Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no...

By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

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The event of this story is few years after the incident in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. It's about Endou Kaminar... More

Let's go! Raimon Eleven!!
The Match! Raimon vs Kaiou!!
Let's Play Together Again!
Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!
Our First Match! Tengawara Jr. High!!
The Wild! Nosei Jr. High!!
Fighting All-Girls Team!
It's Time! Raimon Move Up!!
For Real?! The Hard Training!!
Final Match! Teikoku Academy!!
The Strongest Hero! Kaminari's Keshin!!
The Nationals Tournament!
Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!
The Strongest Defense!
Hard Clash! Another Tough Challenge!!
Raimon VS Gassan Kunimitsu!
The Genius Playmaker!
Heat Up! Match on the Hot Field!!
The Semi-Final Match!
Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!
Blow Everything! Sunshine Break!!
The Finals of Soccer Festival!
Intense Clash! Raimon vs Kidokawa Seishuu!!
The Beginning of New Reign!
Special! Camping Trip!!
Bad or Worse! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!!
The FFI Vision 3! Begin!!
Kai's Desicion!
Fierce Opponent! Storm Wolf!!
Burst! Yamata no Orochi!!
The Impregnable Defense!
Ryuu no Hoko!
The Warrior of Ocean!
Wolf's Determination! With Fire and Ice!!
The Practice Match! Inazuma Japan vs Resistance Japan!!
Breaking Our Limit!
Fierce Challenge! Malaya Beast!!
Final Play! The Representative of Asia District!!
It's Break Time!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 1!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 2!
Reserve Players for Inazuma Japan!
To the World Stage!
The Group League Starts!
The Fight Continues! Awaken Soul!!
Reunion with Friends!
Clash! Japan VS America!!

Breaking Through! Inazuma Break!!

380 12 0
By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

After the first half, Raimon is having trouble against Senbayama. Their defense are too tough as they are one-point behind them. Raimon's usual offensive aren't working too much on the sand field. The team are drinking water and wipe their face.

Enji: Ahh! I'm so tired! Moving on the sand slow us down, and then reduce our stamine when we have even faster!

Gento: You don't have to yell. We're right here.

Kaminari: What Enji-san is true. The sand slower our movement. *turn to Senbayama* Since they said that they're play on sand before and they can play normally.

Asuma: They able move freely.

Homura: But I was suprised, Asuma-senpai. How did you play on the sand like it was normal?

Asuma: When I was a kid, my brother always bring me to the beach during the summer vacation. And I play soccer on the sand all the time.

Tenma: That is why, Asuma will be the point of our victory.

Asuma: Eh?! Me?!

Tenma: You the only one that can move freely on this field. Also, you can steal the ball without having problem. Your dribble is also good.

Kaminari: So we need Asuma to play on his own for a while until we get the time to attack.

Tenma: That's right.

Asuma: That's impossible! They will go after me all the time! I'm so doomed!

Homura: Senpai, please get a hold of yourself. You don't want your junior to saw you like that.

Asuma: Ah! That's right.

Ren: Sadly, we already saw him like that.

Tenma: Ren, your won't be able to move like you usually did because of the sand. I think you should sit out of this game.

Ren: Eh? First not going in first half, and now this?

Tenma: Ren, there is someplace we can do what we wanted. There's nothing you can do with your running if the field doesn't suit with you.

Ren: *look down* O-Okay...

He sit back as Riko put her hand on Ren's shoulder, trying to comfort his brother.

Tenma: Enji, you're out for the second half. You use too much energy back in the first. Kaiji will take your place, but as a midfielder.

Enji: Right. *turn to Kaiji* I'm counting on you, kohai.

Kaiji: Let's see what I can do, Senpai.

Tenma: Okay guys, play as good as you can in the second half! Senbayama won't stop us here!

Raimon Players: Yes, sir!

Kaminari: Coach, I have a suggestion.

Makoto and Taru just laugh as they look at Raimon. They so sure that they can win.

Taru: They think they can break our defense?

Makoto: There's no way they defeat our iron wall.

Kasumi: You guys don't be sure about that.

They turn to look at their captain.

Makoto: Captain.

Kasumi: It's true we have been dominating them in the first half, but we won't sure the same thing would happen in the second half.

