Y/N slowly opening his eyes, he looked around as Arma got up and gently hugged him, Y/N returned the hug as he smiled.

(Arma) "I'm glad your awake"

(Y/N) "I'm glad to be awake, now who's this Arma?"

Y/N asked looking at Sakura as Arma let go of Y/N and smiled.

(Arma) "That's Sakura a girl on team seven from unions ninja school"

Y/N looked at Sakura as he got up and looked at her.

(Y/N) "What's your plan?"

Sakura shook her head as she looked at Y/N.

(Sakura) "Me and my team have no ill intentions towards you and Arma, the head masters and head mistress were worried for you after they heard you were in a coma after fighting a dragon"

Deku stood next to Sakura as he rubbed his head.

(Deku) "Our mission before the dragon showed up was to spy on you and see if you would come back to union academy"

Y/N sighed as he stretched

(Y/N) "Arma were is my clothes?"

(Arma) "their folded and cleaned right their"

Arma said pointing to a nightstand with Y/N clothes on it.

Outside the hospital room

Naruto and Sasuke are currently outside the hospital.

(Naruto) "man this place is boring, why did we have to get stuck with a lame mission like this."

Naruto said as he walked abit further then Sasuke was currently thinking of something.

(Sasuke) 'strange the town its its hiding something....when we brought up Y/N and demons demise, they seemed shocked and avoided the subject'

Sasuke was suddenly thrown out of his thoughts as a loud explosion went off, not far away from them. Both Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and nodded, they ran towards the explosion as Y/N, Deku, and Sakura ran out if the hospital. Once everyone reaches the location the explosion came from the currently see Kakashi fighting a man with spiky black hair and blood red eyes, his outfit consisted of a black suit Jacket with a black undershirt and a red tie. In his hand was a pitch black blade that pulsed with dark purple energy, Kakashi activated chidori around his right hand and thrown a kunai at the mysterious guy, he responded by slashing the kunai in half and blocking a punch from Kakashi chidori hand with his blade.

{Only a true reader will recognize who this is from my previous books}

(???) "I'll admit human that move is quite dangerous"

(Kakashi) "thanks so mind telling me who you are?"

Kakashi asked as he kicked the men in the chain with his right foot, the man responded with materializing a black carbon gun with a gold design in his left hand, he then shot Kakashi in the shoulder making him wince in pain.

The man suddenly appeared infront of Kakashi with his sword raised and slashed at Kakashi cutting through his vest, this had enough force to throw Kakashi back into a wall of a house.

(???) "Like all the others fallen, I hope you can provide more if a challenge"

The man said turning around and facing the group, Sasuke and Naruto ran at the guy. Sasuke went to punch the man as he parried it while Naruto went for a upper cut but the guy simply jumped back, he then used the hilt of the sword to punch Sasuke in the stomach then delivered a swift kick to the head at Naruto. This had sent back both Sasuke and Naruto and knocked them out.

Deku appeared next to the guy as he went to punch him in the face. The man simply blocked the punch with his sword sending a shock wave of force behind the man destroying a couple of buildings, the man then simply grabbed Deku arm and flipped him over the shoulder and onto the ground, the man then kicked Deku head knocking him out. After that Y/N would appear behind the man as he brought demons demise down, the man simply caught the blade and looked up his red eyes starting to have flames in them.

(???) "Ah yes your the one who defeated the dragon, might I say your have some strength"

(Y/N) "Thanks names Y/N, what's your name?"

The man grinned as he pushed Y/N back and swung his blade at making Y/N block the attack.

(???) "I am Aludin the first born of akatosh"

Y/N was confused as Aludin used this and kicked Y/N in the stomach, Aludin then smirked and looked at Y/N.

(Aludin) "this is the dragon slayer? Pathetic I expected more from you"

Alduin said as two black scale wings appeared and on his back, his wings stretched out as he looked at Y/N.

(Alduin) 'So this is whom you intrust this world to sky....he has alot to live up to if he wants to surpass me'

Aludin thought as he flow away, Sakura in the middle of all this started healing everyone as Y/N got up and looked at the sky.

(Y/N) 'kósmos who was that?'

(Kósmos) [That was Alduin, a god amongst dragons a being so powerful he can eat worlds]

(Arma) 'So he could have killed us?'

(Kósmos) [Most definitely but that leaves us alive at all, that is the question?]

Y/N would stand up and put Arma on his back, then turn around and started walking away.

(Y/N) 'Whatever his goal was I'm not gonna waste my time, I'm going to train'

When Y/N started to walk away he was stopped by towns people, infront of the people was a 6,3 elderly gentleman with gray facial hair and grey hair with gray eye. He is currently wearing a pair of glasses that brings a scar below his right eye to attention along with another scar right above his left eye, his outfit consisted of a brown suit with a cyan colored dress shirt underneath.

As he stood infront of Y/N other towns people rushed past them to start healing everyone that was injured.

(???) "Young man, I am lord Alexander, I wish to thank you for saving this village from that dragon, as our graduated for slaying the beast we offer you 500,000 yin along with this grimoire"

Alexander said as he handed Y/N a pouch full of lien and a grimoire, Alexander then looked towards the village as he smiled.

(Alexander) "I wish you the best on all your adventures Y/N, but stop by anytime you wish"

Y/N nodded and started walking towards the blacksmith shop.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and chibi Aludin doing a stare off.

