Romanced By Mr. Billionare

Por cute_angelz

607K 7.4K 1.6K

Lizzie Prescott is a normal teenage girl who doesnt have a boyfriend despite the good looks. she gets a job a... Más

The hot billionare wants me to be his: part six continued
The hot billionare wants me to be his: part six continued
the hot billionare... chapter 7
The Hot Billionare... chapter 8
The Hot Billionare... chapter 10
The Hot Billionare... chapter 11 (rewritten)
Romanced by Mr. Billionare... chapter 12
Romanced By Mr. Billionare... Chap13

The Hot Billionare... ch9

23.3K 441 105
Por cute_angelz

OMG!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! One hundred votes!!! You just made my day!!!

I know i said i would upload immediately as soon as it was 90 vote but i was out all day without access to my computer, which drove me nuts by the way. But now i'm back and i'd like to thank you guys for supporting me. hope this chapter makes up for my tardiness.



Chapter nine

I took the present out of Stacy's hands with shaky hands and put it at my side, waiting for her to open the car so we could go home already. She stared back.

"Well?" she urged

"Well what?" I asked, playing dumb

"Open it!"  she said

"No thanks" I shook my head

"what?!" she whined, "why not?"

"Because I dont know who its from!" which I was pretty sure I could guess and get it right at the first try.

"Well maybe you should open it and FIND OUT!" Stacy was getting angry

"What if its a bomb Stacy!"  I tried, she rolled her eyes and groaned.

"We're gonna get in the car, and you're opening it, unless you want me to open it for you" she said in a definite voice. I glared at her as she opened the door and got inside. I opened the door and got inside and sat down grudgingly. Stacy looked at me expectantly, I rolled my eyes and ripped the wrapping paper off, revealing a box with a white envelope taped to the lid with my name elegantly written in the middle. I hesitantly took it off neatly and opened the envelope to reveal... a card. An invitation to be precise, with a gold boarder and complicated but beautiful patterns along tht boarder and in the middle was all the information i needed. It had my name on it, time of the party, date, Tyler's address and his number. It also said i could bring a guest, anyone i wanted. Stacy snatched it out of my hand before I could stash it away and screamed, LOUDLY.

"Stacy!" I yelled at her. she grabbed my shoulders.

"You just got invited to a PRINCETON PARTY!!" she said, "You HAVE to go and Puh-lease take me with you"

"A Princeton party. Whats so great about that?" I asked

"Dont you know Princeton High?" she asked me.

"Should I?"

"YES!! Its the BEST school in town, very expensive and super hard to get in. Everyone that goes there is very rich, its like a school of millionaires only. And they throw THE BEST pearties, super exclusive though so we HAVE TO GO" she said

"You can go. I'm not going" I said, returning to the present, and opening the box.

"Why?" Stacy whined, " I dont have an invitation, i can only go if you come" she said

"Oh my god" I gasped, seeing what was inside the box. A bikini. Not the one he had been holding in the shop, it was small and black. The top had a sliding halter with one silver crystal ring at the centre front while the bottom had two silver crystal rings on each hip, slightly smaller than the one on the hip. I tried to hide it away quickly but Stacy was faster, grabbing it out of my hands too and gasping loudly.

"Oh my gosh do you know what this is?!" she breathed, looking at it in awe

"A skanky bikini I will never wear?" I suggested and she shot me a sharp look.

"Oh you're wearing it alright and you're going to this party" Stacy said, "even if you get mad at me and leave me behind, I'll drop you off at his place myself. Whats his name anyways?" she asked

"Tyler" I said with a tired sigh

"Wait... I thought Carlos was..."

"Tyler's the guy you saw me talking to in the shops" I sighed again and she gasped

"He... thats HIM!?!" she yelled, "you LIED to me about not knowing him!!"

"I dont!"

"Seems like you do"

"Trust me Stacy I dont know him. he's just annoying me" I pleaded

"Wait a minute... is he who you were talking about when you asked me whats a hot and annoying but sweet guy? Mr. Adventerous?!"

"No, I didn't say sweet"

"Whatever. Where did you meet?"


"You mean the guy that gave you five hundred dollars?"


"Oh my gosh are you guys....?"


"Sor-ree jeez. Though you should. I would totally go for him. he's hot"

"He's annoying"

"He's into you"

"No he's not"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that" Stacy said sarcastically, "and you kinda like him too"

"What?!" she gave the bikini back to me and the invitation and began the car, backing it out of the parking lot.

"Aw come on, if you didn't like him you'd treat him like you treat the guys at our school" she said

"And how do I treat them?" I asked

"You ignore them completely, and you think they are annoying, and you hate them. You dont hate Tyler. You like him"

"No I dont! He's annoying!"

"Yeah and you guys fight a lot right?"

"where's this going?"

"For a straight A student Lizzie you can be dumb" Stacy said

"Thanks" I replied sarcastically

"No seriously. You are... you know what... nevermind, I'll leave you two alone and you can learn how to date as you go, seems like Tyler's doing a good job teaching you so far... and Carlos."

"Stacy, you're crazy" I rolled my eyes

"No. I'm wise" she said, her chin rising up, "so... what are you doing tonight?"

