The Shapeshifter of Metropoli...

Від Bill_s

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DISCONTINUED Seven years ago, Y/n and his friend Josh took a road trip together and road across the country f... Більше

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 4
Sweet Justice Part 1
Sweet Justice Part 2

Prologue Part 3

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Від Bill_s

After hours of flying, they finally made it to their destination, which was a medieval looking fortress with a drawbridge. Y/n landed first in his flying manta alien form before turning back into human.

Y/n: Finally! We made it!

Cobalt: Finally!?

Y/n turned around to see Cobalt land with Batgirl still clinging to his back.

Cobalt: We would have made it here sooner if you weren't slowing us down doing loop-de-loops on the way here!

Batgirl: WOW!

Batgirl leapt off of Cobalt and gazed at the Forever Knight's castle.

Batgirl: Frank wasn't kidding when he said it was a fortress.

Batgirl looked at the edge she was standing on and looked at the water encircling the old fashioned building.

Batgirl: It even has it's own moat! How are we gonna get in?

Y/n pondered for a moment, staring at the drawbridge and the windows. She did have a point. He never considered what to do if the building was actually decently fortified. They could fly up on the roof, but that might cause to much attention. His thoughts were interrupted by Cobalt.

Cobalt: I got this.

Cobalt flew over the moat and to the top of the risen drawbridge. He started pushing on the edge of the bridge with his boots planted on the side of the wall. He gave a few grunts as the bridge started to budge. Wooden creaks and metal groans were heard as the bridge moved more and more. Finally, a loud and metallic wiry snap was heard as the drawbridge fell open with a deafening slam. Cobalt fell but he caught himself with his jetboots before landing on the bridge and then doing a TADA pose.

Cobalt: Open sesame!

Batgirl gave him a small applause as Y/n showed some concern, worried that all the noise alerted some knights. He shook it off as he, Batgirl, and Cobalt walked into the castle. The long entrance hall was lined with medieval armors and antiques locked inside of display cabinets. On the walls hanged old tapestries, picturing knights battling monsters and preforming heroic acts. Y/n stopped and looked at something large standing in their path.

Y/n: Huh.

Y/n gazed up at a lifelike statue of a purple dragon with lavender wings and underbelly. On it's head were two horns and and a singular horn on it's nose. The statue stood up on a rounded stone platform with it's hind legs, looking up with its mouth opened wide, making it look like it was roaring.

Cobalt: Where do the knights get the money to buy this stuff?

Cobalt said continuing down the long hall. Y/n soon joined him as Batgirl stayed behind. She turned around and took out her phone and took a quick selfie with dragon in the background. She put her phone away and rushed over to join Y/n and Cobalt.

Cobalt: Dead end?

Cobalt asked as all three of them stopped at a wall with two tapestries hanging from it.

Cobalt: Who has a entrance hall that doesn't go anywhere?

Batgirl: Maybe they have a secret passage.

Y/n: That does sound like them. Spread out and see if you can find something.

They walked off in different directions to see what the could find. Y/n went to a set of armor. He eyed it at different angles, looking for a switch or button of some sort. He looked at the helmet. He raised up the visor. He took a glance around, seeing if any entrances were opening up. He brought the visor back down and looked again. No luck.

Y/n: Anything yet?

He looked a Batgirl who was feeling the walls for a button disguised as a brick.

Batgirl: Nothing over here.

They heard a crash and turned to the source of the noise. The saw Cobalt looking down at a tipped over display cabinet with it's glass shattered and it's contents spilled.

Cobalt:... Nope... Maybe we should double back. They could've hidden it by the entrance.

Y/n: Maybe... alright, let's go.

The three started trailing back to the way they came, walking past an empty rounded stone platform. Y/n's eyes widen. He put his arm in front of Cobalt, stopping him. Cobalt looked at Y/n confused. Y/n looked back at the stone platform.

Y/n: Wasn't there a dragon there before?

The other two look at the platform.

Cobalt: Wait, there was! What the heck?

Batgirl went to the platform, examining it's flat surface. It was covered in dust except for two spaces where the dragon's feet were.

Batgirl: Really glad I took that selfie.

Cobalt: Anyone else getting Night at the Museum vibes?!

