Yu-Gi-Oh! New Roads

By TEZofAllTrades

111 5 5

Mason Jenkins, a reluctant duelist, must confront his past and a looming threat with new friends, new cards... More

Episode 01: Changing Lanes

111 5 5
By TEZofAllTrades

So far, it had been a day like any other for Mason Jenkins. He had finished his work, taken care of his chores, and turned down yet another invitation to go to the local dueling area with his young next-door neighbor, Lucy Mitchell. She was a sweet kid, and her parents argued a lot, so he made time for her when he had it. Sometimes he helped with her dueling strategies, deck building and such, but most of the time he just let her watch his TV while he got his work done.

Mason was a journalist who reviewed the pro-league Duel Monsters matches for the regional news division. He didn't make anywhere near as much money as he had in his glory days, but it was enough to cover the rent for his tiny apartment outside of the city. Just about anyway. Mason wasn't lucky enough to get a ticket to the WRGP in Neo Domini City, but he had managed his reviews just fine with the televised feed and online playbacks.

For a newly formed team, he was surprised at Team 5D's performance. He still wasn't quite sure what to make of all the strange special effects during and after the duel–before the signal was interrupted. That Ark Cradle thing in the sky seemed excessive, he thought to himself.

After typing up his notes, Mason felt like playing a duel himself, not that he would ever admit that to anyone. Playing Duel Links on his computer was a poor substitute for the real thing but it was better than nothing. Dueling had always been an escape, but his heart wasn't really in it anymore. Mason had gained an impressive dueling record in-game but was careful not to play too well and risk being noticed. Sometimes he would even surrender duels when there was a possibility he would qualify for events. Gaining all the basic prizes available was enough.

When Mason turned on the game, he noticed there was a new version ready for download. It piqued his interest, so he began the process. It processed the data rather quickly, which made a nice change considering the unreliability of Mason's computer–it was known to short out during big requests. Once complete, he restarted the game and signed in. The first new option seemed interesting. It was an avatar feature that made a copy of the user based on a real-life scan.

Mason wouldn't usually use this kind of feature for risk of being recognized, but it seemed like it was mandatory, so he continued with the intention of changing the settings later. He clicked "OK" and stood up in preparation for the scan. Beams emitted from his computer's lens and moved over him from top to bottom. When finished, they rendered a realistic 3D version of himself for use in-game. As he sat back down, something strange began to happen.

The computer re-affirmed his login details aloud and matched them to the scan. The screen went static a few times then it began to glow a brilliant white until light filled the room. Mason had to look away from the brightness. Suddenly, it emitted some sort of feedback pulse and Mason's hand was burnt. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, the screen returned to normal.

"Stupid thing!" Mason yelled as he pounded his monitor. It went blank for a moment but seemed unharmed. The same couldn't be said for Mason, who was left with a painful burn not to mention very blurry eyes. His vision was obscured to the point that he thought he saw a streak of white light shoot across his room. He dismissed it and closed his eyes for a minute or so to let them readjust.

As his vision returned, Mason located a bandage from his medicine cabinet in the next room, dampened it and awkwardly wrapped the burn with his left hand. His phone started ringing as he was trying to finish. Typical, thought Mason. He balanced the phone under his ear while he tried to tie off the bandage.

"Hello," he answered gruffly.

"Mason, it's Lucy," his next-door neighbor exclaimed. "Please, Mason, I need your help!"

Mason could hear the panic in her voice, "Lucy? What's wrong?"

Lucy replied, "I'm down at the dueling area and these big kids took my favorite card. Hey, give that back! Give me back my phone!"

Her voice trailed off and another interrupted the call, "Helloooooooo?"

"Who is this?" Mason demanded.

"Sorry dude, wrong number!" the voice answered before hanging up.

Mason didn't hesitate, much to his own surprise. He roughly tied off his bandage, jumped into his boots and threw on his jacket. There wasn't time to turn off the computer, but as he grabbed the doorknob to leave, he thought he heard a soft voice coming from its direction. Your deck, it seemed to say.

