At War

By michelle18uzoma

35.6K 7.3K 6K

"Obanma if you keep vibrating like a car engine, neither of us would get good sleep. I can feel the bed shaki... More

Hey There!
Chapter - 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
😊❤️Read Me
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Special Announcement
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 22

601 108 116
By michelle18uzoma


Dedicated to maramartha for being an overly annoying ram but a wonderful reader😂😂

The scent of crayfish hovered in the air, different spices accentuating its strong aroma as Obanma trod into the mini market before the school gate.

Many kiosks with different colors scattered around, each manned by mostly women pleading for students to buy from them.

She picked items which she needed with Onyedikachi trailing behind her neatly dressed in his white senator cloth which gave him a quite classy look. She had objected to him following her but he insisted

Most traders perceived them to be siblings and dished out compliments to coax them into buying, some promising their daughters to Onyedikachi who laughed heartily.

His appearance led to some of the traders increasing the price of the commodities with the belief that he would pay as he had dressed.

If only they knew

Onyedikachi's strong price haggling technique was worse than Obanma's and he mostly got the things he wanted at a price very suitable for him.

His curt reply whenever Obanma mentioned his brutal negotiating skill in the market being

Anambra is a trading hub and I am a son of the soil.

She hated that response and often resisted the urge to bash his head with an object, each time he mentioned his place of origin. It was either he was arguing of his place being the richest in the east or how industrious they were or probably how she would definitely end up with an Anambra man.

Their friendship had become quite cozy after the incident at the hotel in Owerri. He'd always come visiting during the weekends, bearing too numerous gifts, from cloth items to provisions and sometimes monetary gifts which was practically shoved into Obanma's hands with threats of visiting her uncle in Enugu. Refusing to release her account number didn't do much for her

Only then did she truly regret leading him directly to her house. Onyedikachi became a constant song on the lips of her roommate Kelechi, who was also studying pharmacy in her school.

She had nicknamed him handsome pocket and would always practically deplete her monetary funds whenever she heard of his intending visits from Obanma. Obanma found it amusing, leaving the higher percentage of her gifts to Kelechi.

Ralph had become too busy for her she noted, his father always pushing him around for meetings which the older man claimed would prepare him for the ownership of his company. They managed to always talk briefly only on weekends.

Raphael had once mentioned hating the whole idea of being an engineer and subtly hinted a resentment he bore for Onyedikachi who was the golden boy of the company, with the likes of his father approving every little thing Onyedikachi did.

Convincing her uncle about the phone she supposedly got from Olumide was quite difficult. She had to call her sister and her fiance to make sure her lie wouldn't be found out.

"Are you sure you don't want me to buy another one for you? I don't want all these small Igbo boys hovering around our wife" Olumide teased when he finally agreed to her proposal

"Noo, it's fine. He's a good friend" She had quickly objected drawing laughter from Olumide

"You like this one abi?" Came his amused voice

"Yes" was the only response Obanma could afford, not knowing what else to say

"Ah! I knew it! I know something has been going on in that your Enugu" Obanma had given up on correcting him from wrongly pronouncing certain Igbo words and wholeheartedly accepted whatever he spewed. Olumide only worsened the case by making attempts at pronouncing whatever Igbo word he came across. Enugu was at the forefront of the wrongly pronounced words followed by her name.

She often wondered if her sister was as bad as Olumide when it came to speaking Yoruba language.

Inter tribal marriage breeds enough work

"I am only doing this because you're my ally and because you've told your sister about it. I dey fear am sometimes... But don't tell her.

Remember if you need anything.. Anything at all, I'm just a phone call away. And keep that your fine self well for our traditional marriage, I'm going to show you off to my friends "

Everything went well after that, her uncle Nnamdi received a phone call from Olumide who claimed that he decided to spoil his sister in law to be, after her visit in Lagos.

She could tell her aunt was not too pleased, but it was either Olumide or Onyedikachi and she chose the former.

Onyedikachi and Obanma set out to purchase meat afterwards. He ended up buying more than she needed, earning rounds of skin piercing glares.

