Time Witch Love

By Gavador

32.1K 930 633

Akko messed around with a time spell and went back causing a parallel timeline. Woodward helps Akko by starti... More

The Butterfly Effect
Old Enemies
Dragon and Fountain
Adventure in Akkoworld
Broken tombstone
Bee affection round 2
Magic Mirror
Q&A Session
Q&A Answers
Summer break
End of Summer Date part 1
End of Summer Date part 2
Discord Server!
New Nine Witches
What do you mean no beach episode
Beach episode
I messed up!!
The Cavendish part 1
The Cavendish part 2
Time Traveler Witch Finale
The Witches Party
The Wedding

Samhain Festival

1.5K 47 11
By Gavador

Akko's POV

"Ok Akko remember, we need the sacrifice job. Try not to screw this up ok." Said Sucy as we made our way to class.

"Relax, it's me we're talking about." I assured her.

"That's exactly why I'm worried."

We sat down at our desk and waited for Professor Finnelan to give the announcement.

"May the representative of each group come up and pull a faery from the box Professor Lukic is holding." Explained Finnelan

I got up and got in line with everyone else. Each girl went up and took a faery out of the box. I kept track that nobody pulled out my faery.

Eventually it was Diana's turn. Is it just me or has Diana been avoiding me since the mirror incident? I held my breath as Diana pulled out hers.

"Summoning magic" said the faery with a smile.

It was my turn, but I've forgotten which one is the sacrifice. I was tossing up between two until I closed my eyes and pull one out.

A unmotivated voice sighed "sacrifice"

"Yes, oh yeah, oh yeah, I got the sacrifice job." I sang as I did a little victory dance.

Everyone was looking at me in a disbelief.

"Uh, Ms Kagari, you do know what the sacrifice job entails?" Asked Finnelan

"Well yeah, a ghost named Vajarois comes out and eats me and my team. What else is there to say." I answered

Finnelan didn't respond and let me get back to my seat. Class finished up and I went about planning the little show we'll be putting on. During the cover of night I practice my metamorphosis magic just to make sure I haven't gone rusty.

Diana's POV

Again I was awoken by another dream of Akko. The dreams are platonic I assure you but they kept me up all the same. I tried distancing myself from Akko in order to focus.

However to no avail, I still catch myself thinking about her on a daily basis and the dreams never stop. One bizarre one was when I was hugging a small Akko as if she was my teddy bear. Rather than continue my pointless attempts to get to sleep I decided a walk around the school will help.

I made my way out of the dorms until I was overlooking the courtyard. I noticed Akko in the courtyard practicing her metamorphosis magic. Lately Akko has been falling behind and struggling.

It's a lot different from what she was like when she first arrived. Perhaps she's always struggled. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help myself.

"Are you having trouble Akko?" I asked only a few feet behind Akko.

Akko yelp and frantically juggled her wand before it flung back and I managed to catch it.

"Sorry if I startled you Akko." I apologize

"Nah it's ok. So~~~~~~ you, um, you want to know if I'm having trouble?" Said Akko

"Yes, I've been noticing you falling behind. So I'd like to help if I can." I explained as I hand Akko her wand back.

"Well, I guess if you're offering. I wouldn't mind if you could help me."

I tried to give her a reassuring smile. But I'm not sure if it was noticeable.

"So, are you having any trouble with your metamorphosis magic?"

"Well, no but I want to try something a little more complicated. You know like Chariot." She attempted to explain

"Well firstly your posture is wrong." I gestured for her to go through the process.

I stopped her and readjust her hips and back.

"You're learning too far forward. There are many ways to do this spell but non of them require you to learn forward so much."

"Next, your holding your wand wrong. Hold it more naturally, I know it may feel strange but you'll get used to it."

It was only after I readjusted her wand in her hand, that I noticed Akko's shaking.

"Try to avoid shaking so much. Make sure to steady your breathing as well." I explained

It wasn't until I noticed Akko's blush how close I was. I immediately distanced myself.

"Sorry, I must be making you uncomfortable." I apologized

"No, I uh, well. You usually distance yourself from others so I was just surprised is all." All explained

"Well I hope my tips will help. It's a shame you've been put in a position that won't allow you to show everyone your metamorphosis magic. I would have liked to have seen you perform." I said

"Don't worry Diana, there's a reason why I wanted the sacrifice job." Akko said with a confident smile.

That was suspicious.

"What are you planning Akko?" I asked

"Don't worry, it's me we're talking about." Said Akko

"That's exactly why I'm concerned." I sighed

Before leaving Akko got my attention.

