Polis Underground

By HeDa_WaHeDa

39.9K 1.5K 1.3K

Clarke goes to college and her friends drag her out of some "college fun". She ends of making eye contact wit... More

Chapter 1: The Commander
Chapter 2: How To Get Tips
Chapter 3: Stolen Car
Chapter 4: Karaoke Night
Chapter 5: 'Mystery' Number
Chapter 6: Shampoo
Chapter 8: Mama Shae
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: Vestibular Schwannoma
Chapter 11: Fight, Flight, Freeze
Chapter 12: Payback Is Hell
Chapter 13: Bartender Doesn't Count
Chapter 14: Really Pretty Girl
Chapter 15: Bubbles
Chapter 16: I Thought You Were Dead
Chapter 17: Her New Princess
Chapter 18: She Promised
Chapter 19: Chicken Nuggets
Chapter 20: I Like This One
Chapter 21: Someone You Shouldn't Test
Chapter 22: I'll Stay

Chapter 7: Just A Necklace

1.7K 69 93
By HeDa_WaHeDa

Clarke's POV

After a long day of classes I go to Starbucks to get some work done. I have almost finished with my essay for human anatomy, when I get bored and pick up my phone.

I pull up Lexa's number. She still doesn't have a saved contact... I probably shouldn't, incase the idiots I call friends take my phone again.

I stop for a moment and think about what I should say to her. How should I start a conversation? I type out, "Hey" then delete it.

I do this over and over again until I settle on a message to send.

you get home safety... padawan

I put my phone down, anxious for a reply, which I got about 45 seconds later:

(123) 456-7890
Yes ma'am, I just got home...
And I am not a Padawan... I'm a Jedi Master

I smile down at my phone:

Oh are you now?

(123) 456-7890
Always have and always will be...

I laugh a little then realize that she said she just got home. She left me 5 hours ago.

wait you just got home?!?!

(123) 456-7890

what were you doing for 5 hours?!?!

(123) 456-7890

i will pinch you

(123) 456-7890
Oh no! I am so scared! I won't be able to handle a pinch! Oh, what will I do?!

I know... you better be scared...

(123) 456-7890
I am shaking from fear.


(123) 456-7890
Also, what is this?

She sends me a picture of the 20 dollar tip we have been passing back and forth.

you're tip 🙃

(123) 456-7890
Also, you won't get away with this, Griffin...

whatcha gonna do? pinch me?

(123) 456-7890
I can do other things than pinching... you'll see...

I blush at the last text. What does she mean? Is she talking about boxing or...


(123) 456-7890
By the way you replied, I must assume you took my response wrong... get your mind out of the gutter, Griffin... if I'm going to flirt with you I'll make it clear...

This makes me blush even more.

good thing I didn't take it dirty...

(123) 456-7890
Those dots at the end of the sentence tell me other wise.

shut up and go to sleep!

(123) 456-7890
Not tired

do I care?

(123) 456-7890
You should... seeing as i'm your first ever patient...

...i don't like you...

(123) 456-7890
Don't you have homework?

i'll do my homework when you sleep

(123) 456-7890
Guess you are never getting your homework done then :)


(123) 456-7890
...fine i'll get some sleep...

good :)

I smile and stare at my screen. I shouldn't text her, she should sleep. Before I close my phone, I get another text.

(098) 765-4321
hey! its Cillian!!!


I change his contact information with an eye roll. He better not want to talk all night. I want to sleep tonight.

the party is tmr @ 9


u gonna come?


ok! whatcha up to????

assignment... i have to get back to them

k! txt me l8tr

I turn off my phone after I read the last message. Sighing, I put my phone down to continue working on my essay. Tomorrow... what excuse can I use for tomorrow?

I get another ping on my phone but ignore it. I don't want to deal with Cillian. After two minutes my phone does that reminder ping and I roll my eyes. My guilt of not looking at the phone takes over and I look at the message. I smile when I realize it's not Cillian.

(123) 456-7890
If I tell you I'm sleep texting, what would you say?

I chuckle a little.

I would probably tell you to see a therapist

(123) 456-7890
They wouldn't be able to handle me.

I furrow my brows at her reply.


(123) 456-7890
um... I don't know what that means...


(123) 456-7890
Forget I asked...

no no it's okay... it means "What do you mean?"

