~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:...

By VampireRoses1223

784K 22.1K 2.8K

---But you see, the villagers couldn't find a special sacrifice to please the God Alexander, so they suffered... More

~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:.•~
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part One
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Two
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Three
Chapter Two - The Present
Chapter Four - Evil Plans
Chapter Five - Am I In Heaven, Or In Hell?
Chapter Six - "Traditional Celebration"?!
Chapter Seven - Echoes Of Sealed Words
Chapter Eight - The Trial
Chapter Nine - A Plan..?
Important Message, Please Read
Chapter Ten - Faking
Quick Little Update!!!

Chapter Three - Sacrifice

49.1K 1.6K 430
By VampireRoses1223

Hey guys, I would like to explain why I took forever with uploading, and it was because I was writing a musical for my school. I created and came up with the ideas of the musical all by myself, and it has yet to be performed. I think the opening night is in a few weeks, we'll see, I'll write about my musical play later on.


"Chime, who are you talking to..?" Jacob repeated suspiciously. I just laughed nervously, and waved my hand dismissively.

"Uh, I tripped over a branch or something, and I was just... Angry..." I replied slowly, scanning his face and trying to see if he believed my obvious lie.

He just looked at me like I was crazy, and shook his head suddenly. "Chime, I see whats going on." He said darkly.

I gulped, and tried to control a panic wave that was just about to flash by. "Y-You do? Well let me explain I-"

"The church has put you under so much stress lately that your just exhausted." Jacob interrupted me, giving me a big hug.

I just stared at him confused. 'Exhausted to the point of madness...? Well thats better than my plan.' I thought silently, hugging him back slowly. I decided I was going to play along to his 'Im so tired Ive gone crazy' explanation.

Hell, that was a lot better than, "Oh you know, the God Alexander is taunting me and tormenting me about promising to take me away and devour my soul or something."

"Chime, we really do need to run away... I just cant stand to see you in pain anymore..." Jacob said caressing my cheek.

"Jacob, please stop talking about this whole run away scheme. Its a single island we live on. dont you think somebody is bound to find us sooner or later...?" I said rolling my eyes and smiling.

Jacob just laughed, and suddenly scooped me up over his shoulder. "J-Jacob..!" I yelled surprised, and clutched onto his shirt. "Where are we going?!"

"Relax Chime. Since you dont want to run away, lets just take the night off, just me and you." He said smiling at me. "We dont have to worry about anything, just me and you."

I smiled softly, and truthfully, I really needed that. Jacob was  a caring person, I dont know what I would do without him.

"Well, its only ONE night off..." I said trying to reassure myself. "Sure. Why not?" I said weakly smiling.

Me and Jacob were both sitting on the ground next to our little camp fire, laughing.

"Well it's true!" Jacob said embarrassed. I just laughed harder, and tightly gripped my stomach. "If I knew men were that nasty I would have never even left my house!" I said chuckling.

"We're not nasty, just slightly perverted." he said smirking at me. "Aha, slightly!" I said laughing again. I haven't had this much fun, in what seemed to be forever.

It was already dark, but I didnq't notice. I was too busy having fun with Jacob.

We both stopped laughing, and we were laying on our backs, just looking up at the stars. "Hey, Jacob... What do you think you would like to do with your life...? You know, if things get better." I asked suddenly, not moving my position.

"Well I considered being a male stripper but people are just so grabby, and being a prostitute is so tiring and-"

"Okay, how about a NORMAL job." I said smirking at him. He just laughed, and was silent for a moment.

"Well, I dunno. I wanted to marry, have a kid or two, I dunno." He replied absent minded. "What about you?"

"Me? Well my choice has obviously been made for me, but if I could choose... Nah, never mind..." I said shaking my head.

"No, tell me!" Jacob said looking at me happily. I just smiled and rolled my eyes. "Well, if I could choose... I would be a happy little house wife. It's an easy life."

Everything was quiet for a moment, and suddenly Jacob started smiling. "Well, I dont mind house wives either."

"What?" I asked confused, smiling. Jacob just softly smiled at me, and grabbed my hand gently. "Chime, I've known you ever since we were kids... And what I'm saying is... Would you like to be my happy little house wife..?"

My smile fell, and I just looked at him shocked. "W-What..?" Jacob's smile fell too, and a concerned look took over his face.

"Wat, let me explain first. I had been thinking about this for a long, long time. I love you Chime, I always have and I always will... I just want to make you happy Chime, so thats why I asked you today... Today isn't the best day, I know, but better today than tomorrow, right?" Jacob said nervously laughing.

