The Words Of My Soul

By Vidushidr

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Includes poetry about broken hearts and broken souls. With Rainbows of joy in between. Just like life. This i... More

Modern Reality
Lost ( Dark ending)

Time turner

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By Vidushidr

If only I could turn the time a little,
I could have saved so much, the little moments I had with you,
the sweet smell of the spring
the chirping of the birds, the dance of the bees.
I could have saved a beautiful soul, which remained within me ,
cheerful as a doll and  as happy as the sea.
what all could I have saved,
I think of it with regret,
only the flashes of time remain,
now the beautiful soul is dead,
what remains is it's corpse.
it's silence deafens me,
it's coldness feels bitter to me
and it's eyes staring at me.
only if I could have turned time a little,
maybe I could have changed the destiny

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