success stories (Students vs...

By Livingstone80

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stories of students who scaled through in school despite the challenges they faced in school. it provides sol... More

Peculiar and her dean
Jennifer and her corrupt friend
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What to do if you're not too knowledgeable academically
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John the womanizer

5 0 0
By Livingstone80

John is a promising young, fair, tall, handsome and intelligent boy with an outstanding attributes. He is from a very well known noble family. Not only was he handsome he was also intelligent and rich. His status made almost all the girls in his secondary school admire and fell in love with him on sight; most of them just wish he could be their boyfriend even if it’s just for a day. You can only use one word to describe john, “womanizer”. He became too good in the game that he currently have six serious girlfriends outside his side girlfriends and one night stands who he sleeps with, yet they did not know about it. This was the kind of life he was living when he was in his secondary school and also after his Waec and Jamb. He had some humanizing friends that he hangs out with him. Clubbing and partying became his hubby and regular routine. On the 18th of September 2018 he got admission into the University of PortHarcout popularly known as Uniport. His first day in school was awesome; he used it to go round the school and sporting pretty girls around the school and was seriously mapping out some serious strategies on how to hit on his first girlfriend in school. He was very certain he would sleep with all the pretty girls in his department and according to him he understands the game, but he never realized that he was now in the university. In the university dating a girl that a lecture likes is trouble and also to date the girlfriend of a cultist is another problem on its own. As a matter of fact, if a lecturer sees you talking to his girlfriend or a girl he happens to admire puts you in trouble he doesn’t really care if it’s just a casual talk or not so long as you’re not related. That was where john’s problem started. He was intelligent quite alright but his love for women was his greatest mistake and downfall in school. He started having enemies unknown to him. Lecturers hated him so much for his womanizing lifestyle and that exactly was the birth of his failure in school, he has already started failing without exams and tests. He was moving out with different girls in and outside of the campus, he was carried away by his handsomeness, intelligence and money. Most times girls fight over him in campus just like in secondary school. There were countless quarrels between girls in the campus, it became too much that one of his senior colleague advised him to stay away from too many girls, he should pick one and be with that one, that no matter how he keeps his womanizing lifestyle one day it will surface, he told him he can’t keep it a secret forever and what if he gets a girl pregnant, what would become his fate in his education and that of the girl, or what if he impregnates more that one of the girl, how would he deal with it. After all the advice given to john all still fell on deaf ears. The hostel he paid for he gave it out to one of his course mate and rented somewhere off campus, he felt that would be the cure from people spotting him with women. He wanted a private life and doesn’t want anyone to intervene. At the end of the semester he was so happy to check his result but he was disappointed, he was so shocked. He can it be, I know I did very well in this courses, he complained to one of the lecturers. But the lecturer replied and told him that nobody gave him the score it’s what he got that they gave to him, he earned it but if he wants to do better he should work harder. It was when it dawned on him that he was really in trouble. What would he tell his parents, he couldn’t eat nor sleep he was trying to figure out where the problem is coming from and what could be the cause of him failing he kept asking himself but there was no tangible reason. That same senior colleague who advised him the other day to stay away from women met him one day in the school love garden crying bitterly and asked him what the matter was. It took him time but finally I told him everything and that the most painful thing is that he knew he read for the exams and even the people he taught did very well except him. Could it be spiritual forces from my family background? The asked, but the senior colleague smiled and told him the truth, he was his own problem. He warned him about his lifestyle but he didn’t listen, it was your lifestyle and ignorance that caused it he told him point blank. How do mean? He asked. But the senior colleague replied him and said,”you’re supposed to make reasonable friends in school who should tell you how the system runs and things you should know about the college as a fresher. Anyway the reason why you failed I think was because of the numerous girlfriends you had”. How did the girls I followed affect my result? He asked again. Actually, the senior colleague replied him, you were dating some of the lecturer’s girlfriends, the lecturers cannot approach you one on one, it’s their way of warning you to stay away from their girlfriends. Once a lecturer start developing unnecessary hatred for you or hardly reply to your greetings, it could be a sign. What you need to do now is to go to them and apologies or send someone who is close to them to go on your behalf, tell them you never knew they had anything to do with that girl but from now hence forth you will have nothing to do with them anymore. They will definitely deny they don’t know what you’re talking about because they can’t agree to that if not it will give the impression that indeed that’s why they intentionally failed you. After that make sure you avoid moving around with girls. Emmanuel did exactly what the senior colleague told him and he did very well in his second semester, those same lecturers who failed him before had to boost his scores more so that he can meet up the required C.G.P.A.

Avoid moving around with pretty girls in school, lecturers can fail you because of that. Don’t attach yourself too much to them where lecturers will notice you.
Lecturers can fail you for following the girl he likes. Trust me, most of them don’t date just one girl so you’ll never know who it is and the girl will not even tell you.
Mind how you talk and relate with your girlfriend in public. You guys can always meet in the evening, in a canteen, outside the school premises or find quiet places in the school environment.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t talk to girls, am only saying you shouldn’t give them the impression you guys are dating. Don’t be too attached to them.
Most parents only send money to their kids in school; they don’t even know how their children are doing. Most parents cannot even make out time to visit their kids in school. Most students are long drop outs in school but their parent doesn’t even know. All they do is send money.

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