Make Him Proud, Peter Parker

By savagesociety

14.2K 585 85

SEQUEL TO 'I KNOW YOUR SECRET, PETER PARKER.' Thanos of Titan ended the Battle of Wakanda with the snap of hi... More

author's note
love you 3000
ONE. don't ever leave me, peter parker
TWO. you're an avenger, peter parker
THREE. this is my home now, peter parker
FOUR. you are something else, peter parker
FIVE. you'll be ready, peter parker
SIX. she might just be what I needed, peter parker
EIGHT. it's jenkins stark, peter parker
NINE. you've got me on speed dial, peter parker
TEN. you won't let him down, peter parker
ELEVEN. are you, you know, avenging things, peter parker
TWELVE. where are you, peter parker
THIRTEEN. the secret's out, peter parker
FOURTEEN. in way over my head, peter parker
FIFTEEN. I can do this, peter parker
SIXTEEN. you could have waited, peter parker
SEVENTEEN. I'm not like you, peter parker
EIGHTEEN. make him proud, peter parker

SEVEN. it was all because of you, peter parker

617 26 4
By savagesociety

Later that evening, Peter had worked diligently on setting up a picnic in the field he'd taken Nellie to the night before.

It wasn't much, but it was all he could think of that might help take her mind off of everything. Of course, he too was searching for some kind of distraction. By the end of the week, he'd be packing his bags to head back to New York. Nick Fury needed him -- the Avengers needed him. It was everything he'd ever wanted since he'd met Tony, but now that it was here, and Tony was gone. . .he felt incapable.

So instead of facing his issues head on like any sensible person would, he decided to drag a blanket and some sloppily made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out into a field. To top it all off, the mosquitos were hanging over him like a cloud. Not exactly the peaceful evening he'd planned for, but it would have to do. It was all he could offer.

"This may be the most luxurious date I've ever been on," Nellie said between sips of sparkling apple juice, Peter's choice.

Peter rolled his eyes and swallowed the last bite of his third sandwich, "Have you ever even been on a real date?"

Nellie's eyebrows pulled downward as she thought this through, "Well, come to think of it. No, I haven't."

Peter chuckled and reached a foot out, poking her with his socked toes, "That's what we should do this summer -- go on a real date. . ."

Nellie sighed, putting her glass down carefully. She was sure Peter had stolen it from Tony's liquor cabinet. It was probably worth more than her left leg.

She eyed Peter for a moment through her bangs that were beginning to grow too close to her eyes. If she looked at him long enough, she knew his cheeks would turn bright pink and he'd have to look away. No matter how much time passed, they never could get past that butterfly-feelings stage. Nellie figured it was because she'd spent so long pining over him, and now that he was hers, she still couldn't believe all the waiting had come to an end.

"Well, we have six more days to plan one," Nellie pointed out, picking up her glass again and reaching forward with it.

Peter picked his up, as well, and clinked it against hers.

"Here's to the summer of our dreams," she said sarcastically, with the hint of a smile on her face.

Peter knew it was not real. He knew what it looked like when she was genuinely smiling, because he couldn't get enough of it, and this wasn't it. It hurt him to know how much pain she was in.

He leaned forward and shoved all of the food supplies out of the way, then scooted closer to her. He stretched an arm out, welcoming her in for a hug, which she gladly received.

"What if I'm not good enough?" Peter whispered into her hair before resting his chin on top of her head.

Nellie let out a breath and intertwined their fingers together.

"You will be."

The two sat there like that for a while. Pink began to swirl into the blue sky above them, creating a cotton candy sky. As the sun drew farther, the fireflies began to emerge from the tall grass. One even landed on Nellie's knee, its soft glow illuminating her olive skin.

The moon peered out from behind a fluffy red cloud, revealing just a bit more than it had the night before. It was still just a Waning Gibbous, though. Nellie watched as the firefly left her knee and drifted off towards the sky, almost parallel with the moon from where she sat.

"How did we get here, Pete?" She mumbled, leaning sleepily against his chest.

She felt him suck in a breath before responding, likely taking in the capacity of her question.

"A big purple dude showed up and screwed up the Universe." Peter finally said bluntly, not to Nellie's surprise.

"No," Nellie shook her head, and sat up. Their eyes met and caused Nellie's heart to nearly melt. The way he looked at her then was just like he had the day he'd almost lost her.

"I mean. . .how did we get here?"

Peter also shook his head, but because he didn't understand. She could see it in his face.

"I'm not quite sure I follow. . ." He trailed off, tucking a single brown lock behind her ear.

"A year ago I was beginning the school year as the girl who sat behind you in Lab. And Math. And English. I thought I knew everything about you. . .until I was asked to write that article and I picked you as my writing subject."

Peter held up a finger, "Technically that was six years ago."

Nellie shot him a look, but kept going with what she was saying.

"Then I really got to know you. And I realized I liked you even that much more."

"And then you found out I was Spider-man."

Nellie swallowed, and used her free hand to trace Peter's wrist gauntlets that held his web shooters, "And then everything changed."

Peter's face seemed to fall, and his gaze lowered, "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened, Nell."

Nellie shook her head and moved her hand to his cheek, "No. You changed my life Peter. . .for the better. Because of you, I've known what real love feels like. In a relationship, and in a family. Without you, I might have never gotten that chance."

