My Summer Love ✓

By carmskiiee

100K 4.9K 588

Win spent his summer far away from the city in an attempt to fix his broken heart. Little did he know that on... More

Special Chapter: BrightWin
Special Chapter: ManType (Part 1)
Special Chapter: ManType (Part 2)
Special Chapter: FrankDrake


5.6K 268 59
By carmskiiee


That was the first thing he heard Bright said. Win needed to blink a few times and even rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He pinched his skin and muttered, "Ow," but the slight pain he felt was nothing compared to the happiness that was beginning to spread on him when he realized that it was indeed Bright.

Bright's here! In front of me! He's here!

Bright continued to look down at him, his hands on his knees and his back crunched. On normal days, Win would have blushed and looked away. But it was different now; he tried to take in every feature of the boy who was looking at him. He tried to see every corner of his face, the face that he had missed the most for the past three days.

He bit his lip before mentally sighing. When Bright smiled at him and dropped his gaze, Win moved to sit up. Bright sat a few inches away from him and Win badly wanted to fill the gap but he figured he shouldn't move too fast. Bright was here, and that is enough to tell Win that the latter might be giving them another chance, another shot.

"Did you just arrive?" Win said in a small voice as he looked straight ahead at the ocean.

"Yeah," Bright said as he brought his legs towards his chest and hugged it. He was in his casual city clothes- ripped jeans, shirt and some old Chuck Taylor sneakers but he sat down at the damp sand as if he was wearing his beach clothes.

"W-why did you come here?" Okay, that was the most stupid question Win had asked but he just wanted to make sure, and make things right this time.

"Frank left a few things here. I came back to get them."

"Oh," Win said, disappointed with Bright's reason. Regardless of that, he was still thankful that Bright is here. At the very least, he could apologize and maybe, just maybe, get a chance to talk about them.

"And I wanted to see you," Bright added and it made Win snap his head towards the latter.

Win tried to bite his lip to hide his smile but he just couldn't do it; his lips automatically lifted upon hearing Bright's words. "Bright, I'm sorry. I really am. I was an asshole and I lashed out and- I just- Frank told me everything and I feel so bad about it." Win tried to make his voice less desperate but he couldn't help it; he needed to get these words out of his mouth.

"I know. Frank told me he explained my side since I wasn't there."

Win nodded. "He saved your ass," He tried to joke.

"As he should. I saved his ass a lot of times before."

Win contemplated, a little bit hesitant on his question but he asked it anyway, "Are we okay now?"

He wanted Bright to look his way, he badly wanted to see him look at him again with that admiration in his eyes. But Bright only let out a small laugh. Instead, he stood up and Win traced his every action with his eyes. He was surprised when Bright took his shirt off.

"Bright, what are you doing?" Win asked as he watched Bright unlatched his wrist watch.

Bright didn't answer but he turned to face Win. He looked down at the other guy as he unbuckled his belt and Win's eyes widened in surprise.

"Um Bright, why are you-Oh my god," He said as he gulped when Bright took off his pants and the only cloth that was covering his body was a thin piece of black boxers.

"I promised you something two months ago, Win," Bright said, his eyes serious as he put his hands on his hips.

"What promise?" Win tried to steady his eyes on Bright's face but that was really hard to do when Bright was almost naked in front of him.

"You're very forgetful, Win. What will I do with you?"


"I promised you we'll go skinny dipping. I promised you that when we went out to drink for the very first time here at the resort."

He completely forgot about that and he never expected that Bright could still remember it. It was three months ago and a lot had happened since then. Besides, he was drunk as fuck that night.

"I was drunk," Win stated, echoing his thoughts in his mind.

"But I wasn't. And I don't break my promises," Bright said before he clutched the garter of his boxers.

Win shut his eyes so hard when Bright began to take off his boxers. He heard a low chuckle followed by a very faint crunch of footsteps against the sand and then he heard a splash of water. He opened his eyes and saw that Bright was already in the ocean, his lower body dipped below the waters and Win thankfully sighed. He saw that Bright's pants, shirt, wrist watch, shoes and boxers were on the sand- Wait, boxers?! He really went in there butt naked?!

"Win, the water is cold. Join me," Bright said before turning and swimming a few inches away. Bright didn't want to get that far; it was dark already and all he wanted was to try night swimming, to freshen up his once chaotic mind- and do skinny dipping with Win.

Win contemplated at first. He weighed the consequences of his actions but when he saw Bright emerge from the water, his hair dripping wet as he shook his head off to get rid of the salty water on his face, he knew he could not miss a chance to get near Bright. He began to take off his clothes and Bright urged him to hurry, laughing when Win almost fell as he was struggling to take his pants off.

"Turn around, pervert!" Win shouted as he was down to the last piece of cloth on his body.

Bright smirked and shook his head in amusement but he did turn away and gave Win the privacy he asked for. Win took off his boxers, and he felt exposed but it was too late to regret his decision now. He ran to the waters and he swam to where Bright was.

When Win reached him, he saw that Bright was looking up at the moon. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Win stared at the moon too but he turned to the naked man on his side and whispered, "It is."

