Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

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For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 24

413 33 20
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

I arranged the table along with Kunal and Renee. Rupath was throwing a send-off party for Ved and Sonia as they will be leaving tomorrow night. Yes, tomorrow night it is. At last!!!

I joined the gang, apart from Ved and Sonia of course, in the morning itself to do all the arrangements. Ved, Sonia, Alizeh, Ahil, and Vihaan will be coming in the evening.

I gave a thought about asking Vihaan to join the party or not. Maybe I should just ask him to come along as he is Delhi as well. Alizeh and Ahil were already coming so I asked Ahil to bring him directly in the evening.

He doesn't know anyone here so it's okay if he joins. Besides him, there are few other people who are going to join. Kunal said they are Ved's friends from the channel and some of Sonia's close girl pals. So I had to bring one dress along with me to get changed to better clothes.

"Parth!" Renee shouted gaining his attention as he was busy with decorations.

"Did you contact those food people?" She asked. Parth gave her an apologetic look.

"Sorry." Parth said taking out mobile from his pocket, "Calling right away."

"Those Italian dishes right?" He asked.

"Yes." Renee said nodding.

"Okay." He said and went away dialing the number.

"Kunal," Renee looked at him, "What about drinks?"

"Rupath and Laksh are on it." He said, "They will reach in some time."

"Good." Renee said and moved her gaze to the next one.

"Randhir, dishes, and glasses. I hope they are ready?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am!" He said, saluting her, "Preparing it." I chuckled.

I'm glad he is back to his own self. I missed seeing him like this.

"Cool." Renee said again.

"Finally, Zivah." She said changing her tone to gentle one, "You need to look at food arrangements once it's here."

"Yes." I said with a smile. Renee smiled back at me.

"Renee?" Kunal asked narrowing his eyes. Renee gave a questioning look as he went ahead, "What will you be doing?"

"Me?" Renee said grinning at him, "Oh I'll be getting ready."

I let out a laugh hearing her as Kunal rolled his eyes. Renee looked at me with a wide grin and winked.

"But, Zivah come to my room to get ready." She said further, "We will start once the arrangements are done."

"Okay." I said nodding with a smile as everyone got back to their work.


I didn't even realize when the evening came while chatting and playing pranks on each other, pulling each other's legs and laughing out loud. Everyone was their wittiest best today. I don't know when and if I will meet this crazy bunch ever again. But I'm gonna miss them so much. They have made my stay in Delhi more cheerful, fun and memorable. I'm going to cherish these moments forever.

Renee took me along with her to her room for getting ready once we were done. It didn't take me much time to change.

I just brought a pair of earrings with me as I thought that was enough to go along with this dress I chose. I also had my makeup bag, just in case.

I put on my contact lenses like always and did a nude makeup, making my look simple. I wore my black bodycon dress with leather detailing in front and ruched netted sleeves. I did wavy hairstyle keeping my hair open. I didn't put much effort into my look as it's not a big party.

When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror being satisfied and smiled a little.

"You look gorgeous, babe." Renee said smiling at me through the mirror.

I looked at her up and down and gave an impressive smile. She looked gorgeous in her mesh black and white crop top and mesh cascade miniskirt. She also kept her makeup light and her hair open. She simply looked amazing without trying. After all she's a super model for a reason.

"You are not any less." Renee chuckled hearing me and slapped gently on my arm making me laugh.

"Listen." Renee said as I turned around facing her, "I don't know if later on I will get to say this..."

I gave a questioning look to her as she went ahead.

"So, even though Ved leaves tomorrow, you are still part of the gang independently so stay in touch even though you leave for New York." She finished asking me a question. I smiled genuinely at her and gave a nod.

"Yes of course." I said, "You need to at least treat me for dinner before I go." I finished with a frown and she let out a laugh.

"Without a doubt." She said. I smiled looking at her.

"Aww I'm going to miss seeing you," She said hugging me. I hugged her back with the same affection.

"Me too." I said. We heard a gentle knock on the door as we pulled away

"Girls, Can I come in?" Rupath said making us chuckle. Renee and I exchanged looks.

"Yes Ru." Renee said walking towards the door, "Hold on a sec."

She unlocked the door and opened it. Rupath entered the room with a big grin and stopped looking at us with an impressive smile.

