Love and Loss (The Fun Gilber...

By Jbic02

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Jessica Gilbert has finally graduated high school and has decided to attend the University of New Orleans wit... More

Chapter 1- End Of Summer
Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 3- Tangled Up in Blue
Chapter 4- Girl In New Orleans
Chapter 5- Playing My Own Side
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Bloodletting
Chapter 8- The River in Reverse
Chapter 9- Ever The Savior
Chapter 10- Runaway Witch
Chapter 11- Aprรจs Moi, Le Dรฉluge
Chapter 12- Transitions and Choices
Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 14- The Devil Inside
Chapter 15-Guilt & Anger Make Bad Bedfellows
Chapter 16- An Unblinking Death
Chapter 17- A Closer Walk With Thee
Chapter 18- The Battle of New Orleans
Chapter 19- From a Cradle to a Grave
Cast Part 2
Chapter 20- I'll Remember/Rebirth
Chapter 21- Yellow Ledbetter/ Alive and Kicking
Chapter 22- Prison World Blues (Part 1)
Chapter 23-Prison World Blues (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Back From the Dead
Chapter 25- Why, Kai, Why?
Chapter 27- Clifford the Big Red Door
Chapter 28- Links and Bonds
Chapter 29- Friends-giving
Chapter 30- Weddings and Hexes
Chapter 31- Long Lost Sisters
Chapter 32- Taking Chances
Chapter 33- Hateful Reunions
Chapter 34- Plots and Tricks
Chapter 35- Staying One Step Ahead
Chapter 36- Different Sides
Chapter 37- Friend or Foe?
Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother
Chapter 39- The Final Battle
Chapter 40- The Aftermath
Beacon Falls

Chapter 26- Merging

552 15 0
By Jbic02

Jessica's P.O.V.

It had been a week since Jo got her magic back and decided to prepare herself for the merge when I got a call from Tyler, who is apparently dating Jo's sister, Liv. He told me that Liv's father is in Mystic Falls trying to make her and Luke merge before Kai and Jo can. "Just hold them off. I don't care if you have to kidnap one of the twins, you can't let them merge."

"One step ahead of you," he promises before hanging up and I sigh, deciding to head over to Ric's apartment where they are practicing magic. Damon had finally decided to catch up with Ric now that Ric decided that Kai is officially not a threat and wanted to know why he was listening to me.

I get to the apartment in time to hear Damon's summary of events. "So Stefan gave up on ever finding us after like, 2 months, you all moved to New Orleans and left Mystic Falls to Matt Donvan, Jeremy Gilbert, and Tyler Lockwood, and Jessica decided that she can only date psychopaths. I think this time apart helped everyone."

"First of all, I am not, nor will I ever be, dating Kai, I only had sex with him but I also had sex with Rebekah, doesn't mean we were in a relationship," I point out bluntly, making Ric, Jo, Bonnie, Elena, and Damon look at me in shock.

Damon is the first to recover. "Doesn't count, that was a threesome," he tries and I shrug.

"I wouldn't count Malachai either. I only slept with him because he was a virgin and I wasn't completely sure that the Gemini coven would kill him as soon as they found out he was out. Not to mention that I just let him finish and then told him to gather supplies."

Damon scrutinizes me before nodding. "Fair point but that still brings your total of boyfriends to me and Klaus, who are both psychopaths," he points out and I grin.

"Not when I met you," I taunt before my smile falls as I remember why I came. "Oh, bad news. Apparently Jo's father is in Mystic Falls trying to get Liv and Luke to merge so I need a distraction better than Tyler."

"How can they merge, I thought they needed a celestial event," Bonnie attempts, but I shake my head.

"It's a full moon tonight, which is a celestial event. A rejoining of souls doesn't take much," I assure her and she nods.

"Then Kai and I have to merge first," Jo states confidently and I can't help but laugh, making her glare at me.

"Look, I hate to break it to you but you just got your magic back. Our best chance is to stall until the moon passes its peak. If you go against Kai now, you will lose. There won't even be a chance."

"How do you know?" She demands and I feel my temper begin to slip so I look to Ric and try to cool off before answering.

"Because siphoning hurts and pain causes a distraction. If say, Vivianne, who is very powerful and very strong-willed, was to merge with a siphoner she would lose because as soon as they began to siphon, which happens as soon as the merge spell begins, she would lose her concentration due to the pain, allowing the siphoner to win."

