ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

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After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 7: The chase
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 11: The serpents pass
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master

Chapter 5: Avatar Day

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By smollpika

The gang is sleeping peacefully, except for Momo. Sokka's mouth is open. A spider has set up its web over his mouth. Momo discovers the spider and inspects it with great interest. When a fly lands on the web, Momo tries to grab it. As he plunges his hand completely in Sokka's mouth, Sokka opens his eyes immediately in surprise. He shoots up and starts to spit out the remains of the spider and its web.

Sokka: (Angrily.) What are you doing in my mouth? (Momo chitters happily while lying upside down on Sokka's belly, chewing on the fly he "rescued" from the spider's web.) Momo, you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries.

The lemur seems to notice something else on his left. He completely ignores Sokka's comment and climbs on his face, where he erects himself and pricks up his ears to determine what it is he heard. He chitters loudly, waking up Katara, who was sleeping on a nearby sawed off tree trunk. Faith soon wakes up besides Katara holding onto Melody. Aang is still sleeping soundly on Appa's forearm. He wakes up as the ground begins to shake. Kahchi, sitting atop a rhino, jumps out of the thicket. Katara gasps as two more emerge from the bushes on the other side of the camp.

Mongke: (Shouting from up above as he looks over the campsite.) Give up! You're completely surrounded!

Four rhinos are circling around the gang. Vachir fires two flaming arrows toward Sokka, who was trying to crawl away like a caterpillar in his sleeping bag. The arrows pin the back of the sleeping bag to the ground while Sokka crawls out. He moves out of the path of a third arrow just in time.

Sokka: (Crawling toward Appa.) Come on! Come on! Come on!

Sokka climbs aboard Appa, where Aang's already waiting for him. Katara and Faith make their way toward Appa. Just before Katara reaches him, she stops in her tracks and turns around. Kahchi spins his Guan Dao around and plants it in the sawed of tree trunk Katara was sleeping on a bit earlier. Next to the tree trunk lie some of Team Avatar's supplies.

Katara: My scrolls!

Aang: (Shocked.) My staff!

He jumps off Appa's head, while Sokka just manages to get on. Katara charges Kahchi with a water whip. She freezes the blade solid to the trunk, giving her the opportunity to grab the box of scrolls. She heads back toward Appa just as Kahchi manages to break his weapon free of the ice. Ogodei is swinging his chains around. He throws them around a tree and pulls it down to impede Aang's progress toward his staff. It has no effect, as Aang just somersaults over the fallen tree. Yeh-Lu ignites one of the hand grenades hanging on his belt. He throws it at Aang, who has reached his staff by now. The explosive lands right beside him, but the fuse is still burning. Aang swirls his staff around and knocks the explosive out of the way and into the woods. Aang propels himself into the air with airbending while the bomb explodes. He lands on Appa's head.

Aang: Yip yip!

Appa rises from the ground, leaving the Rough Rhinos behind. Mongke shoots a fire ball at them as they fly over. Katara and Sokka quickly duck and cover their heads, as the fire ball just misses them. As Sokka erects again, he notices something on the ground.

Sokka: (Stretching out his arm over the saddle as if he wants to grab it.) Wait, my boomerang!

Sokka's boomerang still lies in the middle of their besieged camp.

Katara: (Grabbing Sokka's arm.) There's no time!

Sokka: (Annoyed.) Oh, I see, (Turning to Katara.) so there's time to get your scrolls (Turning toward Aang.) and time to get your staff, (Looking back at Katara with his hand on his chest.) but no time for my boomerang?

Katara: (Cheerfully.) That's correct!

Sokka: (Bowing his head in defeat by this totally honest answer.) Oh.

Faith: (Hugs Sokka from behind.) It's okay. (Points to herself.) I can try to go get it.

Sokka: (Smiles at Faith.) That's nice of you but its to dangerous.

Aang: Yeah he's right you are not going back for it.

Faith sighs as she looks over the saddle and watches as they fly further away from campsite.
Scene changes to a small village at the edge of a cliff, surrounded by open, green fields. Appa landed nearby a small, wooden house.

Aang: (To a sulking Sokka.) Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka.

