By thegirlinthehat

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By thegirlinthehat

After the show the girls decide to pay a visit to Madame Emerald that is dancing around in her black dress.

-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? - Dianna is the first to react and Madame turns his head; the girls are nervous.

-I've been dancing! - She replies giggling - Tomorrow it's the BLACK SUIT PARTY, girls! You're all going to look amazing, some say black is the absence of color… - She grins- But actually it’s the collision of all of them!  - Madame giggles – That reminds me of certain girls and boys! – She laughs freely and dances around the girls but Maia catches her eyes.

-Have you? - Maia tries to figure out how to ask about this situation; since Shay did make a wish and the boys were acting weirdly.  They just avoid them until they get some answers. -If you want to know about the wish; don't worry- Madame asks and is now spraying something all over the girls. -It only lasts 7 days and then puff! - She marks the last word and the girls jump back at the same time.

-Listen, I don't believe in this stupid thing, so can you please tell them it's just a joke from the boys!- Dianna pouts since she's the one with a boyfriend and Liam acting that way could really mess things up.

Clare and Martina are holding hands like they do when they are nervous and Shay is looking down. Madame walks over Shay and smiles - But this one was strong....- She smiles - Am I right, sweet Shay? - She ads and Shay does love having Harry finally paying attention. Maia grabs Shay's arm -What did you wish for?- she asks concerned and Madame starts singing - My spells only reveal what the heart is holding back... - And Clare stares -So basically you're saying they are flirting with us because they are in love?- That's the way Clare speaks, directly and simple. -I love how simple you make things, Clare....- Madame caresses her cheek - I say you enjoy this and then - She shrugs - Time will tell! - And dancing slowly she leaves. Dianna follows her but once she leaves the tent, nobody is around except them.

The boys are excited, the show went great and the adrenaline is still in the air. Niall is jumping and grinning - Where's Martina? I feel like asking her out! - He claims happy and Harry spins around - Have you notice the way Shay gets blushed? - He sighs - It's like an angel! - Louis is texting Clare - I have to hear Clare's voice! She always takes such a good care of me! - Even Zayn is staring at his phone - No one compares to Maia! She has the most beautiful.... everything! - And kisses his phone. The only one staring awkwardly is Liam. - Ehmm... guys? What are you doing? - He asks serious and pushes Zayn -Hey! That's my sister, you little monster! - And Zayn nods - I'll marry her! - Liam notices they are acting bizarre. -Ok, stop! - He speaks loud - Leave the girls alone! What's gotten into you, lads?! Behave already!  - He pouts and the others don't even seem to listen.

From outside, Dianna is sneaking in and she sighs in relief when she notices Liam is not under anything but a part of her doesn't feel so nice. Maia places a hand on her shoulder and Dianna jumps from the surprise -Crap, Maia! You scared me! - She says and Maia stares in wonder - So, did you hear something? - And Dianna smiles - Liam's voice... he has a lovely voice! - But snaps when she sees Maia's shocked face - What? - Maia asks and Dianna shakes her head - Definitely they are under some kind of influence....- She walks as far as the tent - Maybe she drugged them! - Dianna says frowning as she joins the rest.

Shay stares - What did you hear? - And Martina notices Niall is calling her repeatedly. -Girls, Niall keeps calling me- Clare grabs her own phone and there are missed called from Louis - Yeah, I have a few calls myself - She frowns and Shay is texting Harry back grinning like a fool when Maia grabs her phone quickly - You! Jeez, Shay! You made a mess! - And Shay glares - Well, I don't know about you, but I will enjoy this week- She says not entirely sure - You heard Madame, we only have 7 days!- And Clare crosses her arms - You're a genius - She says sarcastic as ever - What do you think it will happen after this "spell" goes puff? - And they all look at each other since no one thought about that. -I will talk to Liam! - Maia says - From what Dianna heard he's not into whatever happened and besides he is my brother- And the rest nod but Dianna plays with her hair and grins like a fool. - He's handsome, your brother is hot!  - She says and the others steps back - OMG! You got it, Dianna! - Clare laughs - You are under the spell! And it is weird since it should be Liam! - Dianna turns red. -I'm not into anything! Don't be silly! - She says shrugging and Martina asks her - What's your boyfriend’s name? - And Dianna replies instantly - Liam! Duh! - And now they reassure whatever is going on, got her and not Liam. Dianna covers her mouth - I'm screwed! - She pouts.

Liam is walking around when he stomps into Maia that looks strange - Where have you been? - Liam asks and Maia hugs him - Are you ok? How are you feeling?- She checks him for fever but Liam steps back - Why is everyone acting randomly strange tonight?- He asks and Maia bites her lower lip - In scale of 1 to 10... How strange are the boys? - Liam pouts - 100! - He answers and starts counting with his fingers - You got Zayn who wants to marry you, Louis needing to hear Clare's voice, Niall wanting to date Martina and Harry who keeps talking about every little detail of how perfect is Shay! - Maia grabs her head - And you? - She asks and Liam stares - What? Maia, what is going on? - He asks now serious - So you're not feeling anything for Dianna... - And Liam chuckles since he does but not like the boys -Wait, you're not implying the fortuneteller has something to do with this, right? - Maia covers her face - Come on! That crap is not real! - Liam says but Maia stares and says softly but firmly - The boys reactions are not supposed to be real neither, Liam; and you have seen them! - Liam steps back - You have to be kidding me! - But she's not. -I'm screwed! - Liam says rubbing his forehead.

