Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

228K 3.7K 7.4K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice


3.8K 85 98
By TheWonderland04

Author Note: READ PLEASE!

Hey guys! We weren't clear in the Hiatus note so we are going to explain a few things. We don't want to abandon this story, we just had to say something so we didn't leave you guys in the dark on the situation and why we weren't updating.

This story may be written by a team but we are also around the ages of 19 years old to 21 years old. Yes, we love this show at our age, it's very nice to be a child sometimes to escape adult life. Some of us also have babies in our lives ranging from 6 months to a 1-year-old. Our hands are full but we still think of you guys and try our best.

We lost the scripts and we attempted to type it out ourselves but with little destructive kids we are very distracted and it wasn't working out.

HOWEVER, one of our readers stepped up and helped us out BIG TIME! She offered to do something for us and my team and I have never been so thankful!

Give skydownbelow on Wattpad a BIG thanks for taking us off hiatus for as long as we can. We are still in search of scripts to keep us going. Any questions feel free to message us on Gmail.

Email: thewonderland10 so I can get back to you guys faster!


Side Notes:

To summarize, we are looking for scripts, and please thank skydownbelow for stepping up and helping out!


The Trollhunting team perked in their seats, they were now looking at the future. Jim was a bit scared, to say the least, he didn't know what it would hold for him, or even if he was successful. However, that is what excited him. To see Claire already focusing on her new weapon was also amazing.

Jim glanced at her, smiling. She was perfect. She jumped right in, granted for her brother but they have gotten pretty close and she wasn't scared to support him through this and to be by his side. Even Toby did so much for him. This was something he was glad to share with them.

The abrupt beginning of the episode had started in the Hero's forge, Claire standing in the center as her frustration builds. As the Shadow staff continued to ignore her commands, she glared at the staff and let out a harsh grunt.

"Ugh! Why won't the shadow staff make a portal?" Claire asked, her tone showing clear signs that she was having a hard time. Draal steps over, placing his large hand on the staff to stop Claire from swinging it.

"Well, way to start an episode," Mary said, glancing at her friend who simply smiled. "If anything you need to calm down with that staff."

"Slow down young one. You must learn to empower the staff itself," Draal presses a metal finger to his temple, "Focus! Imbue it with your will." Draal demands as Claire looked down at the staff in consideration. "The stronger the emotions, the greater-" He is then cut off by grunts coming from another part of the room.

Blinky watched with interest. Where was he? He hadn't seen himself on the screen yet and usually, he'd coach them through something like this.

Toby swung his fists into Aaarrrgghh's palm, ranting as he did so. Blinded by his jealousy, he hadn't noticed the tiny flinches Aaarrrgghh made.

Toby sighed, Aaarrrgghh must have not told them about the injury yet. That was his Wingman, he should have realized something was wrong.

"I don't get it. Claire just joined the team, and she gets to handle the super-sweet, megamatic portal staff?" Toby said, venom dripping in his voice as he continued to throw punches. However, as he ranted, he had hit Aaarrrgghh with more force than necessary, causing Aaarrrgghh to wince and pull his hand back, resulting in Toby to swing another punch but missed and landed on his face.

"Well, someone is jealous." Claire teased, causing Toby to blush and duck down.

"I didn't think I'd react like this."

Aaarrrgghh attempts to comfort, sending a low growl in concern. Toby wasn't even dazed, he lifted his head from the floor and slammed his fist against it.

"Pfft! I've been on Jim's side since day one and what do I get?" Toby says dramatically, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Jim flinched at the mention of his name, He silently begged that this wasn't about him as well. Besides, where was he? Why wasn't he with his friends and catching any of this?

The screen then switches to Claire and Draal, Claire swinging the staff as Draal continues to help her. "Careful now." He warns, watching her swing it frantically. The two paying no attention to Toby and Aaarrrgghh.

"Mmm...Got me, Wingman." Aaarrrgghh states as he looks down at the boy, a hand to his chest. With a look of appreciation, Toby sits up but stays on the floor,

"Aw, buddy!" Toby replied, smiling.

They both turn their attention to Claire, who swung it around, fighting the air in hopes she'll achieve.

"The Shadow Staff is a weapon of great-Whoa!... power." Draal yelped when the Shadow Staff was swung near his head, his arm shielding his face. He spat the word out power as he glanced back at her.

"And she's swinging it like a mad man," Eli mentioned, looking at Claire.

"I mean, I have to try right?" She fought back.

"Perhaps a little more safer." Eli simply added, glancing at Steve who was using his teeth to play with his lip, watching the show, not even focusing on butting in and making a rude comment.

On the sidelines, Toby imitates her with a broom swinging carelessly backward. The broom collided with the Troll's nose, not even flinching but instead letting out a small groan, Toby laughing nervously.

Everyone in the theaters winced, watching Toby be blinded by jealousy was something that never happened. Of course, there was no competition like Claire. Everyone already figured out that it involved Jim completely.

There is then a montage of scenes with Claire training with staff and Toby with the broom. Aaarrrgghh simply used his pointer finger to counter every attack with the broom.

As no progress was made, Claire grew annoyed, her fingers tightening around the staff as black covers the staff, reacting to her strong emotion. "Why won't this thing work?!" She cried out before she jumped back, a small black opening appeared from the staff.

"Didn't Draal say it was driven by emotion? Damn it Claire, listen." Someone scolded, the said girl looked at Jim, who was solely focused on the future being played out to him.

"She did it!" Aaarrrgghh announced with a smile, causing Toby to turn with a gasp, "No way! How did she do that?" However, Toby didn't seem excited.

"EMOTION! God, you guys kill me," Darci replied, shaking her head.

Claire starts jumping on her toes, running up to it "Whoa! I made a portal!" She goes to reach it but it fades.

"Did you see that? I made a portal!" She smiles in excitement, pointing the staff at Draal. Scared, he gently pushed it away as Toby stepped up to her, his jealousy and annoyance pouring out without his control.

"Yeah, if we need to teleport an olive or a baby mouse." Toby says, swinging the broom and hitting Claire in the face, "Oops!" He laughs.

Everyone looked shocked, some even squeaking at Toby. He was never like this, even when people bullied him.

"This trollhunting is making you too confident," Steve added in, finally speaking up which shocked everyone as well.

Claire looked at Toby, she wasn't going to flip out. Not now anyways.

Claire turns a glare on him, "What did you just say?"

"I said you have an awesome staff and you totally deserve it. Even though you lost the Killstone." Toby states, obviously lying before taunting her in a drawled voice.

Someone held their head in their hand, groaning. Claire could feel a little anger rising but Jim quickly stepped in.

"That's a little harsh Tobes." He glanced at the said boy who was biting the inside of his cheek.

"I know, I get why I'm jealous but I'm pretty disappointed in my future self." Barbara watched them, curious to see how this played out.