Sokka sits on the ground in a gloomy mood. Katara is buying supplies is the background.

Sokka: (Sadly.) I feel like I've lost part of my identity. (He jumps up and moves Aang's hat slightly so that he can point at Aang's arrow.) Imagine if you lost your arrow, or Katara lost her... (Makes a hair loopies gesture with a somewhat bored look.) hair loopies. (Looks at Faith and points to her necklace.) Or if you lost your necklace.

He slowly saunters over to the stall, where Katara gives him a loving hug in order to comfort him before she holding her hands in front of herself while smiling lovely at Sokka. Faith stands besides him and also gives him a reassuring hug.

Merchant: Here's your produce, ponytail guy.

Sokka: (He picks up the basket full of supplies, looking dejected at the nickname.) I used to be boomerang guy...

Faith, Aang and Katara follow Sokka with looks of sympathy as he walks away. The merchant heads toward Katara, who gives him some money.

Merchant: (Surprised, after inspecting the money.) Hey, Water Tribe money!

Katara: I hope that's okay.

Merchant: (Clutching the coin.) So long as it's money. (The merchant closes his shop, while Katara walks over to Aang and Faith who are trying to console a crying Sokka as the view pans up to show just the merchant's head.) Have a nice Avatar Day!

Aang: (Interested.) Avatar Day?

Merchant: (Turning around while waving.) You guys are going to the festival, right?

They all look at each other for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. Aang and Katara smile at each other, while tears still run over Sokka's face. Faith is just looking around curiously at the town they are in. Several festive, green lanterns hang over the street. Faith, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are standing in the middle of the busy street, looking around in interest.

Aang: There's a holiday for the Avatar. Who knew?

They turn around as a large effigy of Avatar Kyoshi rolls by.

Katara: (Pointing at the float.) Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float!

Aang, Sokka, Katara and Faith emerge from a side street.

Sokka: And here comes Avatar Roku! (Roku effigy rolls by.)

The main square is packed with people. The giant float of Kyoshi and Roku are being pulled to the middle.

Aang: Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, it's just nice to be appreciated.

Sokka: And it's nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food! (He takes a huge bite out of the food-item he is holding.)

Faith: (Pointing at a giant float of Aang coming down the street.) Aang, look!

Aang: That's the biggest me I've ever seen!

Aang's float pulls up besides that of the other two Avatars on the main square. A villager carrying a torch comes running down the street.

Sokka: Now a torch, that's a nice prop. It's bright, dangerous... (Sniffs.) smells manly. But I'm not sure I could carry it off.

Sokka takes another bite of his food as Katara points at the runner.

Katara: (Surprised.) Hey, what's that guy doing?

Faith: And why do they need a torch?

With a loud scream, the runner jumps through the effigy of Kyoshi, causing it to catch fire. The fire spreads rapidly over the whole effigy.

Villagers: (Chanting as Kyoshi's effigy is consumed by the flames.) Down with the Avatar!

The villagers continue chanting while the runner sets fire to the Roku effigy next. Aang, Katara, Faith and Sokka are utterly shocked by the turn of events. Sokka's mouth falls open and food drips out. The mayor signals to the torch-bearer, who is now on the roof, to throw his torch. The torch-bearer grins as he takes aim and throws his torch with a grunt right into the right eye of Aang's float. The crowd cheers in approval, while Aang looks at his own effigy burn with a look of pain on his face, closing his own right eye. Katara and Faith run to the front and use their waterbending to extinguish the flames with water from two large pots nearby.

Villager: (Angrily pointing an accusing finger at The duo.) Those party pooper's are ruining Avatar Day!

Aang looks angrily at the villager. He airbends himself to the top of his own float and lands on the left shoulder of his still smoking effigy.

Aang: (Angered.) Those Party pooper's are my friends! (He takes off his hat and throws it away to reveal his arrow.)

Tong: (Pointing in shock at Aang.) It's the Avatar himself!

Villager: (Scared.) It's going to kill us with its awesome Avatar powers!

Aang: No, I'm not, I...

Aang raises his hand. Several villagers run for cover in fear. The villager that spoke earlier throws himself into the audience. Aang looks at his hand and quickly hides it behind his back.

