No Regrets

By booknerdian

553K 14.2K 1.3K

Sometimes little ends that were left untied have a way of coming back and changing all your plans. I got my e... More

Chapter One - You Always Find Ways to Disappoint
Chapter Two - First Night's Never Easy
Chapter Three - The Storm is Raging
Chapter Four - The Person I Most Despise (Holiday Special)
Chapter Five - One Chance
Chapter Six - What it is Like to Be a Nobody
Chapter Seven - Group Project Can Kiss My A-
Series On-Hold?
Chapter Eight - Hell- I Mean Courthouse
Chapter Nine - What Did I Do Wrong
Chapter Ten - Dirty Looks
Chapter Eleven - (Not) A Walk in the Park
Chapter Twelve - Magic of a Smile
Chapter Thirteen - Silent Night
Chapter Fourteen - Shopping For Her
Chapter Fifteen - Awkward's New Meaning
Chapter Sixteen - Questions Unanswered
Chapter Seventeen - Hitting Things Off
Chapter Eighteen - New Year's Resolution
Chapter Nineteen - The D Word
Chapter Twenty - Without Trust What is There?
Chapter Twenty One - Move Forward
Chapter Twenty Two - What's Right?
Chapter Twenty Three - Girls Day
Chapter Twenty Four - Everyone Has Secrets
Chapter Twenty Five - Not That Easy
Chapter Twenty Six - For One So Small
Chapter Twenty Seven - Out of Control
Chapter Twenty Eight - Too Much
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Truth Doesn't Always Hurt
Chapter Thirty - Blame
Chapter Thirty-One - Times Never to be Forgotten (Part One)
Chapter Thirty-Three - Bigger than Four People
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Waves of the Heart
Chapter Thirty-Five - Don't Ignore Your Brain
Chapter Thirty-Six - Never Ready
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Blonde Hair
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Not Everyone Wins
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Soap Oper- Yawn
Chapter Forty - Until the Clock Strikes
Chapter Forty-One - A Prison of Words
Chapter Forty-Two - What Suits Us Best
Chapter Forty-Three - The Clock Stopped at 3:42
Chapter Forty-Four - Unforgiven
Chapter Forty-Five - Hold Back The Hands of Time
Chapter Forty-Six - One Of These Days
Chapter Forty-Seven - Where Can the Truth Be Found
Chapter Forty-Eight - How Our Life Changes
Chapter Forty-Nine - Take Action Into Your Own Hands
Chapter Fifty - Jokes of Fate
Chapter Fifty-One - The Dominoes Come Crashing Down
Chapter Fifty-Two - Crazy Good
Chapter Fifty Three - Someday All Will be Better
Chapter Fifty-Four - When Goodbye is All You Can Say
Chapter Fifty-Five - What If
Chapter Fifty-Six - Not Everyone Knows
Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Song of the Night
Chapter Fifty-Eight - How the World Changes
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Not Everything is the Same
Chapter Sixty - Chap. One
Chapter Sixty-One - Heartbeat
Chapter Sixty-Two - Stand As One
Chapter Sixty-Three - What Could Hurt More
Chapter Sixty-Four - Hidden Behind a Smile
Chapter Sixty-Five - One Small Hour
Chapter Sixty-Six - Right Words to Say
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Never Gone
Chapter Sixty-Eight - War Amongst Ourselves
Chapter Sixty-Nine - What is Left Behind
Chapter Seventy - Fading Light
TRIGGER FREE - Chapter Seventy - Fading Light
Chapter Seventy-One - (Mostly) Everything Good
Chapter Seventy-Two - Puzzle Pieces
AUTHOR'S NOTE - What Happens Now? (Important Info)
No Shame (Sequel) Release Date + Other Info
AUTHOR'S NOTE - It's Here!

Chapter Thirty-Two - Times Never to be Forgotten (Part Two)

5.9K 189 23
By booknerdian


   Is it possible for someone to be so happy while changing a dirty diaper? Having Mollie wake up makes changing a dirty diaper a happy moment. I practically set off celebratory fireworks when I heard her tiny cry. I had fallen asleep and woke up when she started crying.