Claire scoffs defensively, "Excuse me, Mr. God King, you were the one in charge of getting the stone and you blew it!" She shouts and places her hands on her hips as Draal wanders off. Her finger prodded his large stomach.

"I mean, she isn't wrong," Eli added in, Toby shrinking into himself and mumbling something under his breath. The first episode of their future and his future self was already messing things up.

Draal stepped beside Aaargghh, glancing up at the larger troll.

"Uh, should we stop them?" Aaarrrgghh asks with a worried frown.

Draal contemplates for a second before responding with, "Uh...nah. This is the Forge. Let them spar."

"Well, we know who to blame when one of you ends up dead."


The screen then focuses on Toby and Claire who already engaged in a small fight. The two swinging at one another and blocking each blow.

"And if Jim were here-" Claire added in before getting cut off by Toby's shout.

"But Jim's not here. You know where he is? Jim's getting chewed out right now by ghosts because of your butterfingers!" He shouts before Claire delivers a blow to his stomach, making him gasp and cough.

Jim sighed, but he couldn't help but think they were actually fighting over him and using them for both their sides. He was conflicted with feelings.

The mentioned Trollhunter was seen, looking up, dressed in his armor, "We'll get it back." He said defensively. Above him, a flying orb circles him, speaking.

"You said you friends would make you stronger!"

Blinky was waiting for the Council's reaction, he didn't sleep easy knowing how easily they scolded the poor boy.

"It's one setback!" Jim yells. His fist clenched.

A female voice questions, "Setback?" More voices continue, disagreeing.

"Angor Rot will carve him to pieces!"

"Is he stupid?"

"That is just harsh."

"Worse. Naïve."

"They are right. You are too focused on your fight tomorrow, not the fight today." Kanjigar states as he appears next to Jim.

"He's killed Troll hunters before. That means some of you can help me." Jim reasons but the voices continue to attack, denying anything Jim suggests.

"When Angor kills his prey..."

"And he always does."

"Their soul is devoured." The spirits fly madly above Jim's head as they express their worry, almost as if they have given up hope for him already.

"He devours souls!? Great!" Someone commented Jim stayed quiet, getting as much information as possible.

"It is true. Those defeated by his hand are gone forever." Kanjigar states. "We were once concerned your devotion would get your team killed. We now fear it is your team that will get you killed." Kanjigar joined the circle of spirits.

"Hey?!" Jim's team cried out at the accusation.

Speaking of his team, the two were still going at each other's throats while Jim appeared within the Forge, turning to the fight.

"And who are you calling Newbie?" Claire asks Toby, dodging his advances.

"I've been eaten by a troll. What have you done?"

"I've been keeping your butt alive." She shot back, kicking him in the back, the force shoving him to the floor. Quickly sitting up, Toby's furiousness grew.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I've been there for Jim since the beginning." He tossed the broom at Claire, causing her to duck. The staff turned black as he growled, her hands tightening once again around it. The pointed edges of the staff nearly closed together, building another portal.

"Oh, will you stop bringing me into it," Jim mumbled.

"I can't believe Jim is being fought over," Mary said, Shannon, agreeing.

"You'd think it was because he is a lady killer, not a friendship thing." Jim couldn't contain his embarrassment at her comment and stuttered.

"Uh..t-thank y-you Shannon." The girl simply winked in reply, feeling more confident. Barbara couldn't help but snicker.

Catching on to what was going to happen, Jim let out a gasp, jumping into the fight, "Get down!" He tackled Toby to the floor, right as a portal appeared right where Toby stood a second before.

Everyone gasped, Claire, looking equally shocked. She would never mean to harm her friends. "This is already complete chaos." Someone mentioned, shaking their head at the episode.

Realizing right away, Claire dropped the staff, "Oh, my gosh, Jim! I-I didn't mean too!" Toby didn't waste a second, standing and pointing a finger at Claire, calling out to his friend like a five-year-old to their mother.

"Jim, she tried to kill me!" Before they could argue, Jim swung his arms out, getting between them, aggravated.

"Wow Toby, you sound manly right there."

"Stop! Enough! The council was right." His voice dropped at the end, Draal stepping in to ask a question.

"What? That we would get you killed?!" Toby cried out. Blinky groaned, not knowing how to respond to that. Jim was stressed after being yelled at by the council, then to deal with his two friends arguing.

"Tobes, you are a perfect teammate, I'm probably just stressed, not like the council is soothing in the first place," Jim said, his friend simply nodded.

"I'm sorry in advance for whatever this causes. I can tell this will not go well because of how we are acting."

Claire sighed, "I'm sorry too, I guess we just have to share Jim and make sure things are fair."

Jim squeaked, which Claire found amusing. She knew the comment would get him to react in some way and what better way to fix this than to tease the two boys in her life.

"What did my father say?"

"He said that we need to step it up. And that's not just coming from him, that's coming from me, too. Our task ahead just got harder. If we want all the stones, the path now goes through Angor Rot. And we all know what that means. Even the council doesn't know how to stop him. We all need to pull our weight and that goes for me, too. That means more training, work harder-"

"You tell them, Jimmy!" Someone yelled out, cheering.

Before Jim could finish, Claire twirled her staff, stepping up to him, "I'll do whatever it takes."

"Brown noser," Toby scoffed, "We'll do whatever it takes. But if Rookie here gets to rock a sweet weapon, I get to rock a sweet weapon, too." He had run over to the weapon stand, his eyes drifting over each weapon until they landed on an orange hammer. Letting out a gasp, he instantly reached for it, "War hammer!" He pulled at the handle, the weapon not moving from its spot," One second!...wait for it!..." His back cracked as he fell over, dropping the weapon but going again, "See?! It's not that heavy."

Before anyone could respond, Bagdwella came in, crying for Jim, the whole team turning towards her direction, "Troll-Troll-Trollhunter, It's urgent!"

"Please tell me Strickler didn't show up. Can we have one episode without the man!" Strickler snorted, his face twisting in anger. He seemed to play a very big role in this. Hopefully, this show would show his intentions and how important he was. One day he'd rule the world and take the Trollhunter for himself.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Jim asked frantically.

"I have a package I need delivered to my sister, Sagdwella!" She explained, shoving the small chest into Jim's hands. "She lives under a trailer park in Oo- tah."

"Oo- tah," A student mocked, causing a fit of laughter to burst out.

Toby rolled his eyes, "why does she always do this? Gets us worried and ends up being something so simple."

"Hey, the gnomes were not that simple," Jim argued with a smile.

"You were also just a baby when you started," Toby teased, Claire watching their playful banter with a smile.

"Wait a minute. You want me to mail something?" He pushed the mail back towards her, but she stopped it, the two shoving it back and forth, neither giving up.

