Kidnapped By A Vengeful Monst...

By rebirth49

14.4K 165 106

Teen Kidnap thriller Love betrayal Revenge vengeance More

CHAPTER -1 Kidnapped
CHAPTER -2 Controlled
CHAPTER-3 Clandestine
CHAPTER-4 Prisoner
CHAPTER-6 Bested
CHAPTER-7 Remember
CHAPTER-8 Losing Control
CHAPTER-9 Collision
CHAPTER-10 Discovery
CHAPTER- 11 Preparation
CHAPTER-12 Tricked
CHAPTER-13 Suspended
CHAPTER-14 Suspicion

C HAPTER-5 Captured

1.3K 10 3
By rebirth49

Having found the door unlocked, Kim tiptoed out of the room,barefoot. her heels in her hands. She quietly descended the wooden stairs & paused at the bottom of the staircase, her petite frame rigid with anticipation. She could hear the tap running so the bathroom must be nearby. Kim glanced around, absorbing her surrounding, aquainting herself with her prison.

Right infront of her was a big hall. It was occupied by a cream-coloured leather couch. A glass table was situated right infront of it with wooden stands & the table had wooden borders. Beside one couch was a small wooden stool with a vase on it which had dried flowers in it. Behind the couch were 2 small windows over which there were cream coloured net curtains. On either side of them stood 2 wooden tables with drawers. One of the tables had a calender placed on it.

The wall above the second drawer had 2 medium sized paintings hung over them- one was of a house & the other was a sea-side scenery. The floor of the hall was hidden beneath a golden & black coloured carpet. Even though the furniture was of fine taste,The whole place had an unkept look. It lacked the touch & grace of a female hand.

As she gripped the wooden posts of the stairs & leaned a bit to the right, she found herself looking into a wide corridor. She could easily make out 3 doors somewhere in the distance. At the end where the corridor ended or seemed to end , half of it obscured by darkness, she saw a 4th door with light spilling from underneath the door & kind of lighting up the dark corridor.

"So, that must be the bathroom", Kim guessed. 

She peeked to her left & saw a wall that rounded around a corner , leading to probably the exit. 

"Maybe that is where the exit is", she thought & turned to her left stealthily. 

She looked back, assuring herself that her captor would not be able to hear her under the loud noise of the running tap & he was still nursing his injury.

When she heard the sound of the tap being turned off & a shower being turned on, she quickened her steps. 

"He washes himself so noisily", she thought.

She was still looking back when she abruptly rounded a corner & when she looked what lay infront of her , her heart almost stopped. 

Its like when you are playing hide-&-seek & you are just about to be found, you pray for some miracle to happen. That you would not be caught. 

It was the same here, but the situation being far more serious then going through the agony of being another seeker.

There, infront of her, stood Jake, blocking her way. 

Water was dripping from his hair & face. He didn't have a shirt on. Only his muscular arms & tanned torso was visible which were totally dry. 

Kim gritted her teeth. He tricked her. Fake shower after all. The thundering noise should have warned her but she had been in too much of a hurry to notice the ominous exaggerated noise level.

The blue jeans he had on earlier had water drops on it.

And he looked FURIOUS! 

A vein was pulsing in his temple, quite visible under his chocolate brown hair.

"Going somewhere Princess?", Jake sneered, looking at the horrified expression on her face. 

Kim's eyes caught the sight of the big wooden door behind him. It was bolted but she saw no lock on it. Her eyes wandered from the door to the murderous expression on his face. 

Jake followed her gaze & caught her looking at the door. Immediately Kim took advantage of his slight distraction& threw one of her heels at his face.  AS soon as he ducked & flattened himself against the wall. she made a beeline for the exit. 

She did not look behind but simply sprinted towards the door, her pink skirt billowing as the air rushed past her. She could hear him hot on her heels & his swearing.

Without even a backward glance, Kim threw her other heel over her head aimlessly. She heard him stumble, probably caught unaware.

"Not so fast". JAke muttered under his breath, speeding behind her. He had had enough of her. He couldn't let her batter him up just because he was to give her special treatment. 

The reserves of his patience was finally exhausted & his mask of calmness was finally beginning to slip.