"So you're saying that Jo never had a chance?" Alaric asks, distraught, and I nod.

"That's what I've been saying, not that anyone has been listening. I've been looking for a way to get Kai what he wants without the merge because he may listen to me now but eventually, especially with your father trying to get Luke and Liv to merge, he will default to the part of his brain that says to cause pain to those who have caused it to him," I say.

Jo agrees to try and distract her father from merging the twins and Damon, along with Ric, goes with her. I lie and say that I have more research to do as I prepare to merge back with Carter. I am preparing things with Eric when I get a call from Vivianne saying that they found Ollie with the witches and they were going to get him back.

I agree to help but when I get to the cemetery, I find Hayley with Ansel. She obviously doesn't know that he's Klaus's father but I can tell that he recognizes me. I shake it off and ask about Jackson, who is apparently defaulting on his alpha duties.

I tell Hayley some suggestions to get him back on his feet, including a ritual that if they marry will allow their pack to gain her powers. She seems shocked but like she is warming up to the idea and thanks me before we head in to get Oliver. Once we get him, we are surrounded by witches and I feel a powerful spell being cast from where Elijah and Meredith were supposed to be covering the back. From the power of the spell, I know that it must've been Finn that cast it. I run to the back and knock him out, not wanting to kill the man they are considering for regent of New Orleans and cause more issues.

I see Elijah collapsed on the floor and tell Meredith to get him out of there. She nods and drags him away while I rejoin the fight. Vivianne and I slaughter witches and wolves alike while Ansel does his best not to injure the wolves. Once everyone is injured or dead, Vivianne thanks me before speeding to the bayou to see Oliver, neither of us realizing the spell Finn had cast on him. I'm about to leave when Ansel's voice stops me. "How is he?"

I want to feign ignorance but my anger takes me over. "Why don't you ask him yourself, or are you still hiding behind the fear of your lover?"

He looks down guiltily. "I know that I should have been there for him but I believed it was best."

"No, you believed it was easier and it was. You stayed away and allowed Mikael to beat him and hid behind nobility as a reason. Not wanting to hurt Esther or her relationship with Mikael. If you want to know how Nik is, ask him yourself because I stopped playing your messenger girl a thousand years ago." With that, I speed out of the cemetery to my car. I begin driving to Mystic Falls when I get a call from Kai. He tells me to meet him on the outskirts of town so, with a sigh and an eye roll, I agree.

When I arrive, I notice that we are in the middle of what looks like a town square, but isn't. As soon as he sees me, he grins and I sigh. "I'm glad you came. I was worried you were avoiding me."

"Why would I be avoiding you? Also, how since you just stalk me anyway?"

He looks nervous. "I thought I might have upset you when I accidentally said I love you. You were right, I don't know what love is and I didn't mean it and I get that you mean it when you say you won't ever see me that way, but I want to have you as my friend," he says in a rush and I can't help the giggle that escapes me.

"Friends it is." He smiles and I return it before texting Carter my location so she can meet me her to merge. "Is that why you called?"

He shakes his head. "No, Luke wanted to meet me and I find it easier to refrain from killing when you're around." I laugh as Luke walks up. He shoots me a look before turning to Kai and explaining his plan. He reasons that he and Kai are the same age since he couldn't age in the prison world so they should be able to merge so that Jo or Liv don't have to die. I expect Kai to accept but he turns to me. "Will it work?"

I think it over and hear a whisper of yes. "It will, but you have to start now," I warn and they nod as Luke cuts his hand and hands the dagger to Kai who does the same. As they begin chanting, I hear Jo run up. She tries to rush them and stop the merge but I hold her in place. She continues to struggle until both boys fall to the ground as their minds battle back and forth to determine a winner. I finally let go of Jo, who rushes to Luke, cradling his head in her lap before glaring daggers at me.

"You just let them merge!" She shouts. "My brother might die when it should've been me. Luke shouldn't have died for me to appease Kai." I roll my eyes and try to calm down but she continues to ramble about how her brother is as good as dead and I finally snap.

"Malachai was your brother too, yet you were fine abandoning him and banishing him to a prison world! You sit there and rant about how Luke deserves to live, but at least he got the chance. Malachai never got the chance to be a person because you lot just decided he was a monster. But you're right, Jo, it should've been you because no matter what, Kai was going to win, but I see the way Ric looks at you, so know that the only reason you are standing there is because I love Ric and he loves you! But make no mistake, I can easily take away the life I have allowed you to continue to live tonight when I let them merge. So if you ever think about hurting Ric, know that there will be a price to pay."