Tong: (Crawling back on his feet.) I suggest you leave! (He waves them away with a gesture of his hand.) You're not welcome here, Avatar!

Katara turns to face the mayor.

Katara: Why not? Aang helps people.

Faith: (Follows Katara.) He's done nothing but help people.

Aang: (Landing beside Faith.) It's true! I'm on your side.

Tong: (Calmly.) I find that hard to swallow, (Raising his voice.) considering what you did to us in your past life! It was Avatar Kyoshi; she murdered our glorious leader, Chin the Great.

Aang: (Utterly shocked.) You think that I... murdered someone?

Villager #2: (Lisping and slurring.) We used to be a great society before you killed our leader. (Pointing at himself.) Now look at us!

The villagers next to him look at him in disgust.

Aang: (Frightened by the appearances of the old man.) Huh!

Faith: (Faith places her arms on Aang's shoulders and starts to defend him.) Aang would never do something like that. No Avatar would. (Shaking her head in disapproval before pointing an accusing finger at the villagers.) And it's not fair for you all to question his honor!

Villager #3: (Raising his arm to emphasize his remark.) Let's tell her what we all think of the Avatar's "honor"!

He turns around to shake his rear at Aang and blows a raspberry; the villagers cheer in approval.

Aang: Give me a chance to clear my name!

Tong: The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial.

Aang: (Confidently.) I'll gladly stand trial!

Tong: You'll have to follow all our rules. That includes paying bail.

Aang: No problem.

His confident look quickly disappears as the scene cuts to the next view, where he is cuffed with his hands and head stuck in a wooden panel and thrown behind bars. Katara holds her hand before her eyes in shame while Sokka leans against the prison bars. His arms are crossed and he looks annoyed at Aang. Faith just sighs and stands opposite Aang.

Aang: (Apologetically.) How was I supposed to know they wouldn't take Water Tribe money?

Faith, Sokka, Katara, Melody and Momo are still standing before the chained up Aang.

Sokka: So some people don't like you, big deal! There's a whole nation of firebenders who hate you. Now let's bust you out of here!

Aang: I can't.

Sokka: (Upbeat.) Sure you can! A little (Theatrically jumps back and pretends to airbend by blowing air. Katara looks ashamed for her brother. He moves to the back of the room to "cut" the air.) swish-swish-swish! (He makes a grotesque movement with his arm.) Airbending slice! (He resumes his place beside Katara, who is still looking annoyed by her brother. He makes a circular motion with his hands and points toward the door.) And we're on our way! (Faith Face palms and looks at Sokka in complete annoyance.)

Aang looks at Sokka with big eyes.

Katara: (Slightly mocking.) I think what "Master Swish" is trying to say (Serious tone as she looks at Aang.) is that you're supposed to be out saving the world. You can't do that locked up in here.

Faith: (Sadly.) As much as I want to do it the right way Aang, Katara and Sokka are right. You need to learn earthbending.

Aang: (Unhappy.) I can't do that with people thinking I'm a murderer either. I need you guys to help prove my innocence.

Sokka: How're we gonna to do that? The crime happened over three hundred years ago.

Aang: (Cunningly.) That's okay, Sokka. For some reason, I thought you were an expert detective.

Sokka: (Content.) Well, I guess I could be classified as such.

Katara: (Aiding Aang by playing Sokka's ego.) Yeah! Back home, he was famous for solving the mystery of the missing seal jerky.

Sokka: (Bragging.) Everyone wanted to blame it on the polar leopard, but I figured out it was Old Man Jarko wearing polar leopard boots! (Katara holds her hand to her brow, annoyed by Sokka's monologue.) See, a real eight hundred-pound polar leopard would have left much deeper tracks. (Aang is making fun of Sokka, Katara holds her hand to her mouth to refrain herself from bursting out in laughs.) Okay, I guess I am pretty good.

Aang: So, you'll help me with my case?

