The Devil's Trap; A Tom Holla...

By Zedstella

106K 609 190

"Someone once told me- Be careful, the Devil can hear your prayers too. He doesn't always come with horns and... More

Look who is back. (Little Author's Note)
2. A Personal Meeting
3. Cracks In The Walls

1. The Devil Is Beautiful

8.5K 170 83
By Zedstella

"She is hell,
He is the devil-
            The demons see no end to this love."

As if your life wasn't fucked up already because you were forced to take a major that didn't held your interest, not anymore, at least, the cherry on top was the boring professor left college.

Yeah, he had no idea what he talked about most of the time but at least you were easily able to slack off in his classes and he never paid attention or called you out for your behaviour. He didn't care and neither did you, it was a silent, unspoken pact between you and the 60 something old man.

But not anymore as your university already hired a new professor already. You didn't liked new things because they weren't familiar to you- surprises was never your thing. You found comfort in old things, things you got in the habit of and the pattern that you recognised.

You drummed your fingers against the desk as you sat in the classroom with other classmates of yours who were curious and excited for the new professor, unlike you of course.

"He is only twenty-seven and he already has a PhD along with published academic books and articles. Plus he is so damn hot." Your best friend, Jenny chirped in as she turned her phone in your direction to show his picture.

Your eyes glance over in a disinterested manner until you laid your eyes on the picture on the most beautiful man you have ever seen. It should be a sin to be so tempting. He had a sharp jawline with captivating eyes with an intense stare, it almost felt his eyes were piercing through your very soul. That made you feel a bit uncomfortable as you glance away. "He is alright." You replied in a nonchalant tone.

Jenny rolls her eyes at you, "No man will ever be good enough for you." She says in a light teasing manner as she kept stalking the professor's pictures.

"I like my men fictional." You retort back as your body tensed up slightly. Talking about men and relationships was a sensitive topic for you. You push away all the reasons why as soon as those awful memories started to rise up. "What's his name anyways?" You asked, trying to distract yourself.

"It's Thomas Stanley Holland." Jenny replied without looking up from her phone. "He is British. And seems like he is unmarried, probably single too."

Leave it to Jenny to find out personal details about someone. You wonder to yourself how much of an amazing agent she would make. "That's a mouthy name." You remarked, looking over at the pretty blonde next to you.

She looks up to you, her green eyes twinkling with mischief as she replies, "Oh I am sure he has a lot of mouthy things about him, other than his name."

"That's so disgusting, Jen." You said even though you were snickering yourself. This girl was so unhinged and straightforward, you couldn't help but love her. Honestly, if it wasn't for her, you would have been under deep waters. That girl knew things about you, even your own family didn't. Well, so called family.

Before she could give me a reply though the door opens as gasps of surprise and few girls giggling in admiration went around the room.  You notice the guy from the picture, your new Professor- Thomas Stanley Holland walking inside the classroom with so much confidence, as if he owned this place.

He goes to stand behind the desk and you realised he was even more gorgeous in person yet there was this sort of aura around him that screamed if you came too close he will burn you alive.

He looks around the room watching everyone as a sort of eerie silence falls in the classroom. It felt like every single person was holding their breath in the classroom. Even your own breathing seemed to have stopped and then his sharp, striking and intense brown eyes land on you, lingering on you for a few seconds longer than others.

You feel his eyebrows furrow as an unpleasant look crosses over his face for a few seconds before he broke eye contact and returned his gaze to the middle. You let out a breath that you didn't realise you had been holding.

"Why did he looked at you like that?" Jenny asks, in a soft whisper. For a second, you had forgotten how observant Jenny could be.

"I have no idea either, Jen." You reply back to her as you scowl, confused and weirded out by the whole thing.

You watch him turn around as he writes his full name on the board and his email id as he turns back around once he was done.

"I am your new Professor for English literature 101. And unlike your previous professor don't expect me to be nice to you all. I dislike tardiness in my class and I expect everyone to pay attention to me during my lectures." He starts speaking in a cold, formal and authoritative tone.

You couldn't help but find it really alluring. The command in his voice, the way he made sure every single person had their attention on him, something about that was quite irresistible to you.  You could tell he liked being in charge then a very forbidden idea came to your head as you wonder if he liked to be in charge in the bedroom too.

"Y/n..." Jenny pokes you slightly as you get out of your daydream and realise each and every student was looking at you, including Mr Holland, who looked furious at you. Your cheeks flush up in embarrassment.

"You. Get up." He says in a commanding tone to you and so you do. His gaze was so piercing, it sent chills down your spine. "Repeat what I just said." He orders, his tone was furious and he knew that you weren't paying attention.

You knew you screwed up, badly. Taking a short breath in, you replied, "You hate tardiness...?"

His gaze sharpened as his voice raises slightly, "That was before but obviously you weren't paying attention before." His tone was mocking with a mixture of condense. "Am I too boring for you, Miss (L/N)?"

You were fighting back the urge to roll your eyes at him, but you bit your tongue and replied politely, "I am sorry, Professor."

He raised an eyebrow at that and asks, "Are you though? You don't look sorry enough." He says in a snarky tone, inserting his hands in his pocket.

And he was damn right, because you weren't actually sorry, you were just trying to be polite and he saw right through your act. You didn't appreciate it. Who is he to drill you like this? It was like he was trying to push your buttons on purpose, wanting you to crack and drop that act.

Clenching your fists tightly, you replied, walking straight into his trap, unaware. "You want me to pull my ears like a five year old and get on my knees to look sorry enough for you?" You spat back, glaring right back at him.

Whispers of surprise and gasps went around the room as everyone could feel the tension rising up in the room. Neither of you broke eye contact, not ready to give up and accept defeat. It was fire against fire.

He gives you a condescending smirk before gazing you up and down, sizing you up. There was warning glint in his eyes and he replied with, "I want you to get out of my classroom."

Never have you felt more humiliated before. He just straight up told you to get lost. In front of the entire classroom? On the basis of what? Not being sorry enough?

Jenny gives you a worried look as you collect your books and hung your bag on your shoulder, walking down as you glared at him with a clenched jaw before looking away and walking straight for the door.

"Don't forget to close the door behind you." He says, as you opened the door. You would have closed it but something about him instructing you to do it, pissed you off.

So, even with the air conditioning on, you left the door open and stormed off without looking back but you could feel his gaze drilling holes onto your back.

Author's note- I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of  "The Devil's Trap". I had a lot of fun writing it and as you can see (Y/n's) character has a lot of secrets and she is a complex person. Don't worry, as the story develops further you will know the reasons.

Your comments and voting will be highly appreciated. See you all on the 2nd chapter. He he he.

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