Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

58K 543 244

The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping

446 4 4
By cheesEPIC

I woke up with Lena still in my arms. I laid there in bed for a while, thinking about her and admiring her cuteness, which I would always love. I sat up and started fussing her head. She sighed as I did so and continued pretending to be asleep.

I looked at the clock. It was 9:26. I went to get out of bed, but Lena grabbed onto my arm.

"Nooo, stay here. Pwease." Lena sighed as she pulled me closer. I thought about it. I had many reasons to get back into bed and only 1 reason not to, that being we needed to unpack.

"Only for you love." I said as I got back into bed.

Lena smiled and shuffled over to me. I pulled her close to my body and hugged her. Her soft skin was the nicest thing I'd ever felt. Just touching her skin made me feel happier. It distracted me from my past by allowing me to think about the future.

Lena had fallen asleep again. I know I've said this many times and I'll say it many times more, but Lena looks so cute asleep. What makes her even more cute is the fact that she's mine and I know she wants to be mine.

I stayed in bed with her for a long time. When I next looked over at the clock, it was 12:03. I sat up and began fussing Lena's hair again. After a minute of me doing so, she sat up. She looked into my eyes and smiled at me.

"Morning Lena." I said.

She pulled me close and pressed her lips against mine. We both melted into the kiss. We stayed like that for a minute before we stopped.

"Morning luv." She replied.

We stared into each others eyes for a second, before her eyes drifted down to the clock. She gasped a little and got out of bed to start getting dressed. I too got out of bed and began getting dressed. I put on some, you guessed it, jeans and a dark blue shirt, while Lena put on some thick tracksuit bottoms, a red arrows shirt and the hoodie she was wearing yesterday on.

"Well luv, looks like we've had our lie in, let's do something today." She said, full of energy.

"What first though?" I asked. I think Lena's stomach answered that as it made a noise more comparable to a whale call than a noise you'd expect a human to make.

Lena blushed as she realised I heard it. "I think my body's just answered.that for you." She said as she pulled me downstairs. "Now, luv. It's been a while since I've been here, so there's no food, so we've gotta go shopping!" She said as she put her shoes on and grabbed her debit card. She also grabbed her pistols and put them in her pocket, just in case. I put my overwatch branded trainers on.

"You ready?" Lena asked.

"I think so." I replied, not knowing what 'ready' meant in terms of shopping.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with just that shirt on? It's almost December."

"I'll be fine." I replied.

"If you think so." Lena said as she unlocked the front door. We walked out into the frosty November mid-day together. Lena locked the door behind us as we walked down to the road. Lena signalled at I black car driving by. The cars stopped and Lena opened the door to get in, signalling for me to follow.

"Yellow, Madame. Where to?" An Omnic voice said.

"Westfield Stratford CT." Lena said.

"Very well. Please put your seat belts on. This ride should take around 33 minutes and you should arrive at around 12:56."

I looked at Lena, slightly confused. "I have several questions Lena."

Lena looked at me and leaned back in her chair. "Go on luv."

"Firstly, what is this?"

"This luv, is a taxi. There are a lot of them in Kings Row and other big cities. They're cars which drive around the place. If you need to be driven anywhere, you can signal an empty one to stop by and they'll pick you up and take you to where you need to go, for a small fee."

"Fair enough. Secondly, what is Westfield Stratford CT?"

"Oh, it's just the biggest shopping centre in the whole of Kings Row, so, not much."

"Ok, and finally, how are you so damn cute in literally everything you do? Whether you're awake or asleep, moving or not, you're just so cute. That should've been one of the constants in the Khan Maykr's infinite futures."

Lena heavily blushed and smiled. "(Y/n), not when there's people here." She said sheepishly as her cheeks turned even more red.

"What, I'm just stating facts." I said while smiling at the tomato red Lena sat in the corner of the Taxi. "Come here." I said as I signalled her closer to me. She moved over to next to me in the Taxi and put her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her waist and put my head on top of hers. She sighed and smiled throughout. We spent most of the rest of the journey like that.

After a while, we arrived at the shopping centre.

"That will be £7.20 please."

Lena got her card out and swiped it on a small machine which the Omnic held out.

"Thank you fire riding with CabOminica. I hope you'll consider using our services again."

"Thanks luv." Lena said as we got out. The Taxi drove off into the traffic and quickly became just another car in the cluster of hundreds.

"Well luv," I turned to face Lena. "We're here." She said. She grabbed my hand as we started walking into the shopping centre. We walked straight into a BuckStars, which I took to be a fancy-ish café. Lena took me to a table and we sat down. She grabbed 2 menus and handed me one.

"Welcome to BuckStars." Lena said with a smile. "For Breakfast, whatever you want. Just for today, the price doesn't matter." I looked at her and smiled before turning to the menu. I looked down the menu. It all sounded tasty, although that kinda was the point of a menu. I got to the bacon and egg sandwich and stopped. I remembered when Lena made me bacon and eggs once. It was the nicest thing ever, put it in a sandwich and it would probably be even better.

