Reforged Alliances: A Broken...

By Icebolt515

1.9K 53 11

It has been six months since the Isle of Berk had become home to Dragons. The former Viking Hiccup, is now o... More

Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter One
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 2
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 3
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 4
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 5
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 6
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 7
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 8
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 9
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 10
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 11
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 12
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 13
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 14
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 15
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 16
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 17
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 18
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 19
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 20
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 21
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 23
Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 24

Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 22

65 2 0
By Icebolt515

This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 22

The quiet sound of stone on metal echoes in the dark. Slumped in a corner, Thuggery draws the whetstone across his blade. The feeble light from a single candle dances across the walls and floor. "What am I going to do?" he asks aloud to no one in particular. A single green eye cracks open, Tannlaus lifts his head and offers a supportive croon.

"Sorry did i wake you?" The young man asks, setting his blade across his lap. Seeing the dragon just lying there silently watching him, Thuggery takes a deep breath. "We are about to go into battle... Gods... We are going to have to fight our parents!" His head hangs limply, "I can't fight my Dad... I mean, sure he is acting crazy... But he is still my Dad, you know?" Under the unwavering gaze of the dragon before him, Thuggery groans. "You're right... I need to do it now or never!"

"Do what?" The sound of Camicazi's voice at once calms and startles the former Meathead heir.

"Cami!" Jumping up to his feet, the sudden motion sends his sword clattering against the stones only to stop at her feet. "Sorry! I was just thinking..." His voice catches in his throat. Standing before him is a young woman he barely recognizes. Gone is the dirty leather and steel armor, gone are the heavy boots, replaced with a simple gown and sandals. Her long almost rats-nest hair of yellow is gone, replaced by golden waves cascading around her shoulders, framing her flawless face.

The normally bold and brash young girl stands almost shyly playing with a strand of her hair. "I didn't interrupt anything?"

"No! No... You didn't..." The scent of soap and heather fills his senses, without a thought, he finds his fingers lightly caressing her cheek before digging into the silky waves of gold. He looks into her eyes, "This isn't right... I should ask your parents..."

"In case you need to be reminded... We've both been cast out. I can make my own decisions now." Her hand mirrors his, lightly stroking the week worth of stubble on his jaw.

His gaze drifts to her forehead for only a second before once more focusing on her glittering blue orbs. "Your kranson is missing?"

"Hmm... Is it?" Her smile makes his heart flutter, "I don't know what may come, but I know I don't want to face death without..." Her words fail her, as she casts her eyes down.

Tipping her head back, Thuggery brushes his lips to hers. "I will go no further... Not until we speak to Stoick." Taking her hand, Thuggery nearly drags the unresisting girl to the great hall in his excitement.


Valka chuckles at the retreating figures. "How does it feel Stoick? Knowing you just made those two so happy."

The chief's massive hand gently supports his wife. "All I did was join them in marriage, on the eve of battle..."

"Ya' sell yourself short. Ya' also offered them a home here, and a place in the Haddock clan."

Those words cast a moment of contemplation from the Chief Hooligan. "But fur' how long?" With a sigh, "Val? Will I have yur' support?"

Confused she draws back, "Always... What is this about?"

"I've seen Spitelout's behavior the last many days, and I've heard what he says about Snotlout... Errr, Ember." Wiping his face with his hand, "I need ta' know if ya'll stand with me, if I hav'ta do somethin' drastic."

"Stoick, we have movement on the back paths... And the Dragons just got back from the North Woods!" Gobber calls into the mead hall.

Stoick adjusts the dragonscale plate Valka wears, then caresses her hair, running his fingers through her auburn locks. "Please, for the last time stay here with Magnus... He needs his mother."

"He needs his father too, and the best way to make sure he has one is ta' stand at his side."

With grim resolve, he grasps Valka's staff, "Then let's go face our foe together..." A smile creeps onto his face, "I missed having my Valkyrie by my side."

Taking her staff, Valka offers him his favorite axe, and without another word, smiles as she settles her dragon-crest helm in place.