"I'm hoping to take some to my place, you're just going to serve as my cook" He objected with a smile which didn't stop Obanma from lightly smacking his back.

He ended up carrying all the items they bought while they made their way to her place. Obanma had relinquished all with hopes of annoying him but he seemed to quite enjoy the task.

They entered the apartment after Onyedikachi paid off the caretaker for reasons she could not quite fathom.

Her room was quite cozy, Kelechi had insisted on it bearing a beige color because it was her favorite, Obanma didn't mind since her favorite colors were in the lines of grey, red and black. Colors one wouldn't want to have on their walls.

Their self contained apartment, bearing a mini kitchen adjacent the bedroom and bathroom with a toilet opposite the bedroom.

Obanma had left designing the bedroom wholly to Kelechi, who had pictures of Justin Bieber on almost every corner of the room. Their books and textbooks were neatly placed in a rack at the foot of their bed. A large mirror was hung beside the bathroom where Kelechi spent minutes staring at her face everyday.

Chijioke had bought her a home theater while her adanne provided her laptop which functioned mostly as her television.

Kelechi's laptop also laid beside hers, their boxes at the foot of the bed, beside a large make up box which kelechi used to practice her make up art. All placed neatly beneath their wardrobe.

Enlarged pictures of them during their matriculation ceremony hung boldly and  directly above the headboard, each capturing their happiness clothed in a very large school gown with caps on their head. Teddy bears were littered on the neatly dressed bed owing to Kekechi's obsession with them.

Onyedikachi waited patiently while Obanma unlocked the door to the room. They stepped in after removing their shoes. He stepped forward, making his way to the kitchen to drop the items in his hands.

His habit of washing his hands followed  afterwards then he joined a very stunned Obanma in the room.

"How did you get all these into my room?" She pointed disapprovingly at the items on her bed, ranging from clothes to shoes.

The way her hands were fitted on her hip like an angry housewife only amused Onyedikachi as he approached her. He could not tell if she was more beautiful when she was upset or when she smiled.

"I thought you said you just came and don't lie because I know it wasn't Kelechi who bought these overly expensive clothes... besides she has been in school all day." She began to pace around the room while Onyedikachi sat comfortably on the bed staring at her

" Wait! Was that why you paid our caretaker? And why do you look amused? Do I sound funny? Is this funny to you? " She peeled off her shirt and approached him, her eyes shooting daggers at him.

Onyedikachi chuckled lightly, exhaling deeply. His eyes trailed her person lingering briefly on her cleavage which became much more exposed with her being only in her singlet.

"You know usually when I surprise ladies like this, they end up offering me smiles and kisses."

"I want to offer you a slap on your chin"

"How about a hug?" He declared mimicking a sad toddler

"A knock on your head will suffice. I didn't ask for all these. Where exactly would I be wearing these clothes to? I think you've forgotten that this is a university and not an arena for fashion shows" He only to pretended to be lost in thoughts as he stood up, towering over her. Her supposed intimidating appearance belittled by his tall frame.

"I just remembered that you didn't even hug me earlier"

Obanma sighed in exasperation noting that he was avoiding her questions on purpose.

"You were waiting for me in front of my faculty! Did you see the hoards of eyes that were fixed on you when I came out?

And since when is it mandatory to hug you?"

He thought deeply about his answer then held her shoulder making sure to stare at her angry eyes.

"Since now" The grin etched to his face even more infuriating than his response.

Obanma made to counter his statement but was silenced by his body enveloping hers in a very long and quite satisfying hug. His body felt warm, hard and smelled nicely compared to hers which she was certain reeked of different things she couldn't list. Oluchi her friend was indeed right.

It was romantic to kiss or even hug a tall man

She was so lost in his embrace that she didn't notice the pecks he bestowed on her head at first, his hand rubbing circles on her back.

"I really missed you" Came a voice that sounded huskier than Onyedikachi's. It sounded too low, almost as if he didn't want her to hear.

Why would he miss her? He saw her two weeks ago. Did she miss him too?