"So, what're you thinking of?" Lena asked me as I looked up from the menu.

"The bacon sandwich looks very nice." I said.

"I've had that before, and I can tell you now luv, it is sooo nice."

Just before I could ask what she was getting, a waitress walked over to us.

"Hello. Do you know what you'd like to order?" The woman said as she got a tiny notebook and pen out.

"Uh yes luv. I'll have a full English with tea thanks." The woman furiously scribbled notes onto the pad before looking up at me.

"Uh, I'll have the, uh, bacon and egg sandwich."

Once again, she started manically writing down on the pad before putting both the pen and the pad into her pocket.

"Ok then, 1 full English and 1 bacon and egg sandwich coming up." She said before turning away and walking off.

Lena put her head in her hands and stared at me for a second.

"We need to get you some new clothes." She said while still staring at me.

"What's wrong with these ones?" I asked.

"There's just clothes which will look better on you. Plus I love fashion shopping."

"I don't see why you love fashion shopping." She looks at me slightly confused at me and like she was about to tell me why she does, but I cut her off with the second part to me cheesy compliment. "Because you'll look fantastic in anything."

Lena blushed at me and smiled. I laughed at her reaction, how she went from slightly confused and a bit annoyed to getting the joke, which was also true.

"(Y/n), come on, I can't wear anything and still look fantastic."

"Well, in my eyes, no matter what you wear, you're still the Lena Oxton, and I still love you because of it."

Lena started to blush and turn red again.

"(Y/n), stop it you." She said sheepishly. "We're in a public space and people are watching."

I looked around to see that some people were intact watching. Funny how as soon as I turned around and they saw who I was, that they all turned away from us.

We talked for a little longer, before our food arrived.

"Here you are." The waitress said as she placed our meals on the table Infront of us. "Enjoy your food."

"Thanks luv." Lena said as the waitress walked off.

We both started tucking into our food. This bacon and egg sandwich was so nice. Everything just fitted so well with everything else, and I loved it. Lena seemed to be enjoying her full English breakfast with a cup of Tea as well.

We didn't say anything as we ate, we just sat there and occasionally started at each other mid bite before continuing again. It didn't tak long for both of us to finish eating our food.

"Wow. That was amazing." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"Sure was luv." Lena said as she wiped the ketchup of her mouth and stacked everything up. After a second, the waitress came back.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Oh it was delicious luv." Lena said. "I'm ready for the bill." As she said that, the waitress reached into her pocket and pulled out a card reader. She entered some numbers before handing the machine to Lena. Lena swiped her card across it. There was a beep and Lena put her card away. The waitress put the machine away and picked up our trays.

"Thank you for eating at BuckStars. We hope to see you again soon." The waitress said as she walked off.

Me and Lena stood up. Lena walked over to me before grabbing my hand and walking out of BuckStars. Some of the people we walked past were giving us weird looks, the fact that London's hero, Lena, was holding hands and presumably dating the slayer, the bane of hell itself, must be quite interesting.

Lena took me to a shop called Pheasants. It was a clothes shop.

"Right then." Lena said as we stopped in the men's tops section. "What do ya think looks cool luv?"

"I don't know. What do you think looks cool?" I asked.

"Ooh, how about this!" Lena said as she blinked over to a red and blue striped shirt. I looked it over and decided that it looked pretty cool.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool. How about you select a few then I try them on?"

"Yeah!" Lena said, full of excitement. She blink around the men's tops section, looking at all the clothes and picking out any which she though looked cool. After a minute, she came back holding about 10 different tops. "Follow me." She said as she walked over to a tiny cubicle. She walked in and placed all 10 tops down on the bench and signalled for me to walk in too. I did so and she shut the door behind me.

"So then, (y/n). Take your top off and let's see what you look like in all of these."

I took my top off and put it on a hook. I picked up the first shirt which Lena had selected and put it on. It was the blue and red striped shirt a d I must say, it look pretty sick in a good way.

"I quite like this." I said. Lena's eyes lit up and she smiled at me.

"Well, put ones you like on this hook and put the others on this hook." Lena said as I took my shirt off and put it on the hook.

Lena was staring at my chest, which I was slightly confused about. "Lena?" I said to her. As I did so, she snapped back to reality and blushed.

"Sorry luv, just got a bit distracted, you know." She said with a little giggle. She grabbed the next shirt and I put it on. I went through all of the shirts, selecting 4 of the 10 that she'd chosen. I took the last one of and went to put my shirt back on, but Lena pushed me against the wall and started rubbing her hand up my chest.

"Luv, you keep saying how good looking I am, but you never say how good looking you are." As she said that, she pulled me in for a kiss. I melted into the kiss. She stuck her tongue into my mouth which shocked me at first, but once I'd realised what it was, I let it dominate me. Lena would give out a soft sigh every so often.

We stayed there making out for a while, before we eventually stopped and stared into each others eyes.

"I love you Lena." I said, not caring who heard me say it.

"I love you too, (y/n).

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