Into the Dekuverse

By DylanBadier

197K 1.9K 973

It is after their second year finals and as a reward for working hard the principle has set up something for... More

OC's Info
Take flight my little angel
Ready as we'll ever be
Fantasy AU
Deku Jackson: Strong
Villains or people grieving
Mr. R
land vs sky/truth revealed
Funny video makers
Helping hand
Villain Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki part II
Funny YouTuber part II
Deku sides ~Darkside of Disney~
Encounter with Stain
Fight between brothers
Family argument
Villain Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo part III
Encounter with stain part II
Swan princess Jiran
Twin heroes
Descendants ~Queen of mean~
Deku Jackson another terrible day
Boy and girl verson duet sing battle
Truth and Dare AU
Need help
The Duchess
Black Blood
Ask or Dare part II

Lone Hero

1.7K 14 4
By DylanBadier

Dylan: Okay so I found this one last night and it is a little conflicting so just watch and you'll understand

Everyone was confused because whenever Dylan had said that the world was either bad or something bad was going to happen in said world, Dylan took his place in between Shoto and Izuku as Pride took over showing the world.

It was a dark stormy day people were running all over the place trying to get home as fast as they can. In the distance a explosion was heard making people turn with fear in their eyes making them run the other way away from the explosion.

Out of the dust cloud of the explosion came a male dressed in a suit coloured; red, orange, yellow, silver, green, blue and purple he landed on the ground in a crouching position.

????: This just had to be the day that all of them are together great

???? 1: You should have done your homework hero

The male turned to see the villain that made the explosion walking out of the dust cloud with an evil smirk on his face.

????: I don't think I'm that over my head Mr. Bakugo

Bakugo: The name is Lord Explosion Hero!!!!

???? 2: Now, now don't get too upset Kacchan

Bakugo: Whatever nerd

Out of the darkness six other people show up some with blood on them from the lone heroes earlier attack.

Izuku: Wait are we villains in this world?

Dylan: Yes everyone in class 1A are well all but one that is

Shoto: Who?

Dylan: Yours truly

Uraraka: Wait don't tell me that your that hero our otherselves are attacking

Dylan: That is right

Dylan was looking at the seven villains standing around him thinking of the best way to get out of the situation he is in.

Izuku: You've been a pain in our side for quite some time but at least we'll get rid of one of the eight people causing us trouble

Dylan: Hahaha you think that there are eight people well your wrong

Shoto: How so?

Everyone was getting ready to attack Dylan but before they could do anything Dylan flew into the air and split into eight people each with one of the eight colours that was on the costume when they were one.

Dylan: We are all one and the same

This surprised the villains long enough for Dylan to start flying away from the area they were fighting.

Bakugo: Get back here hero and fight!!!!

Dylan landed in an ally-way and refused back into one before his costume disappeared into a necklace he had around his neck.

Uraraka: So why aren't any other heroes helping you?

Dylan's face grew dark making everyone fear the answer that was waiting for them even Nezu was worried.

Dylan: They don't exist after the Izuku from that world killed All Might he and his team killed all other heroes in that world's Japan and then killed the league of Villains and are now the most feared group in Japan

Aizawa: And that means your the only hero there?

Dylan: Yes and the villains have made it illegal to become a hero in Japan

Momo: So that is why they are after you so much

Dylan: Yes well there is something else to see in this world

Dylan walked into a home and went to the kitchen and started to cook some pasta when the opened then closed with a bit of a slam.

Dylan: Guys I've told you not to slam the door please

????: Sorry we'll be down in a minute we're going to take a shower

Dylan: Okay

Dylan continued to cook as the water up stairs started, by the time the water stopped Dylan had finished cooking can dished everything up and set the table.

???? 1: Smells great babe

Dylan turned to see Shoto and Izuku walking into the dinning room and sat at the table waiting for Dylan to join them.

Dylan: Well I do try so are you going to tell me what's got you both in a fuse?

Shoto: It's just that hero is still being a pain and we found out that he can split into eight different people

Izuku: Yeah but even so we'll get him and kill him for trying to be a hero

Dylan flinched on the inside hearing that if they caught him they'd kill him without a second thought. The trio ate their dinner and both Shoto and Izuku were going up stairs to sleep they looked at Dylan who was going to the living room.

Dylan: Sorry guys but I have some work to do so I'll be up later promise

Izuku: Okay don't work to hard we don't want another incident like the last time you over worked yourself

Dylan: Like your ones to talk you both normally pull two-three all nighters in a row

Todoroki: He has us there well see you in bed later babe

Dylan: Night

With that Izuku and Shoto went to their room as Dylan sighed once the door closed with a sad look on his face he made his way to the living room.

Dylan: Now do you see what I mean

Shoto: So we're married in this world but we don't know that your the hero?

