The Forgotten Gateway

By FionaGalloway

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A tragic loss. A mysterious key. A forbidden island. Aurora's life is as ordinary as it comes. A flat in Lon... More

Chapter One


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By FionaGalloway

Branches whipped past her face as she ran, thorns snagging on her clothes, ripping her skin. She gasped in harsh, jagged pants, her lungs burning. A fist of pain grew in her side to match the fist of grief in her heart. Her feet thudded across the ground in time to her heartbeat. Run run run. She pushed herself further, one hand clasped protectively over her stomach as she thrashed through the undergrowth. An unearthly howl rent the air, echoing around her, nipping at her heels. She pushed back a moan and grit her teeth, her legs quivering as she urged them to run faster. Suddenly she burst into a small clearing and collided with something, her body juddering as the object wrapped its arms around her and held her still. She thrashed like a wild animal, her hands reaching up to claw the figure's face, her teeth bared in a snarl.

'Celeste. It's me.' The words sank in and she froze, the shock giving way to relief as she sagged against the man who held her.

'Flynn,' she whispered, her voice a harsh croak.

'What's happened? Where is he?' Flynn peered carefully at her, his thumb wiping at the cuts on her face and arms, the sudden sharp pain jolting her back to the present.

'Where's Darrick?'

Celeste shook her head, tears warming her ice-cold cheeks. 'He's gone. She found us.'

'I don't understand,' Flynn's eyes darted wildly over her face.

'We were betrayed. There was an ambush and he...he stayed behind to buy us time.'

'Oh Celeste,' Flynn wrapped her in his arms, his body absorbing her shudders as grief wracked her.

Another echoing cry rent the air and they stiffened, Flynn lifting his head and straining his ears.

'They're close. I have to go.' Celeste dashed the tears from her face, pushing her grief deep, deep down until she could bear to look at it, her mind focusing now on the future and of the life she had to save.

'Will you be alright on your own?' Flynn's voice was heavy with fear, 'I'm so sorry I can't go with you.'

'You have done enough to help my friend,' she cupped his face in her hand, neither of them commenting on the tremble in her voice, 'and I will be alright, this is a risk I have to take.'

Flynn's golden eyes bore into her own before nodding once, his jaw tight as he briefly kissed her forehead and led her by the hand across the clearing. The baying sounded again, the sound shivering across her skin as the forest itself seemed to shudder. She looked at the space Flynn directed her towards, her eyes just catching the slight shimmer in the air, her vision skittering over the space as if it were both there and not there.

The howling grew closer. They were near. She had to go. Now.

She turned, taking a precious second to look Flynn in the eyes, imprinting his face into her memory. He seemed to do the same, a small, sad smile on his lips. He drew her hand up to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss on her skin.

'Take care, my friend,' he whispered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

'Stay safe,' she whispered back, the words grating against her raw throat, 'goodbye.'

Keeping her eyes fixed on his she took one step back. Then two. She gasped when the air shimmered around her, the colour of the Aurora dancing around her body as the air sucked and pulled at her skin. She let out a tight scream as her skin started to burn, her arms coming around to grasp her middle as the pain rippled across her body and lashed across her senses. It wouldn't work. She would die here, her soul ripped from her as her body dissolved into nothing. The last thing she saw before darkness claimed her was the fear and grief in those honey-gold eyes.

It was the cold she felt first. It was bitter; nipping and biting at her skin as she slowly opened her eyes. She lay for a moment, her gaze slowly drifting across the ground, taking in the dampness of the earth beneath her, the pain as something hard jabbed into her hip. It was dark, the night orchestra suddenly quieter, almost muted. She looked up, reassured to see the canvas of stars above her head but surprised to see that they did not shine as brightly as they used to. Slowly the shock faded away and she scrabbled to sit up, her heart thumping painfully in her chest as she looked around her. There was nothing here save the silent sentinels of the forest, their broad trunks so like the ones she knew so well. She strained her ears, hearing only the quiet hubbub of normal nightlife, that unearthly howling no longer audible. She finally let out a gasp, her hands trembling as she placed them on her belly. She had done it. It had worked. Closing her eyes, she listened with a warring mix of fear and hope, her throat tight as she tried to focus over the thundering of her heart. After an agonising moment she felt the movement, felt the spark of life flicker beneath her hands and whimpered, her mouth pulling up into a smile as the tears trickled down her face. She was safe. Allowing herself another moment to gather her scattered emotions she got to her feet, swaying slightly as she stood. Closing her eyes once more she listened carefully before walking towards the faint sounds of civilisation that echoed through the forest. Before long she reached the edge of a large clearing, the sounds of the sea now cresting and crashing in the darkness as she picked out the faint glimmers of light and the hushed sounds of human voices. She cast one last glance behind her before stepping forwards, one hand splayed across her belly as she walked towards the strange new world that lay before her.

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