New Girl - Ondreaz Lopez

By jane-anne-04

120K 1.9K 491

Story of a small town girl moving to a big city, moving into the hype house and falling for a boy with dreamy... More



2K 43 10
By jane-anne-04

-Maddy's P.O.V-

"Hey guys, just wanted to get on here quick and chat about a recent issue that's been having a pretty negative impact on my life. As most of you probably know by now, there has been some content put out. I'm not gonna name anybody but if you know you know. But for some reason a lot of people who I thought supported me, have been saying some really, honestly just mean things about somebody I care a lot about. And I'm not okay with that. I wanted to address the accusations that were made by a certain creator, and confirm that that's 100% not how it went down. This person was being actually very rude to Maddy and I in a public place, we weren't out to meet people and take photos we were minding our business and of course if any of my supporters ask for a photo I won't deny that I'll always stop to take photos. However this particular situation got a little out of hand, we wanted to leave the shopping centre and Maddy ended up being pushed away from me by this person, and they followed that by insulting her and being just overall disrespectful. I refused to take a photo with them and we left the mall. Like Maddy got shoved and actually apologized to her for being in the way and then offered to take the photo for her. So I'm just trying to clarify everything. I'm not trying to start anything. This is all I'll be saying on this matter. Also Maddy and I will be taking a break from social media for a little bit. This whole situation has really taken a toll on her and I and I think it's only fair we stay away from all the comments and negative energy on here. Thank you guys for continuing to support me and for those standing up for us thank you. I'm glad to see there are still some good people out there. See you guys soon"

The live feed ended and I heard a knock on my door. I got up to open the door and Ondre immediately scooped me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he walked over and sat on my bed. We just stayed like that for a bit.

"I'm sorry this is happening" he said into my shoulder.

"It's not your fault. It's okay." I said back.

"I think we should take a break from social media" he said. I agreed.

We definitely need that. I almost broke up with Ondre and moved back home. That's how twisted the comments have been. I'd never tell him that though I don't want to worry him.

"Do you think Thomas will be mad if we're not creating?" I asked.

"Thomas can suck my dick if he has a problem with it." He said.

"Ondre" I said leaning back to look at him.

"Well so what the worst he can do is kick us out and yknow maybe that's not the end of the world. So we find a place of our own, big deal." He said.

"Woah there I never agreed to moving in with you" I joked. He threw me off his lap into the bed and laughed.

"You think you're so funny huh" he said getting up.

"Actually I do. I am quite funny actually." I said hitting him in the side of the head with a pillow. He looked at me with his jaw dropped.

"Oh now you've done it" he chased me over the bed with another pillow. We ran around hitting each other for a few minutes until he had me cornered, so I ran and crawled between his legs, but he turned and grabbed me by the waist pulling me back to him so my back was against his chest and he held me tightly.

"Alright Lopez you win this round" I said out of breath.

I turned around quickly and kissed him, wrapping my hands around his waist following the hem of his shirt and moving my hands up his back. He pulled me close gripping my waist. And then when he wasn't on his toes I pulled his shirt over his head and ran out the door as fast as I could.

"Ohhhhhh okay so we're playing dirty now huh" he said running after me.

I started running down the stairs when I noticed Thomas was sitting talking with Alex and Chase. I stopped in my track and they all looked up at me, not saying anything. It seemed like a serious talk. Ondre came running out and did the same thing I did. I looked up at hime and he passed me on the steps to go talk to them. I followed closely behind.

"Just the guy we wanted to talk to" Chase said.

"What's up" Ondre said.

"Man I told you not to do anything stupid, and you kinda did" Thomas said.

"Well it wasn't stupid if it was Kouvr I would have done the same honestly" Alex added.

"I mean I think you chose your words pretty carefully and that's all that matters cause you didn't attack this Brooke girl in any way which hopefully means there won't be any backlash" Chase said.

"All I want to know is how long this 'break' is gonna last" Thomas said doing air quotes. "Because as far as we're concerned you need to be creating content to stay here"

"I don't know man, just until this all blows over. I don't feel like it's worth it to subject ourselves to that kind of negative energy, it's not good for our mental health." Ondre said.

"Okay okay so what I wanna know is, how is this really affecting you Ondre, because from what I can see and what I've heard this really only involves her" Thomas said pointing to me. "So I'm curious as to why you need to stop creating why you're taking this break when the comments aren't even towards you"

"What's the big deal guys so I take a break. I'll pick it up in a week or two and everything will be back to normal." Ondre said.

"Dude we know you mean well we just want to make sure you're not out for too long" Alex interjected. "We don't want people to lose interest in you and your following to drop we just want to see you succeed and we think this break might jeopardize that"

At this point I didn't want to be there anymore. It was causing such a mess and all because of me. Now I'm really not sure I should keep living here. Should I move home?

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