As I finish my rant, I hear Carter walk up before she speaks. "God, Gilbert, cut her a break. She's just lost her brother. Not everyone can compartmentalize like you," she points out and I scoff.

"Oh shove it, Carter. I wouldn't have had a task if she would've just been a sister to Kai. All he needed was someone to show him humanity so he could keep his. Yet his twin sister spent all her birthdays pretending he didn't exist while she spent time with her siblings and friends while he was homeschooled and locked away from the world."

"So did you do it then? Have you succeeded?"

I grin at my other half. "Of course. He'll awake with Luke's humanity that will allow him to remember his own. You, however, did fail," I taunt and she rolls her eyes.

"And I'm sure you are more than ready to remedy that."

I smirk. "Actually, I'm going to let Nik." As she begins to speak I see that the moon has reached its crest and I cut her off, picking the dagger up off the floor. "Time to join, Carter." I slice the dagger over my hand and she follows suit as Jo watches on in shock.

"What are you doing?" Jo questions in fear but we ignore her as we join hands and begin chanting. I feel the wind pick up and knock around me. I faintly catch Alaric's voice as he arrives. I hear him call someone, probably Damon, and hear Jo call Luke's name in joy before I collapse to the ground as everything turns black.

3rd Person P.O.V.

After Carter and Gilbert collapse, Ric rushes to Gilbert and pulls her head to his lap, stroking her hair while waiting for Klaus to come. Luke, who had opened his eyes, fades away and Kai stands up and is about to gloat, when he sees Jessica. His smile immediately drops as he rushes to her, nobody noticing that Carter's body had faded away.

Before anyone can speak, Klaus is there taking Jessica into his arms and feeding her his blood, much to Jo's shock. She knew that Klaus had been there to save Jessica, but everyone heard the stories of the evil Klaus Mikaelson, except, as he held the 20-year-old girl in his arms, feeding her blood while he begged her to wake up, he didn't seem as scary.

Ric asks what happened but before Jo can answer, Jessica's eyes shoot open and she gasps for breath, feeling emotions that she had gotten used to not having return all at once, but that is nothing compared to what she saw. Her eyes fill with tears as she turns to Klaus. "Oliver is dead. Your brother hexed him and he died in Vivianne's arms," she whispers and he hugs her tightly, hating that he has to ask but knowing that she is the only one who might have answers.

"Did you see what happened to Elijah?" Jessica shakes her head and he sighs before she whispers once again.

"But I was there. I felt it. Your mother used to do it to Mikael. I couldn't place it at first because the memories were fuzzy. It was a flower. Finn made it a powder and blew it at him." She stands up and wobbles, causing both Klaus and Kai to rush to her aid. "We have to get back," she commands and Klaus shakes his head.

"I know what flower you speak of. I can find it. You need rest."

Jessica shakes her head frantically. "You can't go alone. Ansel is there. I saw him. He helped save Oliver. He asked about you." Klaus looks at the brunette beauty in shock as he tries to process what he has learned.

"Who's Ansel?" Alaric asks confused.

"His father, his real father," Jessica answers before she starts to blackout. As she goes limp, Klaus snaps out of his daze and picks her up, bridal style.

"It's alright, love. I've got you."

Jessica nods her head as she begins to lose consciousness. "Will you take me home?" Klaus chuckles, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course." With that, he speeds away, leaving Alaric and Jo as Kai had disappeared after seeing the loving look Jessica had given Klaus before closing her eyes.

Alaric can feel the tension and tries to break it with a joke. "So, I never got to ask. What do you think of Jess?" Jo looks at him and lets out a surprised laugh as she answers.

"Jessica seems like a nice girl, once you get past all the threats and the fact that being in the same room as her makes me feel like I'm in a room with an atomic bomb given the power she holds. Oh, and add the evil original hybrid who looked ready to burn the world down if she didn't wake up," she jokes, leaning into Alaric.

"Yeah well, that's Jessica for you. She can make even the worst people care for her," he states fondly and Jo sees just how much Jessica means to the Occults professor. She says that they should take Luke's body back to Mystic Falls to have a funeral with Liv and Ric agrees so they gather his body and head to town to break the news to the one person Luke died to save.

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