Y/n: You'd think we'd hear something that big walk off. Where could it have possibly-

The three heard heavy breathing accompanied by low growls. Y/n was the first to turn his head. He saw the dragon standing on all fours, glaring at them with it's fiery orange eyes. Y/n's horrified gaze was joined by Batgirl's and Cobalt's as they saw the massive beast that was very much alive.

Batgirl:... Any chance that he might be nice?


The dragon's blaring roar shook the hall, causing Batgirl and Y/n to flee. Cobalt on the other hand shifted his arms in gatling guns and fired countless rounds the beast's chest. But the dragon is undeterred. It reeled back it's claws swiped them down at Cobalt which he barely dodged.


Cobalt gave a comedically feminine holler as he sprinted back down the to end of hall, joining the other two with the dragon trailing behind him. The dragon's stomping caused a suit of armor to fall face first to the ground. Y/n tripped over the armor, making him stubble forward and grab the one of the tapestries. He ripped the aged tapestry in two, revealing a secret lever which Batgirl noticed.

Batgirl: Seriously?! How did we miss that!?

She rushed to the lever and yanked it down. The stone wall between the tapestries split and slid open making a small doorway.

Batgirl: MOVE! MOVE!!!

She shouted, pulling Y/n up. They dashed through the door with Cobalt behind. But all three skidded to a halt when they saw two dozen Forever Knights closing in with weapons drawn.

Knight: Halt! Nobody move! Hands above your heads!

A knight shouted pointing a sword at the trio.

Batgirl: Yeah, we could do that, or... COBALT!

Cobalt: WHAT!?


Cobalt: Wait! WHAT!?

Y/n and Batgirl ran behind Cobalt as the knights began to fire lasers at them. Said lasers were making contact with Cobalt's armor, much to his dismay.

Cobalt: Ow. Ow! OW! I'm feeling the shots through my armor!

Cobalt changed his arms to gatling guns again and fired back at the knights.


Y/n and Batgirl looked back and saw the dragon crashing through the stone wall like cardboard.

Batgirl: Please tell me you got an alien for dragon related situations.

Y/n: Lemme check.

Y/n activated the Omnitrix and scrolled through the list of aliens he had at his disposal, but he couldn't find any familiar aliens in time as the dragon was reaching chomping distance.

Y/n: Ah screw it!

Y/n selected one of the new aliens. In a flash of green, he stared to shrink down to only about a knee high. He was wearing a white skintight body suit. He had a square appendage that looked like an MP3 player behind his back with a port on it. He had what looked like cassette tapes on his lower legs. There were green circle indents on his wrists, and he was wearing something that looked like headphones on where his ears would be. They were connected the MP3 player thing on his back.

Batgirl looked down at Y/n's new appearance, as Y/n blinked a couple times.

Batgirl: You couldn't have picked someone bigger?!

Y/n: I panicked okay?!

Y/n retorted in a high-pitched, tinny, robotic voice. With another deafening roar, the dragon slammed its front legs on the ground, making the whole room shake. Everyone lost their balance and some even fell to the ground, including Y/n. With a yelp, Y/n hit the ground and surprisingly, he split into two versions of himself. The Y/n on the left looked to his right and saw his clone.

Y/n 1: Wait, what?!

The clone looked at his mirrored counterpart.

Y/n 2: Huh?!

Another roar got their attention. They looked and saw the dragon approaching, shaking the ground beneath them. They looked back at each other with determination in their eyes as they nodded. They got up and sprinted towards the beast. Both of them split into five clones making ten altogether. The five in front crouched down acting as stepping stools as the other five stepped on their backs and jumped into the air.

Y/n 6: Dogpile!

Y/n 9: Dogpile!

Y/n 7: Dogpile!

The five clung to the dragon's face, disorienting it.

Y/n 10: Dogpile!

Y/n 8: Dogpile!

The other five pounced on it's legs, bewildering it even more. The dragon fell to the stone floor with a mighty thud, kicking up dust, obscuring everyone's vision. As the dust settles, Cobalt was revealed holding up two knights by their shoulder plates.

Knight: Ohhh you're not gonna-

Cobalt: Ohhh yes I am.

With that, Cobalt smashed the knights' heads together, knocking them unconscious. He tossed them aside before other knights piled themselves on top of him. Cobalt merely tossed them all off and set his sights on the other advancing knights. He activated his jetboots and rocketed towards them. He slammed the palm of his armored hand into one of their faceplates and slammed his head to the floor. A knight tried shooting him but he backhanded him away, sending him crashing into two other knights. A knight ran up to him with a sword raised over his head, but Cobalt kicked him away 300 style, sending him flying across the room with the help of the thrusters under in his boot.