"Holy moly!" He said putting his arms around Renee, "You two look killer." He gave me a wink. I smiled.

He bent down pressing a soft kiss on Renee's cheek.

"Thanks for the compliment." Renee said giving him a sly smile.

"Now if you both allow, can I get ready too?" He said letting go of Renee.

"Zivah?" Renee asked.

"Yeah I'm done." I said looking at my clothes lying on their bed.

"Umm..." I said grabbing my stuff lying around feeling a little embarrassed of my own mess, "Just give me a moment, Rupath. I will just..." I said getting my bag lying on the floor.

Rupath cut me in between.

"Take your time. It's okay. There is no hurry." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him gratefully.

"Till then, Renee, babe, just help me with clothes." He said holding Renee tight.

"Yes of course." She said pecking him on the cheek.

They both got busy with selections and arguments about what he should wear. I was grinning widely in between hearing their cute banter.

I put my belongings in the back and kept it on the floor. I grabbed my mobile from the table and put the purse on the shoulder.

"Alright, guys." I said grabbing their attention. They both looked at me, "I'm done. So I'll be out."

They gave me a nod and smile as I walked towards the door. Rupath called me when I opened the door. I turned around giving him a questioning look.

"Ved is here already so you have company, Zee." He said grinning. I smiled gently as Renee let out a laugh.

"You look cute with that blush." She shouted and I thought it would be just great for me to be out.

I walked towards the living room closing the door behind.


By the time I came to the living room, there was already a little crowd gathered. I moved my gaze around to spot Laksh, Parth and Ved chatting and laughing along with a bunch.

Then Kunal and Sonia were busy with Sonia's girl gang. Randhir was at bar instructing something to the bartender. I let out a sigh and moved my gaze.

I searched for Alizeh or Ahil but I couldn't spot them. I thought of calling them but dropped the idea at the thought of Vihaan being with them.

"Someone is looking pretty gorgeous." I felt a hand around my waist as I smiled widely looking back at Ved.

"I thought you would ignore me with your people around?" I asked folding my hands.

Ved chuckled, "You are my people too. Besides, I can't ignore a beautiful girl." He finished winking down at me. I giggled and I'm pretty sure a little blush must have formed on my cheeks.

I remembered our first meet when he said those words to me.

"So these people?" I asked further moving my gaze around.

"They are few of my close friends apart from Rupath and the rest of the boys." He said looking back at me. "Some from school, college, and rest from work." He finished with a shrug.

"The work people will go with you?" I asked again. Ved chuckled.

"Nope." He said shaking his head, "That is a whole different gang."

I nodded at him in understanding when I heard a squeal making me a jerk. Ved looked past me as a smile formed on his lips.

"Ved!!" Alizeh came running and hugged Ved tight. Ved smiled holding her back. I smiled looking at them.

"Hey, Al!" He said pulling back with a smile. I noticed Ahil and Vihaan followed her and stopped beside me. I made a distance and got closer to Ved.

"Wow, someone is looking dashing." Alizeh said giving an impressed look to Ved. Ved smiled.

"I see, Ved as to why Rupath wants to keep Renee away from you." Ahil said faking a frown. I laughed hearing him. Ved, Alizeh, and Vihaan chuckled as well.

"Don't worry. I don't steal my friend's girls." Ved said through the smile.

"I'm happy to hear that." Ahil nodded with a smile.

"Oh this is Vihaan," Ahil said gesturing at Vihaan. Alizeh looked at me. I didn't give away anything on my face and looked around.

Ved put on a gentle smile on his face extending his hand to Vihaan.

"Hi," He said, "I'm Ved." Vihaan smiled back at him.

"Hey." He said shaking Ved's hand, "So the party is for you?"

This is the most awkward moment in my life until now. I don't believe this is happening and I can't do anything but keep quiet and stay awkward. I shouldn't have called Vihaan in the first place but what's the point of thinking this now. He is already here, shaking hands with Ved already. I let out a sigh.

"Yup the party is for me." Ved said looking around and back at Vihaan taking hand back.

"Thanks for inviting though." Vihaan said giving him a smile.

"No worries." Ved smiled genuinely at him.

"So when you'll be back?" Ahil asked cutting their conversation and I was glad for that, "I hope you remember your promise?"

