1D Bromance & Normal One Shot...

By fallingforhoran_

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1D One Shots.
Larry Stylinson; Read All About It.
Lilo Tayne; Last Christmas.
Ziall Horalik; Back In December
Narry Storan; Breakeven.
Ziam Palik; Everythings Gunna Be Alright.
Lirry Stayne; Our First Kiss Went A Little Like This.
Niam Horayne; This Ends Where We Begin.
Zouis Talik; Use Somebody.
Zarry Stalik; A Year In The Making.
Harry;Casey - Those 3 Words.
Nouis Toran; Not Over At A Payphone.
Zarry Stylik; Wouldn't Change A Thing
Louis;Danielle - You Belong With Me.
Niall;Meghan - Simply Amazing.
Zayn;Ellie - Jealous.
Zayn;Danielle - Ours.
Niall;Lindzi - Aquarium.
Narry Storan; Everywhere You Go.
Zarry Stalik; Little Things
Niall;Sam - I Found You.
Zayn;Bhav - This Feels Like Falling In Love
Niam Horayne - Memories.
Zouis Talik; Chemistry.
Lilo Tayne; Six Degrees Of Seperation.
Niall;Allie - Thinking About You
Narry Storan; I'll Always Be Here.
Niall;Shannon - Then And Now.
Harry; Mariana - They Don't Know About Us.
Lilo Tayne; Six Degrees Of Seperation (Happy Ending)
Niall;Katie - Fall In Love
Harry;Courtney - I Love You.
Zayn/Niall;Tayonna - I Love You All
Niall;Sofie - Home
Authors Note;
Zarry Stalik; Already There
Nouis Toran; Save Me.
Liam; Lia - 4 Years Later.
Niall;Maggie - Turning Tables.
Niall;Maggie - Just Give Me A Reason (Part 2)
Niall;Vanessa - Standing In The Dark
Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You.
Louis;Wikolia - Over Again.
Liam;Lia - Honeymoon In Disney Land
Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 1)
Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You (Part 2)
Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 2)
Ziall Horalik; Drunken Kisses.
Ziam Mayne; Pompeii
Niam Horayne; Rainy Days.
Harry; Sarah - Opposites Attract.
Larry Stylinson; Last Kiss
Authors Note;
Larry Stylinson; Confessions. (Part 1)
Larry Stylinson; Confessions (Part 2)

Harry;Amihya - One And Only

603 3 0
By fallingforhoran_

"It's me and you against the world"

"Forever and Always"

"You are my one and only"

"I'll never hurt you"

"I love you"

 Snippets of things he'd said to me in previous conversations began throwing themselves around my head space asif taunting me that they were all lies and he never meant any of them. It's funny how well i thought i knew him, From his biggest fear to the thing he loved doing the most or the way he gets a slight blush in his cheeks when he'd lying. I guess they were all lies too.

 Pulling out my phone i rang Zayn asking him to pick me up as i needed somewhere to stay, As much as i wanted to sit on the kerb and cry my heart out for weeks upon end i refused to, I refused to let him see the extent of his actions. Afterall my mum always said the best revenge is letting them see your perfectly fine without them and that's exactly what i was going to do.

 Around 10 minutes later the familar black mercedes pulled up infront of me and i didn't waste a second in jumping up and climbing in next to him as we drove back to his house saving the subject of why he was called at 11pm at night until we got back to his flat incase my emotions burst so he was available to give me comfort.

 Once we were inside and settled on the couch with a blanket and hot chocolate i explained every last detail to him and his face was basically red with anger causing him to pull ot the newest blackberry phone management had supplied him with and started pressing the keys like a mad man for around 3 minutes straight before he finally put the phone down giving me a pathetic smile.

"Zayn what've you done?" I asked warily as he kept reluctantly looking at his phone asif expecting something to magically appear.

"Erm, Well i was having a massive rant at Harry about what a knob he's been and he may have figured you were here and is now on his way" He explained and my jaw literally dropped to the ground at the fact he'd waited this long to tell me.

"Great, Thanks for picking me up but i'm outta here" I told him before picking up one of his hoodies and my converse before opening the door ready to step out when i bumped into the one person i really didn't want to see.

 "Listen Amihya.." He began but i knew how this was going to go and i was going to be fed a sob story about 'how he didn't mean it' and 'it was a mistake' which is something i wasn't prepared to listen to so i shut him up before he began.