Batgirl ducked under a swing from a sword and uppercutted and knight in the chin. She looked around and saw that she was surrounded by about six other knights. As they started to rush at her, she pulled three small pellets out of her belt and threw them to the floor. They exploded into giant smoke clouds, blanketing the area. The knights coughed as they scanned for the girl. But one of the knights seemed to have disappeared into the smoke, and then another. One of the knights cried out as something hit the back of his head. Another knight was flipped on his back, and another was punched in the faceplate. The last terrified knight  stared blindly firing his gun in the smoke, hoping to get a hit on his unseen enemy.

Knight: WHERE ARE YOU!?!

Batgirl popped her head over the knight's shoulder.

Batgirl: Here.

Knight: AHH!

The knight screamed as Batgirl kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold. She looked around her with her hands on her hips, staring at the unconscious knights laying on the ground.

The Y/n clones were hanging on for dear life as the dragon thrashed its massive head around. With one more swing of its head, the clones went flying into a nearby wall, and plummeted to the ground. Now it only had the clones stuck on it legs to worry about. It stomped on the ground, trying to shake them off, but also causing tremors throughout the castle. The shaking made a large brick fall from the ceiling and crashed next to a recovering Y/n clone, nearly crushing him. Out of fear, the clone screamed loudly. So loud in fact, he shot ultrasonic sound waves from his mouth and at the brick, shattering it into pieces. Surprised, the clone put his hand over his mouth. He glanced at the others, who were staring at him, sharing his shock. The angered roar of the dragon got their attention, as it finally shook the clones off its legs. Putting on a determined face, the clone stood up and breathed in, puffing out his cheeks. Then he let out an ear splitting scream, blasting the dragon with sound waves. The other clones beside him did the same, barraging the beast as it recoiled back from the attack. The other clones skidded under the giant creature, getting behind it and blasted the beast with their sonic screams. Now surrounded, the dragon was being bombarded by ultrasonic sound waves, unable to move from the force of the attacks.

It's skin started to peel off from the force of the continuous sound waves, revealing underneath mechanical parts. The clones continued their attack as more of its mechanical interior was exposed. The Y/ns realized that it wasn't a dragon, but a robot dressed up like one. As they continued their screams, the robot dragon's right arm fell off, along with its tail. Finally, it head fell off as its whole body slumped to the ground. Not wanting to take any chances, the clones continued firing their streams of sound until finally the motionless body of the mechanical dragon exploded. Thankfully, the shrapnel from the blast was pushed back by the force of the sound waves, keeping it from flying off and hitting someone.

Y/n 3: Alright!

Y/n 7: In your face Toothless!

Y/n 5: Yeah!

The clones celebrated and high-fived each other before being absorbed back into one singular being. Y/n stood their triumphantly before Cobalt and Batgirl came up behind him rubbing their ears.

Cobalt: Dude! A little warning next time!?


Y/n: Oh. Sorry guys. Never been this guy before.

Cobalt: Yeah, you're really breaking in the new guys aren't you.

Y/n: I swear I'm not doing it on purpose.


Cobalt and Y/n recoiled from Batgirl from how loud she was yelling.

Y/n: Sweet... Let's start there.


Cobalt: Yes.

Batgirl: WHAT?!

Cobalt: Yes!

Batgirl: WHAAAT!?



Cobalt: YOU'RE-!



The three scoured the whole fortress and found every laser gun that they could and piled them all up in the entrance hall.

Cobalt: Okay, I think that's all of 'em. Go for it.

With that, Y/n let out a sonic scream at the pile of weapons, blowing them up and completely destroying them. Y/n turned around and saw Cobalt and Batgirl rubbing their ears again.

Cobalt: I said warn us!

Y/n: You told me to go for it!

Cobalt: You still could've said something!

Y/n: You should've been prepared!

Batgirl: Guys.

Cobalt: You nearly busted my eardrums!

Y/n: That's not my fault!

Batgirl: GUYS!

Both Cobalt and Y/n looked at Batgirl and saw her worried expression.

Batgirl: What's stopping the knights from getting more of these guns?

Their eyes widen from Batgirl's statement.

Cobalt: That's a good point. We might've stopped the knights now, but they'll just buy or steal some more later.