"Promise?" Ved gave a confused look to Ahil.

"You already have forgotten?" He said with a frown, "You promised me to take on the trek with you, bro."

"Oh shit!" Ved said scratching his neck, "Sorry man. I don't usually forget the promises but yes I will contact you once I'm back in Delhi."

"I doubt that, Ved." Alizeh said narrowing her eyes.

"And yes, you look gorgeous as always." Ved said with a smirk, winking at her. I shook my in disappointment but no I wasn't jealous at all. I have come a long way since then.

"I'm glad you noticed." Alizeh said putting a sly smile. We all chuckled.

We moved our gaze when the most happening pair entered the room gaining all the attention. I saw a few people whistling at them and shouting. I let out a laugh looking at Ved. He looked back at me shaking his head a bit.

Ahil and Alizeh were laughing along as Renee was getting shy, holding onto Rupath tight.

"Guys, the party is for my brother." Rupath shouted at the crowd. "Please move your attention towards him." He said further making us chuckle again.

"I don't mind sharing the attention with you both." Ved shouted back, "You guys look perfect as always so the attention seems to be genuine."

Rupath and Renee gave him a glare as he just smiled widely at them.

"I will be back." Alizeh said and rushed to Renee's side in no time.

"So, you are going for work?" Vihaan asked looking back at Ved as a smile formed on his face.

"Yup." Ved said, "I actually stay away most of the time as my work demands."

"What do you do?" Vihaan asked further.

"Videographer for Nat." Ved said.

"That's some cool shit." Vihaan said with a smile and I could tell he was genuine about it.

I smiled a little looking back at Ved who shook his head.

"He is into racing and trekking stuff as well." Ahil introduced them further.

"Allow me to accompany you someday maybe." Vihaan said dramatically.

"Yeah, sure." Ved said with a small awkward smile. Of course!!!

Even when Vihaan doesn't know a thing, Ved knows everything. So, the awkwardness is pretty obvious.

"I heard you are into business as well?" Ved asked again with reluctance in his voice. I can tell he was trying hard to stay cool and calm but he won't admit that ever. Vihaan nodded looking at him.

"I thought that everyone will be boring." Ved said again as Ahil and Vihaan let out a laugh.

"Yes, I work in Zivah's company." Vihaan said and I could sense his eyes on me but I didn't look at him as he went ahead, "As an assistant senior manager."

"Cool." Ved said shaking his head a bit.

"And no I am definitely not boring." Vihaan said further chuckling. Ved shook his head with a smile. I unknowing let out a sarcastic laugh as all the three pairs of eyes landed on me. I cursed myself under breath but didn't say anything further.

Everyone stayed silent for time being and I could sense it was getting awkward by each passing moment. I just wanted to get out of this uncomfortable state.

"Guys, will it be alright if I see you in some time?" Ved asked finally looking at Vihaan and Ahil.

"Yes of course." Ahil said nodding. Vihaan gave a gentle nod from beside as well.

"Alright, just make yourself comfortable." Ved said, "I'll see you in some time."

"Sure." Vihaan said with a half-smile. Ved gave a nod and turned around to leave when I grabbed the hand of his long-sleeved t-shirt.

He stopped and looked at me with a questioning face.

"Hold on." I said, "Where are you going?"

Ved moved his gaze quickly to Vihaan and back at me. I know he will notice but I can't do anything. Ved will be gone tomorrow and I want to stay with him.

"To see other people." Ved said in a voice little low.

"Do you mind if I come along?" I asked further without letting go of my hold on his t-shirt.

"No." Ved said with a bit hesitation.

I looked at Ahil for approval. He just gestured with his eyes that it will be okay. I smiled back at him genuinely and gratefully.

I couldn't look at Vihaan to see his expression so I just let go of Ved's shirt and followed him into the crowd.


Ved introduced me to most of his friends as his good friend. I gave him an eye roll many times which he ignored royally. I don't obviously remember any names which he knew as well but it was just a formality.

We moved our gaze to Rupath when he took the mike.

"Ved, I am going to be a bit dramatic now." Rupath said letting out an awkward chuckle.

Ved threw a horrified look at him as he looked at me. I let out a small chuckle.