"No you listen Harry, I don't want a sob story or a bunch of lies, I don't even want to be in the same country as you right now. Move out of my way and stay out of it." Is all i managed to say before his face went blank and i walked straight past him and straight into the elevator that had just arrived, But ofcourse luck hated me today as just before the doors could shut Harry runs in standing infront of me blocking access to the doors and buttons.

"What are you doing?!" I growled at him but his facial remained the same, Determind.

"I'm sorry okay? I know your after answers i'm not stupid and the truth is i don't have any. I could stand here and give you a sob story of how i was drunk but i'm not going to because it's pointless. Cheatings not okay. You trusted me with your heart for just over a year and in a matter of seconds i destroyed it and trust me i couldn't feel worse. I know you hate me and as soon as these doors open you'll walk out, go back to our apartment to get your things and leave but i'll tell you now there's no point because i'm not letting you go and when i get your heart back i'm keeping it in perfect condition forever, 'Cause your my one and only"

 Hearing his speech made me want to hug him and instantly give him another chance but as soon as those doors opened i don't know what it was that made me do it but i walked away, Straight out of the building and apartment complex without looking back once until i became part of the crowd and i could see him stood at the door searching for me but i was too far ahead.

** 3 weeks later **

 Rolling over in my bed for the tenth time the same morning i let a low groan escape from my lips as i finally decided to get up and make my way downstairs only to see a big pink box sat on the coffee table that i was 100% sure wasn't there when i went to bed around 9 hours ago but i cautiously made my way nearer picking up the card that was laid amongst the ribbon on top.

 Dear Aimhya,

People say that in order to heal people need time,

I hope i gave you that but i need you back now,

I miss you,

I love you xo

P.s. I picked out the dress, Don't listen to Louis' lies see you at 7pm

Letting a small smile play at my lips as i read the note i checked the time to see that it was 4:30pm and i decided to go, Because the truth was when i spoke to the other boys and they mentioned him my heart yearned for him just that little bit more making it impossible to hate him as much as i wanted to which is why i found myself walking up the stairs carrying the box asif it was a child and began to get ready.

 I let my hair hang in loose curls aswell as keeping my make up natural and when i came to the dress my smile grew wider. It was mid night blue, Just below the thigh length dress that was a tight boobtube on top and puffed out on the bottom whilst having silver diamonds create a belt affect across my middle.

 By the time i was ready it was 6:54pm and as i made my way downstairs after grabbing everything i needed out of my room the doorbell rang revealing a very handsome looking Louis who's smile spread when he spotted that i'd opened the door.

"I knew i'd picked out a good dress" He fist pumped to himself as i laughed remembering what Harry had put on the card but it didn't last long as i stepped out of the door making sure to lock it on the way out and follow the man in black lead me to a limo that in turn lead me to a movie premier where i spotted all of the other boys stood near to us answering questions whereas Harry had spotted the car and rushed right over opening the door for me.

"I'm glad you decided to come Ami" He smiled and i couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips.

"Hm, Don't prove it to be a mistake Harry" I told him seriously and in response he grabbed my hand and led me straight to a reporter where i saw that look again for the first time in 3 weeks only this time i had no idea what he had up his sleeve. Well that was until i saw a reported handing over his microphone and heading towards me instantly re attaching our hands looking straight into my eyes making me forget the cameras surrounding us.

"Hello everyone, Many of you know me as Harry Styles from One Direction but this girl standing right next to me knows me as the asshole that broke her heart 3 weeks ago. I told her she wasn't getting a sob story so i'm not going to waste your time by giving it you either. I don't know why i did it but i cheated and my only excuse it that i was naive but for the past 3 weeks i've missed her like crazy and realised just what i did. I'm not asking her to forgive me right now but i'm asking that she tries to because if i'm being honest she's my one and only and if she gives me another chance i swear i'll treat her right, I love you" He began handing the microphone back but i instantly snatched it before he had the chance, I'd made my mind up for good.

"You may be an asshole but i still love you even if i don't want to right now so yes i'll take you back but this is the last time Harry i swear to god!" I told him and he nodded enthusiastically before crashing his lips to mine and not wiping the smile off his face for the rest of the night.

I'll never know why he cheated but maybe now it was in the past i could finally be his one and only.

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