Taru: But Captain, they can't even break through Mugen no Kabe. What kind of chance do they have?

Kasumi: If you underestimating them, that will be your downfall. Don't forget that the purple haired guy steal the ball from you two like it was nothing.

They both flinched when he mention about that to them. Asuma did able to steal the ball from them.

Kasumi: Remember, no matter what kind of opponent are they... Don't let you guard down, understand?

Makoto/Taru: Okay.

Back at Raimon, the players and managers are suprised when Kaminari tell them about his suggestion. They never thought that he would think about it.

Tenma: Are you sure?

Kaminari: Yeah. I would like us to use Inazuma Break.

Yuuya: Using that hissatsu shoot might work.

Kaminari: Yeah, because it was the one that firstly break through Mugen no Kabe.

Shinji: W-Wait a minute, Captain. You know that Inazuma Break one of Inazuma Legend's technique?

Gento: Yeah. Can we able to use that technique?

Homura: We never try even once, or even practice to use it!

Kaminari: This isn't a mere suggestion, this is the way. We can win only if we use the Inazuma Break.

Yuuya: If I remember, that shoot require three person. The one that ever use it was Endou-san, Gouenji-san, and Coach Kidou.

Suiryuu: So we need someone with speed and power, huh?

Kaiji: When about speed, we have Homura, Suiryuu and Captain. With Ren not playing, only Homura is the fastest.

Homura: The only problem is the sandy field. It would slow us down before we could use it.

Kaminari: Then put me out. *look at Asuma* Asuma, you'll help them.

Asuma: Eh? Me?

Kaminari: Despite being a midfielder, you have the same shoot power as I am.

Asuma: Is that okay, Captain?

Kaminari: If it for the victory of the team, then I'll do it.

Tenma: Then, I have one more suggestion then. Yuuya will be midfielder, Suiryuu and Asuma join the forwards along with Homura.

Kaminari: What kind of plan is that?

Tenma: And there's one more thing.

While they are discussing about the plan, Nishiki glance at them while talking with his team.

Nishiki(In mind): It seems that you have a plan, Tenma. I can't wait for the second half to start.

After the discussing, both team went to their positions.

"Now that the break is over, the match continues in second half with Raimon's kickoff. Senbayama is using their usual formation, and for Raimon... Wh-What is with this formation?!"

It shows that Yuuya switched to midfielder, Suiryuu and Asuma went to forwards with Homura. Higashi change into defender, while the goalkeeper is Kaminari.

Nishiki: What is Tenma thinking?

"Raimon have switched their formation and position at the same time! Their goalkeeper Hazama went as defender, their captain Endou went as goalkeeper!"

Kaminari: *twitched eye* Why I have to be goalkeeper...?

Higashi: I kinda felt sorry for Kaminari...

Kaminari: Don't mind me! Just do your best in winning!

At Senbayama's field, Makoto and Taru can't help but laughing because Raimon put their ace striker as a goalkeeper in the second half.

Makoto: Wh-What's with that?! So funny!

Taru: Th-They put their captain into goalkeeper! That's hilarious!

Kasumi: You guys! I told you guys not to lower you guard!

Makoto: We know, we know! It's just so funny!

Taru: Well, it's going to be an easy win for us!

As the whistle blown, the match starts. Taru pass the ball to Makoto and they head toward Raimon's field.

Suiryuu: Let's stop them!

Homura: Yeah! But the sand...

Asuma: Let me handle it!

He do a slide but Makoto jump as he keeping the ball between his legs. Then he pass the ball to Taru as both of them head toward Raimon's field.

"Senbayama use their instant offense again! Will they obtain their second point in this match?!"

Shinji and Kaiji tried to get them but they get pass them and head toward Raimon defense area. Both of them jump as Taru's right leg engulf in fire. Makoto put his right leg at the ball and the background shows an old gun. Taru put his right legs with fire at the ball.

Makoto: Hinawa...

Taru: ...Bullet!

The ball blast like shot from a gun and head toward Raimon's goalpost.

"They shoot! Will Endou able to block that shoot despite he's being a forward?!"

As the ball get close, Kaminari extend his hands forward and catch the ball with his bare hands. After few moment, the ball stop spinning and Kaminari caught it perfectly.

Taru: What?!

Makoto: He blocked it?!