(123) 456-7890

I snort then cover my mouth. I look around the cafe to make sure no one heard me.

(123) 456-7890
Are you there? Am I bothering you? Because if I am you can always tell me to leave you be.

did the commander... just double text... to me???

(123) 456-7890
Nevermind. You're getting blocked.

i'm messing with you!! i have to figure out a way to laugh while studying... or else i might die

(123) 456-7890
If you die, I would have no doctor. :(

that's it... you would be sad to have no doctor

(123) 456-7890
I might also miss having my good luck charm...

I smile lightly and type my response, but before I could hit send, Octavia joined me at the table. I look up and she smirks.

"Who you texting to make you blush like that? Is it the number Bellamy texted?" Her smirk makes me roll my eyes.

"I'm not texting anyone special." I say and put my phone down, I don't want to be suspicious by continuing to text them.

"Mhm... okay... so anyway," Octavia pulls out her computer, "Looks like we are having a study date."

"Ew! A date with you?" I fake a gag.

"Would you rather be on a date with that random number?" She asks with yet another smirk.

"No... shut up." I mutter and look back at my essay as I continue to type. My eyes keep flicking at my phone. I want to send Lexa a text so she doesn't think I'm ignoring her... What if she double texts again? No, I think I ruined that by pointing it out.

I smile gently and Octavia throws a crumpled up napkin at my forehead, "If you don't stop smiling, I will go through your phone."

I roll my eyes, "What if I'm happy because I finished the essay?" I test her and she cocks her head to the side with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh really? What's your closing sentence?" She asks and I look down at my unfinished essay.

"It says, 'I need to get new friends that mind their own business.'" She smiles at my response.

"Oh, gorgeous," She takes my hand across the counter, "That will never happen." I roll my eyes and she squeezes my hand.

"Hey! Let go of her hand! We don't need that lesbian PDA in here!" A frat boy calls out to Octavia and I. She raises her eyebrow and glares at him.

"What did you say?" She tests him and he stands up, walking over to our table.

"I said stop holding your girlfriends hand while i'm trying to eat!" He points at Octavia who is still holding my hand across the table.

"What makes you think I'm dating this beauty?" Octavia asks him and he stands a little straighter.

"Holding hands, calling her gorgeous... your playful smirks..." He shrugs, "It's easy to see... my sister does the same thing to her girlfriend and it's disgusting."

With that Raven walks in and over to Octavia and I, "Hey, babes... what's going on?" She questions while looking at the man.

Octavia says nothing but let's go of my hand. She walks straight up to Raven and puts her hand behind her neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

I look at them in as much shock as the man does . When Octavia pulls away from Raven she just turns and smirks at the man. Ravens cheeks have blush on them as her jaw was dropped.

"I'm straight, idiot... these are my bestfriends. Go bother someone else." She says in a deeper than normal voice. It sounds quite threatening. He just nods and walks back to his seat with his head slumped down.

Both Octavia and I look at a still frozen Raven. She just has her mouth slightly open with her eyes staring ahead of her.

"You broke her." I say, a little annoyed, as I poke Raven's cheek and she shakes her head to look at Octavia then me.

"Tell my why my middle school dream just came true?" She asks and the three of us laugh, "But um... would anyone care to tell my why Octavia just... you know." The Latina girl points to her lips.

"You are a dork... and I was proving that I can kiss my bestfriends." Octavia sits back down and looks at her laptop.

"Why didn't you kiss me then?" I frown.

"You're lips are for the Commander only... wouldn't want you to cheat after your first night together." She grins and I roll my eyes.

"The Commander and I are just friends... she- we haven't... we won't kiss." I nod at my answer and Raven sits next to me.

"Sure." Octavia rolls her eyes.

"Today was a good day." She grins and puts her chin on her hand.

"Wait wait, Raven has Luna! I'm not the only one that can't kiss you, cause of someone else!" I point at Octavia.

"So you admit that you have someone else." Raven grins at me.

"So you admit Luna is your someone else." I play back.

The raven haired girl in front of me rolls her eyes and starts packing up her stuff, "Whatever, Clarkie, I have a date tonight so I have to go."

"Wait with who?" Both Raven and I go into protective bestfriend mode. Octavia just smiles and leaves us at the table. After a moment of silence, Raven speaks up:

"She kissed me." Raven grins. I push her head a little and she just laughs, "My dreams have come true!" She throws her arms up. I laugh and start packing my things up.