Y/n thought about for a second, scratching his chin. After a few seconds, he let out a sigh of annoyance.

Y/n: Then I guess we'll have to find the dealer.

Batgirl: The DNAliens?

Y/n: Who else?

Cobalt and Batgirl looked at each other for a second before looking back down at Y/n's short alien form.

Cobalt: Okay, I'm down. But, how do we find them?

Y/n looked over at the unconscious knights, scattered around the castle floor.

Y/n: Maybe these guys know something.

Batgirl: Probably. But I doubt they're gonna be as cooperative as-

Batgirl was interrupted when they heard a motor running. It sounded like it was coming from the entrance. It's humming was reverberating off the walls throughout the fortress, being very audible to the three heroes. Cobalt quickly transformed his arm into a gatling gun.

Cobalt: We got company!

Batgirl: Wait!

She put her arm on the gun and directed it to the ground as she stared down the hall.

Batgirl: I know that sound!

She rushed to the entrance with Y/n and Cobalt not too far behind. As they got to the doorway, they were blinded by a singular headlight as a two small two wheeled vehicle slowed to a stop. It was Batgirl's purple and yellow moped, but what was more surprising was the driver. It was a Forever Knight. He shutoff the moped and got off, nearly tripping as he lifted his leg over the bike.

Frank: Guys! We have a problem! Two aliens and a vigilante are heading this way and- Wait, why is the drawbridge down? Who activated the dragon?! ...Oh.

Frank said, finally noticing two of the three vigilantes he meet at the slums, and the small white alien staring at him.

Frank: Um... H-hello again.

Batgirl: Did you steal my bike?!

Frank: Oh tha-that's your bike? I-I didn't-

Batgirl: That's my gas you're using!

Frank: I'm sorry! I didn't-

Cobalt: Oh, you really shouldn't have done that man.

Cobalt butted in, seeing an opportunity.

Frank: W-what do you mean?

Batgirl looked at Cobalt, having the same question in mind.

Cobalt: You see, our lady friend here is not just some cute cosplayer. She's, from Gotham.

Frank looked at him with disbelief. His head jolted to where Batgirl was standing, as she stared back at him with a cute yet confused look.

Cobalt: Oh yeah. She's been through some things that NOBODY should go through. Heck, she's even been put in Arkham Asylum a couple of times. And the doctors still don't think she's sane.

Batgirl realized what Cobalt was doing and she began to play along. Her cute gaze turned into one that belonged to a mass murderer who wasn't afraid to get few life sentences.

Cobalt: People up in Gotham gave her a name. Called her... The Purple Pouncer.

Frank: I-I think I've heard of her!

Batgirl: OH, You haven't heard anything yet! ANYTHING!

Frank flinched back as Batgirl crept closer to the terrified knight. Cobalt stood between the two, stopping her.

Cobalt: Now usually, this kind of thing is out of my hands. But, Pouncer has been pretty generous lately. So here's the deal. We're trying to find the guys who sold you the guns. Tell us where they are, and she won't feed you your own brain like in that scene from Hannibal.

Frank looked over Cobalt's large form a looked at Batgirl behind him. Her left eye was twitching as she was licking her lips with a sadist grin on her face. His armor began to rattle as his whole body started to tremble with fear.

Frank: W-we don't know who they are! They called us wanting to sell us the Laser Lances! When they did, we traced their signal to their location, as part of protocol!

Cobalt: Where?

Frank: About two miles west Smallville! That's all I know! I Swear!

After a few second of staring, Cobalt looked back at Batgirl and nodded. She backed off went to her moped. Cobalt went to Y/n and picked him up.

Y/n: Hey!

Cobalt put him on his shoulder and looked a Frank.

Cobalt: You made the right choice.

Frank looked at Batgirl as she strapped her helmet to her head. She noticed him staring and shot him a glare that would rival Batman's. Frank flinched from fear that she'd leap off her moped and started mauling him, ripping through his armor as she did so.

Cobalt: Well anyway, thanks for the help Frank.

Batgirl: Yeah, you have a great night.

Cobalt: Take care.

With that, Batgirl rode off on her bike and Cobalt rocketed away with a small alien Y/n on his shoulder as if nothing happened. Leaving a petrified Frank alone in the dark with a fortress full of his unconscious allies.

Frank:... I should've stayed in college.

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