Love heals all sore [¦ Gaalee...

By hiruko_1234

1K 27 46

Gaara is alone. Everyone avoided him and hated him. But when Lee, a boy from Konoha came for a mission to Sun... More

Love heals all wounds

1K 27 46
By hiruko_1234

PoV. Gaara (young)

Like every evening I stood on the roof of my house, watching the other children playing with each other.
"oh I wish I could play with them", I thought to myself, "but they're always running away from me crying.
It made me sad.
All I wanted was to play with them and be acknowledged.

It hurts on my chest...

My heart is aching...

I think it's broken...

Yashamaru told me there's an ointment, called 'love'.
I don't really know how to get love and if someone really loves me.
If someone loved me, he or she would ask me to play with him or her...

So... I think nobody loves me.

I will be alone for forever.

And that makes my heart aching.

5 years later

PoV. Lee

"If I can't do 5000 sit-ups I'll do 8000 push-ups" I said to myself as I arrived at the training grounds.
Neji and TenTen weren't here yet, so I thought they might be still asleep.
I mean... It's 5 in the morning.
But that can't stop me from my training.

I just begun my sit-ups as Hinata rushed in and sayed :

"Lee. Tsunade-Sama called for you. She want's you to go on a solo mission to sunagakure."

A solo mission in Suna?

"Okay, thanks Hinata" I sayed as I ran to the hokage office.

I knocked, waited for an answer and stepped in.

"You called me, Tsunade-Sama?"

"Yes, I did. Rock Lee, you're going on a solo mission to sunagakure. You have to bring this scroll to the kazekage. It's very important and no one else than the kazekage are allowed to read it. That's why I can't send it by pigeon. It's too dangerous, that someone would catch it. And you're fast and strong and I trust you. Can I leave it on you?", she asked.

"Leave it to me. You can always count on me!", I saluted, stepped out and got to my apartment to pack my things.

I am so glad that I can see gaara again.
I fell for him, he was just perfect.

Timeskip (Lee is in sunagakure)

Soon I am going to see Gaara.
I've got butterflies in my stomach as I thought of it.

I brought the scroll to the kazekage and he said, I am going to stay in gaaras apartment for the month. (don't ask why)

Omg, are you kidding me?

I was sooo flustered.

Gaara came to pick me up and I greeted him with a tight hug.

He slowly hugged back, awkwardly.
Did I do something wrong?

"Hey Gaara, it's nice to see you again."

"Y-yeah... I-it's nice to to see you ag-again too. Hehe", he stuttered.

His cheeks were red.

How cute.

We went home.

Gaaras PoV.

When Lee hugged me, it felt like there were 1000 butterflies in my stomach.
It was a great feeling, what was it?
I wanna know.
I awkwardly hugged back and it felt even better.
We went home and I decided to ask Lee about that strange feeling.
We sat on my couch as we arrived.
Now it's the right time.
"L-lee?", I stuttered.
"Hm? What is it, Gaara-kun?", he responded.
"I-I've got a question.... I had a strange feeling.... When someone hugged me.... It was like 1000 butterflies were flying in my stomach. When the person touched me, that part of my body began to tingle and I felt.... Kinda good. I wanted to know what that is? Maybe you know?"

Lee was quite for a moment.

" I think i know what's wrong with you... ", he finally said.... Was he... Sad?

"You're in love, Gaara-kun"

In love?

That means I loved Lee?

Can I even love someone?

Would he love me back?

What's love in the first place?

Ugh... There are so many questions and no answers.

"Lee.. I think... I love.... Y... You" I said slowly.

PoV. Lee

Gaara loved me?
How could that be?
"I love you too, gaara-San" I whispered after I realized what he actually said.
I leand into a light but passionate kiss.
His lips were so soft and it was the best feeling in the entire world.
Everything begun to tingle, first my lips and my hand, which laid in gaaras, then my whole body.
I buried my other hand into his silky red hair as he laid his free hand on my hips.
"I really love you, Lee. Please don't let me ever go."

"I won't. I swear I will show you what true love is." I said.

We laid down in his bed, I curled up to him, and pulled him closer to me.
I'm the happiest person in the world with the most amazing boyfriend.

Gaara never had a real family or a real friend and I feel so sorry for him.
His whole live, he was alone on that big, cruel world and his own town abhored him for being a jinjuriken.
He couldn't do anything about it.

But now I'm by his side and will stay there forever.
Until I will die.
I will show him love and affection, because he really deserves it.
I love him and I will never let him go.
My Gaara.

I woke up with Gaara in my arms.
He was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up.
I watched him sleeping, he looked so peaceful.
A little hair strand fell into his beautiful face, which I lightly stroked away.
I stroked over his soft ceek and his full lips.
I lend into him and softly kissed him.
He tasted so good.
His lips tasted sweet and a little bit like sand.

Gaara slowly opened his eyes and looked into mine.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?", I asked.
"No, it's alright."
He smiled at me.
His beautiful soft smile, what's so good for him.
"I love you" I said.
He responded with another gently kiss.

Timeskip Lee leaves

"I will accompany you." gaara said.

"does the kazekage allow it?"

"yeah, I asked him. He made it into a mission for me. Hehe"

"okay then let's hurry"

We ran for a while now when I suddenly heard something.
"Gaara, stop."
"hm, what is it, Lee-Chan?"
I looked around: "I think we are being persecuted."
We went in defence.
"look around, gaara."