"I have a feeling, Zivah that this is not going to be well." Ved said in a small voice, just for me to hear. I let out a small laugh.

"Yes, I always hold this send-off party for you whenever you leave." Rupath said looking here and there but not at Ved. Ved frowned looking at him.

"I know you don't like this idea much and you have expressed that many a time. But..." He said looking at Renee who just gave him an assuring smile to go ahead.

"Dude, you know how much I like throwing these bashes." Rupath said grinning widely making people around chuckle. Ved put a hand on his face hiding it out of embarrassment. I patted his arm containing my laugh.

I saw Renee giving a glare to Rupath.

"But on a serious note, I miss you, bro." Rupath said looking up and down.

"Rupath, are you drunk already?" Ved asked finally moving his hand away from his face and giving an unpleasant look.

"I'm being serious, Ved." Rupath said giving hurt expressions, "You are hurting my feelings." Ved rolled his eyes.

Rupath looked at Renee and Parth who were standing beside him along with other boys. Renee widened her eyes. Rupath looked back in the crowd.

Ved gave me a pleading look asking to do something to stop this but I gave him an apologetic look in return.

"Honestly it freaks me out when I couldn't reach you. I have had sleepless nights in the fears of losing you and then it freaks me out, even more, to think that I might get dark circles." Rupath's mood went from sad to happy in no time as people around let out another round of laughter clapping their hands in between.

I put a hand over my mouth to hold my laugh. Ved was throwing irritated glares at Rupath's attempt to be funny.

"So the point is I don't know what you think of me as but you are my family. You have been as long as I remember." Rupath started again getting serious. He looked at Ved who refused to show much of his face.

"You have been there through all. Whether it was to convince my parents about letting me try in music or hearing my heartbreak songs throughout the night." He said letting out a laugh. I smiled gently and looked at Ved who let out a sigh, still being a bit awkward.

"We have even been scolded together for getting the lowest marks in school." Rupath said further as I heard Ved chuckle shaking his head a bit.

"But even though I feel you don't even think of me as your own that's why you just do as you please without bothering." Rupath said with a frown. Ved looked at the ground. I held his arm.

"So what am I saying is don't even dare to feel lonely because you have us." He said further with a smile. Renee, Parth, Laksh, Kunal, and Randhir eyed Ved from beside Rupath as well.

"All of us." Rupath said finally gesturing to all the people standing beside him.

"You guys seriously." Ved said in a low voice but his voice was too low for anyone to hear. I saw his eyes moist but he blinked the tears away and smiled at them.

"I'm announcing it this way because you wouldn't have let me speak otherwise." Rupath said going towards the DJ to give the mike back.

"It's awkward for me too but just understand." He said finally putting a smile on Ved's face as he moved towards Rupath and hugged him.

People whistled making us laugh and those two best friends cum brothers awkward.


"What are you doing?" I asked Ved as soon as I spotted him sitting alone outside in the swimming area. There were no people around here as it was late and most of them already left, few remaining were busy getting drunk or eating inside.

"Hiding my face from more embarrassment." Ved said in a plain voice.

"Come on." I said sitting close to him, "He cares for you."

"That doesn't mean he could do that." Ved said like a complaining child. I let out a laugh.

"You are being dramatic, Ved." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"He was being dramatic." Ved said with a frown.

"Alright, you are going back tomorrow." I said, "So just cheer up."

"What's in there to cheer up?" He asked again shaking his head, "They are making me feel bad for I don't know what."

"So that's the reason." I said with a small smile. Ved looked at me with a questioning face.

"For what?" He asked.

"For cutting everyone out. Showing like you don't care." I said carefully looking at him. Ved moved his gaze away and looked at the water.

"Don't do that." I said putting my chin on his shoulder, "It won't make anyone worry less."

"Yeah." He said letting out a sigh. A few minutes went into silence before Ved thought of breaking it.

"What about Vihaan?" He asked as I looked at him with a frown.

"What about him?" I asked moving my gaze away.

"Zivah, he looked hurt." Ved said.

"Ved, please?" I looked at him with pure irritation. "I want to be with you at the moment." I said with crooked eyebrows in a hope that he will understand. He let out a sigh and nodded at me.

"Anyway, let's go?" I said after some time, holding his wrist. Ved gave me a confused look.

