By thegirlinthehat

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20 1 0
By thegirlinthehat

Liam jumps back holding Dianna by her arms softly. She has this foolish look on her face. In that moment, Mark is rushing into them, not so fond of that kiss. – Dianna! Mark is coming this way, so remember this is not real, ok? - Liam says serious though he would like to kiss her back. Dianna giggles –Spell! Right! I’ll be good- She smiles and Liam is trying to come up with something. –Can I kiss you again? Just to be sure! - Dianna says and grabs his face but Liam leans back fighting against his own heart. –Dianna! – He pouts and she shakes her head. 

-What are you doing? Why are you kissing my girlfriend? - Mark yells and pushes Liam hard. In that moment Maia rushes to them followed by Zayn that tries to separate Mark from beating up Liam. Martina hurries too as Niall stares at her constantly. –Sorry! She lost a bet! – Martina says almost begging to Mark as Liam and Dianna stare. –What? Explain please – Mark says upset and as Clare joins them with Louis, Martina just says – We were playing truth or dare… and… - She’s trying to stop world war 3 and Clare ads – I dare her to kiss Liam! – She says and Maia and Martina nod too. Mark is still confused but Martina and Clare would totally prank Dianna, especially Clare so he decides to believe them – Ok, just try to come up with another joke next time! - Mark says and half smiles grabbing Dianna from her waist. Liam breathes again – Yes, girls! I’m not a toy, you know? – And he winks at Martina for saving him from a beat up. 

Niall holds Martina tight from the back – She’s so nice and clever and perfect! – He’s drooling over her and Maia tries to separate them but Zayn holds her hand tight – She’s not my Maia, but she’s cool- He says and Maia shakes her head. Clare is staring at them and this is clearly getting out of hands as Liam grabs Zayn. Louis caresses Clare arm and she jumps back – Ok, girls! - She yells – Meeting outside now! – And they nod but the guys stare sad –Where are you going? – Niall says and kneels before Martina – Don’t leave me! – And Maia slaps his head – We’re just going outside to talk, lover! – She jokes and Zayn frowns – I’m your lover! Forever! – And Maia sighs – Yes, hold that thought! – And Zayn closes his eyes smiling – Like this? - Clare chuckles and replies – That’s the way! - And they head outside with Liam who smiles to Clare and Martina for saving him from Mark. Maia stops – Where’s Shay? – And they look at each other concerned.

Outside Harry is rubbing Shay’s back and she is smiling like a fool. –You have the most beautiful eyes I ever seen – Harry says and kisses her nose softly.  –You have the loveliest smile! – She says and Harry blushes. –No, you have it! - He says leaning into her. Shay closes her eyes; she has been waiting for this moment since she met him. Shay doesn’t care about the spell, she believes in love and she believes love is deserved. Harry is almost brushing her lips with his when someone pulls them apart abruptly.

-No! Let me be with her! – Harry pouts as Liam drags him away from Shay. –Not your time yet, pal! – Liam says firmly and places Harry with the rest. They are all protesting. –Why are you being such a fun spoiler! - Louis yells and Niall nods – We were having fun with the most adorable ladies here! - Zayn fists hands with him, smiling. Liam rubs his neck – Just stay here and then we’ll have a talk! - He demands and nods to one of the security guys to keep them there. –Hey! Don’t that, man! I need my Maia! – Zayn yells as Liam walks out.

- What were you thinking! - Clare asks loudly to Shay that is upset. – I told you! I will have fun as Madame told us! – She replies and Martina sighs. She is one of the most hurtful since she always wanted Niall but not like this. – Shay, we know but we told you- Maia points outside – That man, telling you all those loving things, is not HARRY! - She finishes emphasizing the last part. Shay crosses her arm and looks down. – This is a mess! You almost made Mark beat Liam up! – Martina shouts and the rest glances since she is mainly quiet and never get on her nerves. – Why did you wish upon all of us? If you wanted to pretend you’re Harry’s love, you just could have wished for that! – And Shay stares – I’m sorry, I was only thinking about how nice it would be to see all of us happy! – She defends herself – Madame took the spell into another level on her own terms! – And Liam shakes his head –Whatever this is, since it doesn’t matter in which purpose was, we will have to come up with another plan- He says still with the taste of Dianna’s lips on his. Maia nods – I hate to say this but if you can’t beat them, join them – And the others stare in wonder. Clare, smart as she is, says – So we should follow this crazy Lovecraft until it goes puff? – And it doesn’t seem so wrong. – Look, if we avoid them or try to hide, they will come after us either way, so we just listen to them and smile, it shouldn’t be so hard, right? – Maia says shrugging. – It shouldn’t but the thing is – Clare asks worried about Martina’s reaction – When it’s over… will they remember? – Maia looks at Liam and they have no idea. 

Harry is sitting playing with grass and Niall is looking at the stars with Louis by his side – That one looks like Martina! – He giggles and Louis shakes his head – No, it is clearly Clare! But since they are twins! – And they laugh covering his mouths like little boys. Zayn is trying to reach Maia but she’s not answering – I miss her! – He pouts and Harry pats his back – You two look great together! – He says and smiles – Thanks, lad! – Zayn replies. Louis stares – It’s almost like magic, right? – He says – I mean they were there the whole time and now we realize how much they mean to us! – And the others agree.