And then, two members of the akazuki rushed in and attacked us.
I dodged a bomb and kicked him into his rips.
He got blonde hair which covered half of his face.
His blue eyes were staring at me in confusion.

"How did you dodge my attack. It was unpredictable!"

Was it?

Then.... What's about Gaara?!

I turned around to see a unconscious Gaara in the Arms of a wierd puppet.
A sting stuck in his chest.

"GAARA!!" I shouted.

"Well, that was to easy, wasn't it, deidara?", the puppet said.

"It was. But we have what we need now, so let's hurry, un."

Suddenly the Gaara in the puppets hands dissolved in sand and the real Gaara appeared right behind me.

"A sand clone?!"

"you can't beat me that easy." gaara said.

"GAARA!" I was happy.

The plug of his sand container shoot out and landed on the grass.
Sand streamed out and flowed to the akazuki members.
While Gaara fought against that deidara, I fought sasori.
He was sure strong but I will get him somehow.
He realized that I was to fast so he used his strongest weapon.
He opened his mouth and lots of needles shoot out.
I dodged them but suddenly my body felt tired and not a second later my chest began hurting and I was cramping.
I screamed out in pain while Gaara was rushing to me and took me bridal style.

"Lee, you okay??"

He hit me with his potion.
Everything got more and more quiet.
Where am I
Who am I?

"Lee... Hear.... Me?!"

Someone was screaming....
That voice was familiar....
But it was so far away...

"Posion.... Kill..... Within sec...."

I recognized another voice.

What was going on?

I am tired....

I want to sleep...


"G.. Gaara...", Did I get out weak.

"Hang in..... Lee!"

"Gaara..." I whispered.

"D.... Talk.."

"Run.... Gaara. Save yourself.... Leave me here..... I will die...."

"LEE!!" He shouted.

"I can't leave you alone, you saved me from the loneliness.... Please! I couldn't live whiteout you!!"

Gaara ... Was crying...

"Don't cry....... say goodbye...... And don't forget your beautiful smile..... Because I will watch over you.....
It would be a waste.... Goodbye gaara.... I love you...."

I spoke my last words before everything went black leaving just the picture of gaaras face back.

PoV. Gaara

From the corner of the eye I watched Lee fighting against that puppet guy.
Suddenly I saw how Lee dodged the needles but forgot to look back and a sting hit him in his back.


I rushed to him and took him bridal style.

"Lee, you okay?"

"Lee, can you hear me?!" I screamed desperately.

"That Poison is going to kill him within a few seconds. He will die!" the puppet guy said and laughed.

"G.... Gaara" it came from Lee.

"Hang in there, Lee!!"


"Don't talk! I will save you!"

"Run Gaara.... Save yourself.... Leave me here... I will die."

Under no circumstances will I let him die.
Not him.
Not my love of the life.
Not the one, who saved me from the darkness.
Not Lee.

"I can't leave you alone, you saved me from the loneliness... Please! I couldn't live without you!" I cried in despair.

Deidara and sasori laughed evil, they really enjoyed it.
Such bastards!!! I'm going to kill them... For sure!!

"Don't cry... Say goodbye... And don't forget your beautiful smile... Because I will watch over you... It would be a waste... Goodbye Gaara... I love you."

"No, LEE!!" I shouted in pain.

He was dead... I can't feel his heartbeat anymore.
He's gone.... Forever...

"You bastards!!!! I'm going to kill both of you!!! I swear it!!!"

With that words I left them behind and quickly got to the Suna hospital.

Timeskip 3 years

I'm the kazekage now.
I couldn't get over Lee yet.
Sometimes I stand on the Edge of the cliff and just want to jump...
But when I look up to the sky....
I remember Lee's words...
'Don't cry.... Say goodbye... And don't forget your beautiful smile'
The only reason why I am still alive is him.
I didn't promise him, but I will do as he said.
Because he taught me what true love is... And he never let me go...
So I'll do it...
For him.

He once said to me: 'you know... Some people say that time heals all sore... But I think you're just getting used to the pain.
I think love heals all sore. Because the people you love and the people who loves you... Are doing everything for you and you do everything for them... As in good times as well as bad times they are by your side... They comfort you when you're crying and laugh with you when you're happy.
That's true love... And if you have a person who loves you.... Then all the pain is gone.'

I remember it.
We were sitting where I am standing right now... At the edge of the cliff.
It was a clear night and the stars shined bright.
The atmosphere was calm and beautiful.

I answered: 'Lee... To me, you are this special person... I love you and you love me... When I'm with you I have nothing to fear and I'm not alone....
All the pain is gone when you're here...
You showed me, what love is in the first place... And I'm very grateful for that.... Thank you, Lee. I will always love you'

And now... He's gone.... I'm....



"You're not alone...."

I turned around my moth stood wide open.

"As I promised... I watched over you... And I'm proud you made it until now... You're the kazekage... And I'll wait for you up there.... I love you. Remember that, Gaara-Chan"

"L... Lee?"

He disappeared as quickly as he came.
The only sign of his existence was the footstep in the sand, which was blown away by the wind.

"... Lee?"

I must be hallucinating....
I have to get some sleep...
I'm just tired....
I mean.... He's... You know.

And there I was, walking home in the night... Waiting for my death to return to Lee...
My Lee.


Hello there... I hope you liked it! I know no haply end but hey!
Maybe it is a good one... 😂
Word count :  2106 words
Byee! ❤️🥺

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