"To where?" He asked giving me a suspicious glare. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just come, Ved." I said getting up and pulling him with me. He gave me a glare which I replied with a sweet smile. Ved shook his head and followed me.


I took him to the terrace holding his hand. I went ahead and went up to the railing. Ved followed me behind and stood beside me resting his back on the railing as he looked at me tilting his head.

"I am scared to be alone with you." Ved said frowning. I rolled my eyes at him. "So? What is it?" Ved asked raising his eyebrows at me. I shrugged my shoulder.

"Nothing in particular." I said letting out a sigh and fiddling with my purse band, "It's just I didn't get to talk to you all the whole day."

"Okay." Ved said with uncertainty, "And what you want to talk about?"

I looked up at the sky for a moment. It was clear with stars twinkling and the moon shining bright. The wind was blowing in between playing with my hair. Ved stayed quite looking back at me. His gaze held so many emotions and I was too scared to look into them. I feared that I might ask him to stay back and break my own heart.

"Remember I owe you a big amount of money?" I said looking ahead of us.

"I guess we balanced that out." Ved said. I let out a sigh before moving to look at him.

"Well, not exactly." I said.

"So?" Ved looked at me as the expression changed drastically. He widened his eyes and gave me a disbelief look, "I won't let you take advantage of me just for that." He said putting his hands over the chest with dramatic expression.

"Are you done?" I asked narrowing my eyes as he let out a laugh. I let out a sigh and opened my purse taking out a gift-wrapped box from it.

"This is for you." I said without looking at him as I extended my hand holding the box towards him. Ved didn't move so I looked up at him. He looked confused as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Just take it." I said pushing the box into his hand, "I didn't say no to the typewriter."

Ved looked curiously at the box moving it. He had a smile on his face.

"I didn't know what else to give so I just went with this." I said being a little awkward as I don't know how will he react after seeing that.

"You don't need to." Ved said looking up at me.

"But I want to." I said letting out a sigh. Ved opened the gift-wrapper carefully as a big smile formed on his lips looking at the box.

"I will try." He said as the excitement was clearly visible on his face. I let out a sigh of relief.

Ved opened the box and took out the watch from it. He adored it for a good 2 minutes as he kept the box on the railing and wore the watch on his wrist. His smile widened looking at his own hand. He looked back at me.

"It's..." He said shaking his head, grinning from ear to ear. "You know I never said but I love watches." He said looking at me with gratitude.

"I got that already seeing a new one each time on your wrist." I said chuckling. Ved game me an impressed look.

"You observed me pretty well. I didn't expect that, Princess." He said making me giggle.

"But yes, this is pretty cool and I love it." He said looking and sounding genuine. I gave him a smile.

"I always fancied about wearing high five watches but didn't bother to buy one." He said shrugging. "Thanks for this." He said.

"No worries." I said shaking my head. Ved stood there looking at that branded box and watch and the looked at me again. I gave him a questioning look.

"How much it cost?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head a little.

Ved chuckled, "If anyone questions me seeing this brand on my hand."

"Save it, Kashyap." I said with another roll of my eyes, "My love is priceless." Ved let out a laugh making me laugh as well. I hit on his arm lightly.

"Wow, you sure are writer, no?" He said shaking his head, "Throwing dialogues here and there?"

I didn't say anything. Ved looked at the watch one more time and looked ahead of us. I was standing close yet keeping a very small distance in between. The wind blew brushing past us.

"He is pretty cool though." Ved said after a few moments. I tilted my head to look at him.

"Yeah, glitter is not always gold." I said letting out a sigh.

"But...," Ved said moving to face me, "He sure is branded from head to toe." He let out a chuckle at the end. I shook my head with a smile.

Vihaan has always been like that. He just like branded things.

"Unlike Ahil." Ved said.

"Ahil is the sweetest human you will meet on earth." I said putting a smile, "He doesn't believe in showing off."

"But it's okay right?" Ved asked, "I mean I am feeling great wearing this." He finished showing his hand to me.

"Yes it's good but there should be a limit." I said letting out a sigh, "I mean... You shouldn't run behind something so much that you know... you forget to enjoy simple moments." I said, "Money is important but what's the use of earning so much if it can't even give you basic happiness?" I let out a sad laugh.

