|Flakes Of Love| Completed✔

By _Ahankara_

1.2K 57 59

Sitting in the hospital ward with his new born baby. Arnav couldn't help but think about the first time he re... More

|It was snowing|

1.2K 57 59
By _Ahankara_

Arnav just couldn't seem to tear away his gaze from the little bundle of joy in his arms, sitting beside his sleeping wife's bed. He continued gazing with uttermost awe and wonder at the life they created with love. 

The little girl in his arms, the half an hour old little girl in his arm. He knows he should place the child in her crib and stop gazing at her transfixed. But he couldn't, he just couldn't look away from her.

His little girl, looking so beautiful. He doesn't know about any other newborn baby. He hadn't ever quite seen any newborn baby but she looked all perfect to him. The most perfect and beautiful child in the whole world to be precise. She was just so beautiful, so tiny yet so perfect. And he couldn't, just couldn't tear his gaze away from her.

And he wanted to drink this moment in, this moment with his little girl in his hands. Looking so content swaddled in his arms. He was so afraid, terrified, that he had been late, he'll lose both Khushi and his child. After all, having a baby in war-torn times wasn't a sound idea, especially when you're the main targets.

But she came unexpectedly in their lives. Their joy and he was so afraid, so afraid he'll lose both of them after today's attack. But the gods were with them. Both Khushi and their child is safe. He was almost sobbing with relief when he heard his daughter's cry.

Almost slumped on the floor when the healer told him, both of them were safe and healthy. Even after the complication. But nothing, nothing in the whole world prepared him for the feeling when he spotted his princess and love safe and sound.

Arnav won't lie, no, not at all. He was totally terrified when Khushi put their daughter in his arms. He was so afraid of hurting their little miracle child. 

After all, she felt so tiny, so vulnerable, so easily breakable. He was so nervous, so terrified that he'll drop her or hurt her somehow. But now with her lying so comfortably in his arms. He couldn't put her down quite yet. 

Arnav stared at her taking in her every little move and he couldn't even begin to describe how beautiful she is. She's so tiny.

Everything about her is so tiny and he doesn't know whether all newborn babies are this tiny? But the healer said she was healthy and so, Arnav would believe her. Even though he doubts whether the healer really knows how a human and shifter baby really should be like? It's not that common after all.

According to him shifter babies are normally larger than the tiny bundle in his arms. The tiny bundle, with a tuff of crazy black curls wobbling beneath his supporting hand.

Her eyes are brilliant, just like her mother's and her hands so delicate. She feels so light, looks so perfect and smells so divine. He can't believe how tiny babies are, how vulnerable, how awe-inspiring.

And he can't believe this beautiful child is his? He created such a perfect being.

It's like everything about her just fills him with uttermost love and devotion. It's like as long as time flies his love for this little creature won't end. And the moment, he thought he couldn't drown deeper in her love. She smiled at him.

Smiled at him like sweet summer mangoes and filled him with sunshine. She was so perfect and Arnav wouldn't at all mind if their daughter turned out just like Khushi. Beautiful and Perfect.

Khushi, who brightened everyone's life. Khushi, who pestered him throughout their school life and Khushi with whom he is helplessly in love.

And didn't it seem like a sign from heaven themselves? His daughter was born with the first snowfall of the season. He remembers a similar day, few years back, a similar unexpected snowy day. A snowy day that made him realize he was in love with one Khushi Vagha and his daughter chose a similar day to greet this world.

To be truthful, Arnav never thought of the day he realized his feeling for the rabid queen of Garuda's was an important or special day but his daughter seemed to be tugging on those memories.

The little girl born with the first snow was making that day flash in front of his eyes. The good old days. The days he missed, oh so dearly now.

Oh! Those fond old days where they all were unscathed by the ongoing war with Asuras. Where they didn't have to face the threat of extinction? Where friendly squabbles and who will win the house competitions and exams were their biggest concerns.

The days where knowing about magical creatures and magic was the biggest shock of his life, Where he was normal, well as normal as a human can be after knowing he is a wizard and he gets to study in the prestigious and exclusive school of mystical children, Yogmaya Vidyapeeth.

He remembers it like yesterday, the childish excitement and glee that has surrounded him for months. The feelings, He felt when he got the letter and Acharya Kaya came and explained all about the Maya world to his family.

