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By renhatesthee

3.6K 158 134

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76 6 4
By renhatesthee

Chapter ten: Eric Black

♥ ▸⚬☉⚬◂ ♥

"Stop. Getaway!" He shouts, as he shoves Renesmee hand away making her fall on the floor, "Geez, I already told you."

She was a bit shocked and he was as well. He didn't show it to her because he still wanted Ren to keep away from him. That throbbing pain hit Ren's bottom so hard she realized it was just best for her to evacuate this room, this place, and him.

       Those hurt eyes of hers slowly drifted off to the side along with her body slipping her feet into her shoes one by one.

Daniel locked his sight on her until she stood up, "Leaving so soon? G-good residences," he stuttered.

She stood there with her rage still shining on her face showing it off at Daniel, staring at Daniel for a good three minutes on why the fuck was he confusing her? 

It's because he was just as confused. What she is about to do will be best.

     He took in that same moment staring at Renesmee wondering what she was thinking. She went on about that, telling him what she thought but this time she didn't and it made him feel anxious.

"Say something!" he blurted out.

Renesmee will never be used to him surprising her.

"Goddamn it, Ren! Don't stand there giving me that face just get the hell out if you're going to do so."

And she did, following his order. Running out, grabbing the leather jack, heading downstairs. He followed behind her with wobbly legs, "Aye! Hey," he shouted, making Ren stop at the bottom of the stairs.

"At least tell me. You owe me!"

"I owe you shit!" Renesmee angrily screams, turning around to face him, "The way you treated me after I went out of my way to find where you live and see if you were alright.."

"It's out of pity, you prick! I don't need anything in return but the way you spate in my face-"

"I did no such thing! Tch, spit in your face, please," he says, rolling his eyes.

"You don't actually need to spit in my face for me to feel like you REALLY DID...YOU!"

"You're wasting my time so just tell me. What happened upstairs in my room, what were you thinking? Just standing there staring at me."

"You wanna know what I thought?" she strongly said, shocking him with a middle finger in his face and turning around walking off.

Daniel wasn't easy. He's so used to violence, yelling became a natural thing for him; grabbing a hold of the hand Ren so proudly flipped off towards Daniel was directly being forced to stay put.

"Fucking telling me!"

"Disappointed! Disgusted! And just completely screwed up," she shouted the truth but not the way Daniel took it.

His attitude was disappointing. It was disgusting knowing he got one of his drivers to change her and everything felt screwed up being in a situation like this.

"Fine. Let me be so kind as to show you the door and kick you out on your ass," he meant it.

Dragging her by her wrist towards the front door. Ren didn't feel right about this, he was pissed beyond it and she wanted to shake out of his clutch but out the door she went hitting the concrete.

"Asshole!" she cussed.

"You wanted to leave so bad...there! Go!"

"I will!"

"Tch," he left, shutting the front door.

This wasn't supposed to happen next. Leaving until she figured something out and stop being so confused about Daniel until she understood.   Sitting on his porch wasn't much, she didn't leave.
      Ren sat there thinking how stupid she was, how she went out of her way to get here, and going through links to find where he lived just only set her back.

Once it got too dark, she left.

Daniel was hurt as well and showed a single tear shed for Renesmee. Lending against the front door he never opened to see if she was really gone but waiting for a knock to be echoed didn't appear.

He didn't go after her and she left him.

I went to school normally every day and no sight of Daniel. It was suspicious not seeing him around the hallways, at lunch, or even P.E. with it being our last class. Daniel didn't show up for Track. He hadn't practiced for weeks but it must be because of his wound. It only made him skip this particular class we shared. That burning curiosity will forever be buried in the back of my head.    I stopped having lunch and just drove off to have lunch outside of school at some fast food place, sitting alone but I didn't mind it. I'm used to being alone.

People come and go every day but Daniel, Thetic, and Jessica were the ones I wanted to stick around. In this time of need, I needed myself the most. Three weeks went by and I started to feel a pair of eyes on me inside the school, though, like myself I was too caught up into my own life over someone stalking me.

Not my best idea.

Fourth period JROTC was over. The bell rang and everyone walked the halls going to lunch as I took my time, nothing was going on and my mind was completely blank.  My attention was captured by a tall male and my thoughts sprung.

Why am I so damn short?

          I rolled my eyes and continued walking, paying no mind to a ridiculous question like that because I have the advantage of being short.    The figure got closer with his head-turning to mine, I looked back to him and straight forward but avoiding this male's eyes weren't going to cut it.        He came into clear view as I came to a halt.

Eric Black.

A formal friend of Daniels. He seemed civil and he spoke pleasingly, a lot of rumors went around these two. When high school began their friendship also ended.      Black wasn't the person to talk on it and Daniel wasn't much approachable either.

Black walked up to me with his books on his side in his hands, wearing a basswood brown jeans, a white sleeveless shirt with black winter vest, and his thin black glasses. It was true what people said, he's also unapproachable. The atmosphere felt almost like Daniels.

It must not be easy having all eyes on you when you walk inside a room.

       He had a strong scent with him that lingered around the hallways, I guessed it was cologne. Eric's hair had a bounce with his movements, a shining glow, and his black hair never looked as nice.

Tch, I bet he does it himself.

The biggest thing that stuck out to me was the butterfly on his throat, what's the meaning?

"Renesmee?" The question was bothersome. His hand reached out for a handshake, something I didn't have the time for.

"People call me Ren. Stick to it, "I said, walking to the front of the school.

"Eric Black, "he replied, catching up.


"You're friends with Daniel, correct?"

Those mixed feelings rushing back. Rushing down on me more than I can bear. An immediate frown overcame my expression, "What's your point?" I asked.

We stood in front of the office, "You haven't seen him lately, have you?"

"Again! What's your point?"

"If you're worried about him, don't be."

I huffed a sigh walking through the office and out the double doors, "I guess not. But if you want to know, I can tell you where he's hiding," Black said, running behind me and shouting those words.

"Come on. I'll take you out to grab some lunch."

He followed. That white cloud and the blue sky clear my thoughts enough to make me want to hear more and Daniel but what was in it for Eric Black?


"What am I? A dog."

"Would you like me to put you on a leash?"


He has such a nice face, bold look, and here it shows he's a pervert. I rolled my eyes with a slight excitement in my cheeks.

"You're blushing, "he blurted out, "Cute, "he adds, taking a bite of his food.

The cat did catch my tongue. I didn't understand myself-it has to be because I want to know more about Daniel.

"Cut the shit, Black. And tell me."

"Will do."

Our conversation lasted for two class periods. It slipped my mind how we had a great talk about everything, I wasn't the best in talking to people I didn't know and it was truly rare to have such a pleasing one as a matter of fact.    He told me he worried for me but he went on telling me where Daniel hides out during seventh period and I made my way back to the school heading towards the back of the building following Eric's words:

Daniel keeps away from all beings from behind the building. Behind the bleachers and down a path in the woods. Jump over the small pond and there should be a small storage place, it's very old, the school used to use it back in the days but the school built a new one close to the school.        Students before us cleaned it up but freshman year Daniel and I made it look like home so don't be surprised when you see something as fancy as that in the middle of nowhere, therefore I stopped going there for personal reasons. Though, whenever he goes missing that's the place. His safe place.

And just like that. I approached the place. His safe place.

© Ren Sherman Nonfiction

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