Of course not! That would be treading on dangerous waters

She pretended not to hear what he said,the declaration being the cue for her to pull apart.

"There... You've gotten your hug. Now spill ozugbo ozugbo"

"You're a very beautiful young lady, being feisty would be a huge bonus for a man like me." He reached out for the hem of his senator top, then slowly pulled it over his head.

Obanma forced her gaze to be limited to his face as memories of seeing him shirtless came clouding her mind.

His singlet came in view, his legs strutting to her wardrobe, fishing out a hanger and placing his cloth into the wardrobe.

He proceeded to remove his trousers and was only left in his undergarment, singlet and socks.

"Why did you take your clothes off?" She enquired with a frown.

"Isn't it obvious Oba? To seduce you of course"

"Eziokwu! Good job now I want to rip my clothes off for you" She taunted sarcastically laughing quite hysterically at his statement.

"I wouldn't really complain" He uttered with a grin that locked her lips. Embarrassment swarming over her already hue colored body. Being overly fair could be so annoying. Onyedikachi's words meant Joke's on you. She did wonder when he became quite open with her.

Obanma slowly approached her wardrobe and fished out one of her joggers which she was certain would appear little on him and he quickly wore it.

"I met Kelechi on my way to this place, she helped me get things in. The money I gave the caretaker was a promise from two weeks ago. The dresses are for the party tonight" he began, taking her silence as disappointment.

Onyedikachi made his way to the kitchen, fished out the items they had bought and started washing them.

Obanma stood where she was, not certain of the next step to take.

She met him dicing onions, after he had properly chopped the tomatoes. She couldn't tell if it was his attitude or the fact that he looked as if he knew what he was indeed doing in her kitchen that stunned her more.

"Onyi do you know that we are not supposed to be friends or anything more?"

"Mmmmhmmm You never fail to remind of that"

"I'm really trying to figure out what it is that you're doing. Did you run out of ladies to toy with? "

He paused briefly at her utterance, shook his head in amusement and continued with his dicing
"Don't over think things Oba, I need a date for tonight. Besides you need the fun, Kelechi is going just so you know. I think those men will take me seriously with a lady in my arms"

"Oh, then you should have stated that from the onset. If it's my help you're seeking, I'll gladly render it. It'll finally make us even. Now please leave my kitchen, I want to cook"

The rumbling of his voice as he laughed. made her command seem utterly useless.

"Please go and sit down. You're tired I can tell from the creases around your eyes. I'll handle the cooking, trust me you can't cook more than this chef here. Besides I'm no longer a visitor, there's a certain rule that says visitors must cook for the host the third time they visit. We both know this isn't even my 4th time "

Obanma wanted to argue but his offer was too tempting to ignore. She was indeed worn out from lectures and endless practicals.

" There's no such rule" she muttered to herself

The worse outcome from his cooking  would be a tasteless food.

Obanma pushed aside the clothes and shoes and sat on the bed like a sulking child.
"Just so you know, I don't find anything you do romantic, in any way"

"Not even my intention! " He bellowed with a chuckle

"I'll just watch you like a hawk from here and direct you on what to do"


Onyedikachi fought the urge to gloat as he tapped Obanma softly, her lunch of jollof rice and fried plantain presented in front of her.

She had been indeed watching like a hawk with closed eyes.

She yawned and muttered incoherent words, batted her eyes randomly before staring at him.

He stifled the laughter that threatened to escape his lips while making his way beside her.

"Let's eat please" He shoved her spoon into her hands and began to eat, urging her to do the same.

Obanma was surprised at how tasty his food was and before she got the chance to ask how he learnt he quickly spoke as if he had read her mind.

"I used to always cook with my mother"

They ate in silence which was disrupted by Kelechi. She greeted Onyedikachi eyeing the two longingly.

Obanma knew that look would come with questions afterwards. Kelechi dished out her own food and joined the pair afterwards.

She chattered endlessly with Onyedikachi while they ate and when she found out he had been the one who did the cooking she almost gave him a gold medal.