Especially, about the supernatural world and how gods bless certain humans to see and be a part of that world. It really felt special back then it still does sometimes. After all, he wouldn't have gotten to know his Khushi if he didn't get the chance to be a part of her world.

The days spent in this world were special. Each day had thought him something new, something special, and inspired him to be something more. The days spent with people with power and prejudice. A world with "Devahanas", "Asurahanas", "Tantra", "Energies" and a hell lot of subjects to deal with, he was just a human with "Maya" pushed in the world of "Devahanas" and "Asurahanas".

Days which led him where he is now, sitting beside the bedside of his beautiful yet tired wife. He still remembers the day he finally realized he was doomed. He was doomed, for he was in love with a royal shifter. The fear, the nerves, the misery, it all feels just like yesterday to him.


Arnav couldn't wait for the day to be over already. He was feeling quite miserable. His day had not been the best. In fact, it had been the worst day he had experienced in a while.

Firstly, he had woken up late. He can't believe it. He had woken late on the day, Acharya Indra was going to take a Maya moh test. He hadn't eaten since morning. And to add to his misery, he had managed to spite Shaila somehow. His only best friend from the mortal land, Just doesn't want to talk to him. 

How frustratingly sad!!!!!

And on top of this, someone stole his "Astra Pooja" essay. Acharya Adhiraj thought it was just an excuse and that bloody Tej Singh had a lot of fun rubbing it on him. So, yeah he kind of couldn't wait for this day to be over, already.

And now, it feels like he had done something to irk the gods themselves as suddenly unexpected snowfall started. He couldn't help but curse his luck. The Garuda dorm was on the other side of the Jaya garden and he was just at the starting of the garden and it was already snowing quite persistently.

And again feeling quite miserable. He continued walking in the pouring snow, shivering violently. He was just in his simple cotton dhoti and Kurta, mind you and unlike the Vaghas, Simhas, Citrakahas, and all the other vahana shifters he wasn't at all resistant to the cold. And the other "Mayakaras" like him were already wrapped in woolen things.

Sighing, shivering, and absolutely miserable he couldn't wait to reach the Garuda dorms. But as he mentioned already luck didn't seem to be in favor of him and he was blocked on his way by none other than "Tej F***ing Singh" and his gang, just his fucking luck.

"awww, poor Arnu baby got scolded by Acharya. Thanks for making our win easy, Arnu dear. I'll make sure to add it when Shesha wins the trophy." The antagonistic words of Tej Singh spitting him enough to throw a well-intended hex at his direction. Bloody idiot. Who made him the crown prince of the tigers? 

Well, don't get confused there are four houses in the school "Garuda", "Gdon", "Shesha," And "Nandi". He doesn't know on the basis of what they are sorted in the houses? For Garuda isn't the house of just birds, similarly, Gdon isn't just house of the "tiger-lion family", Sesha doesn't held only "serpents" and Nandi doesn't held only "Cattles". All the Vahanas are mixed in the different houses and he thinks, well, it's his personal guess that this system was made to encourage inter-species friendship.

"f**k off, Tej" Arnav spat menacingly but the effect wasn't as threatening as he wanted due to his shivering fits.

"Aww, poor Arnu baby, is so cold," Tej just laughed and Arnav pondered on the consequences of punching Tej.  But before he could do something with that foolish notion a new familiar voice intervened. 

Arnav peered past Tej's figure and noticed the graceful form bolting towards them.

Hero Vagh, to the rescue.

"Come to rescue your boy toy, Vagha!! Aren't you bored of this human yet" Tej taunted Khushi trying to intimidate her?

"I kind of find them interesting, Singh, with us being their guardians and all if you forgot along with the fact that Arnav is a "Mayavi" and not quite human," Khushi drawled back unamused by Tej's stance or antics.

"Your Father..."

"Yes, your father won't be happy if my father suddenly cancels the treaty. Now scramble off and leave Raizada alone." Khushi warned Tej menacingly again.

Tej took a few steps towards her but watching the people behind her just growled in anger and disappeared with his gang. Watching Tej run Khushi turned to Arnav checking him head to toe for any visible injury or anything along that line.

"Great, lucky me," Arnav thought almost sarcastically when he heard their words war. He couldn't miss the ever war-ready Khushi with her golden bow flickering in her hand and her notorious friends namely "Anant Bajpai", "Arjun Punj" and "Adwitiya Sen" just behind her, throwing looks at their direction which can even stop the king dragon in its tracks.  And maybe, Tej really had some semblance of safety as he disappeared as soon as he saw all of them. 