"Your post office is more efficient than our carrier mice trolls. I suppose they don't eat the parcels either. You're supposed to answer every call."

"I don't think mail is what the Trollhunters had in mind."

Blinky sighed, shaking his head at Jim. Jim just smiled, watching himself fight over a package.

"This is a call." She said, Jim, gripping the package and sighing as she dug for something.

"Ah, fine. Jim the mailman. Why not?" He whined to his friends before Bagdwella gave him a piece of paper.

"The address. Whatever you do, do not open it!" She got extremely close, moving her hair from her other eye and her tone became threatening. "I've got my eye on you."

Everyone jumped back in surprise, the voice change, and the closeness of her face was incredibly uncomforting.

Jim turned, glancing at the box before Toby grunted, pulling all the attention to him as he struggled to stand but held the hammer straight up, "Hey Jim, look at me! I got it! I got it!" He lost his balance, nearly dropping it. As he tried to keep it steady, he nearly took off Jim and Claire's heads if they hadn't ducked. "I don't got it! I don't got it! I don't got it, I don't got it, I-" He crashed into tons of items, Draal groaning off-screen, "..Ohh, everything hurts..."

"No way! I find a War Hammer! This is amazing!" Toby yelled out. Someone snorted in return.

"Yeah, but you can't even lift it." Toby just glared. His mind trailed to the thought of the jealousy he held in the episode. He was afraid to lose Jim, he was the only one that stuck by his side for the longest time. Yet, Jim chased after Claire ever since she moved into town a year before Jim had come upon the amulet.

He had spotted her dancing at a welcoming party, Toby had reassured Jim that night about love at first sight, saying that one day, the two would come together. However, Jim had shot it down, doubting that she noticed him that night and he went on with his life after that. Toby knew that Claire had noticed him at the party but he kept quiet, knowing that Jim would one day find the courage by himself.

Best friends would never force something so delicate like that on one another. Toby was right, from the first night Claire was in town, he waited patiently and now his best friend had accepted her request to be her date at the dance.

Toby may have been reckless at times but something like this was holding a newborn baby.

The next day, the trio stood in front of Jim's locker, Claire looking at Jim as he began to put the box in his locker.

"So, what's in the box?" She asked, Toby, watching curiously.

"That troll made a mistake. Telling three curious teens to not open the box." Someone mentioned. Vendel groaned, three teenagers with a curse box, how would this end up? Badly. He already knew the answer.

"It doesn't matter, we're not gonna open it," Jim responded simply as Toby put himself under Jim's arm, stopping Jim from closing the locker.

"Yea, Claire, It doesn't matter." He moved out of the way, Jim going to shut his locker but Toby gasped Jim's arm, shaking it and rattling the locker door. "But aren't you curious, though? There could be like a tiny creature in there that can't breathe, Jimbo! Or an Itty-bitty troll king whose little kingdom needs saving!" Toby gasped, his eyes landing on something causing Jim and Claire to look, only to find the mole, waving at them before walking off. "Oh! Or my soulmate!"

Darci tried to keep herself under control, she had noticed Toby's love for the mole, he didn't care about how stupid it looks. It made her feel something different about him. But how would he react when he found out it was her?

Jim slammed the locker, Toby flinching as Jim quickly explained, "Guys, it doesn't matter because, at lunch, I'm taking it straight to the post office. Easy win, for once." As Jim spoke, Steve had overheard, not letting Jim have any type of win.

"Come on Steve! We see you back there damn it!"

"What bully would I be if I didn't spy on him?!" Steve joked, starting to be himself again.

"So I am worth your time," Jim said with a grin.

"What?" Steve called out, Jim slyly rolling his eyes as the three turned to faced Steve, watching the blonde walk up, "You think you're gonna win today, Lame Junior? The Touch-A-Truck-athon is mine. Its the ultimate test of endurance, and no one can touch like me. Am I right, Claire?" He had shoved the two boys out of his way, holding Claire's hand.

"Ugh, in your dreams." She scoffed, pulling her hand away. Steve looked at Jim, making an explosion noise and a gesture with his hands. With a cackle, Steve walked off.

"He isn't copping a feel on Jim's girl!? That's it Jlaire shippers, we are going to war." Someone hissed, glaring daggers at Steve. Jim and Claire smiled at one another, not bothering to deny it anymore.

"Aww, poor Steve. I think he's becoming unhinged." Toby added, Steve already out of earshot.

"Oh, man, the Truck-athon's today? That's gonna take all day!" Jim exclaimed, stressed.

"Then let me deliver the package," Claire offered, "How hard could it be?"

"Not hard at all, but with you three, it will be tremendous," Blinky stated.

Toby lifted his hand, shoving Claire gently, "Uh, you mean, we can deliver it."

"Bagdwella wanted me to deliver it," Jim added.

"I don't think it really matters, as long as it got delivered."

"Focus, Jim. We're trying to win Spring King, remember? We can be cool?" Toby said, a smile on his face as he spoke.

"You mean, You want to be cool," Jim said with a grin.

"Semantics! You already won the first challenge, If you ace this, You'll be a lock to be king. Then I'll be duke." Jim furrowed his eyebrows, "Win this and you won't have to worry about any more of these stupid things. It's a win-win."

"You said we need to step-up," Claire added in, Jim heading to his locker and pulling it open.

"Guys, troll mail... Not what I meant."

"This is our chance to show you," Claire said, persuading her future boyfriend.

"Just remember, don't open the box," Jim said before Toby ripped it from his hands. Jim fished for the address as Toby spoke, his words making Claire roll her eyes.

"Toby, dude, chill the f out man, you're like a five-year-old ripping candy from a baby."

"Don't worry, Dude. Postmaster Toby and his assistant, Claire, will handle with care," as Toby spoke, he had dropped the box, Jim sighing, "Huh...Oops...haha." Toby said nervously before stepping off, Claire waved to Jim before following.

With a slam of his locker, the scene changed. Senor Uhl's truck parked outside the school, the nominees approaching it as the Spanish teacher spoke.

"King and Queen nominees approach the truck. Place your hands on the vehicle, Should you cease contact with it at any time, you will be eliminated." Everyone placed one hand on the hood, Steve and Jim glaring as they stood across from the other. Eli smiled, placing his hand on it as well as someone cheered in the background for him.

Jim couldn't help but laugh, out of everything, he was actually going through with the Touch-A-Truck-A Thon. Talk about balancing both worlds, both taking a large amount of time.

"You got this, Eli!"

"Did someone cheer for Eli?" Someone said with shock, the students beginning to murmur.

Eli blushed before another voice cut through, "those are the people you need to keep around, the ones that will support you no matter what your status is. They aren't toxic."

"Hoo-hoo!" Steve suddenly exclaimed, "I just downed ten energy drinks and I can go all night."

"Aren't you worried you'll have to use the bathroom?" Jim asked.