Liam enters Madame’s tent followed by Maia. –She’s not here! – Liam pouts and they call her name until Maia finds a letter with the girls name and Liam’s. –Look! She left something! – Liam walks to her and he reads the letter loud – My dear girls and Liam: I guess by now you’re freaked out. Love is always a rollercoaster! Maia is correct; you should all give time to the ones that are under Love craft… That’s how you named it, right? Sometimes a good turning plot can reveal serious stuff, but mainly we really don’t know… and as life, love has its own ways to be discovered. Xoxo M. Emerald – Liam finishes reading and they both grab their heads – Wait! There’s more! – PS: try to tell them, which will be fun! ;) – Maia ends the letter. –Maybe we should tell them. Maybe they will snap out of this- Maia asks and Liam kicks the floor- Sure, we can try, they are lost anyways! – And they head to meet the rest of the girls.

Clare stands up suddenly –We left Dianna alone! – She’s now worried. Martina frowns – Oh no! She will make a mess with Mark! – And Shay followed by Clare goes out to find her. They bump into Liam and Maia –Where are you going? – Maia asks in wonder. –To bring Dianna back! We forgot she will ruin everything with Mark! – Clare yells and they leave. Liam stares biting his lip and Maia places a hand on his shoulder – Don’t do this, brother! – She says and Liam nods – I guess it will be harder than I thought, sis – Maia nods as Martina joins them. –Did you find Madame? – She asks worried. –We found a letter and maybe we have a shot by telling them, but mainly we have to spend time with the touched ones! – Liam says and by Martina’s look, he knows she will have a hard time too.

Mark is with Dianna in his tent. She seems distracted. –So you took the dare, kinky girl! – He jokes smirking and Dianna glances – What? – She says and Mark tries to reach her but she backs down. – The bet! That’s why you kissed Liam, Di, are you drunk? – Dianna shakes her head – Mark, I haven’t been so awake in my whole life! – She says serious and Mark stares clueless – I don’t understand at all- He says trying to kiss her – Stop fooling me, babe, let’s go to bed- And Dianna steps back again – No, I don’t love you! –She yells and raises her hands- I don’t even like you! – And she laughs – OMG! They were right! I love him! – Mark grabs her hard – That is not funny anymore, Dianna! – He yells and he forces a kiss against Dianna’s wish. Clare and Shay enter suddenly and they see the scene. –Hey! Loser! – Clare shouts and Mark turns still holding Dianna who is crying. Shay is speechless as Clare since they never saw Dianna like that – Get out, stupid girls! This is about me and my girl! – He yells upset and Clare replies- She’s not a doll that you can have, moron! – Dianna leans on the wall and when Mark walks to Clare not looking friendly, he is hit by a bottle on his head and falls to the ground. Clare covers her mouth –Shay! What have you done? - Shay smiles – He got it coming! – She says and Clare chuckles – Let’s get her out of here! – And they grab Dianna as she asks for Liam.

-Are you ready? We can’t go back from here – Maia asks and Liam and Martina turn around to see Shay and Clare holding Dianna. –What happened? – Liam asks and Dianna runs to his arms. – He kept trying to kiss me and I don’t love him! – Dianna says and Liam holds her. He notices she had been crying and his heart aches for her. Clare ads – Don’t worry, Shay took care of Mark – And they giggle. Liam asks – What do you mean? – He wants to beat Mark up himself now. – I knocked him down with a bottle – Shay says as Martina hugs her – You did that? – Martu asks and Clare replies – He was being mean and Dianna was crying, he had it coming – And a wink between them makes clear they will never leave each other when in need.

The boys stand up when Liam enters alone with Dianna in his arms – What happened, man? – Zayn asks and they look worried. Liam stands Dianna with the rest – We need to talk – And the ones under the spell stand together. –Girls, you may come in – Liam says and Martina, Maia, Clare and Shay enter. –Baby! Are you ok? – Niall smiles at Martina but she stops him – First please you have to listen to us, ok? – And Niall nods as a slave.

Dianna seems to be back. Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn are standing there. Each one is staring at their loved ones. Maia starts – You have to know the truth, guys – She says and continues trying to ignore Zayn sending her kisses and Harry winking at Shay constantly – You’re under a spell. – She just spits it out and the guys frown – What?  Spell? – Zayn asks confused – I made a wish to a fortuneteller and that’s why you are all acting like that- Shay says ashamed and the boys stare at each other. –Wait! You’re saying this is just… - Niall makes a pause- Magic? – And Shay nods – Sorry, I let you all down, I’m sorry – They all remain in silence and Harry asks –If this is a spell, is it going to last forever? – Martina is now held by Liam and Dianna sort of glares – No, only seven days… as we have been said – Liam answers and another silence is on for a little while. Suddenly Louis cracks up laughing and the rest join him – That was epic! Dude, we almost fell for that magic crap! – And as they laugh, Maia and the rest look at each other – At least we tried- Clare says and Martina ads- Now it’s down to actually 5 days- And Shay nods- Let’s do this!- And under a spell or not they are altogether in this. Harry grabs Shay by her waist, Maia smiles to Zayn, Louis makes funny faces and Clare laughs, Martina and Niall hug tight. Liam caresses Dianna’s face – I’m sorry about Mark- He says and Dianna grins – I’m sorry I haven’t told you before- Liam hugs her – Well, there wasn’t a spell so… - He tries to break the intense mood but Dianna shakes her head – I’m not under a spell, Liam – She says serious – I don’t believe in that crap! – And they both laugh at this, but Liam is worried since Dianna sounds too honest. From outside the tent, Madame claps joyfully – Step 1, done! – She grins widely – This is going to be a blast! – And she dances away.

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