"Raizada!" She greeted Arnav all cheerily and Arnav just nodded at her. Her skin was paler than usual yet she was glowing with happiness. A crown of winter roses on her head with snowflakes slowly resting on her head like precious jewels.

"Vagha!" He nodded in his thanks.

"You're cold," he could clearly read the worry and concern in her voice but he was in a too bad mood to not snap annoyed at her obvious words.

"No, I'm feeling bloody warm that's why I'm shivering so profoundly, right now,"

"Aww, my dear Arnu, no need to be so grumpy. Here, you'll feel a little better." He could just watch as she unwrapped her shawl and wrapped it around him in a flash and god, wasn't the warmth much welcomed. He wanted to return back her Shawl but he was also freezing so he just muttered a small "Thank you" to her.

She beamed back brilliantly in his direction.

"Guys, go I'll meet you in the practice" Khushi announced to her friends as she dragged a protesting Arnav with her on her "flying Carpet" and before Arnav could say about "how it was absolutely unnecessary," They were already in the air and in a flash in the corridor leading to their common room.

"Thanks," Arnav flashed a shaky smile to Khushi. He was deadly terrified of heights and loathed the so-called flying carpets. No sense of safety. He usually avoids them like grim reaper but when a certain violet-eyed, black-haired girl wanted to have her way, no one could stop her.

"What are friends for Raizada?" Khushi called back shrugging off his gratitude as she smiled all happy.

"Here, take your Shawl. I'll manage from here," Arnav tried to offer back her shawl to him. he was under the castle roof again. So, it was fine but she didn't let him do that.

"Don't be daft, Raizada. Who'll top for Garuda's if you fall sick? So, be a good boy, go inside, dress appropriately for the weather, and if you want to have another ride with me just drop the word" She zoomed around him, winking at his direction all too cheekily, all too Khushily.

"So, that's all I'm worth huh Vagha, another Pawn in your winning mission,"

"Well, Pawn isn't my style Raizada. I thought you know me better than that but even if it was so, you're my King Raizada, always my King, never a pawn" She confessed with uttermost confidence and he just stared at her all baffled. Words sincere or insincere, he couldn't guess. After all, there were only shifters in her friends circle and he was a mere magical human.

A human she pranked and then chased after for the rest of the years. Proposing him at the most ridiculous times and ways.

"I'm just a human, your kind won't accept as a king ever," He tried to gauge the depth of the waters around him. Sure, she'll laugh at his face and remind him of his status very soon. How it was an honor for his kind getting the position of a minister in their courts. he shouldn't dream for anything more. He shouldn't desire more or he'll end in trouble.

"Try me, Raizada. You'll be really surprised by my kind and my love," Their was a challenge in her eyes and sincerity in her words. He couldn't believe her. She couldn't be sincere in her feelings for her. She just couldn't be. It was unacceptable. It was just absurd. she can't change the whole system because of him.

"Pick up your Jaw from the ground Raizada. It won't do you any good if flies make your mouth their residence. And the offer still stands Raizada, Saturday night with me," Khushi asked him again, hoping, he has changed his mind.

"the likes of Tej will kill me," He reminded her, well, aware of what will happen the second he says yes.

"I'll protect you, now and forever" Khushi promised, flying away to her waiting friends.

And he was startled by her antics again. Khushi Vagha, won't ever cease surprising him. He never thought she could be anything compassionate, after all, all she did was cause chaos with her gang. But then at times like this, he saw something more in her. More than the prankster everyone knows, more than the girl with mischief in her aura, more than the fierce warrior in the archery and sword fighting ring.

He saw a caring, compassionate heart. A true guardian and a silent retaliator. 

Khushi perfect Vagha, with her athletic slender body and pale skin. Her fierce lion spirit and perfectly divine looks. she never looked anything less than an Apsara ever. Her wide eyes, angry glares, pouts, pestering, arrogance, and competitive spirit. The casual attitude, the fierce protectiveness, unscathed attitude. 

Arnav couldn't deny any longer that from the past few months it has been only Khushi in his mind. Angry Khushi, Happy Khushi, Pouting Khushi, Showing-off Khushi, Fighting Khushi, Mischievous Khushi. His day had started feeling incomplete without squabbling with Khushi.

As he watched her dance on the flying carpet laughing, capturing snowflakes with open arms, her hair waving with the snow-laden breeze. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the nymph-like figure controlling his feelings, tugging at his emotions with such ease.