Leaving the great hall, the pair close the doors behind them, and wait until they hear the others inside setting the bar into place. Moving with haste through the dark streets, Stoick glances skyward. The cloud filled sky nearly blots out the light of the moon. From the heart of the village, the only light comes from the still cooling coals in the forge. For a moment, the clouds part, and the village is cast in silver, guiding them to the edge of the village overlooking the harbor. Thuggery and Camicazi stand side by side against the darkness. Green eyes peer out from the tent erected around the recovering dragon, the quiet 'thump thump' of his impatient tail is the only sound to fill the still air.

Rows of warriors line against the street with barrels, crates and piles of stones creating choke points. A faint glow of torch light reflects off the cliffs below, and shine in places from behind the buildings built there.

The roars of several dragons cut through the dark, shattering the silence. A quiet murmur or excitement moves like a wave through the village. The winged shapes circle the gathered warriors, briefly blocking out what little moonlight pierces the clouds above. Ember, Astral and Volcus land behind the defences and move to take up places among the defenders. Kari and Azure circle once more before diving over the cliffs and into the harbor.


Kari glances down at the gathering of men and women, the defenders of Berk. 'This isn't going to end here... Even if they fight off every last invader, the other tribes will want revenge and attack again and again. Eventually they will wear us down.' Her keen eyes spy shapes moving on the decks of the anchored ships. "Astral, Ember, Volcus... Land and help with the defences. Azure, you're the fastest, you're with me."

"What are we doing?" the Thorntail questions.

"It looks to me like Mogadon and Bertha are acting in a very un-Viking like way. They are still on their ships and not actually leading the attack themselves." Kari explains. "Let's see if we can end this fight before anyone has to die!" With a roll, the dragons dive over the cliff and swoop into the harbor. Kari pulls ahead, her sleek form gaining speed with each second, as she builds a charge of gas. With the telltale screech of the Night Fury, Kari lets her blast fly. The flash of blue-purple explodes against the deck of the ship, Bertha staggers back, blinded by the brilliant light. With legs extended, and talons at the ready, Kari slams into the Bog Berglar chief. Without slowing, the dark dragon grasps the blinded and stunned figure, lifting her into the air and carrying her into the night. With a glance behind her, she sees Azure with the wriggling shape of the Meathead chief clutched firmly in her own talons.

An explosion of pain lances through her right paw. With a growl she glances at her quarry. Recovering quickly, the Burglar chief managed to keep a grip on her prized mace. With another swing, she aims the crushing blow to the dark paw wrapped around her.

Kari feels the sickening crunch, more than hears it, as the mace is brought down again and again. With a toss, Bertha hits the ground at speed, rolling through the empty street and finally coming to a dazed heap at the foot of the gathered warriors. With an "Oomph", Mogadon finds himself in a similar state. Landing lightly, the dark dragoness snarls when she places weight on her front paw.

Stoick storms forward, "What is the meaning of this?!"

Collapsing to her belly, Kari scribbles in the dirt, thankful her left hand was still unharmed. Cowards Still on ships Not Leading Fight. Before stoick can say anything, she continues, End Fight Now. No one dies.

Nodding, Stoick takes Bertha's mace. "She's right, ya know! Yur' not actin' like yur'selves. The Chiefs I knew would have been on the front lines! Finding glory and honor."

"What do you know 'bout 'honor'?!" Bertha spits, "Yur' consortin' with the enemy! Now yur' even takin' orders from 'em!"

A flurry of activity catches everyone's attention. A small green eyed dragon, the size of a small dog darts out from under the flap of a nearby tent. The jet black dragonling rushes across the open ground and nuzzles up against her mother. "Jade go back to your father."

"Momma you're hurt!" The little one cries, seeing how her mother's right paw is mangled, with a pair of fingers bent at un-natural angles, and the majority of paw below the wrist heavily swollen.

"I'm alright. Go back to the tent."

Camicazi rushes over, "Common sweety, let's get you out of here." The young woman struggles a moment before managing to lift the fledgeling into her arms.

"Ohh... There's the traitor! Look at you. Yur' a dissapointment, a curse on the name Camicazi!" With a single motion that belies the large woman's size, she grasps a dagger from her belt and throws it with unerring aim.

In the silence that follows the blade finds its mark with a wet 'schunk', followed by the sound of a quiet thud against the cobblestone. Two voices cry out, "Jade!" Kari's roar nearly drowns out Thuggery's own cry of "Cami!"

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