"H-H-He blocked it! Raimon's captain Endou blocks the shoot with just his bare hands! What an unexpected event!"

Kaminari: *sigh* I able catch with, huh?

Shin: Wow...

Shun: Captain caught it with his bare hands...

Higashi: There's no way Kaminari can't stop shoot like that.

Kaminari: You guys, let's make a comeback!

Raimon Players: Yeah!

Kaminari: *kick the ball* Go!

He do a long pass, sending the ball right at the forwards. Asuma get the ball as he is followed by Homura and Suiryuu.

Asuma: Let's get a point like Captain said!

Homura: Let's score!

Suiryuu: For the team!

They run ahead and their speed went up as they start to get use with the sand field. When Senbayama's midfielders do sliding at Asuma, he quickly do a back pass at Homura.

Asuma: Go, Homura!

Homura: Okay!

She spins the ball with her legs and throw it up as it engulf in fire. She do some acrobat stunts as she jumped and kick the ball in upside down.

Homura: Acrobatic Fire!

She kick the ball and it head toward Senbayama's goalpost. Kozu and Harui take their position as barrage of steel walls come out.

Kozu/Harui: Mugen no Kabe!

The ball hits the wall and stopped as it fall to the ground.

"It stopped again! Raimon still unable to break through Senbayama's iron wall defense!"

Kozu: That was close...

Harui: Yeah, the ball just now move faster than before.

Kasumi: That is why I told you not to let your guard down.

They turn to their captain before looking at each other and nodded. Kasumi smirk as he put his right leg on the ball.

Kasumi: Raimon sure show some actions! Guys, move up!

Senbayama Players: Okay!

Kasumi kick the ball as it went toward their forwards. Both teams stealing, keeping and passing. They able keep up the good play while Raimon able to get use completely of the sandy field.

"This has turn into an intense match! Raimon and Senbayama aren't giving up at all! Pass, keep, offense and defense, both team are trying to win with all they've got!"

Makoto and Taru jumped as Taru's right leg engulf in fire. Makoto put his leg at the ball as Taru put his right leg with fire at the ball.

Makoto: Hinawa...

Taru: ...Bullet!

The ball shot toward Raimon's goalpost. Kaminari just fold his hands at his chest as the ball gets closer.

Kaminari: Gento-san!

Gento: Leave it to me!

He jumped between Kaminari and the ball. He enter the boxing stance as he jumped, turn and kick the ball.

Gento: Dead Straight!

He kick the ball back as it covered with red-orange energy. He kick it straight from the defense area right toward Senbayama's goalpost.

"Kazuma kick the ball back and it plunge straight toward Senbayama's goalpost! Will this be the first point for Raimon?!"

As the ball gets close, Kozu and Harui take their position as barrage of steel walls forming a barrier.

Kozu/Harui: Mugen no Kabe!

The ball hits the bal and it stopped as it fall to the ground.

"And again, Raimon's attack is stopped by Senbayama's amazing invincible iron wall!"

Gento: Damn it! That was close!

Kaminari: Their defenders can get their fast and active that technique!

Higashi: This is troublesome...

As the match continues, Makoto and Taru keep going on and kick the ball toward the goal but Kaminari keep catching the ball. As Raimon attacking, their hissatsu shoot gets block by the invincible iron walls. Asuma do a sliding to steal the ball and the ball went out of bound. Senbayama do a throw-in and Makoto quickly grab the ball as he quickly head toward Raimon's field.

Makoto: I'll score this one! With Coach Nishiki's hissatsu shoot!

He raise his right leg as he lower his body at 90 degress and golden sword slowly form at his right leg.

Makoto: Denrai Houtou!

He kick the ball as it covered with golden energy with slash mark follow the ball as it heading toward Raimon's goalpost.

Tenma(In mind): Nishiki-senpai's hissatsu technique...?!

Nishiki(In mind): You're not the only one that inherit their technique to their team!

"Makoto's hissatsu shoot is heading toward Raimon's goalpost! Can Raimon's captain Endou block that shoot? Will this strong shoot scores the second point for Senbayama?!"

Higashi/Gento: Kaminari!

Shun/Shin: Captain!

Kaminari: For the team, I won't let it get in!