Sokka: (Pretends to ponder about the question. Katara stares at him, trying to figure out what he is doing.) Fine! But I'm going to need some new props. (He then spins around. When he stops again, he is wearing a hat with a monocle.) I'm ready. (Katara looks surprised at his new outfit and giggles. Sokka extends his monocle to investigate her.) What? (Faith bursts out laughing and leans on Katara's side wiping her eyes.)

Chin Village is lying at the edge of the tall cliff and is surrounded by pastures of green. Switch to on overview shot of a patch of sand, right outside the village wall. Three people are standing nearby a small shrine.

Tong: This is the crime scene. (Sokka inquisitively looks around. He gazes directly through his magnifying glass, making his left eye appear huge. He moves on to investigate the walls of the shrine, while the mayor is standing at the edge of the cliff, pointing down at something.) This is the footprint of the killer, Kyoshi. (Sokka quickly squats beside the footprint to take a closer look at it.) It was at sunset, 370 years ago today, that she emerged from the temple, and struck down Chin the Great. After that tragic day, we built this statue to immortalize our great leader. (They all look up at a statue of Chin the Great, who has a raised left hand in triumph.) Feel free to appreciate it.

The mayor leaves Faith, Katara and Sokka alone to investigate things further. Sokka moves in to examine the statue from every possible angle, while Katara looks curiously at him. Sokka is investigating the base of the statue, when something catches his attention. He looks through his magnifying monocle in order to take a better look at the right foot of the statue. His eyes widen as he makes a discovery. He swiftly runs over to the shrine that is facing the statue and examines the stone it is made of.

Sokka: This temple and this statue were cut from the same stone. (Runs back over to the statue.) And we know that the statue was built after Chin died.

Katara: (Excitedly drawing her conclusions.) So if they were built at the same time, that means–

Sokka interrupts her before she can reach a conclusion.

Sokka: (Shouting.) Shhh! I wanna solve it! (Pointing at the temple.) That means Kyoshi never set foot in this temple!

Faith: That's a big hole in the mayor's story, (Disappointed.) but it's not enough to prove Aang's innocence.

Sokka: You're right. (Blows soap bubbles with his dragon shaped pipe, while thinking about their next course of action.) We need to go to Kyoshi Island.

Katara walks over to Sokka, looking at his pipe.

Katara: (Surprised.) Where did you get that?

Switch to the Kyoshi Island. A man in the watchtower signals the approach of Appa by ringing a bell. Appa's shadow slides over Oyaji's house. The man looks up. Two laughing, little children pass him on their way to greet Appa and his riders. Appa lands right in front of the large, wooden statue of Kyoshi which is completely rebuilt. When Appa touches the ground, everyone in the village has gathered around to great them. They are all clapping as The foaming mouth guy makes it to the front. He sees Appa and all he can do is squeal. He gestures toward Appa in wonder, before letting out a load squeal and starts to foam before fainting. Some of the villagers look at him while doing his thing, feeling awkwardly. Sokka waves at the people. Koko, who was standing in the front with her hands raised high, notices that something is off.

Koko: (Angrily stamping her foot on the ground.) Where's Aangy?

Katara: (Faith rolls her eyes and looks away from Koko. Katara Gently breaks the news to Koko.) He couldn't be here, Koko.

The villagers sigh in disappointment.

Koko: (Nagging.) I wanted to see Aangy...

The foaming mouth guy woozily stands up again, staggering a bit. He looks from left to right, wipes the foam of his face and pulls his tunic over his head, before subtly sneaking away. The rest of the villagers do the same with the exception of Oyaji.

Katara: Oyaji! Aang is in jail.

Faith: The town of Chin says he murdered their leader in a past life.

Sokka: They say it was Kyoshi.

Oyaji: (Shocked.) Kyoshi? That's crazy talk! I'll take you to her shrine. Maybe something there will help you clear her name.

The group is walking up a gentle slope.

Sokka: (With feigned casualness.) So, uh... what's Suki up to? Is she around?

Sokka looks around while Katara gives him a loving smile. Faith smiles with Katara as they giggle slightly.

Oyaji: Actually, she and the other warriors left to fight in the war. You kids had a big impact on Suki. She said you inspired her and she wanted to help change the world.

Sokka: (He disappointedly slants his eyes.) Oh, well... that's great.

