This Can't End (Logan Lerman...

By tayagrant

1.7K 21 7

Anaya Blue and Harry Styles are childhood best friends. Anaya and her 2 best friends, Skye Moon and Nitina Bi... More

This Can't End (Logan Lerman/One Direction Fan Fiction)
Don't Worry, Be Happy


147 3 2
By tayagrant

  *Niall's P.O.V*

  I look back and forth from Anaya and Harry kissing in the fountain to Nitina's jaw that dropped lower than mine. "TINA!" I whisper yell and she looks over at me. We're hiding behind a stone balance beam and I bring her down behind it. "I thought she still loved Logan?!" Nitina starts to clue in and we peek over the beam to see Anaya slapping Harry playfully and him shaking his hair out.  

  "Oh my gosh we have to tell Skye. I know for sure that she'll talk some sense into Naya. She's just that good with words and understanding people's brains." She says and I laugh. We run before they get out of the fountain and start walking back to the hotel where Zayn and Skye should be by now. I'm hungry...

  "Can we get something to eat now?" I ask.

  "Niall, save it! We have better things to worry about! Like how Anaya just ruined her own life." I try not to laugh at how serious Nitina is being because so serious.

  "Okay..." I say and we walk the rest of the way in silence. I slip my hand in hers as we take the elevator up. We bust into the hotel room and start telling Zayn and Skye what happened immediately.

  "Wait wait wait wait..." Skye says and there's a pause. "YOU GUYS WERE SPYING ON NAYA WITHOUT ME?!? Well, better call Logan." She says getting out her phone. Nitina's about to yell something. "Hi Logan." She puts him on speaker phone.

  "Hey Skye!! Nice to hear from you. Hey, is Anaya around?" He asks and Nitina bites her thumb.

  "Actually she's probably making out with Harry in a fountain right now..." My jaw drops. What a way to put it, Skye!!

  "Wait what..."

  "I'm sorry Logan! Niall and I caught Anaya and Harry kissing in a fountain..." Nitina says, almost crying from frustration.

  "Explain this to me, please?"

  "Okay, Niall and I were spying. And Harry kissed Anaya. Then she pushed him, but when he kissed her again, he wouldn't let her pull away and then she pushed him in the fountain, which he dragged her in with him, and then she laughed and kissed him." She says in a rush.

  "It's true, mate... I saw it with me own eyes..." I say and Logan sighs.

  "I knew she wasn't over him." He says.

  "Yeah but she resisted." I say.

  "That's true. I'll call her later."

  "NO!" Skye shouts. "She'll be SO mad when she finds out we told you about her and Harry! You've seen her pissed off!"

  "That's true, but I need to talk to her anyways." Logan says.

  "But don't tell her about this, okay?" Skye asks.

  "I can't lie to her! I'm in love with the girl!"

  *Anaya's P.O.V*

  I stop outside the hotel room, still damp from the fountain to hear Logan's voice. "I can't lie to her! I'm in love with the girl!" He says. Can't lie to me?... WAIT LOGAN?! I look at Harry and he shrugs. I look at his lips and close my eyes, trying to hear the conversation.

  "Logan! She hates it when we spy on her and this could be the worst yet!" Nitina says and my hands fly to my mouth. They were spying again!! Did they see Harry and I in the fountain!?

  "Yeah well how do you think I feel?! Skye just told me she was kissing HARRY! Him out of all people!" Logan says and I ball my hands up into fists. I push open the door and it slams against the wall. "What was that?" Logan asks.

  "Hey, Anaya! How was your evening?" Skye asks innocently.

  "I don't know, why don't you tell me? I mean, you obviously SAW me!!" I shout, dragging Harry by the arm into the room and slamming the door shut.


  "I don't even want to hear it!! You guys invaded my privacy!! How could you?!" I ask, tearing up.

  "Naya, no, it was me and Niall." Nitina says, standing up. My jaw drops.

  "NIALL? Are you serious?! I'm just a human being! I like privacy too! You guys are unbelievable! So who told you Logan? Because they don't know how I feel, I bet you!"

  "Um. Skye." He says from the phone and I look up at her.

  "What gave you the right idea to tell my ex that I kissed a guy when I'm not even over him!?" I ask Skye.

  "Well you certainly aren't over Harry!" She shoots back and my jaw drops.

  "You've got to be kidding me! He kissed me first! And you can't tell me how I feel, so get out of my brain!" I yell.

  "It's not hard to tell. Everyone here knows it except you!"

  "Everyone else here doesn't know what goes through my head apparently! Seriously!" I throw my arms in the air. At the worst possible time, my phone rings. I see it's unknown and pick up. "Hello?"

  "Hi is this Anaya Blue?" Interviewer. You can tell by her voice.

  "Yes it is, who's this?"

  "I'm an Italian journalist, do you mind if tomorrow at noon or so we meet somewhere to have a quick interview?" I roll my eyes.

  "Sure. Text me where you want to meet." I say and hang up. "Interview tomorrow at noon." I say.

