Imposters (Tododeku & Kiribak...

By LateNightReader1967

499 38 52

Summary: Two years after the accident with AFO, the Anarchy disappears. Musutafu became a peaceful place as n... More

Imposters: Chapter One- New Beginnings
Imposters: Chapter Two- New Life
Imposters: Chapter Three- Storm is Coming
Imposters: Chapter Four- Introduction & Suspects
Imposters: Chapter Five- Warning & The Past
Imposters: Chapter Six- Paranoid or Not
Imposters: Chapter Eight- Pins and Needles
《Not an Update》●Author's Note●

Imposters: Chapter Seven- Growing Worries

40 2 5
By LateNightReader1967

Natsuo couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling coursing through his body. Something was off about Shindo. He couldn't shake the feeling away. He didn't care that Dabi and Hawks would call him paranoid. He couldn't let this feeling subside and grow. He needed to know if something's going on. He wondered if it was right to second guess Shouto's business partners. Shouto wasn't a child anymore. He was old enough to make his own choices. Who was he to second guess Shouto. He sighed as he watched Dabi and Hawks talk from a distance. 

'Shouto doesn't need Touya nor I to hover around him. I want him to be safe. After Fuyumi's funeral, I thought we hated her. However, it made us realize that Shouto wasn't the only one suffering from Dad's abuse. It was all of us. Fuyumi's dream was to keep us together. She didn't want us to drift away. She was the one who drifted away. I should've been there for him. I guess we didn't really know each other.' 

Natsuo sighed to himself while his thoughts continued to run through his mind. He shouldn't be paranoid. Shouto was old enough to make his own decisions. Natsuo couldn't go around making Shouto's decisions. Maybe he should sit back and let his little brother handle it. 

There was no reason to be worried. 

However, the feeling in his gut said otherwise. He shouldn't listen to the small voice in the back of his head, telling him that Shouto needed to be careful. Nah, Shouto can make his own choices. Shouto didn't need someone to watch over him. He shouldn't be the one that makes Shouto's choices. Shouto's fully capable of making his own choices. He sighed to himself. 

"Hey, Nats, help me," Dabi called out to his brother. Hawks stopped joking around with Dabi when they noticed Natsuo staring out. Dabi could tell that his brother was thinking about Shindo's affection towards their little brother. Shouto had much to learn and watching where the line draws. After learning about Shouto's accident, they wanted nothing more than to protect Shouto from everything. Shouto was slowly moving on from his past. Dabi and Natsuo let go of their double lives and tried to be a family. Their choice to stay together was to honor Fuyumi's wish. She wanted them to be a family and not drift away. 

"Natsuo?" Dabi approached his brother as Natsuo snaps out of it. "Were you calling me?" Natsuo glanced at his eldest brother. "You seem out of it," Dabi commented. Natsuo sighs, "Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't help but feel something off about that guy. Shouto's too trusting for his own good. I should respect his decisions, but-" Dabi cut his brother off. "It's okay, Nats. I'll talk with Sho later. He's my baby brother too." Dabi reassured his brother with a smile. 

"Thanks, Touya," Natsuo replied. It didn't ease his worries, but it did help. He wondered what his brother's thinking. 


Shouto was in his office with Inasa. "Inasa, are you going to tell me what you were thinking?" Shouto didn't enjoy the thought of being kept in the dark. "Shouto, it's nothing." 
"How is it nothing if it seems to be bothering you?" Shouto was quick to question his friend. Inasa rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Don't you think that you're a bit too trusting?" Shouto tilted his head. "What do you mean?" 

"You were too quick to accept Shindo's offer. You have no idea what he could be capable of," Inasa stated. "Inasa, you're acting like he's a villain," Shouto retorted. "Shouto, he was hitting on you!" Shouto was taken back by Inasa's words. "Inasa, you're worrying about nothing." Inasa shook his head. "Shouto, he kissed your hand. The way he was looking at you suggested nothing friendly," Inasa told him. 

"He knows I'm with Izuku," Shouto pointed out. "Is it really going to stop him from pursuing you? What if he tries to kiss you in front of Midoriya? How do you think your boyfriend will react? Shouto, what if he hurts you? You can't trust him. You have-" 

"Izuku is nothing like you! He wouldn't hurt me as you did!" 