Tonight is the party and Liam is trying to hold the boys back since he knows now. The girls have been avoiding them and keeping an eye on Dianna since she is also affected by “Love craft” as they named this event. Martina and Clare are getting ready. They have bought little black dresses, different models but the five of them will wear one. - Ok, so whenever one is cornered, we SOS the other, clear? - Clare is making sure they got their plan right. -Yes, we heard that the first billion times you said it! - Shay protest but it's excited she will get to see Harry in black. Dianna is drooling over a picture of Liam hanging in the wall. Maia slaps her head - Pull yourself together! - She says and Dianna blushes - I can't handle this! Please help me! -She cries and Clare laughs - That's what happens when you lie to yourself, Dianna! - Martina grabs her arm since that sounded rude. Dianna covers her head with a pillow - It's your fault, Shay! - She pouts and in a blink of an eye jumps to strangle Shay and the others separate them.

 -Stop it! Get a grip! - Clare yells - It's done whether you believe or not, clearly we have to go through this week and then we go back to normal - And the others nod. Maia says with precaution - Let's get over tonight first! At least Liam is on our side, that's a plus! - And Dianna opens her mouth to speak but Martina shuts her up with her hand. Clare leads -Let's go, girls- And they all leave locking up Dianna, who won't go since she would make a mess with Mark.

Liam is checking his phone for the time. Niall is holding a rose - Martina will love this! - He grins but behind him appears Harry with a whole bouquet of roses -Shay deserves more than this! - He smiles and Louis has a necklace for Clare - You suck! I bought Clare this, losers! - And Liam shakes his head - Alright, Romeos! Stop this nonsense madness, please! - He speaks loud but they all stare since it's natural to them. - Dude, relax - Zayn says - We're just showing them what they mean to us! - And this actually sounds not so crazy. Liam stares - So, that's it then. No creepy acts… just all of you being kind? - And Zayn nods but suddenly grabs a tiny box from his pocket - I will ask her to marry me! You think she will agree? - And the others laugh with silly foolish looks as Liam grabs his head -It's going to be a long night! - He whispers and they all turn when the girls appear, looking gorgeous.

-We can't avoid them forever, so pull yourself together and remember whatever they say it's just the spell thingy so don't do anything stupid! - Maia remarks and looks straight at Shay that rolls eyes at her nodding. They step into the dance floor and the boys walk direct to them. Niall holds Martina's hand - You look perfect! - He flashes his bright smile at her and she smiles back, feeling sad it's only the spell talking - Thanks, Niall. You look nice too- She says and Niall blushes - I got this for you! - And he gives her the rose - Oh, that's gentile from you! - Martina says sweetly and Niall takes her to dance as Martu glances at Maia. -Martina has the situation under control- Maia says and Louis is flirting with Clare about how blessed he is as she is in his life. Maia nods. -Situation 2, checked! - Harry grabs Shay by her waist and kisses her cheek suddenly and Shay grins like a fool. -Shall we dance, my sweet lady? - Harry asks and Shay nods sparkling. Harry spins her around - You look fantastic! - And Maia rolls eyes - Situation 3... On hold! - She can't help but giggle when Zayn appears from behind and smells her perfume -That little black dress just suits you heavenly - He grins seductive and Maia grins forced - Ok... thanks, Z - She says and is carried aside by Zayn leaving Liam alone.

Liam looks around, expecting to see Dianna but she's not there -Looking for someone special? - Madame asks surprising Liam. He steps back - You did this! - He says and Madame chuckles - Not entirely - She says and grins - I just helped a little! - And she giggles but Liam frowns -Look at them! This is not even real! - He pouts and Madame stares serious - Are you sure, Liam? Is this not beautiful? Young love... - She sighs and Liam shakes his head - Look, I don't know what you did exactly but they're playing with fire... and they are going to get burn! - Liam marks this so concerned, it makes Madame grabs her chest - You are truly in love, Liam...- She says and walks around him - Only someone in love can speak so genuinely from the heart - She says but Liam steps away - I love them all and of course I care! - And without noticing he whispers - I just want to know why she's not here! - And Madame gives him a perfect grin - If you're not jumping like the others... who do you think is? - And Liam shakes his head - She's not like that! - And Madame caresses his cheek. - Maybe she is... - And before she leaves, whispers - She is here by the way.... - She winks - Have fun! - And Liam turns to see Dianna looking astonishing and smiling brightly at him like he always dreamt of.  -OMG, I'm screwed! - Liam pouts as Dianna walks right to him and kisses him without further notice in front of everyone... included Mark.

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