Caught Up ~ L.J.J.

By pretty_much_imagine

35.6K 671 144

"I'm just scared" "Of what?" "I don't know? Getting caught up in feelings?" "What's so bad about that?" "It's... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Rest In Peace
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Update on my schedule
Part 19

Part 13

1.1K 24 9
By pretty_much_imagine

Baylee's POV
I woke up on the couch with Zhuri. I grabbed my phone off he coffee table and checked the time. It's 8:45 in the morning. I slowly moved from Zhuri's grasp and went to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast since no one was here to cook it. I grabbed the pancake mix out the top cabinet, bacon out the refrigerator, and fruit out the pantry to cut up. I made the mix and started putting the pancakes on along with turning on the stove for my bacon. While that was cooking, I heard a noise, turned around, and saw Zhuri rubbing her eyes showing she just woke up. "Hey Z. Did I wake you up?" I questioned and picked her up, siting her on the counter. "No." She said and grabbed an apple slice. I finished cutting the fruit and cooking the food so Zhuri helped me make plates and drinks. Once we were done, we went to wake up the boys. I went to Bronnys room and she went Bryce's. I crawled in the bed and sat on his back since he was laying on his stomach. "Wake upppppp" I said slightly pulling his hair. He started grunting and rolling around trying to get me off of him. But I layer down on his back to try to hold on until he rolled over completely. "Get off of me!" I said laughing as he turned on his stomach and lied back down on me. "No. I wanna sleep" he said closing his eyes and holding onto my torso. "I made breakfast." I said and looked down at him. He looked at me, smiled, and made his way out of bed. He slipped on a shirt and I made my way downstairs to see Zhuri and Bryce already eating. "Thank you Baylee." They both said while chewing their food. I laughed and sat beside Zhuri "you're welcome." After we all ate, I got a text from their Mom.

Mommy #2❤️
Hey Baylee, Zhuri has to film
a video for her YouTube channel
today. Do you ind helping her?

Baylee 🖤
Of course!
Mommy #2❤️
Thank you

"Okay Zhuri. What video are you filming today?" I asked as she helped me clean up from breakfast. Bronny went to workout and Bryce went upstairs I'm guessing to play the game. "Let's do a cooking video!" She said smiling brightly. I laughed at her suggestion and dried my hands off to see if we had something to make. "What do you wanna make?" I asked looking through the pantry not seeing anything simple for her. "Brownies!" She said excitedly. I didn't see any so we'll just have to run to the store. "Well we have to go to the store. Go get dressed and I'll tell Bronny." She ran to her room and I went out back to their workout room. "Hey B." I said walking over to him at the bench press. "Wassup" he said sitting up and grabbing his water. "Me and Zhuri are gonna run to the store to get stuff for her video. I gave Bronny a quick kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs to ask Bryce if he wanted to come. Of course, he was on the game. "Hey Maximus, you wanna come with me and Z to the store?" I call Bryce by his middle name because I have my nicknames for everybody. Bronny is B, Zhuri is Z, and Bryce is Maximus. "Yea lemme finish this match real quick." I closed his door and went downstairs to see Zhuri in the kitchen. "Can you help me make a smoothie before we go?" She asked me pulling stuff out. "What we using?" I said smiling. She grabbed different berries and things of that sort. "Let's go live!" She said smiling. I pulled out my phone and propped it o a water bottle on he counter. I commented and pinned "cooking with Zhuri part 1". As I grabbed the blender, Zhuri started talking to the live. "Hi guys! I'm Zhuri and we're making smoothies!" She said happily sitting on the stool so she could properly reach everything. I walked back over to her and read some comments as I let her out in everything. Where is Bronny? "He's working out." I said responding to the comment. "Okay I'm done!" I stood up and made sure the lid was on and the blender was properly placed and I started blending. "Go tell Bryce it's time to go." I said over the noise the blender was making. She ran upstairs and I noticed the Shade Room joined my live. "Hey shadroom!" I said laughing at the fact they really joined. Zhuri and Bryce came down as I poured the smoothies into 4 cups. We took a sip of ours and everyone approved. So we finished, grabbed the last cup and my phone, and gave Bronny his so the live could see if he also approved. He was wiping his sweat with a towel and texting someone when we walked up. "Alright B. How's it taste." I said as I turned the Camera around and Zhuri gave him the cup. He smiled and thanked her while taking a sip. "It's good!" He said trying to figure out what was added. "Alright, now we're really going to the store!" I said laughing and ending the live.

At the store

We pulled up and I parked fairly close to the front so we didn't have to walk far. We all got out and I picked Zhuri up so she wasn't walking in the street. We had our masks on cause you know...coronavirus! When we entered, we went straight the the baking isle. "Okay Zhuri, what kinda brownies we baking?" I asked as she looked at the selection. "Chocolate chunk." She said pointing at one. I grabbed the box and read the ingredients to make sure we had everything else. "Y'all want something before we leave?" They both nodded their head and Bryce went to the chip and candy isle while be and Zhuri went to the ice cream isle. I let them get what they wanted and we grabbed Bronny some candy while we were there. We walked to self checkout and scanned and bagged our items. "Alright grab a bad and lets go." I said paying and grabbing the receipt. We all walked out and I grabbed Zhuris hand as we crossed over to the parking lot. We got to the car and put the stuff in the backseat as Bryce hopped in the front and Zhuri got in her car seat. "Baylee, can we get something to eat?" Zhuri asked as we started pulling out. I looked at the time and saw it had been a while since we last ate so I agreed to grab something from in-n-out. As we pulled up, Bryce called Bronny to see if he wanted something and I started out order. We all got burgers, fries, and a drink; but Bronny had to be extra so he got a milkshake too. We circled through to get our food and pay and then, we were officially on our way home. Bryce handed out the food and we ate on the way. After a few minutes, we arrived back home and grabbed everything we had bought to bring inside. Bryce grabbed his candy, Zhuri put her ice cream in the freezer, I sat the brownies on the counter, and while Zhuri got ready to film, I took Bronny his food. He was in his room laying across the bed with his airpods in. "Hola." I said plopping down and giving him the bag that also had his candy in it. "Thanks." He said bluntly.

The fuck-" i whispered under my breath.

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