The screen hadn't changed from the menu page, so he shrugged it off. However, it didn't stop him from casting an eye to the small red box lying atop the tallest shelf of his bookcase, the contents of which hadn't seen the light of day in a long while...


"Please, Spike, give it back!" Lucy Mitchell cried. Spike was the leader of a local duel gang. They were known to circulate dueling areas and challenge people to bet duels. Most people knew better than to get involved with them but every now and then, an unsuspecting victim appeared.

Jimmy, a young boy new to the game, had agreed to a bet duel with Knuckles of Spike's gang and was easily defeated, losing his best card. Lucy had befriended Jimmy and felt bad for him, so she had defiantly challenged Knuckles. To the gang's shock, Lucy won the duel and demanded Jimmy's card back. Not used to losing, the gang had retaliated by refusing to return Jimmy's card and taking Lucy's to boot.

Lucy didn't know what to do. The card was precious to her, and her parents were out of town, so she decided to call her friend, Mason. She hoped the gang would respond to someone their own size but as she called, Knuckles had snatched her phone away while another of the gang held her back.

The five gang members tossed Lucy's card between them and laughed as she tried to grab it. Lucy was scared but deep down she knew Mason would show up. It was what would happen then that really worried her. She resisted the urge to cry and continued trying to snatch her card from the air. Jimmy soon mustered his courage and joined in. The sad truth was, though, they were both simply too short. Even so, they didn't give up despite the gang's increasing laughter.

Mason arrived on the scene minutes later. Luckily his building wasn't too far from the dueling area. The sight he was presented with sickened him, five guys in their late teens, taunting two little kids. At the same time, he was proud of Lucy and the young boy. Even against overwhelming odds, they hadn't given up. I need some more of that kind of spirit, Mason thought to himself.

"Hey!" he yelled. "Lucy, are you okay? What's going on here?'"

Lucy beamed with relief, "Mason! I beat Knuckles fair and square, but they stole my card anyway!"

"Come on guys, you lost. Hand over the cards and leave the kids alone," said Mason.

Knuckles responded with a giggle, "And If we don't, who's going to make us? You?"

The rest of the gang went into hysterics except for one, who Mason assumed was their leader, Spike. He just smiled. Mason made his way over to Knuckles who had a hold of Lucy. Two of the gang blocked his path flexing their muscles and pulling up their sleeves.

"I don't want any trouble guys, but I won't ask again," Mason warned.

The two gang members made moves toward him. He sighed as he realized what was about to happen. Spike, Lucy, Jimmy, Knuckles, and the remaining gang member with a Mohawk, looked a little confused. In a flash, Mason had dealt with both his attackers, and they were currently rolling around the floor in pain.

Mason had studied martial arts with his friend, Zack since they were little. It had been a long time since he had actually had to draw on his experience, though, and it wasn't a subject Mason liked to think about too often because of the painful memories attached to it.

Knuckles released Lucy. She ran to Mason, who shielded her behind him.

"Woo! We've got a wild one!" Knuckles exclaimed as he tightened his gloves and made his way toward Mason. The Mohawk-haired gang member also walked over and suddenly lunged for Mason's legs. Mason quickly jumped to avoid him, then landed hard on his back briefly before launching again. He deflected a punch from Knuckles with a cross kick from his right leg, then followed up with the other leg to the side of the thug's head.

It looked like Knuckles was out cold while the other members were just in a lot of pain. They got to their feet and made another attempt at taking on Mason. Again, he easily parried the first guy, but was overpowered when the other two managed to grab the tail of his jacket. Mason instinctively threw one over his shoulder and drew his arm back ready to deliver a final blow to the other.

"Ahem..." came the sound of Spike clearing his throat.

Spike had Lucy's card and was holding it in a way that showed he was threatening to tear it in half. Mason froze with his arm drawn back while holding the gang member, who was covering his face and awaiting the hit. He peeked through his fingers and assessed the situation between Spike and Mason.