   The doctor came in and said that Mollie appears to be making a great recovery. She'll be staying in the hospital for at least one more day for observation. "

   I finish changing her diaper and I hold her close. Before she woke up, I'd found myself thinking about my life before Mollie. I thought about all those drunken nights and all those stupid decisions. Hurting Katie the way I did, and tossing our relationship away as if it were trash, that was among one of the stupiest things. I thought about a world without Mollie. What would I have become?

  There would have been no recovering. If the world had lost Mollie, I would have lost myself. Luckily, that will never happen because Mollie is okay. I'll be extra sure to take care of her and keep her from getting so sick.

   Linkon went to pick up Katie from the house. He's a great friend to have at times like this. I look down at my daughter and smile. I turn to share my joy with someone, but I quickly remember that there's no one. I'm alone.

  I realize that Mollie will never know her mother, really know her. All she'll ever hear are stories about Nikki. No matter how great the story may be, Mollie won't know how truly wonderful her mother was. Nikki was hardly ever acted un-b*tch-like, but there were times where I'd see another person. A completely amazing girl who was funny, lovely, and completely scared of showing herself.

  I loved both versions of her, but I loved and adored the Nikki that barely showed. I shift Mollie to where she's looking at me. "Has daddy ever told you about the time Mommy and him went to the fair?" I know I hadn't shared the story with her, but I was about to.

JULY 2012


   "Damn bugs!" I exclaim as I swat a mosquito on my arm. The focus of the fair is to celebrate the summer beginning. However, I think mosquitoes are getting the real treat, an all-you-can-eat human buffet. In all honesty, I didn't want to come to the fair tonight.

   Nikki got to choose what we did for our date. She loves these types of things. Her parents, being the strict parents they are, never took Aria and Nikki to events like this. I should have known Nikki would want to do this; but I still hoped this wouldn't happen. I hoped Nikki would want to go to dinner, a movie, or even hang around her house. Obviously, that didn't happen.

  I swat away a few more bugs who want to make a meal out of me. "Remind me why I agreed to this?" I asked looking around. All the lights from food-vendor carts, rides, games, and lights so people don't walk around blind. The music is way too loud, and I'll be deaf after about an hour here. To make the music situation worse, it's all music from wanna-be famous teenagers from around here.

"Because you love me. And it's my turn to choose." Nikki says offering me some cotton candy. First thing she did when we got here, bought herself some cotton candy. She's been shoving handfuls of that stuff into her mouth for about five minutes. Completely ignoring her boyfriend, who was being eaten alive.

"How are you not getting bitten?" I ask as I resist the urge to itch my arm.

"My magic powers." Nikki says. She gives me an annoyed look, "Bug spray, idiot." she says completely annoyed.

 You love this girl, why? I ask myself this question about a hundred times everytime her and I are together. One moment, she can be happy and making light-hearted jokes. The next, she wants my head on a pick.

"Don't be such a smart-a**." I say rolling my eyes. My eyes explore the festival grounds, "What do you want to do?" I ask.

   Nikki shrugs and tells me that she's doesn't care. This makes finding something to do for the both of us much harder, if I chose the wrong thing Nikki will be a major b*tch all night. I notice there's a Ferris-wheel. "Okay then, let's go on the Ferris wheel." I say pointing in the direction.

"Seriously?" Nikki says with a raised eyebrow.

   "Seriously, let's go." I say. I take her hand and we head to the line for the Ferris-wheel. There's a long-line, because every couple in town wants to ride the Ferris-wheel. Nikki, to my amazement and shock, doesn't complain about having to stand in line. She eats her cotton-candy and stays quiet.

  I won't lie, Nikki's silence scares me... like really scares me. "I'm sorry I called you an a-"

"It's fine, Dominick." Nikki interrupts.

"I didn't mean it." I say.

   Nikki ignores me and starts playing with her shoulder length hair. She looks at me, "Do you like my hair?" she asks.

  No. I think. I shrug, "It's okay." I say. Nikki used to have really pretty and curly long hair, but she chopped it off a few days ago. Now it's this weird long in the front, but short in the back type haircut. She also dyed her hair dark blue. I hate the way her hair looks, but I'll never admit it.

   Nikki gives me a genuine smile, "Thanks for lying. That's really sweet of you." she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

   I'm about to say something but I'm inturrupted by someone shouting, "Nikki! Hey!" I look over my shoulder and see one of Nikki's only real friends walking over to us. She has a boyfriend with her, unlike Nikki and I, both of them appear to be having fun. Nikki smiles and gives me a hug to her friend. The two of them step aside to talk a bit, which leaves me to make conversation with the boyfriend.