"Uh, Diana. I was wondering if, I mean. Summer Vacation is still a while away and I'll be spending it here. I was thinking if you're here too you could perhaps tutor me?" Akko asked, she was clearly nervous and fidgeting.

"I will be staying here for summer Vacation as well. I'll tutor you the best I can." I said

Akko just smiled and ran off. I hope this interaction with Akko doesn't keep me up all night.

It unfortunately did. My dreams were haunted by Akko's smile and would always end before the kiss. Before I knew it, it was mourning.

"Hey Diana, you don't look too good." Mentioned Barbara

"You should really take it easy on the late night study. I think you over did it this time." Said Hannah

"Thank you for voicing your concerns but I assure you I'm fine." I lied

I wasn't going to last long during the day. I did my best cleaning myself up for the day. I had a severe case of bed hair from tossing and turning too much.

After I got dressed and went to get breakfast. Sitting down in the cafeteria I could hear many excited conversations about the upcoming Samhain Festival.

"So Diana, what are you planning on summoning?" Asked Hannah

Barbara had moved over to the read team's table. She usually does on even numbered days of the week.

"I did have a thought and settled on a Unicorn." I answer

"A Unicorn? That's amazing, shame your daughter from the future couldn't see it." Said Hannah

Bernadette had to return to the future after she'd finished her punishment. Although I know I'll see her again it's a shame to see her go.

"Well, I'm sure I can recreate the summoning in the future for her."

"Oh my, Ms Cavendish. Are you alright?" Asked Headmistress Holbrook

"I didn't notice you there headmistress. I assure you I'm fine, just some late night studying." I lied

"Well you must get some rest. I understand your need to prove yourself but you must get some rest." Explained Holbrook

"Hey Diana, your not looking too good."

I was surprised by Akko's sudden appearance.

"Akko I assure you I'm alright."

"No your not, I've noticed the bags under your eyes. You need to get some sleep." Akko persisted

"I'm afraid she's right Ms Cavendish. Being tired might affect your performance during the festival. Take the day off, I'll write a note informing the teachers. You can do any work you missed over summer Vacation.

"Akko, could you be a dear and escort Diana back to her room?" Asked Holbrook

"Of course."

I attempted to protest, but I was too tired to do so. Akko walked me back to my room.

"Thank you Akko for escorting me back." I thanked

"Nuh-uh, I'm going in to make sure you go to bed and not continuing your study." Said Akko

She knows me too well it seems. I relented and allowed Akko to follow me as far as the other side of the bookshelf.

"It's alright, I won't attempt to study. I'm going straight to bed." I explain

"Alright, I trust you, just focus on getting to sleep." Said Akko

When Akko left I was tempted to start studying. But I didn't want to go back on my word. I climbed into bed and attempted to get to sleep.

Akko's POV

Later that day I went to check on Diana. When I knocked on the door Barbara answered.

"Ssshhh, Diana's asleep." Shushed Barbara

"Oh sorry, good to know she's asleep. I guess I'll be going now." I said

"Wait Akko, have you seen Hannah. She said she was going to town to collect a parcel but she hasn't come back yet."

"No I haven't. I could go into town and check real quick." I offered

"That'd be great, thanks Akko. And could you wish Lotte goodnight when you see her next. Today's been a little busy for me since this morning." Said Barbara before closing the door carefully.

When I got to town I eventually spotted Hannah poking her head around a corner.

"Um Hannah?"

Hannah yelped, she quickly put a hand over her mouth.

"Uh, are you ok?"

Hannah put a hand over my mouth and shushed me. She removed her hand slowly and looked around the corner. I followed but I'm not sure what I was looking for.

"What are we looking at?" I whispered

"Non of your business." Whispered Hanna

"Come on tell me." I insisted

"Only if you'll leave."


"That handsome boy over there." Whispered Hannah as she pointed at a boy with orange hair with a light red undertone.

It was then that I realized it was Amanda pretending to be a boy. I decided it was best not to tell her. I awkwardly backed away and made my way back to Luna Nova.

Holbrook's POV

I looked at the offer infront of me. I was surprised when Mr Blackwell offered the school money. However nothing is without a catch.

"You say this money is for a research grant?" I asked Mr Blackwell

"Yes, apart of the deal is that you employ my friend Ms Meridies. She's specialises in a new field of magic." Explained Mr Blackwell

"And you'd like to fund her research." I assume

"Of course, not that all the money is necessarily for her. The money can go to the school as well." Assured Mr Blackwell

"Well Mr Blackwell, your offer is quite generous. I suppose adding Meridies to the staff won't be too troublesome. In the meantime, tomorrow our school is having our annual Samhain Festival. If you'd like you may join." I said while signing the contract.