They walk under a large paifang gate toward a temple at the top of a hill.

Oyaji: This temple was converted into a shrine to Kyoshi. The clerics tell us these relics are still connected to her spirit. That's her kimono.

Katara: (Approvingly.) She had exquisite taste.

Oyaji: Please don't touch!

Katara quickly lets go of the robe.

Sokka: These fans... (He picks up one of the fans and waves it back and forth.) They were her weapons, no?

Oyaji: (Sternly.) Also refrain from touching the fans.

Faith: (Squatting beside a really big pair of brown boots.) These were her boots? Her feet must have been enormous!

Momo peeks out one of them. Katara and Faith  look surprised to see him there. Melody chirps in response to Momo.

Oyaji: (Proudly.) The biggest of any Avatar.

Katara: (Realizing something.) Wait a minute... big feet? (A flashback shows the much smaller footprint they saw at the edge of the cliff outside Chin Village.) Little footprint? (She happily exclaims her findings.) There's no way–

Sokka clears his throat to cut her off.

Sokka: (Annoyed.) Special outfit? Hat and pipe? These things mean anything to you?

Katara: (Sarcastically.) You're right. I'm sorry. (She bows slightly in a mocking gesture.) Please.

Sokka: (Dramatically raises his hand in the air.) Aha! (Showing his own boots to Oyaji.) There's no way Kyoshi could have made that footprint. (Moves toward Katara to explain everything to her.) And therefore there is nothing linking her to the crime scene.

Katara: (Unimpressed.) Brilliant, Sokka. (Rolls her eyes.)

Aang is sitting in a circle with three other inmates.

Scary prisoner: (In a very friendly voice that does not stroke with his scary appearances.) This girl you're talking about? She'll come around. You just gotta hang in there.

Aang removes his head and hands out of the wooden panel.

Aang: (Hopeful.) You think so?

Scary prisoner: Sure.

Prisoner #2: Yeah.

Sensitive ruffian: You're a catch.

Aang: (Doubtful.) I don't know... we've been friends for ages I don't want to ruin that.

He rests his head on the board.

Scary prisoner: Hey! You're smart, handsome, funny. Not to mention you're the Avatar. There's no way your friendship could be ruined.

Aang: (Smiling sincerely.) You guys are great.

Sensitive ruffian: (Tears stream down his face while he talk in a very soft voice.) Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel. (He dries his tears and sniffs.)

Switch back to Kyoshi's shrine at Kyoshi Island. Oyaji brings Faith's, Sokka's and Katara's attention to a painting that depicts Kyoshi and some of the villagers.

Oyaji: This piece is called "The Birth of Kyoshi". (Sokka investigates the painting thoroughly.) It was painted at sunrise on this day this island was founded. Why, it was today in fact, three hundred and seventy years ago.

Sokka: (Sokka spins around in shock, spitting out some of the bubbles he swallowed. Very surprised.) Three hundred and seventy years? Wait, (He grabs Oyaji by his collar.) are you sure it was today?

Oyaji: Oh, seeing how it's Kyoshi Day, yes, (He pulls himself free from Sokka's grasp and throws him back a little.) I'm sure.

Sokka: (Staring at the painting again.) This ceremony didn't take place at sunrise. It took place at sunset. (Addresses Katara.) Look at the shadows.

Katara: They point east.

Faith: So the sun must have been in the west.

Oyaji: So what?

Sokka: (Shoves Katara out of the way as she yelps.) If Kyoshi was in the ceremony at sunset, she couldn't have been in Chin committing the crime. She has an alibi! (Points his pipe dramatically upward upon making his final conclusion.)

Katara grabs the pipe out of his hand and slams him hard on the head with it causing him to fall down. At night Faith, Sokka and Katara confront the mayor with their findings, while Aang listens intently at the bars.

Katara: Honourable Mayor, we've prepared a solid defense for the Avatar.

Faith: We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence.

While the duo talk, a broadly smiling Sokka leans in toward Aang and points at himself to emphasize that he was the one that discovered the evidence. Aang flashes his teeth in return.

Tong: Evidence? (Dismissive.) Hmph! That's not how our court system works.