"You know, while I was away, the only thing that was keeping me sane was the moon. When I look up, I remind myself that we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon. That was enough for me to let you breathe alone without me by your side. I gave you the space you wanted, Win."

Win knew that Bright was never the kind of person that holds back, but with what Bright had just said, he was more amazed at how Bright was so honest with his feelings to Win, something that Win had never done to the latter, something that he failed to do.

"I was wrong. I-I never needed that space. I-I was scared, Bright," He confessed as he looked back to the bright white moon in front of them.

"Scared of what, Win?"

"Scared that I'd lose you to a woman, because she can give you things I couldn't. She's someone... fit for you, Bright."

"The only person who'll decide who's fit for me is myself," Bright said. "And that is you, Win. I chose you and I will choose you over and over again. How many times do I have-"

"I love you," Win blurted out.

The words he said were something he never thought of, but he just felt it right now. The puzzle pieces that he had been trying to fix before were now complete. When he realized he liked Bright, he thought that was it. But Bright's absence made him reassess his feelings and it all came down to one conclusion- he was in love with Bright.

Holy shit, I'm fucking in love with Bright.

"Win, what did you just say?" Bright said, clearly taken aback by the sudden confession of Win.

"I love you, and I mean it. I mean it and I- Bright, I was barely sane when you left. Frank kept me at bay but when he left today too, I feel like I lost everything that was connected to you, everything that was about you. Bright, I'm so happy I just-"

Bright's arms were around him in no time and he was softly sobbing on the latter's chest. Bright kissed his ears as Win sniffed his nose before whispering once again, "I love you, Bright. I really do."

"I love you back, Bunny. More than you'll ever know," Bright whispered in his ears as he continued to hug Win, giving comfort to the other guy.

Win pulled back from the hug and he snaked his hands around Bright's neck. Bright reached out for his cheeks as he wiped away the tears on Win's face. Win felt so brave tonight and he didn't want to hold himself back anymore. He was fucking naked in front of Bright for fuck's sake, what could make him less brave? Three days was enough to make him realize that good things come and go, it's up to you how to make it stay and Win wanted Bright to stay so bad. He knew that the only thing to do was to show Bright how he felt for him. It was his time to step his game up.

"Let the moon witness this fateful night," he whispered before crashing his lips to Bright's, pressing their bodies together.

Bright pulled Win towards him as if there were still any gap between them. Win tilted his head and so did Bright, their lips and body moving in sync, and Bright bit Win's lower lip which made Win moan. Win held himself up and Bright understood the movement so his hands traveled down towards Win's legs and he squeezed them which made Win chuckle a little bit before Bright hauled Win up to his stomach. He could feel Win's dick on his abdomen and he became more aroused. Win snaked his legs around Bright's waist as Bright reached up to capture his lips once more as Win was now taller than him because he was being carried by Bright. Bright's kisses trailed down from Win's lips down to his chin and the latter tilted his head to give more access. Bright couldn't help but squeeze Win's ass which made Win yelped and laugh loudly.

"You are so hot," Bright said lustfully as he stared at the pretty face above him, the moonlight glinting down on it. "Gorgeous, bunny, very gorgeous.

"So are you, baby," Win said as he connected their lips again, now his tongue asking for entrance.

Bright gave him what he asked for, too weak with Win's aggressiveness to say no. He was already turned on by the mere fact that Win was initiating everything and the latter's erection was rubbing on his stomach but the fact that Win just called him baby made him want to take Win right there and then. They continued to kiss and devour each other on the ocean and the moon was the only witness as to how these two men showed their love for each other, breaking all walls and norms that were built by the people around them.


"Good morning, sunshine."

Win's eyes slowly opened and was greeted by Bright's face. He squinted since the sun was directly shining on them from the window but he felt cold without Bright's body pressed on his. Judging by the sun, it was still a little bit earlier than his usual time of waking up.

He smiled at the boy who was on his side, his arms and hands supporting his head as he leaned down to kiss Win good morning.

Win dodged and covered his mouth, suddenly feeling conscious. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"Bunny, I swallowed your-"

"Bright!" He reprimanded which only made Bright snicker.

Bright once again leaned down and Win granted the latter what he wanted this time. It was a very brief kiss but it was enough to complete Win's day already.

"I felt sticky with everything that happened last night. Bunny, you c-"

"Bright, what the fuck stop saying it!"

"Stop saying what? That you c-"


Bright laughed and kissed his forehead. "Okay, okay. Chill, little buffalo."

Win sat up but he immediately yelped by the stinging pain on his ass. "What the fuck."

"Bunny, are you okay?" Bright said.

"M-my back, it hurts."

"You mean your ass," Bright teased but he helped Win sit up. "I've prepared some ointments already. Let's take a shower before putting some on and then we'll have some breakfast, alright?"

Win nodded, looking around and he saw how messy Bright's room was. Traces of last night's events were evident in the latter's room- the clothes that they wore last night before going back to Bright's hotel room were all over the floor, messy bed sheets and condoms. He saw about two to three used condoms and he blushed at the sight.

How many rounds did we have last night? Fuck.

