By MysticXWonder

340K 22.8K 4.4K

"sometimes you have to suffer in order for other people to be happy" MediHeal Laboratories have had a secret... More

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4.8K 314 66
By MysticXWonder

a/n: i've uploaded so much recently!

also, I'm so excited to introduce yoongi as a charcter. he is by far my favourite in this ff.


Jin and Jungkook spent a year in that facility bonding over their newfound friendship. MediHeal weren't as corrupt yet and the boys were allowed a relatively decent amount of freedom. Of course, they had to follow the necessary rules and obey to the commands of their superiors but it seemed like a reasonable sacrifice especially when they were allowed to share a room.

At first the scientists swore that the idea was ludicrous and would never be safe, especially for Jin. They all seemed to have a soft spot for Jin; he could light up the room with a simple smile. Everyone loved him but no one loved him more than Jungkook.

Jungkook was often deemed as roguish and hazardous, especially as his powers advanced. He could now crush bricks with a single flick of the wrist and could even shatter solid concrete with a simple stomp of his foot. For a seemingly innocent ten year old, this happened more than they expected.

The only way to stop those tantrums was to allow him to spend as much time, as physically possible, with Jin. The newly turned fifteen year old loved the little boy more than he could express.

Jin couldn't remember much from his childhood but he often imagined Jungkook as his younger sibling.

Their bond was unshakable.

Then one day as they were curled up on Jungkook's bed, reading a book, a noise erupted from the corridor. It was undoubtedly a scream of pain or immense terror. Jungkook felt his blood run cold; it had only been a year since he'd been in the same situation.

Jin slowly inched off the bed and pulled open the room to their door. They lived in a large cell with a multitude of locks that were never attached- the scientists trusted the two boys to behave. With a gulp, he widened the gap between the door and the frame and the screams got louder, echoing off the bleak walls.

The screams grew closer and closer until they reached the door to the cell.

"Let go of me, you imbecile!"

Then, before Jin could even move, a boy was thrown into the room right on top of the unsuspecting teen. Before he could even questioned what had just happened a loud roar of the door slamming and the locks clicking into place rang through the room.

"Jin hyung, what just happened?" Jungkook whimpered, pulling at the door only for it to remain closed. They had never been locked in before.

"I guess you had something to do with our imprisonment?"

Jin stood up, brushing the dirt from off his knees and pulling an accusing glare at the boy below. The boy didn't answer but cursed, heaving his body up and slamming his hands into the metal of the door. That was when they two boys really noticed the appearance of this boy.

He was shorter than Jungkook, even though he looked at least four years older, and held an aloof stance. His hair was dyed red but it was quite obviously a home attempt as the streaks were patchy and natural black shone from underneath it. His fierce hair only seemed to match his personality as he glared down at the two boys before him, curling his lips into a sneer.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, his eyes shooting daggers before he went back to hammering the door in a futile attempt.

"We don't normally get visitors."

Jin didn't trust this stranger, especially around Jungkook. He appeared rather uncivilised and rude, something Jin wasn't accustomed to.

"Well don't just stand there, help me budge this door!"

Jungkook sniggered, finally gaining a flicker of confidence, "you'll never be able to knock down that door, it's reinforced steel. I could help but I don't see why I should."

Jin startled, looking down at the small shy boy who had suddenly seemed to bloom into something much more powerful.

"Oh yeah and how is a pipsqueak like you going to knock down a door like this?"

Jungkook looked up at Jin for confirmation and the latter just nodded. With a sigh, Jungkook clenched his fist and punched a hole- straight into the floor.

The boy stopped trying to escape and blinked at the two boys before him as if he only just realised that they weren't ruthless scientists and were just young boys, like him.

"You're like me? Did they turn you into monsters too?"

"Monsters?" Jungkook asked. Sometimes he found that he could be accidentally forceful but he wouldn't call himself a monster.

"Yeah those jackasses turned me into this thing."

Jin tried not to cringe at the bad language and approached the boy, holding out a hand for him to take. The boy glared at it in disgust but, despite his displeasure, returned the favour.

"I'm Jin and this is Jungkook, what's your name?"

The boy sniffed as if he was considering whether to reveal this private information before sighing, "Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

There was an indefinite silence before Jungkook spoke again, "what's your enhancement?"

"I set fire to things," Yoongi shrugged as if it was no big deal that he was a walking flame. "Unfortunately for them, I seem to have very little control over it." He held the covered hands and shook them for emphasis. "At least they're can't manipulate me now. If they even try, I'll burn this entire place down."

Jungkook and Jin didn't even doubt it.

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