"Aha!" he taunted as he took a hold of a reluctant Mason, along with one of the other thugs who had hobbled over in pain.

Spike walked forward. "That was pretty impressive," he assessed. "I'll tell you what, I'll give you another shot. Beat me in a duel and I'll hand over these kids' two cards. If you lose you walk away. Try anything funny and I'll tear up your little girlfriend's card. Deal?"

"That's not fair!" Lucy protested. "Mason doesn't even have a deck!"

"Well then, you're out of luck, little missy," Spike retorted. "This card's mine now. Although, it's useless to me, so I choose to tear it up–"

"NO!" Lucy cried as Spike motioned to tear the card.

"WAIT!" called Mason. "I'll duel you."

"B-but Mason," Lucy called, "you don't have any real cards..."

Mason tried to muster a reassuring smile and said, "Actually Lucy, I do." He retrieved a red box from his pocket and turned to the gang. "Now, tell these goons to back off, Spike!"

Spike silently signaled to his fellow gang members, and they released their hold on Mason.

"I don't understand, Mason," Lucy said, "I thought you only played Duel Monsters online."

Mason responded as he, Lucy and Jimmy, and the gang took opposite sides of the duel field, "I know, I'm sorry Lucy. It's complicated but the important thing is I'm going to do my best to pull out a win for you guys, I promise. I will need your help though, Lucy. Can I borrow your duel disk?"

The gang burst into hysterics as they watched Mason attach Lucy's glittery, pink, junior duel disk to his left arm. Mason stepped forward and stared at his old deck, clutched tightly in his hand. It had been so long. I can't believe I'm doing this again, he thought, but I have to! He loaded his deck into the duel disk. Then, as he pressed shuffle, he noticed his hands were shaking.

"I should warn you," Spike added, "I'm no pushover like Knuckles over there. In fact, I've been undefeated since I started using my latest deck, so I hope you've got some better cards than those kids."

"Let's just do this," Mason responded, with a lot more confidence than he really felt. They mimed rock, paper, scissors, and Mason won the right to the first turn.


Turn 1: Mason (4000) VS Spike (4000)

It was such a strange feeling being in a real duel again. Mason was struggling to block out certain memories but seeing his old cards again in their custom rainbow-print sleeves made it difficult. His breathing was getting a little erratic as he stared at his starting Hand and waves of nostalgia washed over him. Mason set one Monster and one Magic card and ended his turn.

Spike smirked, apparently noticing the change in Mason's demeanor. Spike summoned Gene-Warped Warwolf. It attacked and destroyed Masons set monster, which was revealed to be Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger.

"Ha! A Crystal Beast user huh? Boy, are you in trouble! Nobody uses that archetype anymore, Crystal Beasts are weak, especially against a power deck like mine!" mocked Spike. "I'll set these two cards and end my turn."

Turn 2: Mason (4000) VS Spike (4000)

What's wrong with me? Mason thought to himself. He couldn't understand why he had played Topaz Tiger. He had Emerald Tortoise in his hand, which could have survived the attack. At least Topaz was in the Magic Zone now though. He drew, then set Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise before placing a card face down in the Magic Zone. He smiled at the memory of his reliable old friend defending his Life Points once again.

Spike feigned exasperation, "Predictable... It's a shame you don't duel like you fight. This might have been fun. Crystal Beasts, what were you thinking?"

Spikes comment vexed Mason. Spike summoned Berserk Gorilla and attacked with him. Mason thought he had bought some time, but Spike activated a trap, Strike Slash. Berserk Gorilla destroyed Emerald Tortoise and took a chunk out of Mason's Life Points. Then Spike went for a direct attack with Gene-Warped Warwolf and for good measure activated the Quick-Play Spell, Rush Recklessly.