"Let's just say, I've got it covered."

"Please tell me you didn't," Toby said, shivering at the thought. Steve just shrugged, his future self had found a solution. Man, was he creative. Steve thought. Oh, wait, that man is me.

Sharron caught on, bringing a hand to her mouth in disgust, "Ooh! Are you wearing a diaper?"

"Oh goodness, he is." People cringed.

"Who's the loser now, loser?" Steve said, Jim just looked confused while Mary seemed disgusted at the thought of sitting in your own urine and feces. However, it got worse when Steve stretched out, grunting, Jim, and Mary cringing.

"You are Steve, you are. You are wearing a Diaper." Someone mentioned before questions began to arouse.

"Where do you find diapers that big?"

"Just imagine buying those and having to face the cashier."

"Oh, what if he stayed up all night making a diaper!?" Everyone turned towards Steve.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that either that was an amazing bathroom break or he just had an orgy."

"THERE ARE LITTLE KIDS AROUND!" Barbara yelled, interrupting the kid.

"There has to be some adult humor. I mean, Jim already swore." The kid shot back, Jim hiding his face remembering what he had said.

"Oh my God," Jim muttered under his breath, wishing to escape.


"The Touch-A-Truck-athon begins!" Senor Uhl said dramatically, but the event itself was boring when everyone looked awkwardly at their opponents, unsure what to do.

"Well, this is awkward."

Claire and Toby were leaning against the lockers, Toby was talking, "Okay, so right after fourth period, we go straight to the post office. Got the package?" He asked, shutting the locker.

"In my backpack. Check," Claire said, her backpack wide open with the package sitting on top.

"And I have the address. Che-Uh-Oh, no." When he went to grab it, he had felt nothing in his pocket and his face dropped. Claire glared, watching him feel all around.

"Let's all just be chaotic. Jim is dealing with a 16-year-old literally wetting himself, Claire and Toby are having a hard time already, fighting and delivering the package. What next?"


"You lost the address?"

"What? No! Of course not!" Toby lied. "You don't happen to remember it, do ya?!"

"Mm," Claire grunted angrily as he searched himself, the backpack, and the ground nearby. "It's gotta be here somewhere."

Jim watched his friends with curiosity.

"Look everywhere. I promised Jim. He gave us the easiest missing and we already screwed it up?" Toby went for the box, opening it. Only a gust of wind escaped, blowing his hair back and making his eyes go wide. "Wait, you opened it?"

Blinky and Vendel groaned, both groaning at Toby who looked extremely bashful.

"No. No. Haha Nope. No way," Toby lied once again, "Define 'opened,' though. You told me to look everywhere!"

Curiosity got the best of Claire and she couldn't help but ask, "Well, what was in it?"

"Wow Claire, don't worry about yelling at him."

"Nothing, just a whoosh."

"What do you mean, 'Whoosh'"?

"The box was totally empty, but before I could close it, it was like...whoooosssshhh" Toby reenacted, Claire pushing the box inside her bag, holding onto it tightly.

"That sounds really bad-" Suddenly Toby started grunting, holding his back as it cracked at his movements, "Toby? Are you okay?"

"HE'S BECOMING A MUTANT!" Everyone watched Toby on-screen, unsure what was going to happen.

His hand shot up with the address, "Oh look! The address was in my back pocket the whole time. Cripes." Claire rolled her eyes and took it from him, putting it with the chest.

Toby giggled nervously as everyone eyed him, "all that to reach in your back pocket. Come on man!" Toby laughed, he even had a hard time even putting on his socks.

"Ugh, you are so weird. I'm holding onto this from now on. I'll meet you here after class."

Claire walked off before he could argue, slipping his backpack over his shoulders, "Pfft! Fine!" As he walked off, a pencil from his open pocket floated out, going completely unnoticed.

Jim's eyes grew in size, that was not a good sign. They had to also be careful, it would be hard to lie about if someone saw a floating object. Would their secrets be revealed already?

Back to the truck, Mary was squeezing her legs together, "Ugh! When do we get a pee break?"

"That's the point, Miss Wang. There are none." Senor Uhl replied, clearly enjoying it.

"Doesn't anyone else have to go?" Mary asked, her attention drifting towards Steve who was chuckling as he shivered.

"Depends," Steve replied, Shannon, looking disgusted, especially since she stood next to him.

Everyone groaned, throwing their heads back and trying to ignore the thought of Steve wearing something like that.

"Wait a minute, isn't this happening in a day or two?!" Someone mentioned.

"He could be walking around in that!? WHAT IF HE PEES IN CLASS!?"

"Ew! Gross."

Steve let out another laugh, "Giving up yet, Lame Junior?"

"Hand on truck. Not that difficult," Jim said before turning to Mary who had given up.

"Jimmy Jam getting a sassy attitude," Mary said, grinning.

"This isn't worth it!" Mary yelled, walking off. Senor Uhl smiled and waved her off.

"Adiós. You have been eliminated." As she passed, Strickler watched with a smirk, stepping up to the truck, a plan clear in his mind.

Barbara fumed at the sight of him, her fists clenching. If Strickler did something to him, she'd smack the dumb out of him.

"Mr. Lake," Strickler started, all heads turned to him, Jim not happy at the sight of him, "I've been meaning to speak with you. I received word for a mutual acquaintance, Mr. Rot. He said you had lost something rather valuable the other day."

Everyone glared, knowing his intentions. "Damn it, we just have to see this jerk bothering Jim."

"I'll get it back," the Trollhunter replied with determination.

"Sure, you will. Oh, and I'm on my way to another lunch date with your mother," Strickler placed a hand on Jim's shoulder, Darci was gaping at the news, "It's a shame you won't join us. You don't happen to have a breath mint on you, do you?" Strickler let out a laugh, the sound angering Jim.

"I just love Darci's reaction," Someone added as Barbara nearly squeezed the life out of her chair. Her being pissed was an understatement.

His fist balled off the truck and instantly collided with Strickler's jaw, the spectators gasping in surprise. However, when Shannon called out, "I have a breath mint!" It was clear that Jim had imagined it, his hand never left the hood of the truck. Shannon's did when she had pointed to the container of mints.

"I was about to cheer for you for punching the crap out of him but you imagined that."

Everyone else looked at Sharron, "why the hell did you help Strickler and give him a mint! You could hear the tease in his tone!"

"Adiós, Shannon. Darci wins for the girls." Senor Uhl announced, dread filling Shannon as she suddenly dropped to the truck, her head banging on it. Steve just laughed, pointing his thumb at her.

"Jeezus Shannon, you dropped so quick."

"You're head feeling okay?"

"Dude, she didn't hesitate. Just BANG!"