"Hey dude." I say in a cool voice.

"What's been going on, Nick?" the boyfriend replies.

  Again with this "Nick" bullsh*t. I think. A hint of annoyance flashes across my face but the boyfriend is too dim to catch it. "Dominick, my name is Dominick." I say using a cool-relaxed tone.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry about that man." he replies.

"So... did you get dragged here by your girlfriend as well?" I ask in attempt to carry on the conversation.

"Nah, we both love these kinds of things."

"Ahh... cool... cool."

  Neither of us said another word after that. The two of us don't dislike each other, but we're really from different planets. He's a good-goody who doesn't really mix with mess-ups like me. He'll be nice because that's how people like him are that way.

"Dominick... I know about the incident." he says out of the blue.

"You do?" I ask.

   He nods. I ask him not to tell Nikki, but he gestures towards our girlfriends talking. "I think it's too late." he says as Nikki walks back. She looks upset. She glances at me and gestures for me to step out of line so we can talk.

"How is she doing today?" I ask looking over at her friend. I would love to glare at her, but I can't. I owe her much, and she owes me nothing.

"When were you going to tell me about the dealings?" Nikki asks not playing my game.

   I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I avoid looking her in the eye. "I was going to... eventually."

"Look me in my eyes, and tell me the truth." Nikki says through clenched teeth. When I don't do as she's ordered, she grabs my face and pulls it down to face hers. "The truth, Dominick." she says.

I take her hand of my face and look in her eyes. I get closer to keep others from overhearing, "It's nothing really, a few people call me every now and then. I got stuff leftover and they got the cash." I say with a shrug. "I swear I'm not planning on getting serious." I try to put my hand on her shoulder but she moves away.

"Are you using any of your merchandise?" she asks.

"I need some occasionally, but not enough to kill me. I'm responsible." I admit. I'm hoping she'll drop this conversation.

"Unbelievable." She scoffs.

"It is nothing serious, an occasional pop."

"Nothing serious, are you f*cking kidding me." Nikki yells. "You, above all people, should know better."

"Nikki, listen before you-"

"What happens if you get addicted? What if I get pregnant? What if it could effect the baby because you have mutated high sperm?"

"Who's talking about a baby?" I ask raising my voice. "We use protection."

"That's not the point." Nikki says raising her voice.

"Okay, say we created a baby. We'd abort, obviously."

Nikki silence suddently takes me aback. I step away, "You wouldn't abort?"

"Dominick, would it be so horrible for us to have a child together?"

"Why are you thinking these things suddenly?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter." she says.

"Yes, Nikki. It matters to me." I say. I grab her hand and look her in the eyes. "Do you want a baby?" I ask.

  Nikki lets out a laugh and shakes her head. "No, I don't want a baby." I see tears begin to stream down her face.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Life happened." Nikki says. She looks around the fair, "Let's just get on the Ferris-wheel." she says.


Nikki and I ride the Ferris-wheel a couple times in silence. On the third time, I look over at her, take her hand in mine, and I whisper in her ear. "We'd make the awesomest-amazing kid in the world." I saw her smile and she nods in agreement.

We look into each other's eyes and share a long-deep kiss.


MARCH 2014


   I finish telling Mollie the story by looking into her green eyes and saying, "And we most certainly did."


Okay, I know that every chapter I say "THANK YOU FOR READING!" And, I seriously mean it. Thank you all! Your comments bring me a smile and I love hearing that people actually enjoy what I'm writing. Even those who don't VOTE/COMMENT I appreciate you all very much. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Big news! I am planning on writing a sequel to this. However, it won't be coming up anytime real soon. I'm focused on this story 100%, but be prepared for a cliffhanger and/or unanswered questions at the end of this. I promise to keep you updated on the sequel info.

I almost cried twice when writing this chapter. Do you know who the friend is/was? Writing this month has been really hard, this month has been hard with returning to school. The pain of losing my friend doesn't ever seem to dull, but I'm okay. :) Thank you for all the sweet comments.

This is actually one of those "happy" chapters I was talking about. Things after this are going to get... interesting. DUN DUN DUNNN!


VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, do whatever you want.

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