"Going to work" I said

"Wrong. You're going to the party, I'll get you a day off so you can go enjoy yourself with your..." I shot her a look, "... friend"

"I'm not going to the party Stacy"

"Yes... you are" she smiled at me and returned her eyes to the road.

~~~5 hours later~~~~

7pm. I'm going to the party... and Stacy's coming along.

I was finished dressing up, and got out of my room to my waiting sister, best friend, and Joe, who was lazily watching television. Stacy had curled my hair and put some make-up on me, transforming me completely.  A huge grin spread across her face when she saw me, and Stephanie's mouth was wide open.

"Perfect!" Stacy squealed, running up to hug me.

"Thanks" I said boredly

"What? You look AMAZING!!" Stephanie said, scowling at me.

"Yeah, as if I'm gonna walk out of the house wearing THIS" I said sarcastically. This time I would not let Stacy talk me into it, walking outside practically naked, Not gonna happen, no matter how hot they said i looked.

"Of course not!" Stacy said, "thats why I brought this" she opened her bag and took out a pink terrycloth hooded jumper with continuous zipper trim from the centre front plunge around the hood and a zipper detail at both leg openings and placed it on the couch, making Joe move from where he was seated, and took out another terrycloth hooded tunic with continuous zipper trim from the centre front plunge around the hood and a zipper detail at both sleeve openings.

"I'm not wearing that" I said

"No. You're wearing the first one, this one's mine" she said, grabbing the one she had taken out first and tossing it at me to wear while she went to my room to get herself ready.

"I knew you guys would eventually go out" Steph said with a huge grin on her face, "I knew it I knew it I knew it!"

"We're not going out. i got forced to go remember?" I said

"I'm sure you did" she said sarcastically, "and he's a Princeton! Keeps getting better doesnt it?"

"You're being ridiculous Steph" I said

 "Call me crazy but I know what I'm talking about. You better get yourself a kiss tonight" she said

"Stephanie!" I shrieked, blushing.

"Huh?" Joe jumped up, waking up from his nap.

"Aww look you woke my baby up" Steph said, walking to Joe and pulling him into a kiss and a hug. I rolled my eyes at them. Stacy chose that moment to walk out of my room, wearing over her swimsuit, which I was sure was a bikini, the black tunic.

"Ready?" she asked

"No" I said grumpily, putting on my flipflops. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys.

"We're out" she said heading out the door

"If we're not back by ten, call the police Steph" I said

"I'll call them at twelve o'clock, its seven thirty already go have fun!" she said.

"Stephanie I'm serious" I warned

"Me too, now go already!" she said

"Come on" Stacy pulled my arm and led me out to the car.

We drove to the destined place, a huge house, no... scratch that, more like a huge mansion. The place was humongous, and guards were in front of it, blocking the entrance to what seemed like the parking space, which was already filled with cars. Stacy drove up to the guard and he looked out the window as Stacy lowered hers.

"ID please" he said, stretching out his hand as Stacy took out her ID and I took out mine, then we gave it to him.

"You're not from Princeton I'm sorry but you cant get in" he said handing them back to us.

"Oh, we got this invitation" Stacy smiled, handing him the invitation.

"Ah... you're Lizzie?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at us.

"No, thats Lizzie" she said, pointing at me, I smiled and waved. The guard smiled amusedly

"Welcome to the party ladies have fun" he said, pressing a button to open the gate, "oh and... nice to meet you Miss Lizzie"

"Uh... thanks" I said, confused at why he was amused.  Tyler probably told him about me. that thought made me blush.

"Wow" Stacy breathed, "Talk about RICH!"

"More like... spoilt" I mumbled, taking in the huge mansion. A woman wearing a police costume with a zipper front top, short enough to see the stomatch, black pants, a belt, police hat, a Princeton badge, a baton, handcuffs and a walkie talkie came to our window and gestured for Stacy to open the window, which she did.

"Alright ladies, welcome to Tyler's pool party, you must be Lizzie" she smiled at me, "I'm Natalie. Your reserved parking space is a little down there, if you will just follow me" she said, Stacy nodded and slowly drove the car in the direction Natalie led us in. She spoke into her walkie talkie a few seconds before we parked then when we got out, showed us to where the main party was.

A HUGE pool was in the middle, lights below it making it look magical, minus the floaters and people that kept falling in. A dj was mixing the music, playing it full blast we had to shout as we talked. Everyone seemed to have a bottle of alcohol and they all seemed a bit... i dont know how its gonna sound but... posh? Not in a, chest out, chin up kind of way. I just didn't feel like i fit in which wasn't weird since we  were the only two that didn't go to Princeton High. bartenders were serving drinks to  different guests and waiters moving around the few tables that were in one corner, serving people  more drinks. Looking up, a huge disco light was above the whole thing. How it got put there? Dont ask me. and a little to the left of the pool just above the party that was going on by the pool was a little restaurant like section, filled with fancy tables and chairs and people eating, talking and laughing. The whole thing was AMAZING. No wonder Stacy was amazed at being invited to a Princeton party. As far as i  knew, these people threw the best parties ever... or at least Tyler did.

"Ladies" Tyler walked up to us with one other guy i recognized as one of Tyler's friends, he had been there at the restaurant when we first met. Tyler was wearing all black. A black button up long sleeved shirt with the hands rolled up to just before his elbows, long black pants and some black shoes which by the way looked nice on him. REALLY NICE. His friend had a cocky grin on his face and was also wearing all black.

"hey" I smiled nervously, a blush creeping onto my face when Tyler caught me staring and smiled.

"This is my friend Zach" Tyler said, mostly to Stacy, "and he'll be your host tonight" Stacy giggled and linked arms with him, waving me goodbye before disappearing into the crowd with him.

"And you are coming with me" he said to me, looking at me up and down, i suddenly felt self-conscious.


Again, i'm leaving it at that. I'm open to ideas of how you guys think this story should go and would appreciate it if you commented.

Okay so a hundred and five votes and over thirty two comments for the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed chapter nine.

Dont forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT for the next chapter!! :D

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