"Just a bit more.Just a bit more", Kim repeated in her mind, mentally bucking herself up, her feet a bit wobbly as they tried to co-ordinate themselves in a run & resisting the after effects of whatever drug was administered to her. 

Just as Kim reached the door, her hands on the bolt, Jake caught hold of her silky black hair & yanked her back.

"Ow...........OW". Kim screamed as she felt her hair being pulled mercilessly, the roots almost being ripped.

JAke half-dragged her & then gave her a push. Kim stumbled towards the couch, her breath coming in short gasps. She turned to face him, her back towards the backseat of the couch. 

Jake rushed towards her in a towering rage. 

Kim turned towards her right. ready to sprint but Jake again caught hold of her open ,flowing mane & yanked her back, almost pulling her hair out of its roots.

He took hold of her right hand, twisted the wrist & then chicken-winged the whole arm, bringing it backwards.

"You want me to break it", Jake threatened & pulled the arm further behind her, locking her wrist.

Kim groaned in pain. She could feel the muscle in her arm, stiff & already so strained & the elbow felt as if it was being yanked out of its joints.

"Should I?", JAke threatened again, this time increasing the pressure.

In response, Kim swung her left leg backwards in defence , her ankle hitting his left knee, hard.  Jake pushed Kim , whirling her around & slapped her very hard,  It all happened so quickly that Kim had no time to ready herself 

Due to the powerful blow,she stumbled & ehr thin frame rolled over the couch & landed right onto the edge of the glass table. The table overturned & soon Kim was covered with broken glass pieces.

She tried to get up, ignorint the pain on her left palm which was cut as she had tried to break her fall with it & the numbing pain in her right arm which had been mercilessly twisted. 

She couldn't understand why he was so mad. He had kidnapped her for petes sake. Trying to escape was her right. Did he expect her to give in & go down without a fight? As she got up, she felt a new pain. It looked as if 2 or 3 small glass pieces had embedded itself into the sole of her right foot. 

Ignoring the pain, Kim rushed forward, towards the staircase in front of her. Her plan had clearly backfired with consequences she still couldn't work out, her mind clearly being focused on trying to reach her room, her refuge.

"If I could just make it to my room..................Just my room.", Kim thought as she limped a little towards the staircase." My God!! He's gone crazy! He would kill me for sure". 

As she scrambled onto the stairs, feeling panicky now, Jake caught hold of her ankle & dragged her down. 

Kim fought back, kicking furiously so that he would let go & at the same time clawing at the stairs but all in vain.

Soon Jake had dragged her down & was on top of her. This close, he looked absolutely menacing. 

Kim tried to punch him, to get him off her as his body weight almost crushed her.

Jake caught hold of both her wrists & pinned them over her head as he had done before in the parking lot. Kim was breathing heavily, her body completely pinned onto the stairs below Jake's.

"You want to kill me. Go ahead". Kim almost spat out, her green eyes alight with an inner fire. She felt a strong surge of anger, driving her completely mad. 

"Kill me", she screamed, "C'mon.Kill me. Hit me.Hard. Go on".  

Jake stared at her. 

Her eyes dazzled with an intensity-anger perhaps!

"Why is he stalling? SAdist! wants to make it more painful this way", She thought.

And then suddenly, quite unexpectedly, Jake smiled. 

Kim stared at him, her breath labored as Jake's weight almost crushed her, knocking the wind out of her. 

His smile did not fool Kim. Whatever he had planned wasn't good for sure---for her. 

The pain in her foot was agonizing. 

The silence was so........sudden, like the lull before the storm. 

Kim looked at him.  

His smile did not reach his eyes---which were ice-cold.


Sorry readers! been a long time!! 

Actually I lost all my work.I had all these chaps in my laptop but my friend , as a joke, made a virus & tested it on my lappie. 

She thought I had made the back-up of everything but she was not aware that I had not & had been procrastinating this work of making a back-up of all my work on my laptop. 

So I finally ended up with losing all my work & data & software.:-( 

But I would be uploading soon coz i had retained some of my work as a hard copy too!!

PS: Hmmmmm....Lokking for a good prank to get her back. Anyone has any ideas??? Do send them to me!!! Am itching to get back at her!!!

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