"What? That's right! Go, Darci! I'm fabulous! Of course, I am, 'cause I'm Darci!" She celebrated, dancing around as Strickler reached for the mints. He snickered, shaking the mints and walking off.

"For the boys, the game is still on."

"Go, Darci!" She continued, laughing in the background.

"Congratulations. Now get back to class!" Senor Uhl said while Jim glared, Steve cutting in.

"Ha! He's dating your mom? Whoa! Why didn't I think of that?" Steve mumbled to himself before the scene changed. Miss. Janet scribbled on the board while Toby closed his eyes, his feet lifting off the ground. His whole body began to float but he noticed and scrambled to sit back down.

Someone gagged, "that is incredibly gross Steve." Barbara shivered at the thought, dating Strickler was already worse.

"Two things that are wrong right now. One, Steve dating someone's mom, and two, how does no one notice Toby floating like that. He's right in the front row!"

Jim groaned, this is what happened to the pencil and it was spreading to Toby, this would not look good.

"So, If A is 30 degrees and B is 40 degrees, what is solved for C?"

"No! Oh no! No, no, no!" AT his little outburst, Miss. Janet turned around, her glare as sharp as a knife.

"Mr. Domzalski, is there a problem?"

"No! Just loving triangles," the chubby boy said, struggling to stay at his desk.

"Then perhaps you can come up to the board and solve this one." She pointed at it and Toby smiled.

"Why does she gotta be like that? If Troll Hunting and magic are revealed...." Darci said, everyone, agreeing. It would end up badly.

"I respectfully decline." Everyone laughs and Toby turns to see Mary and another giggling. "The whoosh." He mumbled to himself.

"Mr. Domzalski, it is not a request. Come to the board right now!" Toby sucked in a breath, hopping up to the front while holding onto his desk, everyone giggling and snickering at the sight. He grabbed the marker from the teacher and looked at the board hopelessly, everyone still laughing while he tried to reach the board.

Jim smiled, that was one way to do it.

Toby grunted and gave up, grabbing the large stack of books from her desk and holding onto them. He then grabbed his backpack and walked to the door.

"Where do you think you're going, Mr. Domzalski?"

"Uhh...bathroom?" He said before disappearing from the room. Soon, he was found in his locker, grabbing more things to weigh him down, mocking what had gotten him into this mess. "Oh yes, we'll deliver the package. We'll deliver the package. What a dumb idea!"

"Toby, you agreed to it as well." Someone pointed out as Claire playfully glared.

"Look at me, I'm obviously not thinking!"

Toby hopped, seeing if it had worked and thankfully it kept both his feet on the ground. Until some snotty kid had shoved him to his knees, dropping the books. The kid continued to walk, not looking back.

"Move it Dumb-zalski! Haha."

Toby let out a gasp as he began to float, his hands flailing to reach for his backpack but he couldn't reach it. "No, no, no, no, no!" He whimpered as he rolled from beneath the platform, trying to hold on to no avail, he whimpered when he lost his grip.

"You have got to be kidding me." Everyone singled out the kid responsible.

In another classroom, Coach was reading out loud, his face buried in the book, clearly not knowing what he was teaching. "The human skeleton completely regenerates every seven years?! Woah, is that true? That's crazy!" Claire sighed, about to scribble down what she had in mind before she caught Toby floating upside down in the window. "-I'll tell you what, my spine does not regenerate..."

"You'd think they'd find a replacement by now, it's been a decent amount of time." Eli commented, "More importantly, how did no one notice that he was floating?!"

"Claire!" Toby whispered through the window, floating out of sight.

"Coach Lawrence," Claire suddenly said, scaring the kid awake beside her. "Uh, I need the hall pass. Girl problems." She said with a shy smile before she was found outside, tracking Toby, his backpack in her hand.

As she stepped out to the front of the school, Toby's voice echoed quietly around her, her eyes darting in search of him. "Claire! Help! Help!" Finally, she had spotted him, gripping onto the flag pole for dear life.

"Toby! What are you doing up there?"

"You know, just relaxing," a sarcastic phrase poured from someone's mouth. Claire chuckled, she should know better but she must have not caught on to why he was floating.

"I've never loved my school so much!" Toby looked down, finding the white truck with Steve on the hood, beatboxing uncomfortably close to Jim, luckily Jim was facing the other way, "Quick, Quick! Get me down, get me down!"

"Ugh!" Claire groaned and ran. Jim, on the other hand, was very annoyed, Steve's face uncomfortably close to his, the beatboxing continuing and was quite terrible.

"Wait a minute, is he beatboxing?!"

"This is so chaotic," Darci inputted.

"Still not giving up, and your breath smells worse than your diaper," Jim added while his friend was being pulled down, back onto the roof, it all went unnoticed. Once Toby was close enough to be handed the backpacks, Claire talked.

"Dang it, Jim! Turn around."

"Can we talk about how sassy Jim is right now?!" Mary said, Eli smiling at the comment.

"It was the whoosh, wasn't it?" Toby grabbed Claire's backpack, plopping down on his butt.

"Oh! This is all your fault! You were the one who wanted to deliver it!" Toby complained.

"But you volunteered with me."

"Because you're gonna take all the glory! We can't tell Jim. Promise me, you won't tell Jim. He already thinks I'm useless." The boy said, clutching the backpacks.

"All the glory? Really. It's a package!"

"Toby, look at us. We are useless. Ugh!" Claire said, frustrated. She crossed her arms and looked to the side.

Jim frowned and looked at them. "You guys aren't useless. You guys helped out more than you think you did." His hand gripped Claire's as he turned to Toby. "I never thought you were useless Tobes, you're my brother. Besides, we are new to this still. Nothing is going to go perfect but I'd rather have it as a fun learning experience with you guys than anyone else."

Toby whimpered before tackling Jim in a hug, even pulling Claire in close. "I love you guys." Jim smiled, rubbing his friend's back.

"If you guys ever call yourselves useless, I will personally kick your butts. Got it." Jim joked, the two nodding with smiles on their faces.

"Let me think, let me think, let me think." Toby gasped, "Maybe Blinky will know how to fix this!"

"Blinky? He's at Jim's house." Claire grabbed Toby, the boy floating again and Claire lost her grip.

"It sounds easy but I can tell you one thing, this will be the hardest thing you guys have ever done." A student replied, the Trollhunter team nodding their heads in agreement.

"Well, then let's go! No, no, no, no, no! Grab me!" She grabbed ahold of him and pulled him along like a balloon, Toby panting as she ran off.

At the coffee shop, Strickler and Barbara sat at a table outside, Barbara playing with her drink as Strickler listened.

"Yeah, he's been talking to the new guidance counselor about his father-"

"BARB! NOOOOOO! The lie is spoiled." Barbara winced, she knew something was up when she was introduced to Mr. Blinky. At least she knows to be more careful sharing things with Strickler.