Mason held out with his face down card, Crystal Raigeki. He sent Emerald Tortoise from his Magic Zone to the Graveyard to take out the threat. However, Spike's remaining face-down was activated, Call of the Haunted! Spike brought back Gene-Warped Warwolf and resumed his attack. Spike finished his devastating turn by setting another Magic card.

Turn 3: Mason (1300) VS Spike (4000)

Mason was in trouble now. Spike was a better duelist than he had expected, and it looked like his deck was packed with powerful level 4 monsters. Fortunately, the challenge was rekindling Mason's passion for the game. Also, after drawing more of his old cards he began to remember the positive memories they invoked. Mason continued to play defensively but this time with a plan in mind. He set another Monster and two Magic cards, then ended his turn.

"Another one in defense mode?" Spike taunted. "You might as well just surrender. Oh well, this is it for you anyhow."

Spike summoned Chainsaw Insect and equipped it with Big Bang Shot. Chainsaw Insect destroyed Mason's set Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth, but Mason allowed it to go to the Graveyard and activated Crystal Pair in response. He placed Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in his Magic Zone from his Main Deck.

The piercing damage almost depleted his Life Points and the gang laughed in unison, "Are you joking? Finish him Spike!"

"Be quiet!" commanded Spike. "He might know what he's doing after all. There's no point attacking anymore since Crystal Pair's secondary effect stops any more battle damage this turn. It won't matter, though, next turn this duel is mine, even if you do get an extra draw from Chainsaw Insect's effect."

Turn 4: Mason (0100) VS Spike (4000)

"It's not over yet!" Mason protested. Even so, Mason's field was empty while Spike controlled 3 monsters, all with at least 2000 ATK! It was a precarious situation, but Mason was enjoying himself. It was time to make his move. First, he drew... What's this? Mason searched his memory, but he couldn't place it. Spirit Armor A, he pondered. It didn't ring any bells. He had never used this card before. As a matter of fact, he had never heard of this card before!

Just then, a card ejected from Mason's Extra Deck compartment. It was a white card but blank except for its level, which was 5. A Synchro Monster? On closer inspection Spirit Armor A was a Tuner Monster. He already had a plan, but he couldn't silence his curiosity. Mason played Mind Control to take Spike's Chainsaw Insect.

"What are you going to do with that?' yelled Spike. 'You know it can't attack now, right?"

"I'm aware of that," Mason confirmed as he summoned the mysterious Tuner monster, which caused more laughter after it appeared on the Field as a pile of rusted metal. However, Mason proceeded to tune it to Chainsaw Insect, strange words coming to him as he did, "Sacred armor, reform! Contain the ancient power and allow the noble Guardian to come forth! Synchro Summon!"

"A Synchro Summon?" Spike asked in surprise as the pile of armor assembled itself in a whirl of light and motion.

"What the heck is that boss?" the Mohawk-haired gang member added.

Mason's hand was briefly aglow from beneath his bandages, although, he didn't notice it as his gaze was fixed on the magnificent new Monster standing before him.

What's going on here? Mason wondered. He wasn't sure, but it was totally cool. The rusty scrapheap was now a gleaming white and gold suit of armor housing a body made of swirling, Rainbow-colored light. He looked at the previously blank Synchro card, it had filled itself in somehow... Sealed Spirit Zeon, he read.

Spike smiled and said, "Only 1800 ATK? I don't know what kind of monster that is, but it won't do you any good. I activate Bottomless Trap Hole!"

Mason shook himself out of his awestruck daze and analyzed his new cards' effects, "Afraid not Spike. Due to Spirit Armor A's effect, I can negate and destroy any traps activated in response to Zeon's summoning. Plus, due to its secondary effect, Zeon's ATK rises by 400 until my next turn. That makes its ATK 2200. Go, Zeon!"

Mason attacked and took out Gene-Warped Warwolf. This triggered Zeon's first effect, which let it attack once more after destroying a monster. Mason had it destroy Berserk Gorilla as well then ended his turn with a face-down.