Dylan: Correct I've been doing this for a few years trying to do something about your group

Dylan walked into the living room and pulled a book on the shelf then released it as the book case beside the one Dylan was standing in front of opened up to show two poles going down.

Izuku: where does that lead?

Dylan: To the secret lab you both built under the house

Shoto: So why are going into our secret lab?

Dylan: I'm not just watch and see

Dylan walked past the two pole and pushed a stone on the wall behind the poles only for the wall to move revealing another pole going down.

Uraraka: Let me guess that leads to your own secret lab?

Dylan: Correct

Dylan took a hold of the pole and went down till he was in a white room with computers and other devises.

Dylan: I hate doing this next part but I need to get more information about their group so there is no other way

With that Dylan put his hero costume on and went to a blue room that was separated into two halves. On the side Dylan was standing there was a two way mirror and a microphone on the other side of the glass was a kind of holding cell with a girl with black hair inside.

Momo: Wait is that me?

Dylan: Yeah I caught you and I'm now going to try and get information out of you

Momo: Well, well, well look who it is the hero has returned, how was your outting?

Dylan: That isn't up for destitution now tell me about your team Miss Yaoyorozu

Momo: Don't call me that I've rejected that name a long time ago and everything that comes with it I'm Creati

Dylan's thoughts: Momo what happened to you to make you like this?

Dylan: Tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go

Momo: Yeah right you maybe safe now thanks to this room cancelling my quirk but I'll tear you apart if you let me go

Dylan's thoughts: Alright I didn't want to use this but I have to

Dylan: Alright then maybe I'll get the information out of your lover Jiro or was it Supersonic?

Momo on the other side the glass got angry and launched herself towards the glass banging her fists on it.

Momo: You leave her out of this!!!!

Uraraka: Wow that was a drastic turn of events

Jiro: You try staying calm when your loved one is threatened

Dylan: Then tell me what I need to know and I'll leave her alone and let you go for now at least

Momo lowered her head and started to answer your questions about shipments of weapons, drugs and captured Heroes would be and if there was a way to take out the shipments and free the heroes without blood shed. After the questioning was done Dylan placed the pad he had with him down and looked back and Momo who had a look of defeat on her face.

Dylan: *Sigh*......You know I never wanted to do this but you and your team are twisting my hand I'll protect those that you hurt you must understand that Mo

Momo looked at the glass surprised by what just left Dylan mouth as she got up and made her way towards the glass to get a closer look at him in his hero costume.

Momo: Dylan?

Dylan deactivated his costume that went back into his necklace surprising Momo who he turned his back towards.

Momo: Why? Why are you fighting against us, against me, against them?

Dylan thought about her question and over and over again it comes back to the same reason no matter how many times he tries to find another answer or rather another question.

Dylan: Do you think even the worst person can change....? That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?


Eragon: Even I'd be stumped by that question

Villains: Agreed

Momo stayed quiet and continued to look at Dylan with a shocked look on her face as Dylan turned to look at her.

Dylan: You know this isn't the first time I've seen that look, the look of someone who is shocked and betrayed I've seen it from all of you minus Jiro, Sho and Izu

Momo: Wait you've kidnapped the other to?

Dylan: Look I'm not proud of what I've had to do and I know some of my action can be treated as villainous but I had no choice if I asked you normally you'd say that it is to dangerous and that the hero would take me to get information out of me and beat you once a for all

Momo: And we never knew that it was you all along

Dylan: I've attack you shipments to stopping your production by 1/4 or more hoping that it would stop you from continuing but I see it only has made you go deeper into the darkness

Dylan walked to the other side of the room and pressed a few buttons and the cuffs on Momo unlocked and fell off. Momo now with her hands free looked at Dylan's back as he was looking at the computer typing something down.

Momo: Do the others still know?

Dylan: No I've whipped their memories of me being the hero because they've all ended either of two ways with them rejecting me or vowing to kill me. So what will you do Momo will you vow to kill me or reject me too?

With that the screen went black as everyone was conflicted by what they saw Shoto and Izuku looked at Dylan who had been very quiet for most of the world only to see he was in deep thought.

Izuku: Dylan you okay?

Dylan: Yeah I'm fine I'm going to go to bed for the night see you both there

With that Pride re-joined Dylan as he left the room and headed back to the dorms as the others just sat there quietly. After a while Monoma started laughing at 1A saying that they would be good villains and they hurt those around them if it called for it but he was cut off by one Kirishima punching him with an uppercut, Izu kicking him with a OFA powered kick to the side and a blast of fire from Shoto. After that all of class 1A left the room and went back to the dorms with Shoto and Izuku leading them.

Mr. Aizawa: WE'll have to keep an eye on them for a while if they need help with what they saw

Teachers: Agreed whole heartily Aizawa

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