issei hyoudou the gaming wiza...

By Titanoii

258K 3.8K 2.1K

issei is a normal teenager well if an extremely perverted person is normal than he is normal. anyway he just... More

the night that start it all
beating the bosses
vs the student coucil
the exiled nun (kinda short)
healing the fall
dance with the wizard
the invasion.
bringing the ORC to shape
breaking the engagement.
return to remnant.
step up the planing
gilgamesh (really short)
return from remnant.
nurturing the demon
getting more power from different world.
truth of the matter.
shark in hueco mundo
proper battle.
raising the flags.
raising the flag part 2
lemon time. (with TAMGG) part 1
lemon time part two. really short.
filler:meeting the original
going to the underworld
saji training
loki (short)
loki fight.
new student
izuku special. part 1.
izuki special part 2.
d**dora astaroth
the party
chapter 37.

going into rwby

11.7K 174 76
By Titanoii

Today is monday also known as the day i had to go to school.

Issei:*sigh* it still pretty weird the with the thing i just do yesterday and now i just going to school like a completely normal person.

And also i could world travel by using a medium to go there since my dungeon create is now strong enough. And appearantly this dungeon will slow down the world time to a near halt and give double exp but i cant make dungeon in it. And it dont spawn infinite enemies when you kill one.

I was walking my way to school enjoying on the go breakfast that i had. When i got to school i enter the normal size gate and was greeted by a big ass school. I then walk past sona who give a gasp when i did walk by her.

Issei:the amount of things you had to do to keep this place running.

I was walking my way to class until i heard two must admit annoying voices.

Matsuda:hey issei how you doing?

Issei:im quite alright.

Motohama:are you sure i mean when the escentricness.

Issei:i am escentric.

Matsuda:anyway hey do you want to go peep at the kendo club while they changing today?


I said and then just walk away to class leaving people that heard me with wide eyes and saying thing like 'is that really issei'. But i just ignore them and when on with my day. Today first class is art and we had to mold clay into something and i just make a generic slime from rpg.

Through your action you have made to skill 'create'

Wait you telling me that the thing i been looking for in my option was a skill this entire time!! God this make me sick! *sigh* whatever i at least i got it now.

Create lvl 1
A skill to make something. Humanity had advanced their civilization through inventing things. Created object become better as the level goes up.

Yup definitely need to raise this up asap. Could making dirt ball count as making something? Had to try that at home. Anyway everything is going normal until lunch where kiba comes into class saying he need murayama to comes with him. I felt strange so i use observe that i been training like a mad man when i get the skill

Kiba yuuto
Title:knight of rias
Sacred gear:sword birth


Knight of rias is he having a roleplay with rias or something? Also devil/human does this mean he a hybrid? There is certainly a lot on my i dont know but hey what can i do i just know about the supernatural two week ago. I pick up my lunch and goes to the roof since its quite there. I sat down on the bench that was on the roof that was next to the vase with a plant in it. I want to test my theory and use create to make a ball of dirt. I look at the skill and it shows that i do gain some skill exp when i do this welp i gonna make my hands dirty today.

After school i walk out of the school and i felt someone looking at me. Something tells me im not gonna like it.

Rias pov.

I was standing in the council room with sona and we are watching issei leave.

Rias:you felt that too right?

Sona:i was the first one since he walk past me this morning.

Rias:i take it that you called dips.

Sona nodded

Rias:ok find its just that he does have a lot of magical power. And you dont have any open bishop.

Sona:i do have one knight, rook, and 4 pawn open maybe i make him a pawn.

Tsubaki:he never give this type of signature before what happen?

Rias:the event with the robber probably cause it. Hey akeno can you make more tea?


Tsubaki:anyway are you sure only four pawn piece is enough for him? Because if he went from barely stronger than human to strong as you in magical power in two weeks imagine giving him two more.

Sona:i hope its enough.

Issei pov

I browse the shop and appearantly i could just buy short range teleport for 10,000,000 had i just scroll down a little more and there something about reversal magic that cause 100,000,000 must be really op if it had that kind of price. I just bought the teleport skill book and wait until it came in the mean time im here using my create to make dirt balls in my front yard in a dungeon. This gonna be a long day.

Wizard of dxd.

Yesterday was quite boring since i didnt do much but i did learn teleport for now it take 800 mp per use and the range is 50 meters. But my create is now 20. Its really hard to lvl it up but if it allow my to make bullshit lvl equipment im more that happy to endure the pain and suffering of leveling this skill up. Anyway in lunch i have been getting a few starr from my classmate specifically the girls since i reject the invite to peep again.

Anyway when i was about to go to the roof top tsubaki the vice president of the student council came in.

Tsubaki:issei sona wants to talk to you about something.

Issei:can it be later i want to eat my food you know.

Tsubaki:she said just bring it with you and you can eat there if you want.

Issei:ok lead the way princess.


I walk to the student coucil room with tsubaki also using observe on her.