She snickered at that, she wasn't going to tell him anything anymore.

"Guidance counselor?" Strickler asked in confusion.

"Yes, the one you recently brought in. Mr. Blinky?" At the name, Strickler retches, his drink coming out from his nose, choking.

"YES! Choke you bastard!"

"Mom!" Jim cried out, looking at her in shock but her grin was clear as day, she didn't care.

"I'm older than you, I can say it."

"Are you okay?" Barbara asked, holding out a hand to him.

"Mr. Blinky?" Strickler said, his voice hoarse. In the reflection of the window, Toby floated by, Claire chasing after him.

"I'm sorry." Barbara stated, not noticing her son's friends, "Here I am on a date, going on about Jim's father. I really don't know how to do these things."

"You have got to be kidding me. NO ONE SEES TOBY OR HEAR HIM!?"

Strickler smiled and covered her hand with his own, Barbara shocked at the touch, "You're doing just fine." They stared at one another as Toby screamed in the distance, Claire chasing after him and running out of breath.

In the neighborhood, Toby continued to float, calling out to Claire, "Uh! Hey, grab me! Grab me! Don't lose me like you lost the stone!" "

"I'm trying! And shut up!" Claire scolded, jumping up and trying to reach for him.

"Tobes, she is going to kill you," Jim stated, Toby, biting his lip and nodding.

"Aw, come on, Claire!" Toby began to float higher, his panic rising, "No, no, no, no!" Suddenly, he began to lower, "Whoa! Wait a sec! Hey, I think— I think it's wearing off!" His feet touched the ground, "Nice! It just wore off!" As soon as he tried to take a step, he slowed, falling to the ground and not able to move, "Uh-oh! Oh, no! What's happening to me?"

"Toby, what's wrong?" Claire asked, kneeling beside him. Beneath him, the concrete had cracked.

"You cracked the damn ground," Steve commented, Jim turning to look at him. With a shake of his head, Jim had silently told him not to say anything more.

"Can't move," Toby sobbed. Claire grabbed his arm and tried to pull with all her strength. The two grunting.

"The whoosh! It's making you switch between super light and super heavy without warning!" Claire exclaimed.

"That seems accurate." Claire looked around, finding a wagon in someone's yard. When the scene switched, Claire was pulling the wagon with her might, Toby and the backpacks lying helplessly in it.

"How the hell did that even work? He couldn't move."

"Uhhh! Toby, no offense, but you have a real weight problem."

"Which weight are we talking about? The curse or his actual weight. They are both proving to be difficult," Eli said, shoving his glasses back on his nose.

"Not funny." Toby scolded before sirens beeped, "Oh no! It's the po-po!"

"Huh?" Claire stopped as the policeman stepped up to them.

"Hey, cool kids, what are you doing there? Skipping school?"

"Oh, hello, officer. I'm just taking my brother, Um, to his appointment at the hospital. He uh, has a rare condition."

"Yes." Claire jumped when Toby spoke, the boy lifting his head to the best ability. "I have no bones."

"What? Seriously?"

"Extremely rare. Someone stole his wheelchair." Claire added in, the cop completely buying it.

"Ugh, poor kid. No bones? I can't let you go like this. Let me call a squad car." He grabbed his walkie-talkie as Claire politely shut down the idea.

"He really believed it. Even when Toby lifted his dang head."

"Could you even lift your head with no bones?" Someone asked, eyeing up Eli who was believed to have the answers.

"That's very kind of you, sir, but, uh, he likes the fresh air."

"No, I insist." He turned his back on them, speaking into his two-way communicator, "Hey, uh? I got a kid here, real hero. Needs a lift." Behind him, Claire covered her mouth and looked around before taking off, "Probably one of the larger cars. Over." When he turned to find just the abandoned wagon, he grew confused. "Wait, what? Something real funny goin' on around here."


When his back was turned to the wagon, it had floated up from behind him, disappearing as well.

Back at the school, Senor Uhl was sitting, reading a magazine before trying to take a sip of coffee, only to find the cup empty. Glancing at his watch, the teacher spoke. "Hour four is complete. I need more coffee. Eli is in charge."

"Four hours?!" Jim cried out. "My friends have been floating around for four hours and I've been stuck with Steve in a dirty diaper!? The future isn't looking too good," Jim said, his smile had dropped at the thought of actually doing it soon.

"Hooray!" Eli celebrated, but Steve laughed, throwing a punch which Eli had dodged, the blow colliding with Jim's shoulder.

"Ow! Seriously?"

"My hand hasn't left the truck." Steve mocked Eli in between but cowering. Steve shoved Jim again before Eli popped his head up.

"Guys, please stop! I don't want to get in trouble!" Eli cried out as Jim dodged the blow this time, running around the truck, Steve in tow. The two did keep their hands connected with the truck, the metal squealing beneath their touch.

People groaned Eli didn't want to get in trouble? That was one way to stop a fight. Not.

"Quit it! Don't make me-" Steve didn't listen, throwing another punch but Jim grabbed it, throwing Steve over Eli. Angry, Steve threw another punch, Jim dodging it again and pressing Steve's head against the hood.

"Jim is just kicking his butt."

"He had training, it's not that fair!" Steve complained as someone shook their head.

"No matter what you say, man, you're still no match for Jim." Everyone nodded, one even pointing out the armor and sword.

"Let go, dweeb!" Steve threatened. Jim let go of Steve, the blonde instantly pushing Jim to the truck.

"Get off of me!" Jim yelled and pushed the brute away before he could pummel him. Eli, who was still hiding in the front, cried out to them, catching their attention.

"Stop! Please!" While Jim handled that situation, Toby was still floating upwards, his hold on a branch, breaking as he whimpered, flying higher.

"This isn't happening!" Toby said to himself as his phone vibrated, Claire who was chasing on the street, got stopped by cars. He gasped, quickly answering it. "Claire, it's you!"

"Toby, you drifted away! Where the heck are you?" Claire's voice echoed through the phone.

"I'm right above the-" He got in before the phone slipped from his hands and disappeared down below. "No, no, no, no, no! Come on!" He hung his head low as the faint sound of his phone shattering was heard. He soon caught sight of a familiar house, gasping when he spotted it, "Is that Claire's house?"

Toby flailed his arms, grunting as he saw through the sky and close enough to the house, "NotEnrique! NotEnrique!" He called, the Changeling popping out of the window and spotting him.

"What the-? Hey, Tons-Of-Fun! What you doin' all the way up there?" Toby struggled as NotEnrique called out to him.

"Hmmm," Jim hummed, "Tons-Of-Fun, that's new." He crossed his arms thinking about it while Toby groaned beside him. Why did he think NotEnrique would do something to help?

"Quick! Do something!" Toby pleaded.

"Hold on a sec!" He said, hopping inside, only to come out with a phone, Toby floating over his head and calling down to him.