Spike seemingly shrugged off the turn. He hardly took any damage and only had to inflict 100 points to Mason for the win, after all. He drew.

'Hahaha!' laughed Spike, 'One of my decks key cards... Not that a weak Crystal Beast user could ever have beaten me on the next turn anyway. I activate Will of the Mighty Fallen!'

Mason turned to Lucy, "Lucy I'm hardly an expert on the game these days but I've never heard of that card."

"It's pretty new Mason," she replied hesitantly, "It was given out as the prize for winning the regional championship. Spike's actually pretty well known locally; I should have said."

"That's right, hero, you're not the only one with new cards, although, I'm surprised that I haven't heard of yours before," Spike said, grinning widely. "Anyway, Will of the Mighty Fallen allows me to draw two cards so long as I have at least two Level 4 or lower Monsters with over 2000 ATK in my Graveyard. The downside is, I can't attack this turn, but against an opponent like you and the fact that you only have 100 Life Points, I'll happily take that gamble."

Spike added two cards to his hand after banishing Berserk Gorilla and Chainsaw Insect as the cost. "Ha!" laughed Spike once more, admiring his hand. "I activate Swing of memories to bring back Gene-Warped Warwolf. Now, I tribute it to summon my Great Maju Garzett, making its ATK 4000! Your move, hero!"

Turn 5: Mason (0100) VS Spike (3600)

Sealed Spirit Zeon's ATK returned to its original 1800. Mason knew he had to win on this turn, or it was all over.

"There's no shame in surrendering to a superior opponent, you know," jested Spike.

Mason ignored the comment and defiantly made his draw. After a moment to think, he took a deep breath and exclaimed, "It's time to end this Spike! I activate Sealed Spirit Zeon's secondary effect. I tribute Zeon to make the ATK of all Monsters on the Field half of their Original ATK until the End Phase!'

"WHAT?" Spike, the gang and Lucy uttered in unison. Zeon glowed brightly, then disappeared. Great Maju Garzett's ATK dropped to half or its original ATK, which was technically zero!

Mason proceeded while Spike and the spectators remained in shock, "Now I activate Rare Value using Ruby Carbuncle." He drew 2 cards, and followed with Crystal Blessing to return Ruby Carbuncle and Topaz Tiger from the Graveyard to the Magic Zone. Then, he summoned Sapphire Pegasus and placed Cobalt Eagle in the Magic zone. Next, he used Crystal Promise to Special Summon Ruby Carbuncle, which activated its effect to summon the other Crystal Beasts from the Magic zone.

Mason stood tall and admired his attacking line-up of Ruby Carbuncle, Sapphire Pegasus, Topaz Tiger and Cobalt Eagle, then addressed Spike, "Even seemingly insignificant events and people have an impact on the roads we take in life, Spike. In dueling the same goes for Monsters; even the weakest can turn the tide in a duel if you believe in their power and let them lead you in the right direction. It's time you found a new path!"

Mason punched the air while ordering, "Crystal Beasts, wild charge!" First, Sapphire Pegasus defeated Great Maju Garzett, depleting 1800 points, then Topaz Tiger attacked directly, leaving Spike with just 100 LP remaining. Just to make it hurt Mason finished Spike with his weakest monster. "Show him how it's done, Ruby Carbuncle!"

"Nooooooo wayyyyyyy!" Yelled Spike as the tiny Fairy ended their duel.

RESULT: Mason (0100) VS Spike (0000)

"Yayyyyyyy!" cried Lucy. She ran over to Mason and threw her arms around his waist, "You did it, Mason, I couldn't believe my eyes!"

Mason suddenly noticed an expressionless Spike making his way over to them. "Yeah Get em' boss, no one gets away with humiliating one of us!" sneered one of the members. Mason shielded Lucy behind him once again.

"As promised," said Spike. He held out his hand with Lucy and Jimmy's cards. Mason accepted them without question. He understood that Spike wasn't what he seemed on the outside. They'd had an honorable duel and Spike had the pride of a true duelist.