He hold his right shoulder with his left hand as his right hand clench into fist. Green energy surge through his right fist as he jumped up. A typhoon appear and formed a dragon.

Kaminari: Gekirin Dunk!

The dragon open it's mouth as Kaminari slam his right palm at the ball as the dragon close it's mouth and slam to the ground. The dragon disappear and shows Kaminari hold the ball on the ground.

"He blocked it! Endou use his hissatsu technique, Gekirin Dunk, and stopped the shoot from getting into the goal! Senbayama fail to score their second goal!"

Tenma: That was Ibuki's hissatsu technique... *smirk* So he learned that technique, huh?

Kaminari(In mind): I never expect that I would be able to master this technique... But this is the best chance!

He grab the ball and jumped up as he let go and kick the ball.

Kaminari: This is our chance! Counterattack!

Asuma jumped up and grab the ball. He running ahead along with Homura and Asuma.

Kasumi: Stop them! Don't let them shoot!

But before Senbayama's midfielders and defenders went up to stop them, all three of them jump into mid-air. Homura and Suiryuu kick the ball up and it surge with yellow energy toward Asuma and he kick the ball up as it engulf with yellow-orange and purple lightning. All three of them went to their kick position.

Asuma/Homura/Suiryuu: Inazuma Break!

They kick the ball as it burst in more lightning and head toward Senbayama's goalpost. Kasumi fold his hands at his chest as Kozu and Harui went to their position. Barrage of steel walls come out and form a barrier.

Kozu/Harui: Mugen no Kabe!

The ball hits the wall but it didn't stop completely. The ball keep on moving as the walls crack and breaked. Kasumi, Kozu and Harui get pushed and the ball went in.

"Goal!! Raimon scores their first point in this match! Raimon uses the legendary Inazuma Break and break through the Mugen no Kabe Senbayama's invincible iron wall!"

(Raimon) 1 - 1 (Senbayama)

Kozu: No way...

Harui: They break through our iron wall...

Kasumi stand up as he look at the ball and smirked. He turn to his team.

Kasumi: That's it.

Kozu: Eh?

Harui: What do you mean, Captain?

Kasumi: Raimon finally turn serious. It's look like Mugen no Kabe won't work now that they have a hissatsu technique that can break through it.

Kozu: Um, Captain?

Kasumi: Now this game has become even more fun! Guys, just attack as much as you want! Just leave the goal to me! The real match begins here!

Harui: Captain...

Taru: Yeah!

Makoto: Let's do what Captain said!

From the bench, Nishiki smiles as he could see that his team has improved in this match.

Nishiki: You guys, play as much as you guys wanted! Play until you guys felt the fun!

Senbayama Players: Yes, Coach Nishiki!

Kaminari: Everyone, let's win this match! We won't lose here!

Raimon Players: Yeah!

The match continues as the ball in Senbayama's possession. The forwards and midfielder went up leaving the defenders and Kasumi to protect the goal.

"This match has become even more intense! Raimon and Senbayama keep attacking and blocking each others! There's so many keeping and stealing the ball! With not much time left, which of these two team will won this match and advance to the third round?!"

Taru shouts as bluish-black aura come out of his back, summoning his Keshin.

Taru: Choujin Falco!

He jumped.

Taru: Falco Wing!

He kick the ball as Falco slash it with his claws and it covered with white-blue energy, and it head toward Raimon's goalpost. Kaminari shout as bluish-black aura come out of his back, summoning his Keshin.

Kaminari: Saikyou no Yuusha Perseus! Armed!

Perseus turn into black aura with yellow highlight and covered his body. As the aura disappear, it shows him in his Keshin armor.

Kaminari: I'll stop it!

He hold his right shoulder with left hand and his right fist covered in green energy. He jumped as a typhoon appear and form into a dragon. The dragon open it's mouth as Kaminari slam his right palm at the ball.

Kaminari: Gekirin Dunk!

The dragon close it's mouth and slammed to the ground. As the typhoon disappear, it shows Kaminari hold the ball on the ground.

"He blocked the Keshin shoot! He saves Raimon from the huge pinch!"

Then his Keshin armor disappear as Kaminari hold up the ball.

Kaminari: *kick the ball* Scores, Suiryuu!