Queen of sona
Tsubaki shinra


First knight of rias now queen of sona? The hell it like chess or some thing. When we get to the coucil room sona greetd us with a bit of tea and offer me to play a game of chess. I use observe on her and see she is the heir of the sitri pillar and her int and wisdom is 190 meaning im have the superior stat than her and her stat does not force her to make the right decision. This little fact give me the edge over her. And also during the entire match she explain whats going on while im eating, paying attentio to her and playing chess.

Issei:lets cut to the chase what did you want with me? Theres no way you telling me this without any alterior motive.

I said moving a piece and taking a bite out of my food.

Sona:the serious type huh. Well im here to invite you into my peerage as either a pawn, rook, or knight.

Issei:i decline the offer.

Sona:i see and why is the reason?

She move her pawn promoting it into a rook.

Issei:simple i just dont like the idea of being someone servant. I mean the old me might jump at the opportunity but the current me is meh. Also you said it yourself you dont have bishop anymore and pawn can only promote to that in a rating game with your consent. Which is an absolute turn down.

We kept playing chess until i won against her. I admit she was really hard to beat. But hey thank you forceful stat. I turn my head and use observe at anything i can see and saw an interesting book.

Reversal magic skill book

I walk over to it.

Issei:hey sona can talk this book. Forever.

Sona:caught your interest?

Issei:yeah since im going to be somewhat of a mage i think i should learn as much as possible.

Sona:well go ahead and take it i have made 5 copies of it it dont matter if one is gone. Oh and please be careful that spell put quite the toll on the user body

Issei:thank you. Bye sona.

I pick up my lunch box and leave learning the new skill in the empty corridor.

Reversal magic lvl max
Magic the alter and reverse the properties of other magic and magical item. Can also be use on secred gear but not on physical object without magical property.
Hp:50 per second

It cost 50 mp to use and take 50 hp per second to use no wonder why it put a lot of strain on the body. But thanks to the fact that im a game character the only consequences is losing hp. My luck is on point today. Anyway i been wanting to go to a diffrent world and the one i have in mind right now is well rwby or remnant and the medium is just having the video on. Then boom rwby is in my special dungeon. I always want to go there cause well im a huge fan of rwby. I walk back to my class and was pretty happy with what im about the do.

Sona pov

Although im still keeping my calm demeanor i was shock that issei of all people beat me in chess.

Tsubaki:sona you know what this mean right?

Sona:*sigh* yeah.

Saji:wait im confuse what happening.

Tsubaki:ok how about i explain. You see saji sona make a promise to her perent that she will merried anyone from any race as long as they beat her in a game of chess.


Tsubaki:issei beat her. Something that at least 3000 and above devil had fail to do. And this mean she engage to issei.

Saji i standing still not repondsive for a couple of second when it does register what happen.


Sona:well there no use crying over it now. Hey tsubaki.


Sona:could you call issei tomorrow? I just want to gauge his power.

Tsubaki:whatever you say.

Issei pov.

After school i walk back home and into my room. I then open the rwby dungeon.

Wizard of dxd.

When i got to remnant i was in the forest.

Issei:the hell am i?

I walk around the forest with no direction. Then i heard a growling behind me. I turn around to see a pack of 10 beawolf.

Issei:why didnt i have my staff out when i got here?

I summon sylph in spirit form and told her to kill the wolfs so she made a blade of wind and cut all of them up. I pull up my staff just to prepare incase. I would im gonna fight and i dont wanna rely on sylph to much.

Issei:sylph can you please warn me of any enemies when we walk around?


She said in my mind.


We walk around for at least a couple of hours killing grimm and i lvl up 3 time making me lvl59. Anyway we we were walking around i heard yelling coming from above. Then

???:*in a distance* thank you!

???:*in a distance* im sorry!

Issei:if memory serve me right this was the day of the initiation. Well that just make it more fun isnt it.

I then continue to walk around killing grimm until i got to a temple looking place. I go there and saw future the rwby and jnpr with weiss falling from the sky. I use flight and catch her in the air. I then descend gracefully and put her down gently. I saw her blush went i did this.

Yang:great now we can all die together!

Ruby:not if i could help it.

She charge at the deathstalker but was attack by the nevermore she manage to not get hit but her cape got caught by the feather. The deathstalker was about to get her with its stinger. But i teleport there and use mana berrier and easly block the attack.

Issei:that was close little red. Do you really want to die?


Issei:well that not happening today.

I use cutting gale and slice the deathstalker to pieces by spaming it. I then turn the nevermore and it fire it feathers at me but i use spinning mana arrow and fire a fuck ton of it. Destroying the feathers and the nevermore easly.

You have lvl up(7x)

I like this place already.

Issei:ha ez.

I use telekinesis to lift the feather freeing ruby.


She said with star in her eyes. I bring her back to the group.

Nora:that was amazing how do you did all of that!?

Issei:how about you guys just take the chess piece and get out of here.

All of them:good plan.

They all take the chess piece.