Currently on a bullhead heading to Akull prison was General Ironwood, with Winter schnee ironwood righthand.

{Akull means ice in Albanian}

Once the bullhead landed in the helli pad everyone got out to be greeted by Esdeath and some of the guards.

(Esdeath) "General Ironwood, Winter schnee. What brings everyone to my little prison?"

(Ironwood) "We are currently here investigating on how Y/N law was able to retrieve the demons extract that was thought you were the only weilder"

Esdeath smirks as she looks at everyone her icey blue eyes starring at Ironwood.

(Esdeath) "That is quite simple general, the demons extract fused with my blood thus turning me into the demon extract, so I'm sure all of you can piece together the rest"

Ironwood eyes widen as he looks at Esdeath.

(Winter) "So you gave him some of your blood?!"

Esdeath smirks as she turns around and clicks her heel, she then started walking into the prison.

(Esdeath) "why yes miss schnee but only the strongest can weild the demons extract"

Ironwood and Winter look at each other and nod, they walk back onto the bullhead and take off to union academy.

In union academy conference room was the headmaster and head mistress at union academy going over files on the team that appeared during the speech.

(Sirzech) "So we first have the cross breed Gazable Lawden, age unknown, affliction demon clan, threat level unknown. He seems to be the leader of the group that appeared that day"

(Ozpin) "Let's not forget about the other people he is working with, maria, Ronin stone, and serana yami. Each weild a weapon that only the demon lord can posto on to someone"

(Nezu) "Yes the demon arms if I'm correct, dark abyss a bow that was crafted its frame crafted by abyss dragon scales along with its enchanted string that once pulled back release its weilder true dark magic"

Nezu said as he tapped the table showing a image of a bow that had a design of a dragon wing in both sides.

(Sirzech) "next is the cursed sword of nighten, a sword that has fallen from grace and was cursed by the original Lucifer"

Sirzech said as he tapped his tablet as the bow image changed to that of a sword, this sword had a pitch black iron handle with a dark purple blade.

(Ozpin) "now let's talk about the cursed grimoire, we dont know anything about this grimoire not even the orgain"

(Tsunade) "That's three weapons what about the last weapon?"

Everyone was silent as a sudden knock came from the door followed by a sudden entrance.

(Glynda) "excuse me I have news from general Ironwood regarding on the topic of the demons extract."

(Ozpin) "What did he say?"

(Glynda) "He said that the demons extract became one with Esdeath thus making her blood the new demons extract, he is currently on his way to discuss a plan with all of you"

(Sirzech) "Thank you Glynda"

Glynda nodded and walked out of the room.

In combat class

Currently in combat class was sparing day were students could choose who they wish to fight, with Glynda out of class as of right now Mr.Port was supervising her class since he had this time to plan. The current match up was Jaune Arc vs Issei Hyudou <---- {how do you spell his last name?}

Once Issei and Jaune were un the ring both respective parties started to cheer on their friend, the ORC cheering in Issei and team JNRP cheering on Jaune.

(P. Port) "Both fighters ready?"

Port said rising his hand as both Jaune and issei nodded, Port then chopped the air as he shouted fight. Issei had launched himself at Jaune with his right hand raised in the air, once close to Jaune Issei throw a punch as Jaune blocked it with his sheild. After this Issei started boosting himself as he smirks and looks at Jaune, Issei then raised his gauntlet at Jaune who started charging at him.

(Issei) "Divide!"

Issei shouted as the ORC smirked, they stopped smirking after nothing happened. This made issei confused and distracted as Jaune slashed at issei chest with enough force to send him out of bounds.

(P. Port) "The winner is Jaune Arc!"

Everyone cheered except for the ORC, Issei looked at his gauntlet as he was furious.

(Issei) 'Ddrag! What the fuck man?! Why didn't you divide his power?!'

Ddrag chuckles as he huffs from inside the gauntlet.

(Ddrag) [If you would have listened to me after the fight with Y/N instead of perving, you would have heard that you lost 20% of your boosting power along with your dividing abilities.]


Issei said as him and Jaune went to their separate groups, after jaune sits down he looks at professor port as two more combatants go into the arena.

(???) 'Its time weilder, come and find me'

Jaune looks around as he heard a faint german man accent in his head, Pryyha seeing Jaune titled her head.

(Pryyha) "Are you ok jaune?"

Jaune nodded as he starts to pay a attention to the fight.

Back with Y/N

After stopping by the blacksmith Y/N had asked the local blacksmith to make throwing knives out of black iron, then Y/N by the local enchanter to have the grimoire looked at. The grimoire was able to teach the reader the basics of dark and water magic, after that Y/N walked to the towns leader and bought a plot of land that was just out of the village.

After walking out of town and towards his plot of land Y/N suddenly blocks a slash from Aludin.

(Alduin) "I'll give you that wolf"

Alduin said jumping a few feet from Y/N and smirks, Y/N raises demons demise as he stares at Alduin.

(Y/N) "Why are you here?!"

(Alduin) "Simple wolf I'm here to train you."

Y/N eyes widen as the screen fades to black.


Now everyone I've recently reached 500+ followers and I am shocked, when I released my very first book I was expecting like 100 reads not 111k. I am shocked that people like these books especially my skyrim book, so for reaching 500+ followers I'm bringing it back.

But theirs one problem the book cover, to put it simply I dont know if I should change the cover or get a new so I'll let you the readers decide.

So new



Or keep the original

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