"This is priceless!" NotEnrique smiles, the camera clicking, "Whoa!" He exclaimed the picture was shown. NotEnrique smiled while Toby had a look of worry.

Claire sighed, this was terrible and they were only supposed to deliver something to the dang post office.

"That's what you did? You took a selfie?" Toby scolded him, floating higher as the Troll laughed.

"Send you a copy!" He tapped his phone right as Toby was shown, floating higher and higher till the clouds crowded around him.

"Can't. He dropped his phone and it most likely broke."

"This is it." Toby started, "This is how I go out. I had so much left to do. So many taco trucks I never ate at." He sobbed at the thought until a kite whacked him, taking him from his thoughts and made him panic.

"Grab it already!" Down below, Claire was controlling it. At the sight, Toby quickly got a hold of the kite, letting out a gasp.

"You found me! What the heck? Reel me in, reel me in!" He said panicky.

"Say it!" Claire simply demanded.

"Say what?"

"I'm not bringing you down until you admit you've been a butt to me all day. You're jealous of me being close to Jim!" She admitted.

Jim let out a laugh but quickly stifled it when he received a glare from Claire, "I'm sorry. I-I didn't this would happen." She elbowed the boy, causing him to sputter as he held his ribs.

With a winning smile, she turned her attention back to the screen, her hand still gripping his.

"Claire! I'm sorry, okay? Come on!" He begged, just wanting to get down.

"Admit it! You've been a total butt!" She demanded, her hold on the string never faltering.

Toby let out a grunt, "Okay, you're right, I am a butt." He sighed, as he admitted, Claire began to pull him down listening intently, "it's just- for so long, it was just Jim and Toby show, you know? And you're this cool, smart girl, who's great at everything and is really pretty, and now you have this super rad shadow staff, and what do I have? I've got weight problems."

Once Toby was close enough, Claire grabbed his hand and guided him to hold onto the light post.

"Toby, you and Jim are the dynamic duo. I can never change that."

"I was the cause of most of this?" Jim asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hoo! I was afraid you were gonna be mad at me, and we were never gonna be friends again, and it was just all these bad things I didn't want to think about." As Toby shared his feelings, Claire appeared on the screen, upside down and holding onto her backpack.

"Toby, I think the curse is spreading." She said simply, not amused.

"Oh no! What do we do? What do we do?"

"Let's just get to Jim's house. Blinky will know what to do." The two swam through the air, heading back to the neighborhood. They grunt at the force but never give up.

"How did you guys not get there yet?"

Jim on the other hand, had Steve pinned, however, the blonde had to state, "Hands still on the truck!" Steve laughed, Eli, popping up in the back, still not being listened to.

"Guys, please stop!" Steve pushed Jim to the side, sliding off on one end while Jim on the other. Eli simply dropped into the bed of the truck, hiding.

"Is anyone getting weird foreshadowing vibes?" Darci asked, "we keep seeing Steve and Eli but very subtly." Everyone began to murmur. This show had repeated scenes with the duo.

"Eli's gone." Steve said, beginning to gibe at Jim, "Looks like it's just you and me now, buttsnack!" He raised his fist with a laugh, chasing after Jim who let out a yelp, unprepared.

The two managed to get inside the truck, bumping into the horn as they kicked and punched one another, Steve whooping at the thrill. Inside the school, the horn was still heard but Senor Uhl was busy talking.

"How did he not go outside yet? Careless I tell you."

"I'm surprised he left his truck alone with three boys."

"I really do not like the decaf," he commented before a student yelled in the hall, alerting them.

"Guys, guys! There's a fight outside! Come on!"

"What in the heck is going on?" Senor Uhl said, marching out.

"Kids today," Coach Lawrance simply said, still sipping his coffee. Steve and Jim still danced around the truck before Jim decided to stop and try to end it.

"Steve, stop this!"

"Why couldn't you let me win this?" Steve blurted out, catching Jim's full attention, "But then you never do, do you?"

"What the-" Someone trailed off, not believing what he was really saying.

"What are you talking about?"

"People respected me. And you broke my face in front of everyone. I got benched from the team and the play." By the look in Jim's eyes, that boy was too easily trusting and just too kind-hearted that he believed the story. "And now you got Claire. I like my life. You've threatened everything I know, turned my world upside down. And you know what the worst part is? I... I'm intimidated by you, Jim."

"If he is lying, he still is intimidated by Jim, just afraid to admit it."

Claire shook her head, hearing the mention of her. She liked Jim, a lot. However, Steve saw her as a prize or something useful that could hurt Jim and it angered her.

"What? Steve, I don't know what to say, man. I didn't know. I do care." Jim said, trying to fix it.

"JIMMY! Are you seriously believing what he is saying?!"

"Yeah, right." Jim sighed and removed his hand from the truck, "You know what. Here. Look. You win."

"He is too innocent for his own good. We need to lock him up." As the kids started to plan, Jim sat there, staring at nothing with his eyes wide.

Suddenly, Steve perked up, laughing, "Hahahahaha! I can't believe you fell for it! Hahaha! Whoo! Haha haha!" Steve removed his hand, dancing and yelling in celebration.

"Steve, are you nuts?" Jim exclaimed but he didn't look defeated. Did he remember Eli in the back of the truck?

"Who's the loser now, loser? Ka-boom! Hahaha!"

"Do you really want us to answer that?"

"What happened here? I heard there was a fight! Are you okay?" Senor Uhl said, walking up.

"Yeah," Jim responded but it was clear who Senor Uhl was asking. His truck.

"Oh thank god. My sweet Susanna is unharmed." He kissed the trunk, massaging it gently, "Du bist mein Schnuckiputzi." When he saw Steve stare at him in shock, he quickly cleared his throat and stood straight up, "it seems we have a winner."

Everyone's jaw was dropped, "you're kidding, right? RIGHT?"

"That's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. For such a tough teacher, that was something I would never think of seeing."

"I need to wash my eyes out."

Steve couldn't contain himself and slid around, dancing. "Whoo! That's right! Who wins? I do! Look at me! I-" A cough cut him off from his dance, everyone turned to find Eli poking his head out from the bed of the truck.

"Ha! Eli is the champion of the Touch-A-Truck-athon." Senor Uhl announced.

"HA LOSER!" Someone shot at Steve, the said bully blushing with embarrassment.

"What?" Eli said a small crowd building as Steve lost his cool. "Yay!"

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Steve cried. The camera falling towards his mouth and the screen going black for a few seconds.

Everyone sighed at Steve.

When the camera panned out, someone let out a grunt, the Shadow staff laying in Draal's hand as he spoke, "She nearly took my head off with the shadow staff. The chubby one's just as bad."

"They're just human whelps after all. Hopefully, they'll get their acts together soon enough." Blinky replied, checking things off on a small board before they were interrupted by a shout from Toby.