Yups, he was in deep trouble.

He had fallen for Khushi Vagha!!! 

He was finished. He was totally finished

.End of FB.

Arnav trance of that day was broken, the day Khushi promised to protect him forever and she did, she kept her promise, the queen of mountain-lions with a "Mayavi" husband by the not so graceful entry of Anant, Arjun, and Adwitiya in the wardroom.

"Sorry, sorry, mate, that bloody Singh was being the menace he is," Anant apologized heartily as all of them gathered around Arnav peeking at the violet-eyed child in his arm.

"It's fine, " Arnav dismissed their apologies, knowing well what kind of disaster Tej was being. Drunk on power. He wasn't sure who really wanted to rule on humans more? Tej or the Asuras?

And watched totally amused the way Anant cooed over his little girl, already in love with the small child.

"Isn't this my fav little cub, " Arnav cooed looking totally ready to steal the baby.

Arnav couldn't help but snort hearing Anant's words but Adwitiya already had her reaction ready for Anant's antics.

"She is the only cub, you know Anant" Adwitiya reminded her best friend in a drawl but was ignored as Anant was too happy to be bothered by her when the little girl held his pinky finger.

And Arnav was too amused by all this to stop them.

"see, Arnu, I'm her fav person, she chose me, she held my finger. I'll be the best Godfather ever," Anant exclaimed all happily not caring his sudden happy exclamation was disturbing Khushi's sleep.

"Who's making you the godfather?" Arnav couldn't help but torment Anant happily and watching Khushi stir, threw a glare at his direction. While Arjun smacked Anant whispering "Shh...You'll wake, Khushi" and then asked Arnav"So, what's our Angel's name?"

"Aishani Vagha" Arnav announced proudly and even little Aishani smiled hearing her name. Happy with it. He and Khushi have spent many days discussing the baby names.

"my baby Aishu," Anant declared happily and even Adwitiya and Arjun smiled lovingly at the baby. Already in love with the little thing and noticing the happy environment around her and happy with her name, baby Aishani shifted in a white fluff ball, startling all the occupants of the room.

Before they could even let any reactions. The cub has turned back in a baby. Arnav looked at his friends terrified. His sweet little baby, his little girl she'll be in so much danger if the word gets out.

"It's fine, no one else will know, we won't let anything happen to her ever," Adwitiya promised noticing Arnav's look. She was one of the few last Swan shifters in her clan. It was some type of curse or the result of the desire of some of the Vahanas to rule over humans that led them to be disconnected from their Vahana form. The one who can actually shift are rare and hunted for power.

"Yes, we will," Ananat the serpent king, a descendant of Anant Naag himself promised.

"No one can touch her as long as her Mama and massi are alive," Arjun promised and he meant it. After all, a Garud always kept his words and he was the fucking king, so he meant too.

"Yes, we will always protect our little cub," The three of them stated together and Arnav knew they'll. After all, the Vahana's may have lost their shifting power but they still have their magic with them. The dark spells, dark enough to end the whole world.

"I am sure you all will be, even though you're disturbing my sleep. I'm happy you all are here," Khushi muttered softly drawing their attention towards her.

Arnav watched as all of them made themselves comfortable in the ward, perching wherever they wanted and started bantering like they were still in school and this was their dorm room and not hospital room. Arnav caught Khushi's eyes among all this chaos and slowly stood from his placing their daughter back in her arms. 

He stood beside her gazing at their daughter. he'll be her protector for as long as he lives, he decided and then watching the people around him, he amended his statement "They'll be her protector as long as they lived and their love for her will last for all time. She'll be the most loved baby of all times," He decided placing his hand on Khushi's shoulder reassuringly as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Aishu's head.

"You'll be always loved and protected, Aishu" Arnav promised.

He stood again properly beside Khushi, hugging her sidewise as they both gazed lovingly at their daughter, their world. Their heir, the future queen of Vaghas.

"Aishani, will be loved and know only love even in the war-torn terrains" It was her parent's promise.

And maybe in the future, under another first snowfall. Aishani will remember this love. Remember the promises of unconditional love.

For snow had always brought love in the Vagha's life.

-the beginning-

Hello, everyone!!!

What do you think? A mystical magical world. Did you like this shot?

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And yes, please tell me if you want more of the Vahana world. And please, suggest a good title for this story too.

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