Aang: Then how can I prove my innocence?

Tong: Simple. I say what happened (He points to himself, before pointing to Aang.), then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right. (Everyone gasps at once, horrified by this news.) That's why we call it justice. Because it's "just us."

The mayor exits the room, laughing maniacally, leaving Sokka, Katara, Aang and Faith standing there with their mouths wide open in shock.

At the amphitheater, the statue of Chin and the temple on the edge of the cliff everyone is gathered. Katara, Faith and Sokka are seen sitting at the front.

Tong: (Emotionally.) Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great. Then the Avatar showed up and killed him, and that's how it happened.

He walks away with a giant smile on his face.

Guard: (Very deep, monotone voice.) The accused will now present its argument.

Sokka: (Raises his hand before his mouth to say some quiet, encouraging words.) You can do it, Aang. Just remember the evidence.

Aang: (Still tied up, unsure.) Right...
evidence. (He shifts his eyes to the left while he is trying to remember what to say. Enthusiastically.) Ladies and gentlemen... I'm about to tell you what really happened. And I will prove it with facts. Fact number one. (Raises his finger to count along but blanks out.) Uhhh...

Sokka: (Whispers.) The footprint!

Aang: Oh, yeah. You see... I have very large feet. (Reveal's his small feet. The villagers are unimpressed by his argument.) Furthermore... your temple matches your statue. (The villagers look from one to the other, not knowing where Aang is going with this.) But... I was in a painting at sunset. (He quickly ends his exposition with a big smile.) So, there you have it, I'm not guilty.

The crowd is unimpressed, however Sokka, Faith and Katara all have big smiles on their faces, but their eyes reveal that they are fake. Sokka gives Aang a "thumbs up" gesture. Momo sits on Katara's lap, looking very confused. Melody is just asleep on Faith's lap.

Sokka: (Mumbles to the girls while they continue to smile.) He's dead.

Katara: Mayor Tong, I'd like for the court to hear one last testimony.

Tong: I've already told you, it's just me and the accused. You can't call any witnesses!

Faith: This isn't just any witness. I'm going to call... (Spreads her arms.) Avatar Kyoshi herself!

The villagers murmur among themselves while someone exits the temple. The guard escorts Aang in Kyoshi costume, to the front.
The mayor looks skeptically. As Katara and Faith sit back down, Sokka leans toward them, pointing at Aang.

Sokka: (Whispering.) What are you doing?

Faith: (Hopeful.) Well, she is Aang's past life.

Katara: Maybe wearing her stuff will trigger something.

Sokka: (Plays with his magnifying glass.) I do believe in the power of stuff.

Tong: (Angry.) This is a mockery of Chin Law!

Katara: (Pleading.) Please! If you could just wait one more second, I'm sure Kyoshi will be here!

Aang is standing in the middle of the square, hiding his face behind one of Kyoshi's fans. He peeks over the fan.

Aang: (Higher pitch.) Hey, everybody! Avatar Kyoshi here. (Rapidly blinks his eyes.)

Tong: (Walking over to Aang.) This is ridiculous! (Points at Aang while he addresses the audience.) For the murder of Chin the Great, this court finds the Avatar–

Aang looks down in defeat, but is suddenly engulfed in a tornado of earth. Tong holds on to his hat to prevent it from being blown away. The sky darkens and when the tornado dies down, Aang is gone and the spirit of Kyoshi has taken his place.

Kyoshi: I killed Chin the Conqueror. (A flashback shows how Chin earthbends an earth column beneath one of his subjects as he was offering something to Chin.) A horrible tyrant, Chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent.

There's a map, where the trail of his campaign can be seen. He had concurred everything save to Ba Sing Se. The scene switches to a large army standing by the shores of the sea, ready to attack when given the order.

Kyoshi: When they came to the neck of the peninsula where we lived, he demanded our immediate surrender. (Kyoshi calmly walks toward him to face his challenge.) I warned him that I would not sit passively while he took our home. But he did not back down.