  "Naya, I feel like this is my fault-" Harry says.

  "It is your fault!" I cry, and hot tears roll down my cheeks. "I am so mad at everyone right now." I scream, lifting my suitcase and turning to go out the door. "I'll text you details for the stupid interview because I'm not talking to any of you!" I yell, slamming the door and bursting out into tears. I mutter angry words on my way to the elevator and when I get to it there's a guy standing there, taping a sign up. I walk over, confused and read it. 'Elevator is out. Please take stairs.' I yell through my teeth. I go to the stairs and start down the first flight. I hate this day... Rome is just not my place to be! I take a few steps down and lose my footing. I squeal as I feel something in my hand crack. I feel the suitcase drive into my side as I land on the first platform. My wrist throbs and I sit up, accidently leaning on it and yelp in pain. I sit there crying for minutes until I realize I need to have medical attention. I leave my suitcase and walk up the first stairs and down the hall. I kick the hotel room's door, tears streaming down my face and Harry shows up. "I need you to take me to the hospital." I cry and show him my now turning purple wrist.

  "What did you do?!"

  "I fell down the stairs! Now come on!" I say, turning around. On the way, he grabs my suitcase and runs it back up. He does it so perfectly and I shake my head. This guy ruined my life.

*Harry's P.O.V*

I definitely discovered tonight that I hate seeing Anaya cry... Like, no! And half of it is my fault. I know I shouldn't have kissed her, but like, sitting in this waiting room, it's just now cluing in. But... She kissed me back for a minute there. Basically I don't know what to do. I know how she felt about Logan and all, but the way she feels about me is a mystery. I pat down my stil damp hair and lean back in the chair, closing my eyes. My clothes are still quite wet because she didn't give me the time to change, but that's besides the point. "Excuse me, Mr. Styles?" I open my eyes and see a nurse. Or a doctor, I'm not sure.


"Anaya's probably going to be here until late at night, so if you want to go-"

"No, no, I'm fine thanks." I say, sitting up straighter.

"Alright. I'll keep you updated, sir." I nod, thanking her and go back to my thoughts.

Anaya's the girl for me, I know that... But, she thinks she's the girl for Logan. I wonder how she feels about him now that we've kissed?... She probably hates me even more!! Today is not my day... I take out my phone to text the others and update them.

Harry: 'Zayn, tell the others that Naya's probably going to be here late at night, so I guess I'm staying here...x'

Zayn: 'Will do, thanks mate :) xx'

I put my phone away, not wanting to get into a huge conversation about her. I just would rather think and be in my own world tonight... Hey... Zayn and Skye are together so that's good. Nitina and Niall seem to be pretty happy, but I left part way through a story about some guy who grabbed Nitina's bum.. I guess Anaya and Logan aren't on a very good page... Nor are me and her... I loved her first. Hey we have a song on our album... Guess who that's dedicated to? I let out a sigh. A lot of the songs that album that I helped write I based then on her. Well, I'm happy with the solos I got. My phone bings and I see it's Anaya and smile.

Anaya: 'Texting with my left hand and it's awkward. Another hour ok with you? x'

Harry: 'It's no problem, just get better and wrapped up. Everyone's waiting. :s'

Anaya: 'They're here??'

Harry: 'No, no.. waiting at the hotel room.'

Anaya: 'Well okay... see you soon...'

I don't like it when she uses '...'. It means she's upset. Which she is, I know... I practically ruined her love life. It's too bad she broke her hand though... I start to doze off and soon I'm fast asleep... I have an hour...

  *Logan's P.O.V*

  I've been sitting in my rented house for about an hour. Skye called and I heard news I didn't want to hear... I guess I can't be too mad that Anaya kissed Harry, I mean, we're not together or anything, but... we're still in love. I've been texting Louis, getting all the information of where Anaya is because I need to talk to her in person. I talked to the director too and he said I have a few days off to fix things. If I can get there then I can talk to her and hopefully change her mind. I know for sure that she's probably freaking out because she still loves me and she probably thinks I'm hurt, which I am, but... I should probably get going. I pick up my suitcase and start for my rental car to the airport. "One ticket to Rome please." I say and a few seconds later, hand the ticket booth girl my money. I start through security and finally get on the plane. I should be there in about 10 hours.....wahey!

  *Anaya's P.O.V*

  It's times like these I miss Logan a lot... The doctor finishes up wrapping my hand up and I pout, I try flexing my fingers but they don't budge. "Can I go?" I ask and the doctor nods, leading me out. I pay the stupid medical bills and turn to see Harry asleep in a chair close by. I walk over and tap on his foot with mine. He doesn't move and I reach over, shaking him. "Harry, wake up!" I say and his eyes open slowly.

  "Hey, how do you feel?" He asks.

  "Tired. Take us back to the hotel?"

  "Let's go..." He says sleepily and we leave the hospital. I text Nitina the info fo the interview because I'm not texting Skye for a long time... I still can't believe she told Logan.

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