Bright helped him up, and if not for his stinging ass, he would've felt embarrassed that he was butt naked walking to the bathroom but so was Bright and he could still not get over how gorgeous last night Bright was and how sexy he was when he moaned Win's name while Win was su-

Win, get your head out of the damn gutter! Your ass is sore and you wanna have Bright's mighty dick inside you again?

But of course, it was impossible to resist Bright, not when the latter was helping him shower, rubbing every corner of his body clean. Not when Bright hugged him from behind, snaking his hands around Win's waist as he rubbed the soap on Win's abdomen and eventually sliding down until he was rubbing something else.

The next thing that Win knew was that he was also crouched against the bathroom wall, moaning Bright's name as it echoed around the secluded room. Bright thrust at him harder and the sore ass he once felt was now nothing compared to Bright's hard dick inside him.

The shower took longer than usual, thanks to Bright's little segway of dirty talk, but he found himself in Bright's clothes an hour and a half later, walking to his house. Win was laughing as Bright uttered a senseless joke, their hands intertwined, but Win stopped on his tracks when he saw his father on the porch, stretching.

He wanted to hide and run. It's not like they didn't know about him and Bright, but there was always something scary about letting the one you like meet your parents. It was too late though because his father spotted them and he saw that his father's gaze dropped on their linked fingers before breaking into a wide grin. "Win, Bright, come!"

Win risked a glance on Bright and Bright only nodded. They walked to Win's house, their hands breaking apart as they waiid at Win's father.

"Good morning, por."

"Good morning, uncle."

"Good morning to you, too," He answered cheerfully, his wide grin not leaving his face. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Oh, I was just about to get my wallet, por. We're going to grab some breakfast at the breakfast stall-"

"What? No! Let's all have breakfast here. Your mae woke up a little late too so we're having a late breakfast but I think she's almost done now. Come, come," He urged as he went inside the house first.

"Um, are you okay with this? Because if not, I can always come up with an excuse and, you know," Win said, leaving his words hanging as he didn't want to intimidate Bright.

He didn't even know if they were official yet and here he was, outside his home while his parents were waiting for the both of them to join his parents for breakfast.

"I'll meet them sooner or later, bunny. Why not make it today?" Bright said confidently, leaving Win standing there as he made his way inside the house. It was Bright's second time to be inside Win's house but it had a totally different vibe with Win's parents in it. It was more lively and it radiated a very positive energy. Bright understood now where Win got all his positivity from. Bright knew Win's parents already; he had met them since his parents and Win's parents were High School friends. He waiid when Win's mother turned at him.

"Oh, Bright! It's nice to see you, darling!" She said as she wiped his hands with the kitchen towel before rushing to Bright to give him a warm hug. She peeked behind Bright and gave a knowing smile to her son.

"Hello, aunty. I'm sorry for intruding on your breakfast."

"What do you mean? You're not intruding on anything! Come and sit! Good thing I cooked more than what we usually have today. Win, honey, take a seat already too." Win hesitated before following Bright and took a seat beside him. "Do you want juice, coffee, hot chocolate or fresh milk?" Her mom offered as he poured an orange juice for her and her husband. "Your father and I will have juice since it's too late to have a coffee already. We normally drink coffee for breakfast. And this orange juice is freshly squeezed by your por, Win."

"Then I'll have juice, aunty. I've never had fresh orange juice," Bright said as he handed the glass on the table that was meant for him to Win's mother.

"Me too, mae," Win said.

Bright saw that Win's mother couldn't hold all the glasses so he stood up and helped her. She thanked him and she served them with rice before sitting down and began to eat.

"How's your parents, Bright? I heard they went back to Miami. I saw their posts on facebook," Win's father said.

"Oh, they're fine, uncle. And yeah, they did go back to the states. They needed to fix a few things and visit some of their friends there too. They'll be back in two weeks."

"We didn't get to see them that much, did we honey?" Win's mother said as she turned her head to his husband.

"Yeah, and it's a shame since the last time we saw them was... roughly 9 or 10 years ago," Her husband answered.

"Oh Bright, you were so young back then! You were very cute and shy but look at you now, handsome as ever. You can make any girl swoon over you!" She said gleefully as she looked adoringly at Bright.

"Including our son!" Win's father said and the couple laughed teasingly.

Win's eyes widened and he screeched, "Por!"

"What? It's true!" His father said defensively.

"Really, bunny?" Bright leaned as he joined his parents in teasing him. Win slapped Bright's thigh under the table and Bright faked a small scream before grinning at Win.

"Oh look honey, they already have an endearment!"

"Mae!" Win said once more as he sighed and palm faced himself.

Bright laughed at the sight of Win stressing over his parents' teasing so he took his hand under the table and squeezed it lightly. "Bunny, we were just teasing you," Bright said when Win tried to shake off his hands that were holding Win's.

"Shut up and eat."

"Stop pouting first."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are," Bright squeezed his hand once again as he said, "Metawin, smile for me."

Win snapped his head to meet Bright's adoring gaze at him.







It all clicked together.

And just like that, everything faded as he felt the time stopped. He was taken back nine years ago where he first met Bright.

Where he first met Chivaaree.

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