Chin and Kyoshi stand face to face. Kyoshi is around a foot bigger than him. Chin takes a fighting stance, but Kyoshi is unimpressed. She grabs one of her fans and points it at him. A powerful gust of wind washes over the surprised Chin and strips him of all his clothes, except for his underwear.

Kyoshi: On that day, we split from the mainland.

Avatar Kyoshi's eyes glow for a second, signaling the Avatar State. She jumps up and stretches one of her fans to the left as she lands. A powerful fissure rips through the earth and explodes at the edge of the cliff. She repeats that move to the right now with the same effect. Kyoshi calmly closes her fans and slams them into the ground, causing the whole peninsula to shake. Chin still stands in his earthbending stance. Kyoshi had made a large crack in the earth. With a series of wide arm movements, she bends the lava up from underneath the landmass to sever it completely. As the wall of lava dies down again, chunks of rock fall to the ground. Kyoshi spins around and creates a powerful gale right beside Chin, blowing part of his army away and making the rest run away in fear. The island is being blown away from the mainland. Chin holds on to his hat as he watches the island go. He screams in anger while the rocks under him start to cave. He plummets to his death in the waters below.

The flashback fades.

Kyoshi: I created Kyoshi Island so my people could be safe from invaders.

She slants her eyes and is engulfed by the sand tornado once more. Tong kneels to the ground and covers his head. While the sandstorm keeps spinning around Kyoshi, the darkness is lifted. Sokka holds Katara protectively in his arms while she clings on to Momo. Faith holds Melody and stands up clearly trying to make her way to Aang. When the tornado disappears, Aang is standing there once again, swaying from side to side. Faith catches him right before he collapses.

Aang: (Confused.) So, what just happened?

Faith: (Awkwardly.) Uhhh... you kind of confessed. Sorry.

Tong: (Standing up in the background.) And I find you... (He brushes himself off and points at Aang.) Guilty! Bring out the Wheel of Punishment!

The villagers break out into cheers as they hear the sentence. Momo looks around, before covering up his eyes with his tail. Faith's eyes widen as she stares at Aang. Aang stands before the Wheel of Punishment.

Guard: (Deep, monotonous voice.) The accused will now spin the Wheel of Punishment to determine his sentence.

Aang turns to look at Faith, Sokka and Katara who are giving him glances of sympathy. Faith looks away clearly sadder then Sokka and Katara. Aang just sighs as he see's Faith's reaction.

Aang: I said I would face justice, so I will.

He gives a good spin on the wheel.

Villager: (Hoping.) Come on, torture machine!

Villager #2: Eaten by bears!

Villager #3: Razor pit!

Katara: (Begging.) Community service! Please stop on community service!

Sokka and Katara look very worried as the wheel starts to slow down. It passes by "strangled by a platypus bear" and "eaten by sharks." Aang anxiously awaits his punishment. The wheel comes to a halt.

Guard: (Monotone.) Looks like it's "boiled in oil."

The villagers cheer loudly, while Aang looks scared and Katara and Sokka who are just absolutely shocked. Faith's face fills with slight Anger as she stares at the mayor. Suddenly a lit bomb bounces into the scene and detonates into the temple. The blast makes the whole amphitheater shake. Sokka and Katara raise their arms to protect their faces from the blast.

Everyone looks up when Mongke starts to talk.

Mongke: We've come to claim this village for the Fire Lord! Now show me your leader so I may... (Kahchi swings his Guan Dao back and forth, slicing through the statue of Chin the Great. While it crumbles down, Mongke continues with a grin.) dethrone him!

Villager: That's him over there!

A scared villager points immediately toward the mayor. The mayor squeals and hides behind the Wheel of Punishment.

Tong: Ahhh! (Commanding.) You, Avatar, do something!

Aang: (Apathetically.) Gee, I'd love to help, but I'm supposed to be boiled in oil.

The mayor tips the wheel one slot further. It now rests on a picture of a sweeping man.

Tong: There, community service! Now serve our community and get rid of those rhinos!