"You are an idiot." I shake my head and she just sighs, "What will Luna think?" Raven punches my arm lightly.

"We aren't telling Luna, and there was no romantic reason behind the kiss." Raven shrugs and I nod at her while I finish packing, "So... how was your night with Commander Heart Eyes?"

I shoot Raven a questioning look, "Who?"

"Oh, come on! You can't tell me you didn't see the way she was looking at you... you know... after she beat that dude up for pushing you." Raven explains.

"First off, she didn't beat Cillian up... she threatened him... there is a difference. And secondly, she didn't look at me in any certain way." I point my finger at Raven.

"Oh, so you know the frat boys name?" Raven looks a little confused. I nod.

"He won't leave me alone." I shake my head.

"Tell your girlfriend, I bet she will handle it." Raven smirks. I glare at the girl next to me.

"The Commander isn't my girlfriend." I shake my head.

"I never said The Commander... you just think of The Commander when I say girlfriend... I think that should tell you something..." Raven grins and I roll my eyes. "And what is this Cillian character saying to you?"

"Just wants to go to a party tomorrow." I shrug and Raven grins.

"Party time." The brunette next to me claps her hands.

"No... no party..." She laughs at me as she nods her head, "I hate you."

"You love me." Raven stands with me and I grab my bag. We start leaving the Starbucks. While we are walking out, Raven asks me more questions:

"So what's her name?" Raven bounces next to me.

"Um... what makes you think I know?" I shake my head. Lexa wouldn't want too many people to know. I'm not going to out her name.

"Because you spent all night with her... you have to know her name." Raven pushes my shoulder with her shoulder, which causes me to stumble.

"Don't push me, Raven!" I glare at my so called "best friend."

"You're right... Commander Heart Eyes might beat me up." She grins at her own joke. We finally made it to my dorm.

"Go away." I say and walk into the doors of the building.

"Love you!" She calls out and I make a heart with my hands to show her as I walk away.

I make my way up to my room. When I enter, my attention is automatically caught by Anya running around the room searching for something.

"Uh... whatcha doing?" I ask while slowly entering the room.

"Nothing." She just snapped back at me without even looking up.

"Um... okay." I walk over to my bed and lay down. I scroll on my phone while Anya searches the room. She lets out a huff, "You need help?"

"No offense, blondie, but if you don't shut your mouth i'll break your jaw so it won't be able to move." She threatens while looking around.

I roll my eyes and look back at my phone while Anya grabs her phone. She dials a number and sighs. She presses call and puts the phone up to her ear.

"I lost it." She says plainly, "Yes... yup I lost it." the woman next to me looks down with a sad expression, "No you don't want to come over... no i'm not making excuses- no- Stop befo- fine! You're funeral." Anya looks at her phone. The person hung up on her.

Looks like I am going to meet this mystery person. I text Raven the news.

you still daydreaming about the kiss?


okay... i have drama

clarke just say tea


fine! what's the tea

🙄.... anyway, anya is always arguing with someone on the phone, apparently it's her sister and i'm finally going to see who it is!


no she can't know i'm paying attention



go back to day dreaming

I send the last text when I hear my door just burst open. A tall woman comes in and quickly takes Anya by her shirt.

"You lost it?" The woman yells. I can't see her with Anya in the way but I know that voice... I sit up quickly as the woman pushes Anya out of the way.

It's Lexa. She stands still and looks at me, "Klark... I thought you had classes..."

"Told you, idiot." Anya murmurs. Lexa quickly turns to her and pushes her hard into the wall.

"Not a word from you!" Lexa points at Anya and then turns to me. I see anger flashing in her eyes.

"Lexa you should be resting." I stand up and walk over to the angry woman.

"Not now, Klark." Lexa moves around me and starts going through Anyas desk. Lexa pulls books and papers out. The brunette just throws them on the floor.

The pile on the floor gets bigger while Lexa tosses things out of the desk. Lexa pulls out a small book and looks at Anya, "This is mine." Lexa puts the small book on the top of the desk.

Once the desk was fully emptied onto the floor, Lexa moves to Anya's bed. I can see hurt in her eyes when she rips the sheets off the bed and sees nothing.