"That money should be used in the correct way. Not for buying unnecessary stuff and wasting it however you want." I finished.

"So you do that?" Ved asked.

"I support a few NGOs." I said nodding, "In India as well as in New York. It gives me pure happiness to spend time with kids in orphanage or people in old age home." I said as a smile unknowingly formed on my lips.

"That's something new." Ved said and I looked at him. He was smiling gently at me.

"There is a lot more but you don't have time." I said making him lose that smile. I shouldn't have said that. Ved didn't say anything for some time.

"Zivah." He said finally, "I will be honest with you." He took a deep breath. I moved to look at him.

"I feel like you both have made for each other and I unnecessarily came in between." He said shaking his head.

"Ved..." I said making my voice a little louder with a frown on my face.

"Just hear me out." He said again. I stayed quite being utterly disappointed in him for thinking something like that.

"It's what I feel. I mean just look at you two. You suit each other, you love each other. You have been together for years." He said. "Where did I come in between?" He let out a laugh. I didn't look at him and kept looking ahead in the view.

"Listen, I don't care as what you think." I said gritting my teeth after a moment of silence as he didn't speak anything further, "I know what I feel. How can you ignore your own feelings like that?" I asked with pure irritation looking at him.

"I am not ignoring anything." Ved said in a calm voice, "I am just saying you should think about everything for some more time." I closed my eyes briefly out of irritation.

"Yeah! Like time will take care?" I asked raising my eyebrows. Ved didn't say anything but just shook his head a little.

"Then Mira loves you too." I said folding my arms over chest, "Why couldn't you accept her?" Now it was his turn to get irritated. He looked at me in disbelief.

"That's a different thing, Zivah." He said.

"Yeah! Right because in my case no one cheated?" I asked as tears gathered in my eyes, "It was just pure mental torture? That doesn't matter?" I asked him as the tear finally left my eyes traveling over my cheek.

"I never said that..." Ved said moving closer as he brushed the tears away with his thumb.

"Well, you did indirectly." I said jerking his hands away.

"Zivah..." He said in a low voice.

"Ved, I don't want to fight with you now. When we are just a day away." I said wiping the tears away.

"Alright, I am sorry." He said holding my face in his hands, "Stop crying."

"You will figure things out soon anyway so it's okay." He said further as he put some strands of my hair behind.

"See..." I said looking up at him with moist eyes, "There the difference lies."

Ved gave me a questioning look.

"He never said sorry like this." I said. Ved smiled gently.

"You should see the other difference as well." He said, "You both are together for some years and us... Just two months?" He asked raising his brows.

"Just let it be." I said pushing his hands away, "I don't want to talk."

"Alright, so should I go downstairs?" Ved asked chuckling.

"Ved, I will kill you!" I shouted lightly at him. He let out a laugh shaking his head a bit.

"Just stay with me." I said pulling him closer with the hold of his arm, "Don't go anywhere."

"You know we can't do that," He said, "Our paths are different and our goals are different."

"I don't care." I said putting my arms around him and pulling him in a hug. Ved chuckled as his hands travelled around my back pulling me closer to him.

"I will roam the world with you and you can be at home with me." I said in a low voice just for him to hear. "We will complete each other." I finished pecking him on his cheek. Ved chuckled.

"Can't you just..." I said as a sob left my mouth. I tried hard. I was determined that I won't cry over this. I will let him go but I fucked it up at last moment.

"I won't see you again right?" I asked as he pulled away from the hug and looked down at me. We were still standing so close that his breaths were hitting my face.

"I hope there won't be any need." He said with a gentle smile and brushed his thumbs against my skin wiping the tears away, "But you know my address from where I don't think I will be able to shift ever."

"I don't force myself on people." I said smiling a little, "I will be there only if you want me to. You have my number and I won't change it." I said looking directly in that set of chocolate brown eyes. Trying to read them but he shut them off.

Ved didn't say anything. My hands travelled from his shoulders and rested on his chest. His hands were still holding my back.

"If not then promise me that you will be happy, wherever and with whoever." I said. Ved moved his gaze away without saying anything.

"Ved..." I said with a frown.

"I don't know. I can't promise you about my uncertain future." He said with a smile. I let out a sigh.