"Perhaps I will, it could be an excellent opportunity to see how far magic has come since it's golden age." Said Mr Blackwell before making his leave.

I looked at my copy of the contract. Something about this deal didn't sit well with me but I'm sure it's fine.

Mr Blackwell's POV

"Well the deals been made, you're now officially apart of the staff at Luna Nova." I informed

"But I'm still unsure why you want to be at Luna Nova. We have plenty of labs that could suffice."

"Your labs don't have a convenient philosophers stone. Besides there's a few personal reasons why I want to be posted at Luna Nova. There are many secrets there, many of which are far beyond our understanding." Explained Croix

That made more sense, but my curiosity was stirred.

"Secrets you say, could any of these secrets have a military use?" I asked


I suppose if you're going to dig a goldmine dig where it's already been found. Croix will be my eyes and ears in Luna Nova, so I look forward to her reports.

Diana's POV

It was the day of the Samhain Festival. I managed to get a good amount of sleep before my performance. I watched the others perform.

First it was the potion preparation. Then the recitation of incantations. After which is was my performance.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but I've practiced it many times before. There was a small level of relief when the Unicorn emerged from the water. It was by no means an easy summoning but I managed.

Soon enough it was the last act of the festival. I felt a hint of disappointment when I saw Akko make her way center stage. She should be allowed to perform, show everyone what's she's learned since coming to this school.

Little did I know that's what she planned on doing anyway. Akko made one of her famous declarations that confuses everyone. The moment the ghost was released Akko began using transformation magic to avoid Vajarois.

Then mushrooms began to rapidly grew from the stage and fireworks. It was a surprise performance to say the least but I suppose that's expected of Akko. When Akko and her friends were eventually eaten I was disappointed.

However just before anyone could close up the festival something seemed to happen to Vajarois. Although a sudden a huge beam of light shot into the air. I could only just make out the features of a young girl in the light.

Was that Vajarois? I couldn't believe it, Akko had broken Vajarois curse. When Akko was able to get off stage I went to congratulate her.

"Akko, that was very impressive what you managed to do." I congratulated

"What you mean to say is that was totally awesome." Said Amanda as she started messing up Akko's hair.

I tried to make it known to Amanda that I wanted to speak with Akko in private.

"Well I would prefer to say so in my own way." I said

Amanda seemed to look between Akko and myself.

"Oh, well me and my team."

"My team and I." I corrected

"Right, my team and I have to clean the mess Akko's team made, so I'll be of." Said Amanda before making her leave.

Akko's POV

"Well, I'd say this year's Samhain Festival was more than a success." Said Diana

"It was all thanks to you and your managing skills." I praised

"I'd have to say, your performance was perhaps the best. I wouldn't be surprised if you won moonlit witch this year. Although we're going to have to find a new closing act."

"Nah, I didn't really follow the rules. Besides your performance was great, I'm glad I was able to see it this time." I explain

"What do you mean 'this time'?" Asked Diana

Oops, I've said something I probably shouldn't have.

"Sorry I meant, I'm glad I was able to see it for the first time."

Diana didn't look convinced.

"What are you hiding Akko. You know you can trust me." Persisted Diana

"I'm not hiding anything. Can we just drop this?"

"Akko, I know you're hiding something. You fidget with your fingers when you're hiding something."

"I swear I'm not hiding anything. Besides English is my second language. I can make a mistake every once in a while." I lied

"Akko, I thought you trusted me. What's so secret that you have to keep it from me."

"I do trust you, I'm not keeping any secrets." I really wanted to hit myself for lying.

"Very well, I see how it is."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You lied about ever trusting me." Said Diana with a colder tone than usual.

And that sigh of relief went straight back in the mouth.

"I can't believe I thought I could trust you the way I thought you trusted me. I was even considering opening up to you. That's how much I trust you. But if you can't trust me with your secrets I know I could never trust you with mine."

That hurts a little more than it should, because I do know some of her secrets. Like how she liked Shining Chariot too.

"Wait Diana."

"Good night Akko." Said Diana, before storming off.

And I'm straight back to square one.

Author's notes

Hiatus, it's a terrible word used to describe a pause in a story's writing. But I have my reasons.

My main reason is that I want to finish little witch academia chamber of time. Although I'm probably not going to use any of the material I still like to know what happens before I continue this story.

Thanks for reading so far.

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