Obanma rolled her eyes at him occasionally, the compliments her roommate was dishing out would only increase Onyedikachi's bloated ego.

The three rested for a while, after being thoroughly entertained by Kelechi and her stories of makeover failures. Onyedikachi allowed the ladies to get on with their preparations while he left for the company's guest house where he stayed.

He came much later to find the ladies ready. It was very much surprising because he had prepared to wait two extra hours.

Kelechi stepped out first looking very beautiful in her black sleeveless gown which hung on her thighs. Her appearance wasn't appealing to him in any way probably because he was chiefly waiting for someone else.

Obanma stepped out few minutes after, her back to him as she locked their door then inserted the key into her purse.

She turned to face him and he could have sworn his breath was knocked out of him. It was then he truly understood the reason for slow motion in most Indian movies.

Obanma looked ravishing!

Kelechi did well with her simple makeover which highlighted Obanma's beauty. He hadn't expected the gown he got to be an exact fit, but it did more than that. The strapless red satiny material was going to become an object of his jealousy as it was wrapped around her body the way he felt, he should be.

It accentuated her hip, exposed her very long legs where he wanted to place kisses from her toes right to her thighs and beyond. Her black heels made her seem taller even though her head only met her jaw this time. She was going to drive him mad with this strange wanting.

Onyedikachi admonished himself for the lustful thinking and quickly dished out a compliment he felt was more gentlemanly. If Arinze could see him, he would shove the words Onyedikachi had said to him years ago into his throat. He thought within himself

Are you trying to catch her young?"

"She's a small girl. That small thing, how do you think I like that small girl"

"I have this feeling that you do. Don't worry sha, time will tell. Puberty will wipe that look of disgust on your face very Soon.

Onyedikachi hated to admit it but Arinze had been right all along. There was no look of disgust anymore

When did Obanma become a woman?

"You look very beautiful" He quickly commented, shaking away the thoughts on his mind.

She muttered a thank you, letting out complaints of how she hated heels.

Obanma was a drama queen sometimes

Onyedikachi got to the party later than other guests and quickly apologized to the host. A very wealthy and old  commissioner who couldn't take his eyes off Obanma.

Onyedikachi introduced her as his fiance immediately and could sense the subtle disappointment in the man's eyes as he congratulated him.

Obanma was going to be a big problem for him.

The commissioner led Onyedikachi away while she encouraged her to enjoy the party.

Obanma hated parties, she felt odd and utterly useless. The men there were either undressing her with their eyes or licking their lips in a repulsive manner.

She quickly stepped outside to get fresh air after she failed to find Kelechi. Her eyes lingered on the stars, the soft breeze and the sound of the rushing water from a nearby fountain she found relaxing.

A hand tapped her, bringing her back from her thoughts and she ended up dishing out a slap unconsciously. An item fell to the ground which she found out to be the person's phone.

She apologized quickly, rambling like a deranged person about how she was terrified and shocked when the person's hand tapped her.

Obanma picked up the phone and inspected it, after she found no crack on it. She finally looked up to hand over the object to the owner .

He bestowed on her a smile while her mouth fell apart in shock.

"I didn't know you attended such parties" He began, retrieving the item in her hand from her.

He was the last person she had expected to see there. He had probably seen her with Onyedikachi too. How was this happening to her?

"Your............ Your " She began, fumbling with words clearly unable to organize her thoughts

"Your very own partner tonight I presume, the stars look very beautiful tonight. I'm quite a huge fan of constellations." He noticed her hesitancy to follow him as he stepped forward and called out to her.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone you absentmindedly committed a taboo" He chuckled as the words flew out of his mouth and she followed him quietly.

Hello everyone!

How are we doing?

Hope we enjoyed this chapter!

Who do you think she met at the party?

Who else is ready to finally see some lovey dovey action? Seriously I can't wait to get to the good stuff 😭😭😭

Thank you all for always, voting commenting and being your usual amazing selves.

Who would be your cast for Onyedikachi?
I keep thinking of this!

I don't usually adds casts because I like to leave characters to my readers' imagination but I'm tempted to add some. What do you think?



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