By MysticXWonder

339K 22.7K 4.4K

"sometimes you have to suffer in order for other people to be happy" MediHeal Laboratories have had a secret... More

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4.8K 325 58
By MysticXWonder

a/n: we're nearly at 800 views! I feel like this is a cause for celebration but all I have is this terrible chapter. I'm sorry :(

anyway, who's your favourite character so far?

i have to say yoongi even though he's a bit prickly at the moment


Yoongi was a disaster, that much was blatantly clear.

MediHeal Laboratory had been a quiet place with just Jungkook and Jin as it's inhabitants. There were an occasional ruckuses but nothing astronomical. However, everyone quickly realised that this was no longer the case.

At first it seemed as if Yoongi was setting things alight on purpose. He'd burned holes into so many walls and destroyed over a hundred pair of gloves, given to him so that the doctors could avoid receiving burns, that it was quite clear that Min Yoongi was completely uncontrollable.

At first it seemed intentional, this boy certainly held a grudge for the place. However, it quickly became clear that it was so much more than that.

The first time Jungkook and Jin were truly exposed to his unmanageable enhancement was when they woke up to the stench of smoke and a scorched bed spread. It turned out that even when the boy was sleeping, fire ran through this veins. It wasn't until a week later that the two boys decided to confront him.

"Do you know they're enforcing a curfew? Locking us in this room at night?" Jin asked, hoping that Yoongi would take some form of responsibility for his actions.

They all resided in this 'cell' which had been converted into a room and had the space to hold at least 5 bunk beds. It wasn't exactly comfortable with the white washed walls and lack of furniture but it was decent. It was reasonable and Yoongi was abusing those benefactions, even if it wasn't intentional. His unruly behaviour and lack of restraint meant that certain restrictions had to be inflicted on all the boys- curfew included.

"They're psychos, it's not my fault their caging us like prisoners!"

Yoongi was a very reserved character who never really showed his true emotions but even he couldn't shake the calmness surrounding Jin's comforting aura. When he was with the two boys he seemed at peace and he never lashed out towards them, unlike the doctors who received physical and verbal threats from the boy on a daily basis.

Even though Jin and Jungkook wouldn't say that they particularly liked the boy, they did feel an overwhelming amount of empathy for him. He'd obviously never experienced the true effects of a real friendship and he was very frightened of his potential.

Despite this, no one could dampen his wild behaviour. The endless amount of outbursts, which led to injuries on all accounts, had finally become enough for the scientists and they snapped. Now, the boys were locked in this room together for an unprecedented amount of time.

"You're so selfish," Jin spat, glaring down at the unbothered boy who simply stared at him blankly.

"I don't care what you think of me. Once I get out of this hell hole, I'll never see you again," he mumbled, picking holes into the rubber of his gloves.

Jin paused. "Is that what you think? Is that why you've been distancing yourself from us? You don't want to make friends because you don't think you'll be here long enough to care."

Yoongi muttered that it wasn't the case but everyone in the room knew that he was lying.

Jungkook slid off the top bunk of his and Jin's shared bed and made his way over to Yoongi and jumped up next to him.
Without fear, the ten year old wrapped his arms around his frame. Yoongi scoffed but secretly felt glad to experience that slight bit of comfort.

"Don't worry, I want to leave as well. I miss my mum," Jungkook exclaimed. "If we ever leave, I'm coming as well. I'm sure Jin will too. You should be our friends, you could use our help."

"And mine."

All the boys heads snapped up as the door opened and a boy slipped in, the door shutting tight behind him. He was very short despite being older than Jungkook and his eyes were wide and unblinking. His voice was small and lacked force and his figure unconsciously cowered in the corner but his words held impact.

"Who the hell are you?" Yoongi spat, looking down at the new kid like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe.

The boy flinched but tried to keep his composure and face the offensive boy who had decided to confront him.

"My name is Park Jimin. They said I had to help a 'Min Yoongi'. I assume that's you?" The boy mumbled, biting his lip and running a nervous hand through his dark locks.

"Pfft they've lost their mind if they think a midget like you can help me."

At first Jimin didn't have the courage to tell Yoongi that he was only a few inches taller than he was.

Jimin had been brought to the laboratory two weeks ago after being plucked from the masses of orphanage children. At first it seemed like a dream come true; no one wanted to adopt a twelve year old, not when there were a fine selection of cute newborns. However, he quickly realised that he'd overestimated his luck.

The doctors had been training him for a while to help his powers which allowed him to manipulate water stating that he needed to have complete control over it if he wanted to meet the 'others'.

He didn't know what 'others' meant but he assumed that it meant that there were other children in this place. At first he was excited to make friends with other children who had powers like him but, after facing the notorious Min Yoongi, he felt an overwhelming amount of anxiety.

They expected him to get along with this brute? If anything, Min Yoongi just reminded Jimin of the orphanage bully and that was a memory that Jimin never wanted to uproot. At first, it made him flinch as he slipped back into his shy tendencies but, after hearing that insult from Yoongi, he decided to take a stance.

"Don't call me a midget."

With that, Jimin raised his hands and a fountain of water erupted from them, sailing straight towards Yoongi and hitting him-

Straight in the face.

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