Spike kept his word and made his way back over to his D-Wheel with the rest of the gang in tow, including an unconscious Knuckles who was carried away. After hitting the one who had just yelled, around the head he added, "You win this round, Mason. I'll be wanting a rematch, though!"

Then, the gang rode off into the sunset, probably to rest up for more of the same tomorrow, Mason reflected. Still, meeting and dueling Spike had been a positive step for him. He returned Lucy and Jimmy's cards to them and admired his own, both old and new. He was truly happy to see them all. They no longer carried the ominous feeling they had for so many years now.

"What is it, Mason?" Lucy enquired.

"Nothing Lucy, come on, let's go home," he responded, suddenly feeling drained. Jimmy thanked Mason profusely before bidding farewell to the two of them.

"So, Mason, what happened today? When did you get a deck? Why didn't you tell me? What was with those new cards? I've never even heard of them before," Lucy saw the look of confusion and tiredness across Mason's face and decided she didn't need to know right then. There was something more important to discuss, "You know, Mason," she said in a softer voice, "I saw your hand."

"My hand?" Mason repeated.

She answered while again scanning his expression, "Yeah. When you summoned that Zeon monster. It was glowing! It reminded me of what was happening with those WRGP duelists..."

Mason recalled what had transpired earlier that day. He carefully unwrapped the bandage from his right hand. The burn scar he was expecting to see was a distinct 6-pointed star. There was no way something so specific could have been caused by an accidental electrical charge.

He showed it to Lucy and interjected, "Before you ask, I honestly don't know, Lucy," They entered their building and he continued, "I'll tell you what, though, I'm feeling really tired right now. Why don't you come over for tea tomorrow and I will try to explain?" She happily agreed and bid him goodbye as they reached their respective apartments.

Mason entered and slumped against the closed door. He noticed the computer was still on. Suddenly his hand glowed white, this time along the lines of the star-shaped scar. Then, his monitor screen flooded the room with light once more. Not again! What's happening?

"Mason Jenkins," Called a disembodied voice. "Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm, I simply want to guide you on the road to your destiny."

"W-what are you talking about? Who are you?"

"You can call me, Konami," the voice answered. "There is much work to be done, Mason. That symbol on your hand is proof that you are one of few people who can carry this burden. I know why you stopped dueling, Mason, but I have been looking for you for a long time and you can no longer fight your fate. This world is in danger, and I need your help. We all do."

Mason was so confused, "How can I help anyone? I can barely help myself."

"I think we both know that isn't true, Mason, especially after what happened today. Unfortunately, I cannot talk with you much longer. I have used much energy in locating you through the Duel Links network and in talking to you now. Please, you must come and see me at my headquarters in Neo Domino City."

Mason, skeptical of the whole situation, asked, "I feel like I might be losing my mind. How can I trust that any of this is real?"

"You believe," Konami responded enigmatically. "How else could you have summoned your Sealed Spirit today? I understand this is a lot to take in. To further prove myself I will use the last of my energy to send you the rest of the cards that belong to you. Hopefully this will prove my intentions, but you must come, Mason Jenkins!"

The brilliant white light intensified momentarily and several blurs of white streaked across the room, just like he thought he had seen that morning. Then, suddenly, the light was gone. On his windowsill sat a bunch of brand-new cards, new Crystal Beast cards at that! It was real, thought Mason.

Mason was struck with an ominous feeling as he observed the windowsill. On one side laid the new cards, given to him by the mysterious disembodied voice. They seemed to represent a hopeful but uncertain future. On the other side was his old dueling team photograph, which reminded him of his tragic and unavoidable past. It showed Mason and two other guys huddled together in front of a D-Wheel, holding a trophy with huge smiles on their faces. The type of smile Mason hadn't made since then. Since before the accident...

Mason lamented for a moment but after the craziness of the day, he couldn't help thinking that maybe it was finally time. Time to move on with his life. Time to move forwards. Time to take a new road on his journey.

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