Aang smiles as he rushes forward and jumps out of his Kyoshi costume to face Kahchi, who readies his weapon. As he charges Aang, Aang opens his fans. He quickly spins out of the rhino's path and uses his airbending to lift Kahchi out of his saddle and blows him off the cliff with another gust. Kahchi's rhino still proceeds toward the mayor, who peeping over the wheel and quickly hides behind it as he sees the rhino coming toward him. Faith runs from where she is and stands between the mayor and the rhino, she moves her hands up and then down sending a massive air slice causing the rhino to fall on its back. She uses her WaterBending to freeze the rhino in place.
Aang turns to face Mongke who does not look pleased with the defeat of Kahchi.

Mongke: (Raising his hand while shouting his command.) Rough Rhinos, to the town!

Vachir shoots three burning arrows at the down setting fire to the roof of a nearby building. Mongke uses his firebending to burn down another house. Lit arrows keep raining down on the rooftops. Yeh-Lu rides by a hay wagon and drops some lit bombs in it. The wagon explodes, destroying the house next to it. Ogodei rides past another house and pulls down its support beams with his chains.
Close-up as he lets out a loud scream and spins his chains above his head. He throws them at Katara who easily deflects them with a water whip. The chains wind themselves around Ogodei. She hits the rhino on the rear with another whip of her water and the animal dashes away with Ogodei on it. Sokka comes down a stair between two members of the Rough Rhinos. He adjusts his monocle so it would reflect the sunlight right into the eyes of Vachir. The archer turns and blindly shoots a burning arrow at Sokka. The arrow pierces his hat and embeds itself in the saddlebag of Yeh-Lu that is filled with bombs. Sokka smiles and ducks for cover. Yeh-Lu notices what is going on and tosses the saddlebag away, but it is too late. The force of the blast smacks him and his rhino into a nearby wall. As Sokka covers his head to protect himself against the flying debris, Yeh-Lu's helmet rolls by. Another bag lands right beside Sokka, his boomerang is sticking out of it.

Sokka: (Raises his arms in the air and exclaims ecstatically.) Boomerang! You do always come back!

Sokka notices that Vachir is aiming at him. He quickly weighs his options and throws his dragon-shaped pipe at the archer. The pipe slides over the burning arrow and extinguishes the fire. While Vachir looks surprised at his extinguished arrow, Faith sneaks up behind him and cuts his saddle cord with her waterbending. Vachir slides down, but his foot is still stuck in his saddle, so he is dragged away by his rhino when Katara whips it on its rear. Aang is having a standoff with Mongke in an alley. Mongke uses his firebending to increase his speed as he charges Aang. Aang jumps over him and is forced to raise an air shield to protect himself from Mongke's fire blast. He loses his fans and headdress as he slides down. Aang creates an air scooter and they charge each other again. He avoids Mongke's fire blast by quickly riding under the rhino's belly and emerges behind Mongke. He directs a powerful gale at the colonel, but he slides to the side to evade it. They charge at each other a third time, this time with Aang on foot again. When Mongke fires a powerful blast that consumes the whole alley, Aang jumps up and propels himself right through the blast using airbending, feet first. He crashes right into Mongke, sending him flying through a wooden fence. Cut to a scene of fireworks. Later that night, fireworks go off in the village.

Tong: From now on, we'll celebrate a new Avatar Day in honor of the day Avatar Aang (Faith, Katara, Aang, and Sokka, are each holding a bowl and grinning happily.) saved us from the Rough Rhino Invasion.

Sokka: (Looks questioningly into his bowl.) What is this?

There is several Aang-shaped pieces of dough.

Tong: That's our new festival food! Un-fried dough. May we eat it and be reminded of how on this day the Avatar was not boiled in oil.

The villagers cheer, but the gang gives each other some uncertain looks. They each pick up a dough cookie. Katara's cookie droops in her fingers.

Katara: Happy Avatar Day, everyone!

Uncertainly, she chews it down. She looks down at her bowl, confused of what to make of it. Aang also sticks a cookie in his mouth, although half of it is still dangling out of his mouth. Faith just stares at the bowl and pokes the cookie.

Sokka: (Stares skeptically at his dough-cookie.) This is by far the worst town we've ever been to.

While Aang slurps the rest of his cookie inside his mouth, Sokka finally eats his and stares skeptically again at the next cookie.

Words: 6218

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