I however, remained in shock. "J-Jacob... I'm so sorry..." I said apologetically. "But with what the church is having me go through... I'm afraid I wont make a very good wife at all... I'm sorry Jacob." I said glumly.

But before I could say anything else, I felt his lips on mine. His were firm, demanding, while I was just in shock.

Suddenly my tattoo started to burn uncontrollably, and I pulled away from Jacob and hissed in pain. I grabbed my arm, and Jacob looked concerned.

"Chime, what's wrong..? Did I hurt you?" He asked quickly, concerned. I just shook my head, and before he could ask anything else, I got up and ran away.

Oh crap. I did the one thing the God Alexander told me not to. I kissed Jacob. I let him kiss me!

My tattoo was burning, and tears were streaming down my face. What have I done...? To myself, or even worse, to Jacob?

Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky, and thunder could be hear, along with lightning. Before I knew it, it started to rain heavily.

The rain pelted my eyes, and I had to blink away the water to try and see. I was going back to the village. I never should have came out here in the first place. What have I done..?

I pushed my way through mud, wind, bushes, trees, and the guilt that was pulling me down. I could hear screams coming from the village, and I rushed towards it.

I ran through the village gates, and saw everyone running around, screaming. Houses and the church were on fire, but as soon as I got there, the fires dimmed out, and all the demons hissed and scurried away.

Everyone stopped running, and looking directly at me. Their facial expressions were angry, miserable and hate-filled. Mrs. Claurice shoved through the crowd, and tears were streaming down her face.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" She screamed at me, blood covering her hand. I instantly felt my fear grow stronger.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, COUNTLESS HAVE DIED!!!" She screamed at me angrily. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, and two large men grabbed my wrists and dragged me through the crowd. Everybody was angrily clawing at me, ripping parts of my clothes off.

I was screaming out in pain, and I tried to break loose, but the two men had a tight grip on me. "Stop!!!" I screamed loudly. "What are you doing?!"

Everyone circled around me, and I was thrown onto the ground. Mrs. Claurice was standing in front of me, hate and disgust filling her eyes.

"We are doing whats best for the people. We are sacrificing YOU to the God Alexander." And before I could protest, I was grabbed once again and tied onto a cross, both my arms and legs were tightly bound to the giant cross.

I was screaming loudly, but nobody cared. My clothes were in rags, still covering up most of me, but they were torn up.

A judge stepped in front of me, and from above I saw him pulling out papers from his pocket. "Chime, you have been accused and found  guilty by the people of this village, and death is the only punishment. You have left the village before sunset, and because of your reckless actions countless of people have died tonight. May the God Alexander have mercy on your soul." He spit at me with disgust.

Tears were streaming down my face, and suddenly I saw something push through the crowd. And then I saw Jacob's face. it was full of pain and confusion.

"Wait, everybody wait!!! I was the one who convinced her to go with me! Take me instead!" Jacob cried out. I just shook my head as tears streamed down my face. "Jacob, no no no no no!" I cried out in agony as the village people grabbed him and put rope around his hands and knees.

"Your trial is going to be in a couple of weeks, during those few weeks you will be kept in jail. And as for Chime, we must sacrifice her now, before anything else happens!"

Jacob was bashing and yelling out in anger, and I was just screaming and crying. I saw him being carried away, and I feared that this was the last time I would ever see Jacob. I didn't want my life to end this way, not like this...

The rain stopped, but the thunder still continued. Mrs. Claurice pushed her way to the front of the crowd, and she had tears streaming down her face, and she just yelled, "If only your Mother could see you now!" Angrily.

"May the God Alexander have mercy on your soul." The Judge said, taking a ladder and putting it right on the back of the cross. he climbed up, and removed my Rosario. I was screaming, and didn't want him to take my Rosario away, but it was too late. My own people, who I loved and protected, were gpoing to sacrifice me, their very own and only protector, to the same God tormenting them.

I was bawling and thrashing, and I heard him whisper in my ear, "Goodbye Chime. Your sacrifice will go down in history."

He climbed down, and the villagers started passing up chunks of wood, and men were placing them around the cross. I watched from above the hate written across their faces.

Tears burned my eyes, and I heard a voice in my head say, "This is what you wanted. You'r mine now."

And suddenly I felt a burning sensation on my toes. I screamed out loud, and realised the Judge had already set fire to the wood, and the fire was quickly devouring my legs. I was screaming out in pain, and thrashing my head around in pain.

The fire was already starting to spread through my rags I called clothes, and it burnt my skin as it spread throughout my entire body.

I was screaming in pain, and crying as I felt myself being engulfed in painful flames.

"DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!!" I screamed out loudly, thrashing around. And those were my last words before the fire engulfed my face and head. Then everything went dark.

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