The kick was hard and Suiryuu able to grab the ball. He shout as the ball is covered in gold energy and golden wind. He float along with the ball as thunderstorm are heard.

Suiryuu: Shining Hurricane!

He kick the ball and it burst toward Senbayama's goalpost. Kasumi shout as bluish-black aura come out of his back, summoning his Keshin.

Kasumi: Kyoushin Gigantes! Armed!

Gigantes turn into black aura with yellow highlight and covered his body. As it disappear, it shows him in his Keshin armor. His right hand covered with red-orange energy and he jump up, and dive to the ball.

Kasumi: Atomic Smash!

He slam his fist at the ball but he didn't stop it completely. After few moment, the ball break through and pushed Kasumi into the goalpost as his Keshin armor disappear.

"Goal!! Raimon scores their second point! They put both good defense and offense!"

(Raimon) 2 - 1 (Senbayama)

The match continues with Senbayama keep attacking while Raimon keep defending. This match has become more fun than just intense. After some more minutes, the referee look at his wristwatch and blow the whistle.

"That's the end of the match! In this intense offense and defense match, Raimon won in the very end! They've advance to the third round!"

Harui: We lose...

Makoto: If we could even draw match...

Kasumi: I couldn't block the last shot... But the match was fun.

Taru: Well, I agree with that.

Then it shows Tenma and Nishiki shake hands.

Nishiki: That was a good match, Tenma.

Tenma: Thanks, if Kaminari didn't suggest the Inazuma Break we might not won.

Nishiki: Well, Raimon always win. The next time we fight, we won't lose.

Tenma: Yeah, we too.

Then it shows Kasumi and his team congratulate Raimon for their win. Kaminari still quite uneasy because he have to become the goalkeeper.

(Time Skip)
(Next Day)

At Raimon soccer field...

Raimon players are practicing for their third match. Tenma is looking about the data of them.

Kaiji: We won that match.

Yuuya: Only four match left, and we win this tournament.

Kaminari: Don't too much about think that we already won. There going to be more stronger opponents.

Kaiji: Yeah.

Homura put the ball on the ground as she look at the goalpost where Higashi is guarding.

Homura: Here I come!

She run and kick the ball hard toward Higashi but it miss and went up. The ball went really high until a person jump up and grab the ball.

???: That was a good height.

Homura: Huh?

The person land on the ground as it shows who is was.

Tenma: Shinsuke? Is that you, Shinsuke?

Shinsuke: It's been a while, right, Tenma?

The person was Nishizono Shinsuke. His appearance still the same but he's even higher than before. He still wearing the blue headband, blue shirt, green long pants and yellow shoes. He walk down to the field. The players went to see him.

Shinsuke: So this is the Raimon now, huh? You guys quite amazing. Congratulation for winning the precious match.

Shin: This guy is really Nishizono Shinsuke?

Shun: The Higher Jumper from Raimon when Coach Tenma still students?

Ren/Homura: It's an honor to meet you!

Shinsuke: I see. It's my honor as well, because I'm going to be the trainer for this team.

Raimon Players: Eh...? Ehhh...?!

Shinsuke: *look at Tenma* Aoi said that she still busy overseas. So she asked me to help you in training this team. Well, their talents makes me interested. I never expected that Nishiki-senpai would become the coach of Senbayama.

Tenma: Me too.

Shinsuke: At least you guys won, that's the main thing that should be reminded.

Then he look at the team.

Shinsuke: From now, I'll be the trainer of this team. Please to be with you guys, and nice to meet you guys.

Raimon Players: *bow* Nice to meet you as well.

Shinsuke: Actually, I also going to introduce a new member of Raimon soccer team. *turn around* Come here.

Then a student wearing Raimon uniform come out behind the bench area and went near Shinsuke.

Ushio: I-I'm Handa Ushio. *bow* N-Nice to meet you!

Kaminari: A member, huh?

With Shinsuke become their trainer and a new member, Raimon can improve even more than this. But the fight ahead, would be even more more harder and some will be more personal. As the team continue to practice, Tenma explains to Shinsuke about the abilities of the team.


"The next match will even more harder. With Shinsuke in the team, he's been helping the players to improve even more than before. The more improvement that they make, the stronger they'll get."

"Next time, Hard Clash! Another Tough Challenge!!"

"This is super-dimensional soccer!"

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