Shouto soon realized his words as Inasa flinches. "Inasa, I-" Shouto didn't mean to remind him of their past. "I didn't mean it like that," Shouto tried to grab his friend, but Inasa was halfway out the door. "You're trusting a guy that you met for a day over a guy that you've known for years. You still think that low of me. I'm trying to be a better friend, Sho, but maybe we aren't supposed to be friends nor anything else," Inasa said. "Do whatever you want." Inasa walked out as Shouto stands there. He knew how much Inasa was trying to make amends to their past. Inasa was right. He trusts too quickly, without any doubt. Maybe that's his flaw. 

Shouto should've never said that. Inasa didn't deserve that. He had every right to worry about him, but Shouto shot him down. He didn't trust Shindo more than Inasa. Inasa and Shouto were trying to impair their friendship after the accident. Shouto sighed to himself. He decided that he was going to apologize to Inasa later. 

Shouto tried to focus on the reports, but his mind drifted towards Shindo. Inasa was wrong. He didn't trust Shindo. He knew something was off about him. He didn't want to judge Shindo so quickly, but if Shindo is planning something. He'll be ready. 

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Shouto needed to know if he could trust Shindo, but first, he needed to make amends to Inasa. He'll probably meet up with Izuku later and ask him what was bothering him. 


Midoriya smiled, "You're so beautiful." He trailed his hand down Shouto's cheek. Shouto tried not to blush. Midoriya was allowed out of the hospital and was staying with Shouto. They were alone in Todoroki's apartment without any distractions. It's been a week since the accident. Dabi and Natsuo were busy planning Fuyumi's funeral. "Is something wrong?" Shouto's eyes met Midoriya's. Midoriya was worried about him. "You should be resting, Izuku," Shouto told him. He was trying to cook them dinner, but Midoriya found his way to the kitchen. 

"Nah, I wanted to look at my beautiful boyfriend," he purred against Shouto's ear. Shouto chuckles against his hold. Midoriya's hands trailed down his body as Shouto looks him in the eye. Shouto's hand trails to the small scar on Midoriya's cheek. Midoriya saw the look in Shouto's eyes. "I should get back to dinner," Shouto told him. Midoriya nods his head and steals a kiss from his lover. Shouto went back to making dinner as he was making katsudon. 

"Can I help with anything?" Shouto shakes his head. "Midoriya, the doctor said you should be resting," Shouto protested. "Shouto, you shouldn't worry. I'm okay," Midoriya said. Shouto stopped serving them. 

"Midoriya, I thought I was going to lose you. You got hurt," Shouto told him. Midoriya saw the slight tears in Shouto's eyes. "I don't want to lose you. I feel childish for worrying so much, but I can't help it. All for One tried to kill you. I feel like an idiot for trusting your plan. I was terrified," Shouto admits. Midoriya placed a hand on his cheek as he glances down. "I know, Shouto. I know somewhat of your past from Kacchan and Kirishima. I let you get caught. That bastard could've done anything to you, and all of that would've been my fault. My plan was reckless. I didn't know Giran was involved. I didn't know that he-" Midoriya stops himself when he felt the tears roll down his cheeks. 

"I didn't want to put you in any harm. I wanted to protect you. All for One wanted me dead. There was no reason for you to be caught in the crossfire. I wished my heart wouldn't love you because I'm not the one for you. You deserve better. God! YOU DESERVE THE WORLD!" The dinner was forgotten as Shouto watches the tears roll down Izuku's cheeks. "You don't deserve to be hurt. I want you to be happy and loved, not with me. I feel like that I'll hurt you. I wished that my heart didn't long for you. I wished that I could love someone else and let you go, but I can't. It sounds so stupid, but I want you. You're my joy and smile. I want to say I'll be happier without you, but that would be a lie. My heart belongs to you. I don't want to let you go, but you deserve so much better." 

Izuku doubted himself. Shouto grabs Midoriya by his cheeks and kisses him. "You're all I want," Shouto told him breathlessly. "I don't want anyone else. You make me so happy. I wished that I didn't want too long to tell you. I trusted your stupid plan. I wanted to help. I wanted you to be safe. My heart belongs to you, Izuku! I don't want to let you go. I know you'll never hurt me. You're different. Trust me, you'll never hurt me. I trust you," Shouto whispers.  