"So you're saying there are perks to knowing the amazing Spider-man?" Peter puzzled, his eyes finding hers once more. This time they were a little brighter.

Nellie smiled weakly, "There may be a perk or two. But the boy behind the mask is who I love the most. Who I wanted to like me back so badly for an embarrassingly long time before it actually ever happened."

Peter took her chin with the tip of his hand and tilted her face upwards before kissing her softly.

"I wish I would have noticed sooner."

Nellie smiled, "You were too busy staring at Liz Allan with drool hanging out of your mouth." She chuckled, the tips of their noses touching.

Peter frowned, "Now that's dramatic."

Nellie leaned back and let out a laugh, "No, that actually happened. MJ and I saw it all. And it was glorious."

Peter caught her in a kiss again, holding her face with a warm, calloused hand.

"I was different then. I thought girls like Liz Allan were hot and way out of my league," Peter admitted, though his choices of words caused Nellie's face to twist.

She pushed his chest jokingly, "So you think I'm not hot and I am in your league?"

Both of them chuckled, drowning out the sounds of the crickets and final chirping of the birds for the night.

He looked down at the picnic blanket, at their hands still intertwined.

"No, I think you're both of those things. But you're also so much more." His words were sweet and truthful, that much Nellie knew.

She took her rightful place once more in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Do you think Liz Allan's like. . .21 now?" Nellie asked, her eyes fluttering shut.

Peter yawned, "I dunno. If she is, at least she's throwing legal parties now. Unlike the one you went to before climbing through my window that one time."

Nellie scrunched up her nose remembering that night, still humiliated.

"And to think, I thought that was the worst night of my life. I had no idea it was only the beginning. . ."

She trailed off, succumbing to the the week-long lack of sleep she'd missed out on from dreams about Tony. It was only a matter of time before it caught up to her -- all of the exhaustion. The grief.

Peter let her stay that way for a long time. Maybe an hour or two. The only sounds they could hear from their little spot in the field were the crickets, of course, and the occasional hoot of an owl. Oh, and the cicadas. But Peter was beginning to despise the noisy things.

Eventually, he wrapped the blanket around her and scooped her up in his arms. As much as he wished they could stay out there all night, away from reality, he knew she'd be mad as a hornet in the morning if she woke up covered in bug bites.

Once inside, Peter made sure to take her shoes off before sucking her feet back under the blanket. He gave her one last kiss on the forehead before retreating to the couch that had served as his bed the night before. Only instead of going right to bed, he was met with the soft glow of his phone on the coffee table.

Unknown Caller.

Peter narrowed his eyes as he took the phone in his hand, unsure if he even wanted to answer. He assumed he knew who it was, and because of that, he knew he couldn't actually ignore it.

"Hello, this is Peter?"

"Dude, you're alive! You'll never believe --"

Peter felt a flood of relief wash over him when he realized the voice on the other end of the line was far from Nick Fury's, and was instead his best Friend Ned.

"Hey, hey buddy! I'm sorry I haven't called. There's been a lot going on--"

"Don't even worry, bro, I'm just glad to hear that you still sound like a prepubescent girl, which means whatever happened to me happened to you, too. But we're back, and --"

"Thanks, Ned," Peter rolled his eyes. Even after everything, at least he could still count on Ned to deliver the cold, hard truth. "What's up, man? It's pretty late to call now."

Ned's breathing wavered on the other end of the line, "Oh, oh Pete. I'm really sorry about Mr. Stark. . .I should've said that first thing, but I--"

Peter shook his head and paced the room, keeping his voice low as to not wake anyone, "It's alright, Ned. Thank you. It's been tough, and Nell is really taking it hard--"

"Look man, I want to catch up, but there's something I need to tell you. I've been trying to get in touch with you all week, but I had to get a new phone 'cause I guess I dropped mine in the toilet when I blipped--"

Peter's mouth was a bit dry, "What? What do you need to tell me?"

"There's this psycho alien lady from space that blew up Stark Tower tonight, man. It's crazy shit, Pete. I saw on the news that Happy Hogan was hospitalized. They're putting us all on lockdown. I called you like thirty times!" Ned's voice was frantic on the other end of the line.

Just as Peter was spinning on his heel to pace across the living room once more, he heard the sound of gravel crunching and saw headlights shining in through the kitchen window moments after.

Peter's heart was racing and his hands were beginning to get all clammy. He'd already said goodbye to Tony, he was not about to have to see Happy go, too.

"Buddy, I'm gonna have to call you back," was all Peter could stammer out as he opened the blinds to peer out of the window.

"Parker, don't hang up on me! You have to come home, seriously. They're gonna need your help--"

Peter stared out as he watched a dark silhouette exit the vehicle and approach the front porch.

"I'll be in New York by sunrise," Peter responded dryly, then ending the call.

He snatched his jacket from the hook by the door and slipped on his white converse. As his hand reached for the door knob, he couldn't stop himself from turning back to glance at the door of Nellie's bedroom.

She would be upset that he was leaving without telling her. But she'd understand. She'd have to. This was not about either of them; this was about being there for Happy -- for their friends back home. For whoever else might fall victim to whatever or whoever was attacking New York.

"Don't hate me for this, Nell," He whispered under his breath before swinging the door open.

And just like that, their six days of summer had come to an end six days too early.

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