Lexa does a little circle with her hand covering her mouth. She just looks around the room while she stands in the middle of it.

When she is done taking in the room she looks at Anya, "You... you LOST IT!" She starts screaming.

"Lexa, it's not that big of a deal." Anya rolls her eyes.

"NOT THAT BIG OF A-" Lexa covers her mouth again and does a small turn to look around the room, "Anya... that was the last piece of him... that was." She shakes her head.

"Lexa it's just a necklace." Anya just looks around, "I get that it was our-"

"Our?! Our?!" Lexa points at Anya. You can see the veins in her neck showing themselves, "You are no longer a part of this family!" Lexa screams at Anya, who looks hurt.

"We wasted so much on you going to college! So much! All that could have gone to-" Lexa pauses and looks at me, as I am backed into a wall, "You aren't a part of this family as long as I'm alive."

"Why are you flipping out so much over the necklace?" Anya scoffs and Lexa just takes two long strides to grab her shirt. The brunette slams Anya into the wall with a horrifying look in her, now dark, green eyes.

Lexa has her arm against Anya throat. Anya's face starts turning purple. I can't let Lexa do this.

"Lexa!" I call out and that gains her attention. Lexa shakes her head while letting go of Anya.

"Get out." Lexa murmurs.

"Get out? This is my room." Anya crosses her arms. Lexa just takes the collar of Anyas shirt in her hands and throws her closer to the door. Anya loses balance and falls.

"Get out before I make you... and it is going to hurt." Lexa nods at her own threat. Anya rolls her eyes and leaves the room. Lexa just stands in silence. I slowly make my way around the pile of junk on the floor, over to Lexa.

"Hey..." I start gently. Her sad eyes flicker up to look at me. I slowly put my hand on her arm, to calm her.

"That necklace was my fathers... it was the only thing I had left of him... Anya fought so hard to have it," the brunette shakes her head, "It was the only thing I had left." She repeats with water threatening to spill out her eyes.

"Lexa... we will find it." I hold her arms and she nods.

"We aren't going to find it... its gone... the last piec- he is gone, Klork." Lexa quickly covers her eyes and turns away from me.

"Lex." I try but she just shakes her head and wipes her eyes, "Lexa, we haven't searched my side of the room... the necklace might have been misplaced."

"Klark, I'm not going to search your side of the room, that's your private property." Lexa turns to looks at me with blood shot eyes and a small tear track running down her left cheek. The tear track goes down the dark bruise on her jaw.

I slowly put my hand on the side of her face and wipe away the last of the tear off her cheek, "Don't give up now..." I give her a caring look and she nods while slightly leaning her head farther onto my hand.

"What... happened?" I hear from the doorway and turn to see Raven watching the both of us. We quickly back away from each other with a little blush on both of our cheeks, "Is that the... Commander?" Raven points at the taller woman next to me.

"Yes... well... no- she- well- you see." I stumble out but Raven just stares at Lexa in shock.

Lexa shakes her head lightly while looking down at her dirty shoes, " Yes... I am." Raven's smile grows.

"Clarkie... holding Commander Heart Eyes' face?" Raven starts laughing.

"What did you call me?" Lexa asks in a threatening tone. Ravens laughter immediately stops.

"I called you Commander..." Raven stands a little straighter, "So uh.. what happened?"

"Nothing." Lexa spits out. Raven raises her eye brow with a small smirk.

"Touchy subject for The Commander?" Raven makes her way to my bed. Lexa glares at the shorter woman, who has made herself at home.

"Don't call me that." Lexa just turns to me to speak but Raven cuts her off.

"What should I call you then?" Ravens smirk fills my room, along with her ego.

Lexa ignores her and just speaks to me, "I'm going to go." Is all she says before she takes the book Anya stole from her and leaves. I watch the door as Lexa closes it then turn my attention to the Latina girl on my bed.

"Say anything about this and she will beat you up... I promise." I point at Raven.

"I won't... but now you have to come clean about all the time you two have really spent with each other." Raven smirks and I join her on the bed. I lay down with my head on her lap. She plays with my hair and I smile thinking about my times with Lexa.

"You won't tell anyone?" I ask and she sticks her pinkie out for me to take. We pinkie promise and I smile. Here we go.

Where do I even start to explain Lexa?

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