"All I am trying to say is just be happy and if you couldn't then come to me." I said.

"Right now, I am just feeling like an unnecessary third wheel. You know like those second leads, who are charming but..." Ved said letting go of me as he moved away and started walking ahead. He reached the grills and held them tight with both hands.

"The heroine must end up with the lead." He said letting out a sad laugh, "That's how the story goes."

I wiped the newly formed tears from my eyes and walked towards him.

"You just talk nonsense." I said and held him, resting my head over his back, "It's just a matter of perspectives."

Ved held my hands resting on his stomach.

"We have made everything way too complicated." Ved said in a low voice. I put my head up and moved to his side.

"My life is sorted, Kashyap." I said with a shrug, "You just talk for yourself." Ved chuckled.

"By the way, I won't be going anywhere until tomorrow night." I said further and held his arm tight, "I am going to cling on you. So just be ready." Ved nodded his head a little.

"Will you kiss me now?" I asked taking Ved by surprise. He gave me shocked expression and I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"You are going back tomorrow." I said intertwining my fingers with him, "Don't you want to kiss me?"

Ved gave me an unbelievable look. I shook my head again.

"Don't lie." I said rolling my eyes.

"I won't." He said as I smiled. "I won't kiss you." He corrected himself giving me a 'duh' face. I made a face looking at him and he gave me an amusement smile.

"You have become quite bold." He said with the same expression.

"It's just a kiss. I didn't ask for..." I was saying when Ved cut me off.

"Yes, I got it." Ved said nodding as I let out a loud laugh holding him from the side.

We both sat on the floor, stargazing and just talking about random things.

I informed Alizeh by calling that I will come home directly tomorrow night. She didn't ask any questions and said yes with a promise to handle everything. I just love her too much. Not for this. But for always understanding me and being by my side. I don't know what I would have done without her.

Ved and I talked out the whole night laughing along when there was a pathetic joke or fighting away when we didn't agree on something. It was him always who said sorry first even for my mistakes. It was something new that I didn't experience before otherwise, it has always been just me. When I threw tantrums, he pulled me closer and cuddled up with me making me giggle. And occasionally when silence creeped in, we stay a little closer to each other, feeling each other's warmth as we look at the sky and dream a little about an uncertain future of togetherness.

The sky changed it's colour and we still remain in our position, cuddled up in each other's arms. Hours left like few seconds as the night disappeared into the rising sun.

The dawn seemed even more beautiful with Ved on my side. I smiled to myself as I snuggled closer to him.

"So the day is finally here." I said in a low voice.

Ved looked at me from the side. I gave him a full smile trying my best to not break.

"There is still some time." Ved said with a smile, "You always focus on the negative part. Just enjoy the positive one." I smiled a little looking at him.

"I will." I said in a low voice, "Starting today."

Ved smiled genuinely at me as I looked away fearing that tears will gather in my eyes.

"I will miss you." I heard Ved say for the first time ever. I looked back at him immediately with surprise. He chuckled at me putting my hair behind as wind was blowing them away with it.

I couldn't utter a single word as a tear slide through my eye. I saw Ved bending a little forward as I closed my eyes.

He kissed me gently pulling me closer to him, assuring me that it is going to be alright. I moved my hand to his neck closing the remaining gap. I cried through the kiss as tears rolled away on my cheeks. He pulled away and wiped them gently. I think I saw his eyes moist as well but he moved his gaze away immediately, hiding his feelings away from me.

I couldn't believe it's actually going to end. My heart felt heavy just at the thought of it.

Ved has become a habit of mine and I don't know how to live on without him anymore. My heart was filled with intense emotions for him but I couldn't let it out. I felt so much for this one person who I met just two months back. I never expected anything like this when I landed in Delhi. I wasn't expecting a love to happen at all, it was never on my mind in the first place. I came here getting done with the feeling called love.

Now here I am, filled with love for this one person I met on the roadside. A beautiful stranger who changed me and made my stay here an incredible experience. And now I wonder how I lived all these years without him...


✨Authors Note✨

So yes, that was all for now. Next will be final chapter with Ved in it for time being ☺️

Let us know in comments what you feel about this one.

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Zivah will be back with another chapter soon.

Till then, bye.

Loads of love. ❤️

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