"Hey!" The two called out, turning to the two trolls. The two beasts shrunk into themselves, rubbing the back of their necks.

"Blame future me!" Draal cried out.

"Blinky, you gotta help us!" Blinky gasped and ran upstairs, only to be met with the sight of the two floating aimlessly around the house, "What in blue blazes?"

"Toby opened Bagdwella's box. Now we're floating and sinking. And it's getting worse! What's happening?" Claire explained quickly. Blinky watched her, trying to comprehend what she was saying before the furniture began to float

"Whoa! Oh, dear." Blinky said in shock as they screamed. Toby was crushed to the floor before Blinky was lifted into the air. The source of the issue floating past Blinky. His eyes caught it quickly. "My, my, my!- A curse box! Why would you be in possession of such a dangerous gift?" He had caught up to the box, grabbing ahold of it.

"We were trying to help Jim, but, please, can you turn it off?" Toby spotted a Nougat Nummy and let go, trying to catch it, "Ooh, a Nougat Nummy!"

Everyone let out a loud groan at that.

"A curse cannot be broken. It can only be passed on, or it will grow stronger by the minute." Blinky described before he was hit by Toby who had got a hold of the candy. Blinky shoved Toby aside and continued as his back hit a shelf.

"Vendel. Vendel-Vendel can contain the curse. We must get to Vendel."

"But how? We'll never get to Trollmarket." Toby said, hanging onto the T.V. Suddenly, a loud rumbling was heard, the house shaking.

"Oh no! The curse is spreading to the house!" Claire said.

Barbara and Jim sighed, watching to see how bad their house would look when the curse was contained.

"We must get to Vendel!" Blinky yelled out, right as Draal entered the room, calling out to them but was lifted into the air.

"What foolishness is this-" he lets out a grunt, and the Shadow Staff was freed from his hand. Toby spotted it and tossed it as best as he could to Claire, the Staff barely dodging the pictures.

"Claire, use your shadow staff! You can get us to Vendel!" She caught it and looked at it hopelessly.

"But I can't! I can only open a portal that's big enough for a baby mouse or an olive, remember?"

Blinky responded, "You must think of Vendel. Clear your mind. Think of nothing but him!" The staff opened as she tried her best, but received no reaction from the staff.

"I can't!" She cried.

"Okay, I hate to do this," Toby said, sucking in a breath. "Umm...Hey Claire! Don't let us down, like you did with the Killstone, remember? You lost it!"

"What?" She said, shock and confusion written clear on her face.

"You know, I don't think you're ready to be a Trollhunter. I really don't." The house rumbled, finally lifting off the ground, "You see that shadow staff? You're not worthy to wield its powers. Am I right, Blinky?"

"That is harsh. Very, very harsh. I can't believe it."

"Um...indeed! Yes!" Blinky said, catching on to Toby's plan.

"I saved you! I thought we were friends now."

"Friends don't let friends down like you did with the Killstone!"

"Why are you being such a butt again?" The staff finally began to work, the black spreading as her anger grew.

"Oh, are you angry, Claire? Are you mad? Are you mad enough?"

"Yeah! I'm angry!" She replied harshly.

"Then look at the staff and think of Vendel and make a portal!" Her eyes landed on the staff, noticing what Toby was doing.

"Thank you!" She grunted, putting her full force into the staff and pointing it to the floor, opening a large portal. On the other side, Vendel was reading, a drink in his hand as he looked relaxed.

"This is the happiest I've seen him and you are really going to disturb him now?" Someone added in, clicking their tongue.


"Mmm..." He hummed before the portal opened up, scaring him into throwing his drink. "-what in the Deya's Grace?" Claire appeared from out of it, holding her hand out to him.

"Vendel! Pull us through! He grabbed it, using his might to pull the team through and letting the portal close. They screamed at the force but left Jim's house. The structure landing back down and the furniture crashing to the ground.

Yet the problem continued as they landed on Vendel, things beginning to float in Trollmarket.

"Watch out!" Claire yelled. The three floated away as Draal nearly headbutted the floor where they just were. They all grunted while Claire held onto the table, celebrating.

"I did it? I did it!" She said happily, Vendel, who floated to the lamp and held onto it, looked down at Blinky who was holding onto Toby's legs.

"What did you do now, Blinkous?"

"Don't look down at me. It's Tobias who is cursed."

Blinky sighed, he always got blamed when something went wrong. He kind of put that reputation on himself but it still bugged him at the slightest.

"I'll apologize a million times later, but can you stop this?" Toby asked.

"Of course, but I need a vessel to trap the curse."

"Quick! Get something! Anything!" Claire said frantically but Toby had something else in mind.

"Wait, not anything! I know just the thing." With Toby grinning, the scene changed. Everyone was now on the ground safely, this time, Toby holding the Warhammer without an issue, flipping it around "Awesome sauce!" Accidently letting go, Toby jumped to grab it. Once he got a hold on it, he pointed it to Claire. "Now we both have sweet weapons. I was born to wield the Warhammer."

"That is actually not a bad idea," Toby said, approving his future self's idea.

He began to swing it, Claire jumping back as the two, luckily this time, playfully fought. Claire managed to disarm Toby, the hammer flying past Aaarrrgghh, Blinky, and Vendel, each watching them with amusement.

"The curse appears to be stable," Blinky commented.

"Sort of," Aaarrrgghh said as Jim stepped up beside them, watching.

"They look pretty good. Any problems mailing the package?" The Trollhunter wondered, Blinky ready to admit the truth.

"A lot of problems Jim."

"Actually Master Jim-" Vendel quickly placed a hand on Blinky's shoulder, interrupting him.

"Your team did an excellent job. Your allies are getting stronger. In time, a lot of time, they may actually be... useful." Claire blocked every blow and managed to spin Toby. The poor boy fell over, grunting.

Jim smiled, well, they lied to him but if Vendel approved then he couldn't be angry. Besides, they had figured it out pretty well. His team was amazing. Placing a hand on Toby's shoulder and one on Claire's hands, he smiled at them, the three smiling at him back.

"'Useful.' It's a start." Jim said before donning his sword and joining them, "You got room for one more?" They eagerly invited him in, Jim blocking all the blows they swung at him, "Since when could you do that with a hammer, Tobes?" Orange and blue smoke clashing together.

"Yah! Hello? It's a Warhammer. Respect it, please."

"Be quick on your feet! Hi-yah!" Claire said, swiping at Toby's feet, causing him to fall over.

"Whoo!" Toby yelped, the screen turned black, making that a happy ending to the episode.

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Douxie Casperan and Victoria Reinsif used to be best friends: one an apprentice under Merlin and the other dedicated to a demigoddess patron. But tha...
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𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄: 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 "𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕." - Jim Lake Jr...