Yang:anyway whats your *she turn around to see me gone* name.

I teleport awat when they turn around and walk away to kill more grimm.

Two hour later and here is the result

Issei hyoudou
Title:novice mage
Mp:2,914 (1466)




Lets save up those point until i have 200 so i could increase int and wis to 300. It was night time so i use flight and make my way to vale. I rent a hotel room and and get some dinner.

Wizard of dxd.

Its been a week that i been in this world and it became really hard to level up past 80 and i also had been training all my possible skill and had made contract with undine the water spirit. And have been summoning them the entire time. Here is my level

Issei hyoudou
Title:novice mage
Mp:3,985 (1666)

Strg:100>  +(200%)=300
Dex:80>   +(450%)=360
Vit:120>   +(120%)=264



I walk around vale doing absolutely nothing eating at a cafe until i heard a voice.

???:finally she speak nearly two day and you've given me nothing but small talk.

I turn to see sun. And blake give him an angry look. I let them have their dailoge like in the show.

Blake:and now here i am a criminal hiding in plain sight with a little black bow.

Sun:did you tell your team yet?

Blake:……… no

Issei:which part the being the white fang part or the being a faunus one?

She turn around and look at me.


Sun:you know him.


Issei:anyway the name issei hyoudou and i have been hunting the white fang that have been stealing dust for a while.

Blake:but are even sure it the white fang.

Issei:sweety i have done my investigation and i know where they going tonight.


Issei:the port. That where a large cargo schnee dust is being send.

Blake:ok then.

Issei:nice working with you.....

Blake:blake belladonna

Sun:sun wukong.

I nodded and take my leave. I wait till night by training my telekinesis.

Wizard of dxd.

I met blake at the spot that she at when she wait for the white fang.

Issei:great night.


Issei:where you monkey friend.

Blake:dont call him that.

Issei:well what else can i call him when he is a monkey faunus. Im not being racial just litteral.


Issei:anyway. Why do you want to think that the white fang is innocent?


Issei:when you ask me if im sure you tone is telling me that you know the involve but you dont want to believe its true. Why?

Blake:i was an early member of the white fang. I been through a lot with them to me their a like a family.

Issei:do you know all their names?

Blake:well i know adam and illia.

Issei:i meant all of them.


Issei:you cant call them family if you dont know their name, like and dislike blake.

Blake:it just i hope they will change back to the way they were before.

Issei:and the chance of that happen is low than the racism going away with the new leader around.

Blake:but it still a chance.

Issei:blake one day this train of thought is going to destroy what you had now.

Blake:what do yoy mean.

Issei:well the girl in red, the blonde, the princess arent they your friend?

Blake:i dont know.

Issei:well just try to look for an answer then.

I said petting her ear.

Issei:pretty soft.

Blake:*moan softly* you do know that this can count as sexual harrasment right.

Issei:want me to stop?


Issei:thought so.

Sun suddenly comes in.

Sun:what did i miss.

Issei:nothing really.

Sun:hey want some food. I got some stoleb apple.

Issei:i seriously wonder why i havent give you to the police yet.

Then the bull head arrive with the white fang and roman.

(A/n:you know what happen skip to the fight.)

I was surrounded by 60 WF member and was not even phase by it o mean most of them had stat on 90-100 and i have more with the passive buffs they try to attack me but i just use telekinesis and lift 50 up in the air and slam them to the ground knocking them out. The other 10 try to kill me but i knock them out with out effort. I look over to sun and blake and see kinda throwing hand with roman

Until he pull a dick move and shoot the rope on the container just to make drop on them. Then it all went like in the show where roman shoot ruby and penny turn to throw hand or blades in her case. And thing goes the same except me being here and roman escape i could just chase him like a hunter hunting its prey but nah. He is barely any concern.

In the end we all sit down and blake just explain her situation to ruby. And ofcourse she is asking my name that i just tell her since it not that bad if i tell her. Then weiss and yang came and thing still going like canon.

Yang:hey sexy.

Issei:do you just flirt with any man you see?

Yang:kinda. Anyway we havent been properly introduce ourself. The name yang xaio long.

Weiss:and im weiss schnee.

Ruby:im ruby rose leader of team rwby. Which is not comfusing at all. And im yang little sister.

I know who you girls are but im just gonna go along with it.

Issei:ok not gonna ask. The name is issei hyoudou.

Weiss:hey issei i want to know why did you help us in the forest?

Issei:i just happen to be in the area and you all look like you need help.

Yang:trying to be a hero huh.

Issei:more like a mage but i take the compliment.

Blake:hey issei are you in any school?

Issei:does awesome academy made by me count?


Issei:then no.

Yang:but how are you that strong?


Weiss:is it your semblance?


Weiss:what did you mean by that.

Issei:you can figure it but if you want hint then it magical.


Issei:anyway buh bye.

I exit the dungeon and appear back in my room i look at the clock and see only 5 minute have pass.

Issei:welp i got sometime to laze around.

I just sleep in the bed.

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