"If I deserve better, then so do you. My heart longs for you, Izuku. I wouldn't want anything else. You can offer me the world, but I'll always choose you. You've always been there for me. You're willing to love someone as broken as me. I always thought I deserved nothing. I didn't think I deserved you. You chose me and I chose you. No one can ever change the way I feel about you. I'm not afraid of who I chose. Just let me be by your side." Shouto smiles softly, "I used to hate myself for my past. I used to think that I would never move on, but I was wrong." Shouto trails his hand on Midoriya's cheek. 

"You're all I ever wanted. I don't want anyone else. You managed to break down all my walls. You were always there for me. I love you for that. My heart is yours to keep." Midoriya grasped Shouto's hand's in his and laced their fingers together as Midoriya kisses him. Shouto wanted nothing more. He had the world in his hands. Izuku Midoriya was his world. Midoriya pulled away from the kiss and placed his hand under Shouto's scar. 

 "I love you, Shouto Todoroki." Shouto believed the confession. He didn't need Midoriya to show it through gifts and services. His words were all the proof he ever needed. Midoriya would never lie to him. Midoriya would never hurt him. It was scary that Izuku made him feel vulnerable. It was terrifying but exhilarating. Maybe they were moving too quickly, but Shouto couldn't care less. 

"I love you too, Izuku Midoriya." Midoriya smiled at Shouto's words. Shouto never trusted love. It always brought pain, but everything changed when he met Midoriya. Izuku was at awe to see the raw emotion staining Shouto's face. It was a new sight to see. Nothing was holding Shouto back. He looked free. Midoriya's eyes filled with tears as he laughs. The tears run down his cheeks as his head lays on Shouto's chest. "Izuku?" Shouto was worried when his lover was crying and laughing.

"Is something wrong?" Midoriya shakes his head. "I'm just so happy. You've changed so much, Shouto. You're smiling and laughing. You're so strong. You're so beautiful. Scars and all. You were everything I ever wanted," Midoriya told him. Shouto saw Midoriya's smile as it glows on him. Their dinner was long forgotten as Midoriya holds him. Shouto felt himself being lifted off the ground as Midoriya spins around with him in his arms. Shouto was afraid that Midoriya was going to hurt himself, but Midoriya reassured him that he was okay. Midoriya stops as he sets him down onto the kitchen counter. 

"How did I ever get this so lucky?" Shouto chuckles, "No, I'm the lucky one. You're the one that made me open my eyes." Shouto's past would always be a part of him, but it didn't have to hold him back anymore. Midoriya's past no longer held him back. He didn't have to be All for One's son anymore. The Anarchy no longer existed, and Midoriya was fine with that. As long as he had Shouto and his friends, he couldn't wish for anything else. He could live a normal life with Shouto. At this moment, Shouto realized that he wanted to spend his life with Midoriya. 

They were happy. Everything was going to be okay. 


Midoriya glanced at his computer. The reports of the imposter posing as Night-Flame escaped from jail. He ignored the background sounds of his computer while looking over the file on his desk. He was focused on one of the cases in the bureau. He forgot how hard it was being a lawyer was. He looked over the file. He sighed as he looked at the pile of papers on his desk. Shouto's probably going to call him a slob for having a mess on his desk. His mind drifted off to the imposters. 

The one who was posing as him seemed so familiar. Someone had a score to settle with him. It was odd. They knew where he and Shouto were going to be. It was like they were watching him. "Hey, Midoriya, I'm going to get going. Don't stay too long," one of his co-workers said as they exited the building. Midoriya was biting the end of his pen. He didn't even hear his co-worker walking out. 

'Do they know who we are?' Midoriya knew it was the only logical reason. Whoever these imposters were. They know the Anarchy's true identities. Midoriya cursed under his tone and stood up. He packed up his things. He needed to meet up with Shouto first. He glanced at the time and noticed it was almost 10. He grabbed his things and made his way out of his cubicle until the lights turned off. 

Midoriya glanced around when he heard footsteps. It was so cliche that he felt like he was in a horror movie. He turned the flash on and headed towards the door. He heard rapid footsteps behind and immediately grabs the man's wrist. He miscalculated as the palm of his hand was grabbing the sharp side of the blade. The man smirked behind the mask as he pulled the blade back. Blood dripped onto the ground as Midoriya pulled his hand close to his chest. 

The man was wearing Shouto's old mask. Midoriya had years of training, but the man managed to pin him down. The green-haired boy was on his stomach as his bloodied wrist was twisted behind his back with a blade close to his neck. 

"You can't live a normal life. You can't run from who you are, Izuku Midoriya or should I say Shadow Killer?" 

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